Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1061 Confrontation (Part 2)

"In other words, as long as we all work together to find a way, we can implement this bill, because if this problem is not solved, it will be very bad!"

Le Xiao finally finished speaking, but basically he could only explain some soft parts of the bill, most of which focused on the deterioration of the living environment at the bottom.

Le Xiao kept looking at the congressmen opposite who were still discussing in low voices. She took a look at the time. It was 5:23 in the morning, and voting was about to start in 7 minutes. Michelle looked over and looked at Le Xiao again. He winked.

"What do you think? If we start now, we can solve many problems by building a waste treatment plant."

"Shut up, are you a kindergarten kid?"

Qingse Shen suddenly spoke, Le Xiao was startled, and her body immediately seemed to be frozen. She did not dare to move at all, but for some reason, Le Xiao always felt that Qingse Shen's tone of voice and attitude towards her were very similar. one person.

Le Xiao was distracted for a moment, and her mind turned to Jean's friend Tang Rao from the flower shop.

"Six Gods, I think there is no need to continue the discussion. Let's discuss it after the results of the voting are known!"

Wu Qun said, and Le Xiao was woken up by Ye Chunwang for a moment. She suppressed her blush, because Michelle had explained before coming in that the strategy of the business department tonight was to delay. Once the matters delayed outside were dealt with, then Make next steps.

Le Xiao felt the gazes from the section chiefs, as if they were telling her to say something casually and delay the topic even if she was embarrassed.

"Well, many people will lose their jobs. If we don't care, so many companies will..."

As soon as Le Xiao finished speaking, the green god sitting on the seat opened his eyes and stared straight at him.

"Secretary Le Xiao, the reason why those people are unemployed has a lot to do with their company's decision-making and operations. Even if they are forcibly dragged into this bill, it will not solve the problem. I have said it more than once After passing it, they don’t have the relevant qualifications!”

As Wu Qun spoke, he became a little impatient. The members of Congress became agitated and demanded a vote immediately.

The red god nodded. At this time, the yellow god and orange god also nodded respectively. The cyan god, purple god, and green god did not nod.

"Otherwise, I think everyone is tired. How about we go to the park above to rest for a few hours and wait?"

Suddenly a pair of angry eyes stared at Le Xiao. She closed her mouth and her heart was about to jump out. She immediately shook her head at Michelle, saying that she could no longer hold on and her hands were still weak. He lifted it up unconsciously. With this move, Wu Qun immediately knew clearly that the business department was stalling for time, and there must be some big problem happening outside.

"Six gods, please vote immediately. We all still have many unresolved issues, and it's already 5:26 in the morning."

Wu Qun said, and many congressmen echoed his words.


"Crazy bitch, what are you doing!"

Tianhen suddenly stood up with an angry roar, with saliva still hanging from his mouth. Niya continued to bite the cigarette as if nothing was wrong. Gu Ningning, who was caught in the middle, was completely frightened. She did not dare to shake her head or nod. , it was indeed Niya who suddenly stood up and slapped Tian Hen on the head hard.

At this time, Tianhen was covering his aching head. He had just regained consciousness and he didn't know what his current situation was.

"Niya just slapped you hard, I saw it."

Mo Xiaolan yawned and said, and Lilian behind him also echoed.

"Chief Tianhen, I saw it too."

Leona nodded and suddenly turned around with a smile, and lifted Niya up with both hands. Tianhen's eyes widened, and he left his seat angrily and rushed towards Niya.

The sudden commotion made many people dumbfounded. Niya jumped out of her seat lightly, and with a whoosh, the sky marks were ejected in front of Niya, and her fist hit Niya.

Red particles were flying in the air, and the two hit each other. With a loud bang, Niya threw Tianhen directly behind her. Tianhen's body floated in the air at the moment when he was about to lose balance. , the moment he stopped, his hands suddenly crossed, and a strong wind passed by.

Li Ang had already taken the first step to hold down Niya, whose whole body was flashing with red lightning, while King Xue stood in front of Tianhen. There was a buzzing sound, accompanied by a violent wind, and instantly there was a wave of wind in the venue. The intense air pressure caused sky marks to still float in the air.

"Have you made enough trouble? Come down when you have made enough trouble, Tianhen."

The red god sighed helplessly, and Tianhen fell to the ground fiercely at this time. Niya made a face at Tianhen with a playful smile. Tianhen immediately understood what the section chiefs were thinking at this time, and he walked to Niya In front of him, he raised his finger and pointed outside.

"Let's go outside and talk."

"This boring farce should end as soon as possible. Lord six gods, please start voting on the motion immediately."

Wu Qun urged again. At this moment, King Xue smiled, turned around and bowed to the MPs.

"First of all, please forgive me for the behavior of the two section chiefs of our business department just now, and for the offense against the six gods!"

With that said, King Xue returned to his seat.

"Do you have anything else to say, Chief Xue?"

The Yellow God asked, and King Xue bowed and nodded.

"Actually, I have some objections to the funds allocated by the six gods just now!"

King Xue said and immediately winked at Mo Xiaolan who was beside him. Mo Xiaolan stared at King Xue with understanding and opened his mouth.

"Are you dissatisfied with the allocation of funds in our department? Although our department has a small number of people, they are all experts in the analysis field in the city. Many things in the city are covered by our department."

"Two section chiefs, I think you can resolve such a trivial matter privately. There is no need to mention it here. It's already 5:30, can we start voting?"

At this time, Noah, who had always been silent, suddenly stood up, yawned and took off his headphones.

"I can tell you all a secret."

Noah's voice was loud, and everyone's attention was drawn to it for a moment. He laughed and shook his head.

"Our survey results of the waste in the gully are that metals account for about 60%, other chemical substances account for about 30%, and 10% is human excrement. It is probably these three categories. If it is effectively extracted If so, it can support 10 large companies to use it continuously for more than 20 years."

Noah said, and many people in the auditorium became confused.

"Can we start voting?"

Wu Qun couldn't bear it any longer. He became a little anxious at this time. Thinking carefully about it, his son didn't come in. None of the secretaries No. 1 to 30 of the General Affairs Department came in, but only a few room directors and directors were there, so Wu Qun became more and more certain that something big had happened outside.

"Wait until I finish telling the secret."

Noah said as he began to remove the bandage on his cheek bit by bit, and suddenly the bandage was removed. His nose was still a little swollen, and he laughed happily.

"Actually, I'm a little dissatisfied with my nose, so I had some fine-tuning surgery this time. What do you think?"

Before Noah could finish speaking, the anger of the congressmen was ignited, and increasingly noisy noises appeared one after another. Noah put on his headphones, closed his eyes, and leaned back comfortably. The venue began to become... Confusion arose.

Many members of the executive branch in the back seat also stood up and engaged in fierce exchanges with the congressmen. Many old incidents were brought up, and both sides continued to accuse each other of the faults.

Seeing that this kind of quarrel would not stop for a while, the section chiefs began to exchange glances, and they had to find a way to delay the meeting. Niya had already told Qin Dong that at least 2,000 black craftsmen would need to take the initiative to plead guilty, so that there could be As a result, if it is just a few hundred people, the congressmen will have the means to deal with it.

Qin Dong stared at the light and shadow screen quietly. The directors were processing the confession materials and submitting them to Section 8. However, the number of people who had confessed was still only at 849, and it was already 5:35 in the morning.

"Let the interrogation officers come up with the conditions."

As Qin Dong said this, one of the directors immediately panicked.

"Master Qin Dong, if we tell these people the conditions now, if they don't plead guilty, we may be suspected of inducing them to plead guilty."

Qin Dong pressed his forehead. More than 4,000 people were arrested, and hundreds of places where illegal substances were hidden were also found. Some black craftsmen also reported it, but the current workload was too heavy, and Qin Dong was already halfway through. Hours ago, another 3,000 people were mobilized from some middle-level districts to provide support.

There must be some way!

Qin Dong sat down and stared at the materials intently. There were still many people who had harsh words. Even if they were reported by their colleagues, they would fight back in the name of being slandered by their peers and would not let go at all, because some people's families were still No finished product found.

Some merchants have been asked to identify them, but with little success. Only five of the most critical middlemen were caught, and they were all caught by the mysterious man who called himself Hero Zero.

The more than 800 people who have pleaded guilty so far all confessed directly after being identified by middlemen.

Didi didi

"The situation there seems to be quite bad. We still have some manpower that can be mobilized, about 20,000 people."

As soon as Xima finished speaking, Qin Dong nodded.

"Excuse me, Hima, please dispatch 10,000 people to assist in the investigation."

Qin Dong was about to hang up the phone, but Xima laughed.

"Do you believe it? I lied to you. Where can I find more people? The work of distributing food is not over yet. We have already allocated 20,000 people to you. Where can we find 20,000 more people?"

A smile appeared on Qin Dong's tied face.

"You just take it too seriously sometimes. Relax. If those people don't want to tell you, they won't tell you even if you wait until tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow. Just make up an excuse to relax!"

Qin Dong's eyes widened, and Xima continued with a smile.

"What's the quota?"

"At least 2,000 people confessed."

Accompanied by a burst of haha.

"How much is it now?"

Qin Dong said after seeing that the number had increased by more than ten.

"861 people pleaded guilty."

"First of all, send the information to the gods. Can't we just say that about 3,000 people have confessed?"

Qin Dong's eyes widened.

"Probably, the matter is still in progress, but they already have the intention to plead guilty."

"this is not"

"Regardless of whether it is true or not, MPs are not vegetarians, and section chiefs cannot last long. Or are you afraid of taking responsibility?"

Qin Dong shook his head and took off his hat. Sweat had soaked into his bun, and he showed a relaxed smile.

"I know thank you Seema!"

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