Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1109 A place to set foot! (Down)

Hua Shen folded his arms and sat aside, watching Ji Mo looking at the revised bill with a serious look on his face. He was very focused, and tears would overflow from the corners of his eyes from time to time.

This is the most normal human reaction. Huashen smiled and planned to wait until the end of the season to finish watching it. Huashen also heard about this a long time ago, and his attitude was also disapproving. After all, the city at that time had just entered the stage of chaos. In a stable state, it would not be able to withstand such a huge bill, but that is different now.

"Where's Feifei?"

Ji Mo asked.

"I let her sleep in the dean's office."

Ji Mo nodded reassuringly. The bill had been revised in many places and was more detailed than before. This was what shocked Ji Mo the most. It couldn't have been made by the same person.

"Don't you care about the signature?"

Huashen asked. At the end of the motion, the signature was Le Xiao, Secretary of Section 13. Ji Mo smiled and shook his head.

"It doesn't matter who proposed it. What's important is that this bill can promote too many things. Too much is also the first step to establish a direct connection with the barrier area. Was it revised by the section chiefs?"

Ji Mo said with confirmation, Huashen nodded.

"Your wife brought it up last night while the section chiefs were dealing with the stock market crash."

Ji Mo's eyes widened and he swallowed. Thinking of what his daughter had said to him in the morning, Ji Mo couldn't hold back the tears.

"It's really strange. Some people cry more as they get older, but some people are different. The older they get, the more silent they become!"

Huashen said as he opened another light and shadow screen, called up the homepage of the Business Department, directly enlarged the light and shadow screen, and looked at a countdown at the end of the season. In more than 10 minutes, the 13th Section Secretariat would begin a TV speech to the whole city. Meeting.

Ji Mo smiled and looked at Le Xiao's appearance on the page. This girl was pushed up by Jean after he left the city. Ivy also told him that Le Xiao's identity information was false and she was just An ordinary girl, even the word genius has nothing to do with her.

"The genius of this girl is that her reflex arc is very long and thick. She is somewhat similar to you, but different. Although the person behind the scenes is Jean, the woman who was pushed up is exerting light and heat little by little. ."

Ji Mo nodded and murmured.

"The city needs visible light and heat, not just verbal and formal meanings. No matter which party it is, changes must be made. If such a delicate balance continues, the barrier area will The bottom layer will be swallowed up, and the bottom layer will swallow up the middle layer. What will eventually evolve is tragedy, and when this tragedy is infinitely expanded, it will be refracted to everyone and swallow up the entire city!"

"I think some things are really difficult. I actually admire you. Although your plans to promote urban reform will be accompanied by pain, some things are imperative. Gene just seized the opportunity and put it into practice." That silly girl pushed forward, disrupting the balance of the city. In the chaos, the entire administrative department found an opportunity. This time, they completely overwhelmed the councilors. They didn't even express their opinions. Why do you think it's because of this? ?”

Ji Mo looked at Huashen doubtfully and thought for a while.

"Isn't it possible?"

"As you wish, more than 4,000 black craftsmen confessed."

Huashen opened another document, and Ji Mo looked at the numbers on it in shock. He glanced at the time and saw that it was still early, so he replayed Niya's TV speech at noon today.

Sweat broke out on Ji Mo's forehead. This was something he had never dared to imagine before. Although he had told Jean about the problems caused by black craftsmen, it was a hundred times more difficult to investigate than to make a proposal. , Ji Mo immediately thought of the reason, and a cheerful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"You must be looking very bad, those congressmen!"

"Who knows, but I think it definitely doesn't look good!"

Both of them laughed heartily. Ji Mo raised his hands and wiped away the tears in the corners of his eyes, but the tears became more and more numerous and could not be wiped away at all.

"That's great. Before you die, at least you can see that your hard work has taken root in this city, and maybe beautiful flowers will bloom in the end!"

Ji Mo choked and nodded, pressing his hands on both sides of his cheeks. The tears still couldn't stop. He didn't know what was wrong with him. He was happy, sad, and bitter. Countless hard days and nights rushed into his heart. , jumped into my mind, and at this moment, a future that seemed foreseeable appeared in front of my eyes.

Hua Shen turned around and walked out of the operating room slowly. He looked at Gu Ningning who was sleeping soundly in the corridor. Gu Ningning would take Ji Mo home tonight. Hua Shen walked over and sat down with Gu Ningning. Beside Ning Ning, some people looked up tiredly.

"Thank you for your hard work, Ning Ning!"

Huashen glanced at Gu Ningning. At this time, Gu Ningning's sleeping face was different from before. The loneliness that could often be seen on her face was fading away.

"Found a friend!"

Huashen lowered his head in relief, while Gu Ningning beside him clicked his tongue.

"Lexiao, you idiot"

A long time ago, Hua Shen noticed that this pharmacologist who often visited the laboratory had a petite figure and was buried in the laboratory every day. Hua Shen was not the section chief at that time. He often saw that this little girl was envious of other people's relationships. But he hides his emotions and is always very shy, even when dealing with things. He often sticks out his tongue and acts cute, and he also talks a little too coquettishly, but this is just a normal human thought. It is a self-catalytic method to win the attention of others. Unfortunately, this catalytic method does not seem to be effective.

"Let me be a secretary, this is not good, doctor, I am not suitable!"

When he asked her to be his secretary, Gu Ningning refused in a naughty and coquettish way.

The second time was the same, and the third time was still the same, but the third time Huashen dragged Gu Ningning to the street outside. In the end, Gu Ningning accepted it. After that, Gu Ningning, who often followed Huashen to attend banquets, I have also adapted to some contact with people, but only on the surface.

"It should come from motherhood, and becoming friends with that stupid girl!"

Huashen raised his head and looked at Gu Ningning. During the brief contact with Le Xiao, Gu Ningning had changed. That harmless little girl was obviously very stupid, but she unknowingly exuded a certain energy. The power of the stock to suck people in makes people feel relaxed and happy.

At this time, Gu Ningning woke up, rubbed her eyes, and immediately looked at Huashen with a confused expression.

"Doctor, why don't you wake me up!"

"I'll bother you later, I have to go to King Xue's house."

Gu Ningning smiled and patted her chest.

"Okay, okay, doctor, but you have to explain everything to him. If he runs out and is discovered, such a big pot will kill him."

Huashen put a hand on Gu Ningning's head and pressed it.

"It's okay, Ning Ning, your head is still very hard!"

"what time is it!"

Gu Ningning immediately took out her phone and turned on the light and shadow screen.

"Fortunately it's only 7:51."

"What's wrong, are you worried about that girl?"

Gu Ningning nodded.

"Of course, doctor, Lele is just an idiot. She was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot today at noon. Seeing her like that, I really think the secretary-general is a bit cruel. He keeps pushing her to the front, but this There is nothing we can do about it, Lele is just a fool who doesn’t understand anything now, but "

Gu Ningning put away her usual attitude, her expression became serious, and she said with a smile.

"No problem, after all, even if she is a fool, a fool can also play a role as a fool!"

On the most prosperous Light and Shadow Clothing Street in District 1, the crowd seemed a little sparse at this time, 7:58.

"quite pretty!"

Jean looked at Michelle with admiration. She was wearing a waist skirt, her hair was fluffy on her shoulders, a pair of light brown stockings, and a pair of black high heels. She looked completely different from usual, her hands were reserved. In front of him, he held an exquisite burgundy bag.

"Lord Jean, where exactly do you plan to go? You don't plan to take a look."

"It's a date now, not work Michelle. No matter how worried you are, it will start in two minutes. Didn't the two previous speeches achieve good results?"

Michelle nodded and followed Jean into a clothing store called Keren. At this time, many clerks were looking at the light and shadow screen, and some people who came to buy clothes were sitting together and whispering While discussing, this is a relatively famous women's clothing store in the city.

Michelle stopped and did not step in.

"Even if you buy it, you may not be able to wear it in a short time."

Gene tilted his head with a smile.

"Try it on, that black dress!"

Jean pointed to the realistic model made from a celebrity model. It looked like Tian Ai, wearing a thin and streamlined black gauze skirt.

At this time, many people in the store were looking at the two people at the door in astonishment. Jean didn't care, because sometimes he could accidentally see it, but the beautiful woman next to him looked familiar.

Michelle was still watching. At this time, people in the store also recognized that it was Michelle, and they all came over in surprise.

"Relax, miss. You need to be relaxed on a date to pass the time. Try it on and maybe you'll see something you like!"

Gene smiled and greeted several female clerks. They walked to Michelle's side with some fear, and even their voices seemed a little stiff when they spoke.

Gene smiled helplessly, walked over, pressed Michelle's shoulders, and pushed her in front of the mirror.

"You look like this with a fierce expression. Miss, it's off-duty time now. The place where you are standing is an ordinary clothing store, and you are just an ordinary shopper!"

At this time, the light and shadow screen in the store showed Le Xiao standing in front of a stage, with Alpha standing behind Le Xiao.

As soon as Michelle looked over, Jean pushed her to a row of clothes.

"Choose one!"

Jean looked askance at Le Xiao on the screen, blushing, and seemed speechless for a moment. People in the store also looked at the red-faced secretary of Section 13, Le Xiao, with some confusion.

"First, this and that."

Before Le Xiao finished speaking, Michelle's brows wrinkled.

"Going to eat people, miss!"

Michelle relaxed her brows, and Gene smiled and nodded.

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