Lexiao was next to a tree, looking left and right, and then at the top of the tree. After confirming it several times, Lexiao felt relieved. The girl named Aili did not appear, but at this time Lexiao was a little suspicious. Are you having mental problems due to excessive stress?

The words "split personality" appeared in Le Xiao's head. She patted her head and shook her head.

"It shouldn't be possible."

"What's wrong, little hamster, are you looking for the lost pinecone?"

Lilian's sudden voice came from behind, Le Xiao was startled, and she immediately turned around and stared at Lilian dissatisfied. She immediately stretched out her hands to hug Le Xiao and patted her head.

"I'm not a little animal, why are you all like this!"

At this time, Gu Ningning also followed, and after the two of them listened to what Le Xiao said, they immediately burst out laughing.

Gu Ningning patted Le Xiao on the head.

"Lele, according to research in the history of medicine, people with split personality generally have IQs of 150 or higher."

Gu Ningning stared at Le Xiao sideways, and Le Xiao immediately knew that Gu Ningning was saying that she was a fool and would not suffer from a rare disease like split personality.


"If you don't believe it, come and test it."

As she spoke, Gu Ningning took out a simple IQ test template, and then called up her previous test report, with an IQ of 175.

Le Xiao swallowed and Lilian glanced at it.

"By the way, my IQ test is above 180."

Le Xiao glanced at the two people who were smiling evilly, and started to take the IQ test questions unconvinced.

After a while, Le Xiao felt a little headache. The first question was the inference question. Le Xiao swallowed a mouthful. Le Xiao thought about it casually and wrote down the answer. After that, there were graphics questions, some calculation questions, and There were literary questions and music questions, a total of 10 questions. After a while, Le Xiao finished it. It only took 15 minutes, and she clapped her hands.

"You finished it so quickly? You only have one hour."

Lilian asked and Le Xiao nodded.

"I think it's not good to think too much, and I'm not good at this kind of questions, but I think I should be able to."

Gu Ningning held up the panel.

"How is it possible? According to what standards?"

Le Xiao looked at the number on the panel, minus 1.

"No, this is a broken question."

Le Xiao said unhappily, and Gu Ningning sighed.

"The current criterion for judging IQ is whether you have open-minded thinking and creative thinking, including three points of logical thinking. All questions are asked based on these three points. Each question has at least 10 or more answers. Generally, Under normal circumstances, if you only need to answer 5 questions, your basic IQ level will be around 100."

Gu Ningning looked at the first question, which was a reasoning question. A, B, and C were good friends. A and B met through movies, B and C met through work, and A and C were friends. They met on a date. A, B, and C all liked each other, but one day B died in his bedroom. Who is the murderer or is there no murderer? Please use your imagination, creativity and logical thinking skills to list possible processes and answer them.

Le Xiao's answer is that because of the murder of love, the murderer was A and B who conspired.

"Where's the process? Where's your imagination and creativity? Lele."

Le Xiao smiled red-faced and looked very embarrassed. Lillian pointed at the content of the question and said.

"It is easiest to use the elimination method. Since A and B met through movies, it means that they are very speculative in this type of entertainment, and B and C met through work, which means that they may be business partners or professionals. partners, and if A and C know each other on a date, it can be inferred that A is a person with plenty of time, because B and C know each other through work. The only way they can know each other is in a work environment, which means that they are both very busy at work. Because the framework is here, but A can get to know B through movies, and can also get to know C through dating. It can be inferred that A is a woman, and she is a woman with two feet, and C meets A through dating. We know each other. It is conceivable that C took the initiative to invite him. After all, if A likes movies, it is unlikely that he would propose a date other than movies. At this time, B and C can be regarded as partners in the workplace, but at the same time they are strong rivals for A. , and C may have wavered between the two, causing C to kill B in order to get A!”

Lilian said, Le Xiao nodded, and a specific impression immediately appeared in his mind. Lilian smiled and patted Lexiao on the shoulder.

"It can also be assumed that all three people are homosexuals. The stories triggered by three men and three women are different. For such a question, I remember that I wrote 8 answers at the time."

Le Xiao swallowed, and Gu Ningning turned off the light and shadow screen. She felt the pressure on Le Xiao and did not want to continue to add this pressure to Le Xiao. Lilian could also see it.

"Of course, Miss Hamster, if you slowly want to put some thought into it, it won't be a problem if you have an IQ of over 100. Do it well next time when you have time."

Le Xiao muttered and looked around at the two laughing people with some dissatisfaction.

At this time, in the Congress hall, the section chiefs were gathered together. Locke quietly stared at the criminal materials that were still being sent in. More than 1,600 people had confessed, and more than 2,000 people were still being interrogated.

But at this time, 57 law firms and 568 independent lawyers jointly submitted a protest declaration, which has been sent to the General Affairs Department. This needs to be submitted to Congress, because the protest declaration only requires more than half of each industry. If people sign the bill, it must be submitted to Congress.

The declaration stated that the law firm had exceeded many legal provisions and had intimidated many law firms in the name of a certain party. It also submitted many videos taken on the scene. The worst was the chaos inside a Golden Pavilion Law Firm. , a bit scary, Locke frowned, King Xue took off his glasses and bowed to all the section chiefs.

"I'm sorry, my subordinates have lost their temper. Please forgive me!"

"Damn it, I don't know what the six gods are thinking. These pigs are scared now. Please beg for mercy. I will at least kill the chickens to scare the monkeys after I go out."

Niya bit her cigarette angrily, and Leona patted her back.

"Forget it Niya, it seems that the six gods don't want the city to continue to be in chaos."

"That idiot Gene, if he could be here, he could also say something for us!"

Niya said angrily, and Li Ang sighed.

"I'm afraid that guy Jean never plans to step into the halls of Congress in his lifetime, or in other words, we won't be able to see this scene in our limited time."

Locke nodded and smiled helplessly.

"The problem still has to be dealt with. Please let us discuss the countermeasures later. The damage caused by this group of people to the city cannot be repaired in a short period of time, so it is impossible for them to spend time in jail easily. Long years!”

Locke said, the section chiefs all nodded in agreement, and Mo Xiaolan chuckled.

"I told you a long time ago that you must not be merciful to certain guys. I think it's better to leave this matter to our 2nd Division. I will let these guys remember what they are in the future. What a crime you have committed!”

"Do you think everyone has the power to execute extrajudicially like you Section 2!"

Niya looked sideways at Mo Xiaolan and blew out a puff of smoke.

"What do you think we should do, old man?"

Locke looked at Ye Chunwang who had been silent, he nodded and said.

"Layer upon layer, a complete points system has been established, supervised by our business department, to give them some hope so that they can concentrate on their work. There must be strict work content and quantitative standards to measure their black market transactions. How long does it take to commit a crime and how much work is required before you can be released.”

The section chiefs all nodded.

"It's indeed a good idea. Let me draft it."

Locke said, opening a light and shadow screen, and the section chiefs gathered around it.

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