Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 89: Don't be nervous

When Lin Yao finished his Spanish class, the heavy rain was still rustling. Walking outside in this kind of weather can be regarded as a kind of torture, but I don't know when it will be when the rain stops.

She took out her mobile phone to check the time, but found that there were a few missed calls on it, Lin Yun!

Lin Yao hurriedly returned the call, but there was only a cold tone on the other end of the phone.

"Hello! The call you dialed is turned off. Sorry, thesubscriberyoudialedispoweroff."

Lin Yun is off!

Lin Yun seldom turns off the phone, not to mention that it's less than nine o'clock. She can't fall asleep so early. Is it possible that she is outside and the phone is out of power?

Lin Yao sent her a message: "Mr. Lin, what's the matter? I was in class just now, and the phone was muted and I didn't hear the call. I called you back, but I didn't get through."

After sending the text message, she put her phone back in her bag and stepped into the rain under the umbrella.

The dark and heavy rainy night makes people feel depressed.

The raindrops of Dou Da crackled on the ground and on the umbrella, the noisy rain, and the dense rain curtain seemed to isolate her from the world, unable to hear or see the others.

Fortunately, there are few people and fewer cars choosing to travel on rainy days, so Lin Yao has a smooth journey.

After returning home, she took out her mobile phone and called Lin Yun again, but Lin Yun still turned off!

Lin Yao inexplicably remembered the hideous look in Qin Yi's eyes when he left the company, shouldn't he... I hope it's not what she thought.

She told herself that tomorrow morning, the truth should come to light, and she now makes no sense to think about it!

There were so many facts that she had to do during this period of time, and she quickly put the matter of Lin Yun and Qin Yi behind her mind.

What she didn't expect was that Lin Yun and Qin Yi did not show up for the next three consecutive days. Their phones were either turned off or unanswered. In short, neither of them could get through. The two of them seemed to have evaporated.

In the past few days, everyone in Lingyun Industry, including Lin Yao, has been very busy. Everyone has received a lot of first-hand customer information from the Canton Fair, and they are busy contacting customers and giving them quotations.

Lin Yao has endless quotations and shipping receipts every day, but besides being busy, everything goes smoothly, and there is no need to ask the two leaders for instructions.

The only problem is that she has been optimistic about the house and negotiated the price with the other party. She is ready to pay the money in one hand and deliver the goods in one hand (mortgage/transfer) tomorrow, and these matters can only be handled within working days. It is impossible not to ask for leave.

Lin Yun and Qin Yi are not there, who should she ask for leave?

Before leaving get off work, Lin Yao called Lin Yun again, and this time it was finally connected.

On the other side of the phone, Lin Yun's voice was a little deep and hoarse, "Hello?"

Lin Yao was taken aback by her voice, "Mr. Lin, what's the matter with you, are you feeling sick?"

Lin Yun gave a hum, and said concisely: "I got a fever after being caught in the rain."

It is normal for her to have a fever when she gets caught in the rain. The strange thing is, why does she catch the rain?

Lin Yao intuitively thought that this must have something to do with Qin Yi, but it was obviously inappropriate for her to ask about it, and Lin Yun might not want to tell her, so I skipped it.

She was concerned: "Is it serious?"

"It's just a cold and fever, what's all the fuss about?" Lin Yun sniffed and asked with a thick nasal sound: "By the way, has he asked me about me these days? I mean Chairman Qin."

Lin Yun asked Chairman Qin if she had been asked about her "in the past few days"?

Does this mean that they are not together these few days?

Are they really...

Lin Yao's thoughts diverged uncontrollably.

She answered truthfully: "Chairman Qin has not come to the company these days."

Lin Yun didn't seem to expect this to be the case. She paused slightly, and said nonchalantly: "I'm out of the company these few days. If other people have any work problems, you can decide for me. Anyway, no one is better than you. I know the company’s situation."

Lin Yao always felt that something was wrong, but she still agreed, "No problem."

Lin Yun had no intention to say anything to her, and asked, "Anything else?" The implication was that he hung up the phone when he was okay.

Lin Yao remembered what was going on, and hurriedly said, "Mr. Lin, I want to take a leave of absence tomorrow morning."

As long as she thinks that starting tomorrow, there will be a house in her own name, she feels excited!

As if she was full of power, she could handle as many orders and enquiries!

It's been a whole year since Lin Yao came to Lingyun Industrial. This is the first time she asked for leave. It is said that Lin Yun would always ask her why she asked for leave, what leave she asked for.

Lin Yao was ready to accept Lin Yun's cross-examination, but Lin Yun allowed her to leave without asking.

"All right, go and get back, after all, someone in the company has to take care of it."

Lin Yao felt that she should say something to her, such as thanking her, but she didn't know how to express it. After all, she was in the office, and some things were not easy to say.

What if other people know that she has already gotten the commission, and they all learn how to go to Lin Yun to ask for the commission?

Lin Yao thought about it and thought it would be better to wait for Lin Yun to come to the company and say those thankful words to her face to face.

"I understand, I will return to the company as soon as possible!"

Lin Yun's hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone leisurely, "That's OK, when you really don't make up your mind, you can call me."

Another meaning of her words is, don't call her if there is nothing important.

Lin Yao wisely swallowed what she wanted to say but didn't know how to say, "Okay!"

After Lin Yun hung up the phone, Lin Yao realized that she had never asked herself why she had asked for leave from beginning to end.

Is she not caring, or is she too relieved?

These are not important, what is important is that she will become a house owner from tomorrow!

Lin Yao smiled at the corners of her lips, her eyes gleaming.

Seeing this, Li Renhai leaned in and asked, "You have gotten through to Mr. Lin? What did she say?"

Xiao Zhang and others also asked curiously: "What did Mr. Lin say?"

Lin Yao smiled and said, "Mr. Lin said that she has a cold and fever and will not come to the company these days."

Zheng Feiyang on the side "cut", "What's so happy about this?"

Xiao Zhang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "It turns out that this is the case, I thought what was wrong, it's fine if it's all right, it's fine if it's nothing!"

Xiao Fang next to her echoed: "Yes, Chairman Qin's eyes were terrible that day."

Zheng Feiyang did not agree, "You are too exaggerated. I said that they must be delayed by something else. They are the bosses. They come if they want to come. Is it possible to ask for leave if they don't want to come to the company?"

Xiao Zhang frowned and said, "You came late and don't know the situation. We saw it with our own eyes that day..."

Lin Yao interrupted her, "When I have time to say this, it's better to communicate with customers and try to get a few more orders. President Lin will definitely give us big red envelopes during the New Year!"

Zheng Feiyang snorted disdainfully, "It's not up to you whether to send a red envelope or not!"

Lin Yao retorted: "That's really not my final say, but now it's working time, let's go to work!"

Xiao Zhang and the others returned to their seats, still feeling still unfulfilled, and whispered: "Don't believe it, don't look at Chairman Qin's gentleman, if you really do it... it's terrible."

Li Renhai suddenly said loudly outside the door: "Hello, Chairman Qin!"

The few people in the office who were gossiping in full swing, suddenly became quiet as chickens!

Li Renhai, who had succeeded in the prank, suddenly laughed when he saw it, "You people, you are so courageous that you dare to talk about the boss' gossip in the office.

Besides, I will get off work in less than half an hour. How could the boss at this time..." Come to the company.

Before he could finish his words, everyone in the office was frozen as if they had been given a fixation technique!

Chairman Qin looked around with a dark face, his voice was sarcastically, "I don't have to work hard in half an hour? You take my salary, how did you deal with me?"

As soon as Li Renhai saw Chairman Qin, he knew it was going to be bad, but his reaction was quick and he immediately rounded up his words.

"Chairman Qin, I think everyone is very busy, so I made a joke with them and adjusted the atmosphere. Hehe, no one is lazy at all!"

Chairman Qin snorted coldly, "This is best." He walked to the chairman's office without looking back.


The door was heavily closed.

Li Renhai had a lingering fear, "I was scared to death. This guy was so fascinated that he was actually outside the office, and I don't know how long he has been standing outside the office."

Hearing what he said, everyone who had just breathed a sigh of relief was flustered again.

If Chairman Qin had just arrived, there should be a sound from the elevator, but they didn’t hear a sound at all. It can be seen that Chairman Qin was either there long ago, or he took the elevator downstairs, such as the 25th floor, and then climbed the stairs to 26. Floor.

Either way, he might have heard what they said before. What can I do?

Moreover, Chairman Qin is not as generous as President Lin. He did this, most likely to catch their current situation, and then...

Xiao Zhang's face was a bit ugly, she asked in a low voice, "Ah, do you think we will be deducted from wages?"

Li Renhai replied casually, "Wage deduction is not enough, and the year-end bonus is hard to say."

Xiao Zhang became more and more depressed, "That's worse, okay?"

In other places, the year-end bonus is one month's salary or double salary. Lingyun's year-end bonus is a year's salary, plus a commission!

Is it really going to be buckled up?

When everyone thought of this, they sighed again.

Lin Yao looked up, "Do things well, talk less gossip, and don't scare yourself when you're okay."

Xiao Zhang and the others were not comforted, their faces were still covered with sorrow.

"Why did you go early?" Lin Yao sighed, "If Chairman Qin really wants to find someone to vent his anger, he can't do it, don't worry, it's just a coincidence."

"This is also..."

Xiao Zhang and the others continued to work, but Lin Yao began to worry. She was going to ask for leave tomorrow. She wanted to work a little longer and do some of tomorrow's work before leaving. As a result, Chairman Qin came.

It's not convenient for her to stay and work overtime, but she can't work overtime. She will not be in the company tomorrow morning.

There is another question. Before Chairman Qin was absent, she just called Lin Yun to ask for leave.

Now Chairman Qin is here, and it seems impossible not to say hello to him, and she is really reluctant to let her say hello in the past.

In short, it's so tangled...

There was still a minute left before get off work, Lin Yao had already packed her bag and was ready to leave at that point.

Surprisingly, the phone on her desk rang, it was an insider, and it was Chairman Qin who called her.

Even though Lin Yao was extremely resistant, she had to answer the phone, "Hello, Chairman Qin! I wonder if you have any instructions?"

Chairman Qin's voice was slightly cold, "Come to my office."

This sentence is usually said by Lin Yun.

Lin Yao hesitated for a long time, then replied, "Yes."

After hanging up the phone, she immediately went over to Li Renhai and said, "Could you not leave and wait for me? Chairman Qin is looking for me."

Li Renhai frowned, a little unsure, "What should I do? Do you want me to go with you?"

Lin Yao wanted to do this, but it was a pity that she could only think about it, "No, but you must not leave!"

Li Renhai looked at the door of the chairman's office, and said uneasy: "Shall I go with you?"

Lin Yao smiled bitterly, "He is just asking me for questioning, it should be nothing, but just in case, don't leave, wait for me outside, you'd better pretend that you have not finished your work."

There is no better way for Li Renhai, "Okay."

Lin Yao let out a sigh of breath and walked to Chairman Qin's office.

When they passed by Xiao Zhang and others, they were about to leave and greeted her, "Director Lin, let's get off work first."

"Ok, see you tomorrow!"

Watching Xiao Zhang and the others leave, Lin Yao plucked up the courage and knocked on the door of the chairman's room.

"Please come in."

Lin Yao opened the door and entered.

Chairman Qin didn't look up, and said, "Close the door."

Lin Yao was taken aback for a moment and said, "Don't shut it down, the people outside are almost gone."

Chairman Qin said nothing, closed the door, and then smiled at Lin Yao, "Don't be nervous, I need to ask your opinion on some important things."

Lin Yao was surprised that he actually had an official tone, "What's the matter?"

Qin Yi sat behind the desk in the big class, clasped her hands, smiled and said, "It's a company management problem. As you know, President Lin has always been in charge, but her management method is too arbitrary and I don't agree with it.

I think that a large-scale enterprise should be based on the system to restrain people, not others.

What I mean is that we have formulated a relatively complete assessment system. From now on everyone will follow this system, and management will be very easy, and it will be good for everyone. "

Lin Yao didn't say anything. Chairman Qin said very well, but he said very broadly, meaningless.

Besides, it is not that Ling Yun has no rules and regulations. The key is to see how to implement it, and this aspect has nothing to do with her.

She wondered: "What does Chairman Qin mean?"

"I mean, we need to gradually improve the company system, such as the salary system." Chairman Qin pushed the glasses, and said: "A reasonable salary system must be able to provide incentives and restraints. You Do you think it makes sense?"

Lin Yao seemed to understand what he meant, and he was ready to cut employee benefits!

Although this is different from what she feared, it was also disappointing.

Everyone tries to make more money for the company, while the boss tries to give them less money. Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will be disappointed, right?

Lin Yao pondered: "In this regard, I can't represent everyone. Perhaps it is more appropriate to discuss it at the company's regular meeting?"

Chairman Qin raised an eyebrow, "I just have a preliminary idea. I will discuss it with you first, and then discuss it at the regular meeting."

Discuss it?


While the company's performance is booming, discuss with her to reduce employee benefits. Are you planning to deduct this "credit" on her?

Discuss with him!

Lin Yao declined to comment.

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