9:11 am

Wu Qun walked towards the peculiar-shaped fountain in the center of Central Park with a solemn expression. A large number of congressmen, businessmen and celebrities came close to it. Densely packed people sat or stood as close as possible around the small central fountain.

The 11 section chiefs and the general manager are still in the Congress Hall. Members will wait until 11:30 and then enter the Congress Hall again. Under the supervision of the six gods, the section chiefs will discuss and formulate an effective solution. Come.

At this time, most businessmen were still feeling uneasy. No one knew what the situation was like outside, but many people had already thought that people from the business department had broken into their company's warehouses to conduct investigations and arrests. Some relevant persons in charge of the company were arrested for interrogation, which is what all businessmen fear.

Illegal trading has been a secret profit-making point for many businessmen over the years. Many people sell raw materials to the market at low prices. After the materials are rolled around, the final product is returned to their own hands, and the businessman standing at the top has The benefit is the greatest.

Wu Qun lowered his head. He had never been in such a sorry state before. He actually had to take the lead in bowing to the officials. Only then did the six gods finally speak. Most of the members felt their faces were dull, especially those in the middle and upper-class areas. MP.

"Everyone, please be quiet!"

Wu Qun called up a light and shadow loudspeaker from his mobile phone, glanced around sharply, and stood on the platform beside the pool. The fountain water behind him slowly flowed along the irregular stones of seven colors. When we came down, the water dropped into the pool and there were bursts of colorful mist.

"I advised you a long time ago to stop when the time is right, but have you turned a deaf ear to my words?"

Wu Qun said that many businessmen lowered their heads, and some were at a loss not knowing where to turn their eyes. At this time, the group of members was very angry. Most of the members were not convinced that they would be unlucky because of the businessmen's problems. , very shameless.

"You know exactly why I was grabbed by the pigtails this time! Greed is our greatest weapon as human beings in any era, any society, and any country. Never-ending greed is the most important thing for human beings. The source of long-term rapid development, but everything must be done in a mode. You have made life difficult for many people at the middle and lower levels, and they will naturally cause problems. When problems arise, the business department will naturally take action. I think I would like to remind you again that next time it will not be solved by crying and mourning. If you want to see the saddest era for mankind come, you can continue. This time, money cannot solve the problem. It is out of bounds. Oh! I don’t know what kind of plan the business department will come up with next, if it’s to scare the monkeys! Please be mentally prepared!”

Wu Qun said as he got off the edge of the fountain, and then walked away with an annoyed look on his face. Many congressmen followed him. At this time, a female congressman stared at the businessmen sideways.

"You're so embarrassed, Old Wu. I've never seen you behave like this."

Wu Qun's face was ferocious at this time, and he stopped in anger.



Wu Qun kicked a bench, and many councilors behind him also started talking angrily. They had known about the illegal transactions for a long time, and had warned many people to stop them appropriately. , but in the face of huge profits, businessmen still did not listen to the advice.

Councilors only have rights in relevant aspects within their own area, such as street repairs, power supply station construction, store opening regulations, school construction, house construction, etc., as well as living welfare subsidies for tax-paying citizens in the area, within the community Property management, industrial planning in the region, etc., as long as they are closely related to the daily lives of citizens, are managed by councillors, and many matters require assistance from members of the administrative department.

One of the most stringent issues is the tax inspection of large-scale enterprises or chain industries in the region. Once there are any mistakes, the administrative department will intervene to investigate. Therefore, in recent years, most members of Congress have been investigating tax matters within their own scope. The related industries are managed very carefully, and even the black income of some enterprises is completed with a little help from the congressmen.

This is also the place where councilors and the executive branch are most opposed, but at the same time it is a point of great convergence, because both sides need to work hard for the construction of the region, improve the economic situation of their own districts, and increase their income.

Suddenly Wu Qun stopped, and his annoyed expression gradually became relaxed.

"The most common method!"

Wu Qun smiled coldly and sat comfortably on a bench. A few congressmen with good relations sat close by.

"Old Wu, why are you so happy all of a sudden? What if the company in our area was killed to scare the monkeys?"

A young congressman came over and looked at the numbers on his left chest. He was a new congressman. On his right arm was an obvious pattern of gears and hammers. He was an industrial congressman.

"Ronald, you are still too young. The six gods will not allow the city to continue to be chaotic. Even if some section chiefs are dissatisfied, they naturally cannot disobey the gods' orders!"

"Those idiots!"

Deguna raised a finger angrily. At this moment, she just walked out of a disk. The images of the Congress Hall around her disappeared in an instant. This was a room with no windows on the four walls. Tang Rao was already sitting on a familiar sofa chair, yawning.

"They are indeed a bunch of idiots, but this is a real person, Deguna. The country I live in used to be similar to now, or even more ruthless than now. The demographic dividend was excessively consumed early to boost economic construction!"

Tang Rao lay on the sofa with a tired look on her face. She was already very sleepy after not sleeping all night. They gave the section chiefs 20 minutes of discussion time, and then the six of them returned to the Congress Hall to supervise the section chiefs. They drafted a plan for dealing with the black craftsmen.

"Tang Rao, what on earth are you doing to help Jean? I'm on duty now, so I beg you not to cause any more problems."

Tang Rao smiled with his hand on his chin, pushed his long hair behind his back, and then shook his head.

"Deguna, what are you going to do with the merchants?"

"One size fits all, just put all the blame on the individual."

Tang Rao nodded.

"This is also the best approach. I think several others have the same opinion. After all, if the trouble continues, there will be no good days this year."

Tang Rao stood up, and Deguna looked at her doubtfully.

"I'm going downstairs to take a shower, do you want to come with me?"

Deguna nodded, and the two quickly returned to Deguna's home through the opening that appeared in the middle of the room. AI18 immediately understood their intentions and started to get towels.

After a while, Deguna and Tang Rao were soaking in the pool. The mist was lingering. Deguna grabbed Tang Rao's chest with a bored look on her face.

"I can't stand it anymore. What is that idiot Gene still insisting on?"

"Can you please take your hand away? Pinch yourself."

Deguna laughed.

"When this year is over, we will divide an area and find some people who are willing to undergo body modification. All they need to do is keep their brains. Provide Type II longevity vaccine. Many old men should be very interested."

"Are we really going to start?"

Deguna nodded.

"The simplest way is to use those merchants as the traction of the city. This is the only way to advance society into a mechanized society. AIs are also very mature. Over the past hundreds of years, what we have seen is always the same. With this situation, I am completely disappointed with human beings!”

"This is really ironic from those of us who were once human beings!"

Tang Rao muttered, and Deguna smiled evilly and leaned into Tang Rao's arms.

"There are only seven of us who can forever be friends, rivals, enemies, and even lovers. I'm sorry, Tang Rao. Although I have a very good relationship with you, this time, I will stand with the other people. , the best way is to wait for you and Jean to go out, and we will formulate countermeasures to isolate that idiot."

"Do you want to start a war with Jean?"

Tang Rao looked at Deguna with a heavy expression.

"The little brats he pulled together have indeed made the city better and better, but sometimes, we also have to consider the variables brought about by the continued deterioration of the situation. AI is used to manage most people, and smart people control AI, and we only need to continue to be the cornerstone of the city. I can create a perfect illusion for all of you. After we fall into sleep, we only need to travel in the world we long for. There is no need to continue to face it. To such filthy creatures as humans!”


Tang Rao shouted. At this time, Deguna had fallen asleep in Tang Rao's arms. She gently pressed Deguna's forehead.

Distant memories came to mind again. The eight of them once helped Deguna find her son and daughter immediately after the disaster. During the journey, Jean seemed to have realized something and wanted to interrupt the journey, but in the end They found it.

Tang Rao will always remember that night with black rain, when Deguna lost everything.

"Sorry Gene, in order to prevent tragedies from happening again, I may have to be your enemy this time!"

As Tang Rao spoke, he gently lifted Deguna onto the soft cushion beside her. She stood up, and water droplets continued to fall from her body. But soon when Tang Rao stepped out of the pool, all the water droplets on her body were in blue particles. The hair fell into the pool. She shook her dry hair and pressed her chest with one hand, without any hesitation.

"You are the same, Jean. You should at least have some awareness of being a god! The only way to end the chain of tragedies is powerful power and wonderful dreams!"

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