Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1060 Confrontation (Part 2)

Milis kept swallowing and wiping the sweat from his forehead. All the businessmen in the entire conference hall were silent. They were looking at the shocking bill in front of them. It was not that the bill itself was great, but that They all must participate unconditionally.

Yincai, the secretary of the 6th Section who was sitting quietly in front of him, had not said a word until now. The bosses of more than 600 companies in the room felt burning in their hearts at this time. Such a big bill was like leaving the wolf's den and it was about to fall again. Entering the tiger's mouth.

Many people know that since Xingke dares to show them such a bill that has not been announced by Congress, it means that it has been finalized. The prerequisite for the Angus family to invest in them is that they must participate in the construction of the waste treatment plant in the Gully District. Come up.

Many businessmen who have cooperated with Xingke are very clear that Xingke is extremely demanding on constructive projects. Such a big proposal is not something that small and medium-sized enterprises like them can afford. Even among these enterprises, the brilliant industry with the best technology can't bear it. There is no technology for such large-scale suspended factory construction.

Some people already want to quit. Such a big thing requires unimaginable effort. Some people just want to be able to survive this crisis safely. If they really can't survive, they will sell the company at a low price. They have already done it. The intention of quitting, now everyone feels the same, it is difficult to get off the horse.

If there are any problems with this bill, it will drag them into an abyss of eternal destruction. Milis kept wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Is Xing Ke serious?

Milis glanced at the sound and color on the stage, who was still dealing with things in the department. He still said nothing, looking at the light and shadow screen in front of him with a serious expression, and moving his fingers.

There was an unusually heavy atmosphere in the entire conference hall. No one could act rashly. Some businessmen were already making eye contact.

"If you have any ideas, you can tell me first. This bill has not yet been approved by Congress. The reason why I let you see this bill first is because I don't want you to keep waiting."

As she spoke, Yincai turned off the light and shadow screen, stood up, and glanced around at the businessmen who had lowered their heads and started talking.

"Can I quit?"


The moment Yincai finished speaking, more than a dozen people stood up and planned to quit. They could not bear such a risk.

Yincai looked solemnly at these businessmen who had no intention of participating even if they went bankrupt. She felt a little helpless, but at the same time she understood, because not everyone can bear such heavy pressure.

Yincai, who grew up in an orphanage, has seen too many people who eventually collapsed and sank under heavy pressure. This was the case with the director of the orphanage at that time. The orphanage was not well run because of poor management, and there were many people in the orphanage. As a child, Yincai was only 14 years old at the time, and she had already begun to shoulder the heavy responsibility of helping to take care of children in the orphanage. She was very tired, and she was very tired every day.

Every day, Yincai saw the director leaving with a smile, but when he came back, he had a sad face. In the end, the orphanage closed down, and the director was overwhelmed and fell seriously ill. Yincai was the last one to leave. At that time, the director Sitting at the door of the courtyard, sobbing alone.

"How can I survive, Dean!"

"Go to work Yincai, you are very powerful."

After that, Yincai went to some construction sites to help, and sold some small items on the street at night. On days when there was no construction site work, Yincai went to some restaurants to work as a temporary worker, or in some hotels, but Yincai was never known as a living person. Overwhelmed by heavy pressure, she kept asking others what kind of job would allow her to survive. Finally, Yincai found out that the working department was the most stable and had the best benefits, so she went to join the working class for the first time. Naturally, he failed in the Yincai exam because he only knew some of the most basic characters, and was ridiculed by many people.

Originally, Yincai decided to give up, but a handsome man in the examination room stopped her.

"What kind of place do you want to go?"

"A place that is enough to live on, but a place that will not be crushed!"

The man smiled and said there was no such place.

"Because no matter where you go, there will still be something weighing on your head, and you can't get rid of it for the rest of your life. People need to face all kinds of pressure in their lives, but in the end, the only one who crushes them is themselves. Go Wherever you want to go, if you want to!”

The man gave Yincai a copy of the examination materials for the administrative department clerk. From then on, Yincai began to work part-time while studying based on the information in the materials. In the end, she failed 4 times in 5 years, and in the fifth time I finally passed the exam.

Yincai stared at the people in the hall quietly. Some businessmen were already leaving. At this time, Yincai saw a man who was nearly a hundred years old with a heavy face. He shrugged his head and had a slightly sour expression on his face. Smile, the first to leave.

"Mr. Rogge!"

Yincai suddenly called out to Rogge. He stopped, lowered his head with some restraint, and looked at Yincai walking over.

"Master Yincai, is there anything else you can do?"

"I remember you often said in the past that you are not working for me, but for yourself. If you are not passionate about everything you do, no matter what kind of job you change, you will fail!"

Rogge's eyes widened in surprise, and he looked at Yincai in confusion.

"I used to work as an assembler in your company's workshop. I remember it was 27 years ago. You used to say this to us in the workshop."

Rogge smiled awkwardly. He didn't remember the person in front of him at all. Although he had heard about the legendary deeds of Section 6 Secretary, to him, the woman in front of him was superior.

"And you, Mr. Paris!"

Yincai said, turning around and looking at a panicked man with a mustache sitting in his seat. He looked at Yincai with a solemn expression.

"I used to provide cleaning services for the scheduled hotels run by your company. You were very nagging at the time, often accusing me of not cleaning up properly, and you even deducted my salary several times!"

Paris stood up in embarrassment, holding his head with one hand. He stared at the woman in front of him carefully, but still couldn't remember.

"And you, Mr. Qian Jizong, I used to work as a shopping guide in your light and shadow store. When you came to the store several times to check on the situation, you always said that I was like a piece of wood, only stuck in the store. As a result, I was fired after less than a month of working!”

For a moment, the hall became silent, and many people looked at Yincai carefully. Yincai took off his hat, straightened his short hair, and stared at the people in the hall seriously.

"Perhaps many of you don't remember me because I am so inconspicuous, but if you are interested, you can take a look at my previous work history. I have worked in most of the more than 600 companies present. However, cleaners, assembly line workers, delivery people, shopping guides, etc. The reason why I say this is not to show off to you. I once dropped my citizenship level to level 2 three times. I had no relatives and no reason. At that time, I felt I can only rely on myself, but thank you for hiring me."

Yincai said and bowed to everyone. She turned around and walked slowly to the stage. The businessmen who were planning to leave also sat back on their seats at this time. At this time, a person next to Milis seemed to want to Something got up.

"I remember, there used to be a little girl who took the trouble to come to our company to ask if there was any cleaning or repair work. She was very thin at the time, and finally she couldn't stand it any more, so I asked her to help us repair some seriously aging items in the workshop. The place."

Yincai quietly stared at the merchants below, and she smiled slightly.

"I am able to stand here this year not because of how outstanding I am! When I was young, I was often scolded at work, and many people scolded me. This made me know what was wrong, and I will not make the same mistake again next time. And I always keep in mind the correct and right words that people have said, so I can stand here today because I have failed countless times at work in the past, and I have never compromised on my failures, so I stand here. Got here."

As Yincai spoke, many people lowered their heads slightly, while Milis looked at Yincai in astonishment.

"I am very aware of the impact this incident has on you, and I can also understand the reality of your concerns. There are still a lot of unknown risks in the bill, but I hope you will not compromise on yourselves. You think it is enough, and you think it is okay. Be able to accept that many times people fail and become vulnerable because we have compromised ourselves. Those who bought your company's stocks are now in despair. The reason why they chose to buy your company's stocks is because of trust. They were looking after you, but what about you now? Are you too fragile to respond to their trust?"

Yincai said as she opened a light and shadow screen, which was a cross-section of Brilliant City. She directly intercepted areas 113 and 114.

"From here on, the motion will be carried out from these two districts. In the past, you have had great achievements, because everyone has their own merits. Please recall everything today and the heavy pressure you have endured in the past. Which one is more serious? I will take responsibility for the problems in the bill and will definitely solve them bit by bit with you. Please believe me, it will get better. If you choose to go bankrupt now, What will happen tomorrow? Please think carefully about whether you really have no strength anymore and are already under heavy pressure, unable to breathe or walk. If you still have a little strength, I hope you can stand up. No one can You can predict the future and the outcome! But as long as you don’t compromise yourself, tomorrow will come!”

After Yincai finished speaking, she sat down, pulled out a light and shadow panel, and continued to organize it. The thoughts in her head were a little heavy at this time.

Yincai clearly remembered that three days after she left the orphanage, she saw the news of the director's suicide on the news. She regretted it more than once. If she could have had a good talk with the director that day, she would have been able to stay and continue to help the orphanage. In the long run, everything would not be like this, because she also chose to leave under heavy pressure. The orphanage was heavily in debt, and Yincai felt very regretful.

When Yincai saw the dean's body and the grandchildren crying beside the dean, Yincai realized that people can be overwhelmed by life so easily.

"Master Yincai, can you provide us with technical support?"

Milis stood up and asked. He felt that his cold body began to regain some strength, and people kept standing up.

"Of course, our business department can guarantee that we will give you the greatest technical support!"

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