Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1110 I remember! (superior)

"so beautiful!"

At 8 o'clock sharp, on the main streets in the city, the street lights were temporarily extinguished. Instantly, the concave surfaces on the tops of the street lights emitted dots of light. Everyone noticed that the light looked different from usual. Divergent technology.

Dots of light are like fireflies, swaying from the tops of street lamps and falling into the air like feathers. There are light spots in the middle of the bunches and faint lights at both ends. They shuttle through the streets and alleys, and then begin to gather. In an instant, the whole city was filled with white and soft light particles.

The light was rising slowly and changing positions. Everyone stopped and looked at the incredible scene in front of them. This was the first time that such a technology was used in front of the whole city.

Particles of light rise and fuse throughout the city, forming screens of light and shadow little by little over the streets. With the aggregation of light particles, Le Xiao's appearance appears from blur to clarity bit by bit. In front of everyone.

"First, this and that"

Everyone was still immersed in the scene just now, but they were dragged back to reality from the dreamlike scene just now by Le Xiao's slightly clumsy and nervous opening remarks.

The light particles gradually dissipated in the city, and the streets were completely dark. Only the light and shadow screens that appeared in the middle of each distance were slightly bright, and the views from both sides were the same.

5 minutes ago.

Noah yawned and looked at the dense blue dots on the city map on a huge light and shadow panel in front of him. One of his fingers tapped rhythmically near a startup option on the small light and shadow panel next to him. Noah, who was wearing headphones, was listening to an intense and symphonic music.

At this black block metal stand, Tang Rao and Deguna were quietly looking at the split diagrams of light and shadow panels throughout the city.

"Is it necessary to come up with such technology? It will be a waste of electricity and light energy, two adults."

Noah said and took off his headphones, Tang Rao nodded, and Deguna next to him said.

"After the speech is over, you will personally give a brief briefing on this light and shadow materialization type II!"

Noah nodded slightly helplessly. Basically all the light and shadow materialization technologies in the city are Type I. Data cables are used to connect the light-diverging convex crystals. The light will move slowly to first form the basic framework structure of the material, and then mimic the object X. Then the atomic structure of the object will be simulated through the materialized form of light, thus forming the actual object.

The second type of light and shadow materialization that is about to be carried out is a technology that was developed more than 30 years ago. It has been semi-blocked until now. The maximum distance of type I light and shadow materialization is only 50 meters, and it requires fixed energy supply points, all on both sides of the street. Only then will there be symmetrical poles, which serve as two fixed energy supply points to support the light and shadow screen after light and shadow are materialized.

This line is supervised and controlled by Section 10. The poles are generally used for night lighting and 24-hour 360-degree monitoring without blind spots. If the Executive Section needs to conduct a video conference, it will generate light and shadow on the street. The screen is the same for councilors in the region, but their rights can only be used when delivering some televised speeches in their own region.

Type II light and shadow materialization technology is slightly different. The divergent light is like individual components. It can be combined and not fixed. As long as there is a large-scale light and shadow emitter, all the components of light and shadow materialization can be emitted. , and then complete the assembly and splicing anywhere.

All this is for the construction of a waste treatment plant. If you want to build a giant waste treatment plant over a ravine area with an average diameter of about 2 kilometers, if you simply use a lift to build it, the requirements for the operators are: It is very high, and the number of lifts that need to be used is too large. Many lifts in the city are under the control of the administrative department. Some are dedicated lifts for councillors, and some are private lifts. Descend.

It is too frequent to schedule. Although the aerodynamic lift does not require any energy, it only needs a place with air. It works through the internal aerodynamic compressor, and after the air is extracted, it undergoes drastic pressure changes. , and then discharged from the power port, the lift does not require energy, but the load is a problem. A large lift that can carry 500 people has a maximum load of only 45 tons. There are many bridge materials, and a single piece has exceeded 20 tons, such a round trip consumes a lot of money for the aerodynamic engine of the lift, and is very inconvenient.

Therefore, after the meeting this morning, Orange God immediately proposed the application of type II light and shadow materialization technology, which can provide great convenience for the construction of giant factories. This technology can even be used to build the bottom bracket to support the factory. Costs and risks.

The release of this technology is also to declare to everyone in the city that Congress has the technology to support the construction of this huge bill, so this technology must be demonstrated to everyone in the city before the speech begins, so that after the speech is over, the Noah explained the effects that can be achieved at a simple technical level, so that in a subtle way, he can dispel most people's worries about wasting time and money.

The bill currently shows people in the city only the framework of the large structure, and the details have not yet been announced. As the construction of the bill begins, details will be gradually announced, but people do not understand the concept. When you cannot understand, you will have a certain sense of anxiety and disidentity in your heart. After understanding, you will have a certain degree of identity.

"Even if it consumes a certain amount of resources, there is nothing we can do about it. After all, this bill is not easy for everyone!"

Time passed by, Noah's hand pressed on the startup option, and he yawned tiredly.

"Two adults, I will take a nap later and wake me up after that little hamster finishes his speech!"

"Kindergarten children are unexpectedly popular."

As Tang Rao watched the surveillance on the streets, many people were still looking forward to Lexiao's attitude. She knew lip reading and could tell what the other person was saying just by seeing their mouth shape.

"Haha, let's just let the little girl feel comfortable for a while. I think who can train her better?"

Deguna said, and Noah looked at her in surprise.

"It's up to me when I come back. After all, if that bastard Jean doesn't fire her, he plans to train her as the successor of Section 13, so I can only work harder."

"You are really idle, Tang Rao. I don't have that much energy to teach a baby step by step how to eat, dress and sleep!"

Noah sighed and stared at a light and shadow screen. Le Xiao, who was still looking at the speech script on the light and shadow screen with a nervous look on her face, had to awaken her mutant alienation factor, otherwise something would happen to the secretary's head one day. If someone makes a hole in it, it will turn the entire department into a laughing stock.

In retrospect, similar incidents had occurred in the city before. When the Executive Section was first established, some lawless elements went so far as to assassinate the section chief. The six gods had already foresighted that the combat effectiveness of the section chief must be among the mutants. People are the top, and secretaries are second. Only with absolutely powerful force can there be order. Without force, there will be chaos.

Recalling the rigorous training for so many decades, Noah sighed. A lot of his time was wasted in fighting. Even if his strength is now formed, he still needs to exercise every day, because at the end of the year, he is not just a secretary. In their martial arts competition, the section chiefs must also participate in order to set an example for the entire executive section.

"By the way, who will be my opponent this year?"

Noah muttered.

"This year we plan to change the format and have section chiefs and secretaries fighting cross-fertilized."

Deguna said, and Noah nodded happily.

"That would be much easier. It's just that I don't want to fight Michelle. She is the most powerful among the current secretaries. She has a good brain and fighting spirit. I saw it clearly last year. I'm afraid she is even stronger now. The best one is Gu Ningning, who is light and soft and can easily end it."

"Stop talking nonsense, we will decide on the candidates in advance and we are ready to start."

Tang Rao stared at Noah sideways. He nodded and watched the time approaching minute by minute. At 8 o'clock, he pressed the start button.

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