Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1050 Traveler without Borders (Part 1)

10 hours ago

The sun's rays were slightly dim, and it was almost 5 o'clock. Ivy was still arranging flowers in the flower garden. Her hands were covered with mud. She had just sent away several directors of the company, and everyone was worried about her behavior this morning. They are worried about the investigation into gray industries. They hope that Ivy can say hello to Xingke and get back the money the company invested in gray industries.

Ivy had an angry look on her face at this time. She hated this approach, but what made Ivy angry was what King Xue and Li Ang did. The two of them had already called, hoping that she would go to Section 1 to discuss the next issue.

The work of Section 9 was arranged by Ivy early this morning. As for the work of the Executive Section, Ivy has been handling it many years ago. Most of the work that was brought home at the end of the season was handled by Ivy, and most of the work at the end of the quarter was handled by Ivy. I spend most of my time running around the city, making proposals.

Didi didi

"Aunt, I'm dying. I'm so tired. Can you please?"

"Chloe, finish the work. What happened today is very unusual, and your future evaluation is also very important. If you dare to mess around, I will not accept your leave application for one year starting from tomorrow. Approved."

Chloe on the other side of the phone babbling for a while before saying aggrievedly.

"Auntie, why are you like this? You ask people to do such heavy work when you first take office. Besides, I haven't officially taken office yet. Why don't you, auntie, just find a reason to talk to my parents and then fire me? In fact, I have A great ideal, and one that has to be realized.”

"Your ideal is nothing more than to eat, drink, and have fun all day long, and then live a comfortable life. Listen up, Chloe, I'm not joking with you. If you dare to mess around, I will arrange for you to be together at the test conference at the end of the year. Ziyuer’s group.”

Immediately, Chloe on the other side of the phone returned to normal.

"I know Auntie, I will work hard."

After hanging up the phone, Ivy frowned and sighed. This niece is still a bit uneasy. Although she has a good mind, her personality is a bit naughty. When she worked in the business department, most of the time her merits and demerits were balanced. To put it bluntly, he likes to cause trouble and often has strange ideas popping up in his head.

There are only 14 people in Bright City who can become secretaries. The probability is one in millions. Everyone who becomes a secretary should be happy, but Chloe is not happy.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to think about that girl."

After Ivy washed her hands, she called the nearby business office and asked them to send a helicopter to pick her up and take her to Section 1. Although she could run directly through the buildings like Gene, Ivy couldn't do it. , in fact, she really wanted to try it, but Ivy immediately gave up the idea.

Didi didi

Ivy looked at the caller's number with confusion and hesitated. After all, such a number was unknown. She planned to turn on the signal detection function. After all, at this juncture, if the matter was related to the end of the season, she had to be careful.

"Ms. Ivy, good afternoon."

"Mr. Jean!"

Ivy stared at the number in confusion, but there was a burst of fierce gunfire on the other side of the phone, and a woman's excited hip-hop. The sound was a sniper rifle, some automatic rifles, and grenades.

"I played with Tang Rao in the Gun Game Experience World."

Ivy was a little surprised. A long time ago, Ji Mo was told about the gods right after he became the section chief. This was something that only the section chief knew, and Ivy naturally knew about the seven gods in the city. .

"You're really in high spirits, Mr. Jean, isn't Lady Deguna here?"

"Waste disposal plant."

Gene just said these words simply, and Ivy's eyes widened for a moment, with mixed feelings in her heart.

"Originally, I planned to let our girl from Kona talk about this matter, but after thinking about it, it's better for you to tell me, Ms. Ivy."

"Obviously already"

Ivy choked with sobs, and a gentle and relaxed laughter came from the other side of the phone.

"Let's talk about the matter, Ms. Ivy, this has nothing to do with other things. The right thing needs the right person to do it. No one can excuse his guilt. No matter how noble or strong his belief is, if it is a sin, no matter what Such gorgeous words, what methods are used to decorate them, and what kind of reasons are used to embellish them, will not change after all, because the results determine many things, but equally, no one can be content with the correct and beautiful prospect they have painted. Look away, this view is very attractive, isn't it? Because in the eyes of most people, the result is correct, so I beg you, Ms. Ivy, to submit the bill from 15 years ago. When many companies argue endlessly after problems occur, the debate is fruitless. In this zero-sum game, if you cannot broaden the boundaries, you cannot break the zero-sum rules! Sorry, because I am on vacation."

The phone was hung up, and Ivy quietly looked at the gentle sun in the distance.

"You are always so willful, Mr. Jean!"

Ivy smiled and lowered her head, with mixed feelings in her heart. Although she had thought about slowly implementing some of the proposals made at the end of the season, after thinking about it carefully, Ivy felt that she could not do it because she could no longer do it. No matter how strong you are, you are just a woman.

3:04 am

Qin Dong stood in the corridor of the interrogation room on the second underground floor of Section 1 Public Security Management Office. Several directors next to him were still conducting arrests. A black craftsman had been arrested. The arrest was originally in It started at 3 o'clock, but at 2:41 Niya received a document from King Xue, and people from Section 1 were sent to all law firms.

Most of the black craftsmen have an inseparable relationship with the lawyers. Many of them are very smart and understand the law. They will not speak before seeing the lawyers. The people inside have been in for 10 minutes. An interrogator The clerk was asking questions, but the other party refused to say a word and kept dialing the phone.

In order to confirm the legality of this arrest operation, it is very important to exclude lawyers. Those glib guys will hinder this operation.

Usually, these black craftsmen at the upper level pay some lawyer consulting fees every month. Many times before, when Section 5 arrested these suspects, their lawyers came over, and the situation became complicated. The lawyers used various methods to Various methods are used to cover up the crimes of the black craftsmen.

Section 5 cannot find anyone who deals with these black craftsmen, and no one will testify. Even if there is physical evidence, many of these materials are self-developed projects and are handled by lawyers in Section 8, and most of these black craftsmen They are all people from the scientific research departments of large companies, and there is nothing that 5ke can do against them.

The longest interrogation lasted 48 hours, and a black craftsman was arrested for fighting on the street.

But the situation is different now. The information on transactions with black craftsmen has been obtained from some merchants. After Niya held a brief meeting at the upper level that day, Section 5 asked the merchants to obtain the information from the transactions with black craftsmen. Some of the machinery and components of the machinery were handed over to Section 5. Testimonies and videos have been recorded, and on-site filming has been carried out. In particular, the black craftsman whom Jean found has explained everything. ,

The whole line has become very clear. For tonight's large-scale interrogation, 10,000 people have been temporarily removed from the 30 middle-level districts. Most of the arrests are made by Section 3, while people from Section 5 conduct on-site investigations. Forensic investigation.

As long as someone confesses, others will not remain silent. At this time, the black craftsman in the interrogation room became excited. He kept shouting for a lawyer, his attitude was unusually determined, and he kept saying that he had been illegally arrested because he knew the interrogation was recorded on video.

Qin Dong knocked on the door, walked in, and stared coldly at the black craftsman in front of him. Section 5 did not have the authority to torture and extract confessions, but Section 2 did.

"Sir, please tell the truth. Some of the industrial materials you were carrying when you were arrested included controlled substances. Are you involved in illegal manufacturing and trading?"

"I use these things for my own scientific research, which violates the laws on controlled substances, right? Secretary, it's such a simple question. I am willing to pay the fine and work in the Agriculture Department for half a month. According to the law, I The amount of controlled substances carried was only more than 200 grams, which is a minor violation."

Qin Dong was a little angry for a moment, but he still endured it and nodded with a smile.

"Well, since you won't say anything, we have to hand you over to Section 2."

Immediately the man's eyes widened.

"You are threatening, I will sue you."

The man immediately became excited. Qin Dong walked out without saying anything. At this time, the members of Section 2 who had already come down from outside the door walked directly in.

"Sir, I suspect that you are related to the multiple bombings that occurred in the upper floors in the past few days. Now we need you to return to Section 2 with us to assist in the investigation."

As he spoke, the man stood up and started shouting. Immediately, a person from Section 2 came over and held down the man's head, knocking it hard on the table.

"Sir, we now suspect that you may be a potential rioter."

As he spoke, the man's arms were twisted and handcuffed. His nose was broken and he kept shaking his head.

"I said, I said, I won't go to Section 2. I have nothing to do with the bombing!"

The man shouted loudly, but the people from Section 2 took him away anyway.

"This kid asked for it."

A director said with a smile, Qin Dong knew very well that Section 2 has now sent 2,000 people to wait at the nearby public security management station, and some black craftsmen with systematic expertise in chemistry will be taken to Section 2.

Because of the last bombing, Section 2 has been completely angry. They will use any means to find clues from this group of people tonight.

Because according to Article 66 of the law, presumption of crime stipulates that once a person commits a violation of the law first, what he says cannot be trusted. Before the factual evidence cannot be clarified, this person may be involved in or indirectly involved in the criminal events related to this person. participate.

The explosion was inseparable from chemistry, so the presumption of crime was established. Section 2 had the right to directly bring him over to assist in the investigation.

"Let everyone speed up the arrest process."

Qin Dong said, and several directors immediately issued orders.

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