Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1097 Appointment (Part 2)

"How about making sure your child is born?"

Jean said with a smile, then looked towards the kitchen, and Jewel sighed.

"I don't plan to have children, and I'm already planning to have Lu Xi undergo sterilization!"

"I think you should just go for a sterilization surgery!"

Jean said and Jewel shook his head.

"I once asked my mother why the world is like this. My mother just shook her head and said that because I was born in such a world, I don't want my children to ask me the same question in the future. After all, it is so cruel. It’s okay if you don’t need to see the world.”

"Have you ever asked your wife for her opinion?"

Jewell nodded.

"She said to listen to me."

"So this is not an opinion. Believe me, Jewell, if you have a child one day, maybe you will."

Jewell immediately laughed, opened his mobile phone, brought up a light and shadow screen, and started writing an application.

Application Form for Human Resources Expansion on the Construction Proposal of Cuicancheng Sewage Treatment Plant

"Don't mention this matter, Gene. I still don't understand marriage. It's okay if I can live with it."

Seeing Jewell making a report seriously, Gene didn't say anything. He saw Lu Xi from the corner of his eye. Although he was smiling, his smile seemed a little frozen.

"But Jewell, if you really want a child, I will take responsibility and continue to be the nanny. How about that?"

Jewell raised his head and smiled helplessly.

"It will be very tiring to train talents over and over again. The other six gods have stopped doing this long ago, but you are still interested. The little hamster with a negative IQ, the grandson of the criminal old man, and... Anyone?"

Jewell thought for a moment and immediately laughed.

"And his daughter will be very tired at the end of the season. I advise you to sit back and relax. We can drink and talk about daily life from time to time every day. Isn't life like this? Do you think you can really take care of everything?"

While Jewell was speaking, he had already completed the application and sent it directly to the General Affairs Department.

"It's good to be able to see light, Jewel. Even if it's a faint light in the universe, it only takes time to light up the entire universe!"

"Okay, okay, have a drink tonight!"

Jean nodded, turned around and started walking. After a while, he arrived at the intersection. Ran Zai was still sitting on the ground, moving his hands on a hitting game, staring at the screen motionlessly. Jean glanced at it. He was quite tall. Score, ranking first among the current number of gamers.

"Do you want to eat tonight? Or continue to wait for me here?"

Jean asked, Ran Zai raised his head and blinked.

"Can I leave?"

"Sorry, I can't!"

Seeing Gene stretching out a hand, Ran Zai closed the game, stood up with his hands raised, and followed Gene honestly.

4:31 pm

Alpha was sitting in Gary Locke's private rest area in the General Affairs Section. Locke had already approved Tamayi's letter of appointment and began to review the application documents just sent by Jewel. The processing was quickly completed and Section 11 was appointed to take full responsibility. However, the working hours and intensity of work of the prisoners working on the farm need to be well planned.

Michelle is talking to Le Xiaoshang in the room about the speech for the video conference at 8 o'clock tonight. At 6 o'clock, Congress will unlock the passed bill, giving citizens a two-hour buffer.

"It's really fast. Gene, that bastard, clearly said that he was on vacation, but using prisoners to replace ordinary labor is really a good idea. After all, if too much money is invested in a short period of time, it will cause a certain degree of inflation. It can only be done slowly. Come and lift me."

Locke looked at Alpha, wanting to talk about Noah, but he didn't know how to say it. They used to be a perfect match, but now it's different. Everything ended 50 years ago, and Noah has become like this. son.

"By the way, Alpha, come to our house for a meal when you have time. Wanrou also wants to see you. After all, you used to be good friends."

Alpha smiled and nodded, lit a cigarette, and continued to look at some information about the bill on the light and shadow screen.

"But I really didn't expect that you would marry Wanrou. After all, she was one of the most beautiful women in the school at that time."

Locke laughed, but for a moment he sighed helplessly.

"What can I say in recent years? I rarely go home and sleep here all the time. Every time I go back, I get nagging for an hour or two, not only by my wife, but also by my daughter!"

"How old is your daughter?"

Alpha asked, Locke gestured, 26 years old.

"Aren't you going to let her go to the business department?"

"Don't be ridiculous, that girl can't handle such hard work, especially..."

Locke said and sighed.

"Anyway, I don't want her to join the business department!"

Alpha nodded and his expression became serious. Just after he submitted the report, Locke called her directly and asked her to go directly upstairs to discuss it in person. After that, he talked about a lot of things.

"Fat man, is there anything you want to tell me?"

Locke smiled awkwardly and nodded. As expected, he still couldn't hide it from this outstanding student president.

"Actually, it's about Noah!"

Locke lowered his head as he spoke, his eyes a little dodgey. That's how he is, not willing to poke at other people's pain points.

"I see, that guy is here now! I heard he retired after he resigned as section chief."

Locke sighed and said after a while.

"I will take you to see him when I have time. He is indeed retired, but he is still doing some scientific research, but he has changed a lot. Let me give you a warning first!"

"Have you turned into a greasy middle-aged man? The one with a big belly, his cheeks are like plates, and the fat all over his body is shaking when he walks."

Locke smiled awkwardly.

"It's okay, but you might not recognize him."

Alpha smiled and shook his head.

"I will recognize that guy even if he turns to ashes."

Locke felt a little uneasy at this time. It would be fine if he just turned into a greasy middle-aged uncle, but the problem is that he is no longer a human being, but a robot, with only his head left.

"Anyway, just be mentally prepared. I'm sorry! Let me tell you in advance."

Locke said, Alpha became more and more hesitant.

"That guy should be married already!"

After exhaling a puff of smoke, Alpha raised his head, with a trace of pain on his face.

"not yet!"

"That's right! Such an outstanding man wouldn't even have half a suitor!"

Locke shook his head.

"It's a pity that we can line up a street. Let's forget it. How about having a meal together later? Call that girl."

Alpha nodded.

"As for the issue of security reform, we have been refining it."

Le Xiao swallowed and quickly glanced at the shadow screen before remembering the content below.

"Read it carefully a few times and don't make any mistakes."

Le Xiao nodded and continued to read, but for some reason, she always felt that Michelle was absent-minded today, and she was distracted just now. This made Le Xiao extremely shocked, and her tone also softened a lot. Le Xiao just felt Today, Michelle was like the warm sun in the morning. This feeling was wonderful. She didn't even get angry about her several mistakes and her ignorance about some legal issues.

Le Xiao clenched her fists, always feeling that she seemed to be getting thicker and thicker recently, and the feeling of shame she felt before became less and less. Even if she did, she cheered up immediately.

At this time, the door to the room was knocked open, and Michelle looked at Locke and Alpha at the door with some confusion.

"I will complete the rest of the work. Alpha will also help. You can go back first."

Michelle was still a little confused, but when she thought of what she heard when she arrived at the door of Locke's private lounge today, her heart was stirred again, and a heavy feeling arose that made Michelle a little breathless.

"Then I'll leave, Your Majesty the Manager."

Locke smiled happily, looked at Michelle walking uprightly through the corridor, and sighed.

"She hasn't slept a wink since morning."

"It's really scary!"

Le Xiao's eyes widened, she swallowed, her cheeks turned red, she had been sleeping soundly just now.

Michelle walked straight into the elevator and stood up straight. However, a sense of fatigue suddenly hit her. She leaned against the empty elevator. The sweat on her forehead seeped out at this time. She Gritting his teeth and grabbing the guardrail to support himself, he quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief and arranged his hair.

"I must serve as a role model for all members of the administrative department!"

After resisting the oncoming tiredness with strong willpower, Michelle walked straight out of the elevator when she reached the first floor.

Some of the staff who were leaning in the canteen and talking about what they wanted to eat tonight straightened up, ran over quickly, and shouted in unison.

"Ms. Michelle!"

Michelle nodded, glanced at it and said.

"Director Arez, please redo the document report you just submitted. Think carefully about the details. I want to see that the report has been completed before 5 o'clock tomorrow morning!"

One of the male directors swallowed a mouthful, and sweat appeared on his forehead. Michelle looked at the room director next to her.

"The contents of several documents submitted by your 6th office to the 9th department, including the rectification issues of 198 stores, were sent back for them to review. The reform areas are too vague. They need to be specific to a chopstick. How many times have I said this Oh, are you turning a deaf ear to my words?"

Michelle said sternly. For a moment, the people in front of her lowered their heads. Some of the passing staff could only stand aside quietly, neither leaving nor staying.

"Please work hard. Tomorrow is a new beginning. I will start inspection at 6 o'clock. Please think carefully about what you have not done well and then do it. If you don't understand something, you can ask some directors who understand. Did you hear that?"

"I understand, Mistress Michelle!"

Michelle nodded and walked quickly. After seeing Michelle leave the hall, a group of people finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I was too tired and confused last night. It was such a low-level mistake."

Arez said, sitting down at the food table and sighing.

"The secretary-general really seems to be planning to marry the business department! She hasn't had any rest since yesterday morning. We can't compare. Let's break up and go to work!"

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