Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1049 Zero Sum Game 3 (Part 2)

At 2:49 in the morning, in Central Park, a large number of congressmen and businessmen gathered in twos and threes, arguing fiercely.

Chen Qiao sat quietly on a bench at the edge of the park. Zou Yun next to him said nothing. Neither of them spoke, but quietly stared at the flowers, plants and trees in front of them.

"Sure enough, there is no winner in a zero-sum game."

Chen Qiao lowered his head, and Zou Yun next to him nodded, but still did not speak. At this time, Chen Qiao was very anxious. The business department did not accept their money, and instead found the Angus family. Once the business department started investigating this They have been suppressing the supply chain for a year, and they may be in trouble. At this time, Chen Qiao became uneasy because he didn't know what method the business department would use to solve this problem later.

"Old Chen, I don't think there is any need to worry too much. The business department currently only wants to solve the problem, not continue to cause it."

Zou Yun finally spoke, and Chen Qiao nodded slightly. Now Chen Qiao was worried about another issue, whether the opponents would give them a heavy blow in this problem.

Time passed by minute by second. At this time, Chen Qiao noticed a person walking not far away, and Wu Qun came over with a smile on his face.

"Why are you two here?"

Chen Qiao smiled bitterly.

"I hope Councilor Wu Qun will show his respect. The problems in the city are already chaotic enough, and you and I both know it."

Wu Qun nodded.

"I think the problem you are worried about will not happen, and the business department has found a way to solve the problem. From now on, we just need to stay out of this way. Lao Chen, to be honest, you have gone too far this time. , not leaving others a way to survive is the worst of the worst, especially in such a zero-sum game."

For a moment, Chen Qiao smiled and shook his head.

"Member Wu Qun, I don't know what you are referring to. This is the competition in business. If you sail against the current and do not advance, you will retreat. If a businessman does not pursue profits, he will not be called a businessman. Don't forget, we have to feed tens of thousands of people. , but also to feed a market of millions of people.”

Wu Qun smiled and nodded.

"Old Chen, if you suck too hard, you will starve to death."

After saying that, Wu Qun turned around and walked slowly away. Chen Qiao felt affirmed by Wu Qun's words.

"Would you like to cooperate more closely in the future, Lao Zou?"

Chen Qiao asked, and Zou Yun shook his head.

"You and I have been friends for a long time. We have helped each other many times along the way. I feel like you have changed, Lao Chen."

Chen Qiao shook his head with a smile and stood up, with a sharp light in his eyes.

"Even if we are investigated by the Business Bureau this time, the most we will lose are some subsidiaries. It's good that the important things are still in our hands."

Zou Yun stood up.

"Old Chen, do you still remember when we merged with a small company?"

Chen Qiao hummed. When they were just starting out a long time ago, Chen Qiao could hold on for the time being because of his family background, but Zou Yun didn't. He was almost unable to hold on, and no one came to help. Although Chen Qiao can still hold on, if the business fails, his father plans to let his brother who is worse than himself take over everything. He is a little unwilling to do so. His half-brother is indeed better than himself, but he It's better to be bold yourself.

In the end, the two of them simultaneously targeted a small winery. The sales volume of that winery was very good, but their own industry was already in crisis due to funding problems. They lobbied the owner of the winery, hoping that he would expand the scale of operations. We entered into a joint venture with them, but the boss refused because he felt that life was already very good.

But the two of them were already in crisis. The unsalable goods brought high maintenance and storage fees. Chen Qiao was so cruel that he directly sold his goods at a low price. But Zou Yun did not dare. He knew that he relied on this batch of goods. The goods turned around, but contrary to expectations, Zou Yun still went bankrupt, and he could only sell the company at a low price.

At this time, the two of them thought of that small winery, which had very good sales and even sold out of stock. Finally, they made up their minds and worked together to deceive the owner of the winery, and finally asked the owner of the winery to hand over the winery. They relied on that small winery to start growing.

"Suppressing competitors and hollowing out the weak is the basis of doing business. This is how we started step by step. Since it is a zero-sum game, if you do not become the biggest beneficiary in the game, you will definitely become the loser in the game. Good luck Consider Lao Zou, we still have time, this time it’s just like we are testing the waters, although it’s a pity that we can’t get the market controlled by more than 600 small companies, but it doesn’t matter, the results have been highlighted.”

Chen Qiao said and walked slowly. At this time, Zou Yun's mind was filled with the things he had done in the past that changed his life's destiny.

"Do you still remember what happened to the owner of the small winery in the end? No one knows, no one remembers it, except you and me."

Zou Yun didn't answer, and Chen Qiao gradually walked away.

"Do you think I think about it? As long as we know this well, if we don't do this, we will have to endure it for the rest of our lives. I can't stand it anymore. People in my family never look at me."

Zou Yun was silent. In the past, they relied on the small winery and sold private wine. After making a lot of money, they successfully climbed to the top.

At that time, no one in the upper echelons looked down upon Chen Qiao and Zou Yun, but by joining forces again and again, the two grew bigger and bigger, constantly eating away at the flesh and blood of their competitors until the other turned into bones.

The two of them have had little contact and cooperation this year because their relationship has begun to deteriorate, because they both know that their next opponent may become the other person.

A large number of congressmen had begun to enter the parliament hall, and at this time, in the square outside the congress hall, the section chiefs walked slowly over.

"Old man Ye, how is the situation over there?"

Li Ang asked, and Ye Chunwang shook his head.

"There are still people waiting at the grain trading station to see what happens tonight."

"You go in first."

Niya said, standing at the door of the Congress Hall, holding the phone and watching the time on it flowing minute by second.

3 o'clock sharp

"Start arresting!"

Niya said, turning off her phone, and was the last one to walk into the Congress Hall, and the door slowly closed.

In the dark night, Jean stood quietly on the top of a building, holding a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, overlooking everything in the city in the wind.

“Even if it’s difficult, it’s still a good start!”

Gene seemed to have seen a golden wheat field in the barrier area in his mind. He knew very well that once the waste treatment plant was established, everything would be driven up. The same was true for the establishment of the agricultural base. The layers were added up and finally realized, just like It is the same as what was considered at the end of the previous quarter. I once said at the end of the season that hastily establishing an agricultural base in the barrier zone will cause serious problems. The only way to open a breakthrough is to have a plan to bridge the transition, and this plan is a waste treatment plant. .

"The time has come. The winner of this zero-sum game may be me!"

After gently exhaling a puff of smoke, Gene turned around and looked at the Congress Hall, which was already lit with lights, and showed a relaxed smile.

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