Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1096 Appointment (Part 2)

"But your actions this time are really big. Niya really dares to do such a big thing, and she really dares to resist. If it were me, I would definitely not agree to the arrest. After all, the impact too big."

Gene smiled, and Ran Zai ate the barbecue. The taste was still the same as before, with no change. He looked at Tamai with some surprise.

"Didn't I tell you before? That guy is someone who can clean up messes."

Tamai nodded, remembering that when he was still the section chief, Niya had joined the administrative department before anything happened. If it weren't for Jean, he would definitely not want this girl with a lot of misdeeds.

And the most important thing is that if this girl behaves badly, there is nothing he can do to her, because no matter how bad she is, she is still the second daughter of the Angus family who has risen from the ruins.

The result was exactly as Tamai expected. On her first day at work, she beat several of her colleagues' men to the point of being sent to the hospital. That wasn't the end of it. A few days later, she destroyed an organization and sent everyone away. Arrive at the Public Security Management Office.

Just when Tamai felt a headache, the wise man actually dared to confront the executive branch, threatened Congress, gave him the authority to establish a country, and signed a contract.

As a result, he took the blame and resigned after the incident was over. He was originally going to be sentenced to prison, but because Tamai knew too much, the Orange God's opinion at that time was to directly execute him, but Jean helped him. Bundle.

"Mr. Jean, I have never been able to figure out why you helped me at that time, obviously."

"Perhaps just so you can come in handy today!"

Jean's words seemed to be a joke, but they were not in Ran Zai's eyes. The man in front of him named Tamai had served for nearly 20 years and had certain means and achievements in the city. Nowadays, many of the backbones of Section 5 are... It was promoted under his hands.

Tamai took a sip of wine, ate the remaining half of the meat on the plate with a dull look, turned around and started grilling it again.

"I often think about a question. If I had been more responsible in the past, maybe many tragedies would not have happened. Now the 5th subject has really changed a lot. I originally thought that today's incident would continue to ferment, but I didn't expect that it was over. Yes! It’s really an easy victory, in the face of public opinion.”

Gene stood up, drank the beer in one go, and planned to leave.

"I'll ask Alpha to send the funds in a few days, and you can start later."

"What kind of people are needed specifically? Mr. Jean."

Gene scratched his head, turned around and said.

"You know it yourself, don't you?"

Ran Zai was dragged away by Jean with a look of helplessness on his face.

After a while, Tamai came back from his meditation, but his eyes were still fixed on the barbecue. For so many years, Tamai has been thinking about what he has done in these years, but the final conclusion is that his life is meaningless. , as the section chief, after stabilizing some of Alpha's unfinished things, Tamai began to enjoy life.

Regardless of whether they are black or free, Tamai will accept everything. Gene has reminded Tamai many times not to forget why he is standing here, but Tamai did not listen.

Didi didi

There was a phone tone, and Tamai's eyes widened immediately. A letter of appointment had been sent over, and he looked at it sideways. It had not been a few minutes.

"So fast! It seems to be a very difficult problem in the city."

Jean walked quickly through the streets, but Ran Zai behind him didn't quite understand.

"Are you that anxious?"

Gene smiled and nodded. He had just hung up the phone. He had asked Alpha to send a special letter of appointment to Tamai, and asked Alpha to take the time to send money to Tamai.

"Where are you going now?"

"Jewel's house!"

Ran Zai sighed helplessly.

"Can I wait for you somewhere else?"

Gene stopped at the intersection of 16-2.

"Wait here!"

Ran Zai sat down on the street with a bored look on his face, leaning against the wall of a house, setting up a light and shadow screen, and started the game.

Lu Xi stood in front of the stove, preparing dinner. She cut some vegetables neatly and carefully. She was patting the meat on the chopping board, planning to marinate and knead it for a while before making braised pork chops for dinner tonight.

After tasting the taste with his fingers, Lu Xi began to add other seasonings. Jewell was still sleeping and would continue to choose furniture later in the evening. After returning from Congress, Jewell fell asleep. Still not getting up, Lu Xi asked Jewell, but Jewell said nothing and said it was none of his business.

Lu Xi was in a good mood, humming a tune and combing her hanging hair with her hands. At around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, she received a call from Ada. District 29 received a 50 million grant, and she felt very sad. A stone is considered to have been found.

At this time the doorbell rang, Lu Xi hurriedly washed her hands, wiped them on her apron, and ran over quickly.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Luxi!"

Lu Xi's eyes widened and she immediately smiled.

"Please come in, Master Jean. Do you have something to do with Jewell?"

Jean smiled and bowed, and walked in. Lu Xi had seen Jean many times before, but today Jean was not wearing a uniform, which gave Lu Xi an indescribable sense of surprise. Most of the time, Jean I met Jean when I went to some shops with Jewell.

Lu Xi hurriedly made a cup of tea for Jean.

"I'll tell Jewell to get up."

Jean nodded with a smile and saw that the living room had been decorated, but the walls were still white, and there was only a relatively large light blue sofa set. Commonly used things were neatly stored, and the house was very tidy. Jean remembered Jewell always slept in women's homes or in prison dormitories.

After a while, Jewell yawned and came downstairs casually wearing black pajamas. He threw a cigarette over, Gene caught it, lit it and said.

"Not bad, does it feel like home?"

"What are you talking about, Gene! Aren't you on vacation?"

Jewell pressed his sore neck. He had just played with Lu Xi until early in the morning last night when he was called to an impromptu city meeting. He dragged his tired body there and was not in good spirits all day today.

"Lord Jean, we will eat here tonight, and I will prepare dinner!"

After Gene nodded his thanks, Lu Xi walked in quickly.

"I'm going out next month."

Jewell looked at Gene with some surprise. Although Locke had said it before at the city meeting, he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

"so what!"

"There won't be enough staff if the construction bill gets going."

Gene said, and Jewell immediately understood what Gene meant.

"You are the cause of this matter, and you have involved all of us."

Jewell sighed, took a puff of cigarette, and looked at Jean helplessly. The black craftsman incident this time started when Jean investigated and arrested a certain black craftsman. He took advantage of this and made things infinite. It expanded, and then took advantage of the barrier zone and officially launched the end-of-season motion.

Jewell knew this series of events well.

"Hey! I've convinced you. Anyway, our department is quite free. As long as there is no shortage of manpower in the Agriculture Department, I will write a special application and submit it, and let people bring some prisoners from LV3 to LV5 to help. You How many years does this nanny job have to last for?"

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