Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 88: Wu Qin Wu Yi

The sky was full of haze, dark clouds were constantly rolling, and the raindrops pattered and fell on the glass window in front of Lin Yun.

It's raining?

Lin Yun frowned slightly. She looked down at the time and estimated that Qin Yi would be home soon, so she began to prepare dinner.

Lin Yun has been pampered since he was a child, and his fingers have not touched the spring water. Since being with Qin Yi, everything has been different.

She cleans up their little house by herself, and she also cooks every step of the way.

She left the company early today just to cook Qin Yi's dinner by herself.

Lin Yun has always had a keen interest in food. With her strong contacts and unique taste, she opened a big restaurant and became a rising star in the Guangzhou catering industry.

If it weren't for Qin Yi, her career in Guangzhou could be even better.

However, the development momentum of Lingyun Industry is also good now, and given time, it may become a climate.

Lin Yun chose a good beef tenderloin and cut it into a suitable size for later use.

After preparing the necessary ingredients one by one, she began to boil the pasta.

What makes steak is fast frying.

Lin Yun turned the fire to the maximum, brushed a layer of oil on the bottom of the pan, and waited until the pan was hot enough before putting the prepared steak into the pan.

When the steak enters the pot, it sizzles, and the smell of meat rushes over her face. She counts time in her heart. She turns over for about thirty seconds, and the other side is fried for another thirty seconds before it comes out of the pot.

Lin Yun put the fried steak on the dinner plate, topped it with sauce, and fished out the boiled pasta. After it was cool, it was put on the plate, and the prepared fruits and vegetables were taken out at the same time.

Qin Yi likes to drink, and Lin Yun specially prepared red wine to accompany him.

When the door opened outside, Lin Yun had just finished putting the plate, and when she turned around, she found Qin Yi looking at herself with a gloomy expression.

She asked in surprise, "What's the matter? It seems like someone owes you hundreds of millions."

When Qin Yi heard this, his emotions immediately lost control. He slammed the door heavily, and walked to Lin Yun's side in three and two steps, and asked loudly, "Where is the money in the company's account? I ask you, you take my money Where did it go?"

Lin Yun was startled.

In order to avoid conflict, they have agreed that Qin Yi is responsible for business work, and Lin Yun is responsible for trivial matters such as human resources and finance.

Ordinarily, Qin Yi didn't know the situation on the account, so he checked and posted it.

Why did he check the accounts?

Lin Yun spends a lot of money every month, but she still knows it, and the company keeps making money every month, so she is sure that there is no shortage of money on the account.

She took off her apron and said lightly: "I spent the money, what's wrong?"

Qin Yi's face was even darker. Without a word, he directly swept down the candlelight dinner that Lin Yun had carefully prepared.


Steaming steaks, brightly colored vegetables, and red wine that was too late for Kaifeng to drip all over the floor.

The dinner that Lin Yun spent a few hours carefully preparing came to fruition.

No one can stand this kind of thing, let alone Lin Yun.

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

She just felt that the anger was rushing upwards, and the indignant words blurted out, "Good point, what's your nerve?"

Qin Yi's tone was even more indignant than her, "Ten million, you cost me more than ten million!"

He didn't care how Lin Yun spent the money originally, it was because Lin Yun spent her own money, this time is different, this time more than ten million was transferred from Ling Yun's account!

More than ten million!

Qin Yi lived like a fish in Tianhe. If it weren’t for Lingyun’s good development momentum, he would rather stay in Tianhe, where he had many subordinates. Everyone would respect him as Director Qin when he met. .

He didn't like Ling Yun, a small company that couldn't stand up to the table, let alone the gang of women who were looking for Lin Yun.

The machinery industry has always been the world of men. Lin Yun doesn't even speak English. She doesn't know anything about the foreign trade industry, and she doesn't know anything about the machinery industry. As a result, she finds a group of people similar to hers.

Qin Yi waited for Lin Yun to be unable to continue, so he turned to beg for himself.

Who knows that when the company arrived, her hands were smooth, and she made millions in a few months!

Qin Yi has worked so hard for a year, and he has only got a few hundred thousand in hand. How can he balance his mind with a comparison between the two sides?

So at the beginning of this year, he came to Lingyun to preside over the overall situation, while Lin Yun retreated to the second line.

He found that in the past six months, Lingyun's monthly shipments have increased.

Moreover, the profit margins of these orders are actually quite good. He roughly estimated that in less than a year, the gross profit was close to 20 million, and there were more than 10 million left after cost.

This is something he couldn't do when he worked in other companies!

Today he called Finance and checked the balance on the company's account. Finance told him that the balance was only one million!

Just kidding, at this time last year, Lingyun also had millions on his account!

Qin Yi was angry and asked Finance, where did all the money they made go to?

The financial department said haltingly: "Mr. Lin pays a few sums of money from the company's account every month. You'd better ask Mr. Lin."

Qin Yi suddenly realized that the money he made in the dark early in the morning, he couldn't bear to smoke more cigarettes, and the money he worked so hard to accumulate was defeated by Lin Yun, a prodigal wife!

Thinking of it, Qin Yi felt a burst of flames again, and he asked furiously: "You said, where did you move my money?!"

"Your money?" Lin Yun smiled mockingly at the corner of his mouth, "Qin Yi, you must have a conscience in life. Ask yourself, if it weren't for me, would the company have today's achievements? Since it is the money I earn, I use more Less, how to use it is my business!"

Lin Yun did not exaggerate. Lingyun Industrial was registered by Qin Yi six years ago, but it has never been opened. Until last year, when she paid for the office to rent, she also mobilized people to run the company vigorously.

Qin Yi's annual salary in Tianhe was only one million, but he actually got only 30,000 yuan a month, which was not enough to buy Lin Yun a pair of decent shoes.

And the birthday gifts that Lin Yun gives him every year are worth more than one million. The things he wears and the clothes in the closet are all bought for him by Lin Yun. The sum of these has already far exceeded his. The sum of money earned in a lifetime.

Lin Yun didn't intend to tear his face with him, so he didn't say anything worse.

Qin Yi did not appreciate, "You make the money? The company is in my name, and it was registered before our marriage. The company is mine, and the money is mine. You give me my money back!"

This is true. Not only the company is under Qin Yi's name, but the house, car, and her money are also in Qin Yi's name.

It turned out that he had already prepared...

Lin Yun squeezed the emotions in his throat, "Do you still remember how you told me back then? You said you only want me, and everything you have is mine!"

"Since the day you left Guangzhou, you have not been the second lady of the Lin family. Now you are my wife. Do what I asked you to do!" Qin Yi sneered, "Also, who would allow you to treat me? Yelling?"

"You?!" Lin Yun's long-storage emotion finally broke out, and she tremblingly shouted: "Qin Yi, you bastard!!"


Qin Yi slapped her heavily.

Lin Yun was slapped by him, and even his mind fell into chaos for a moment.

She thought of her mother who had tried so hard to persuade her, and her father who hated iron and steel and was furious, and thought of the surprised expressions on the faces of her friends when she resolutely left everything in Guangzhou, and she could no longer control her emotions!

A sense of explosion hits the whole body instantly!

"Why did I spend your money? How dare you bully me like this?!" Lin Yun cursed at Qin Yi unreasonably, "My dad is right, you are a jerk, a hypocrite!"

Qin Yi grabbed her hair and slapped her head, yelling from time to time, "You spent my money! If you dare to spend my money, I will beat you! You cost me more than ten million, I Kill you!"

The crackling rain is getting louder and louder.

Lin Yun didn't know how she left the house or where she could go at this time. She vaguely remembered that there was a small park next to the community, so she ran all the way to the park under the rain.

Her body and head were already wet by rain, and the tears on her face were blurred, but she couldn't take care of it, she couldn't take care of anything.

After coming to Hangzhou for so long, she didn't cry because her living standard plummeted, she didn't cry because Qin Yi had been socializing endlessly and was away from home all day long, and she didn't cry because she hurried ducks to shelves and struggling to support a company.

This time is different. Qin Yi once said that he didn't want anything except her, and he also said that his heart and everything belonged to her.

He said so touchingly, but he never fulfilled his vow. Not long after he got married, he began to stay away at night. He told her to kill their child, and he even beat her.

Qin Yi actually beat and scolded her because she spent the money in the company!

But it only spent more than ten million, she spent more than ten million on Qin Yi? What she gave up for Qin Yi was a fortune calculated in billions!

The most ridiculous thing is that she was beaten by Qin Yi with the money she made.

And he did it the first few times because of "drunkenness", this time he did it with a sane situation!

Lin Yun knew that this was neither the first nor the last.

When she ran to a secluded corner, she finally couldn't help it anymore, squatting on the ground and crying loudly.


On the 49th floor of Orlando, Liang Kaiwen called while walking, "Chairman, I have something to discuss with you, what are you going to come back?"

On the other side of the phone, Qin Rongze said coldly, "What's the matter?"

Liang Kaiwen stopped and said seriously: "Boss, I really have something important and need to discuss with you in person. If it is not convenient for you to come over, I will go to your head office, right?"

Qin Rongze was silent for a long time and said, "I will be there in ten minutes."

"Hey?" So easy to talk?

Liang Kaiwen felt flattered, and dogleg said: "Chairman, you are so kind to me! I can meet you in my life, and I am really lucky to work for you!"

Qin Rongze said two words coldly: "Shut up!"

The smile on Kevin Liang’s face was not affected at all, "Okay, okay, I will shut up immediately, then I will go to the office and wait for you..."

Before Liang Kaiwen finished speaking, the phone was hung up. He looked around, and the others lowered their heads wittily to do things, pretending to not hear anything.

That's all I heard.

Liang Kaiwen's face was as thick as a wall, touched his nose, and casually pushed the door into the chairman's office.

Ten minutes later, Qin Rongze walked into the office with a dark face. Liang Kaiwen, who had been waiting there, was overjoyed, "Chairman!"

Qin Rongze frowned and said: "You better really have something important to ask me."

"That's right, Mingshu and I..." Liang Kaiwen scratched his head embarrassedly. "In fact, it is not too important that I and Xiang Mingshu get married as soon as possible, and my family wants me to go back."

Liang Kaiwen's family wanted him to go back a long time ago, and he has been pursuing Jiang Mingshu. These are not news!

Qin Rongze's face darkened, "What do you want to say to me."

Liang Kaiwen smiled happily, "I mean, we have reached an agreement, I am engaged to Mingshu, and then go back to work."

"Are you and Jiang Mingshu getting engaged?" Qin Rongze was taken aback for a moment, "Ah, are you going to resign?"

Although Liang Kaiwen often said something inconsequential, he is a reliable person and his ability to do things is not critical.

"From Mingshu, we..." Liang Kaiwen said, "I don't want to, but my family is urging me. After all, I am thirty years old, and they are also in a hurry now."

After Liang Kaiwen finished talking about his family's affairs, he couldn't help but curiously asked: "Did the chairman's house not remind you?"

Qin Rongze's family originally expected Qin Rongze to be a daughter of the Ayres Consortium in the country of the country. As a result, the Aris Consortium is now accused of engaging in drug dealing under the guise of developing the hotel industry.

Once this kind of scandal is involved, the Ayers consortium probably won't have many good days.

The two of the Qin family had to give up Adriana, but it was impossible for them to accept an ordinary girl like Lin Yao, presumably the chairman would continue to be a partner.

Liang Kaiwen was quite sympathetic. He thought so in his heart, but he couldn't express the slightest. He kept saying: "I shut up and I shut up. Can't I shut up?"

After a while, Kevin Liang said, "But Mingshu hasn't agreed to be engaged to me."

Qin Rongze's mood improved inexplicably, "Then?"

Liang Kaiwen helplessly said: "Otherwise, during this period, I will stay in the company first, and I will return to Xiamen City when Ming Shu agrees to be engaged with me."

Qin Rongze snorted, "If you are like this, I hope you won't make it."

"Chairman!" Liang Kaiwen was excited. "Don't you say that? When Ming Shu and I get engaged, don't you have a chance? Lin Yao, I mean that Shu will definitely invite Lin Yao..."

Qin Rongze said coolly, "Before you come to tell me about these things, should you let her agree to marry you?"

"Yes." Liang Kaiwen sighed for a long time. "I don't understand why she didn't give me a chance. As long as she gave me this chance, I would definitely be desperate to deal with her... Hey! Don't talk about it, Director Long, sometimes I envy you, Lin Yao is not as clumsy as Ming Shu, as long as you are willing to take that step, Lin Yao must be..."

Qin Rongze didn't say anything.

He seemed to be sitting relaxed on the sofa, and his index finger on the armrest kept tapping the sofa lightly, obviously thinking about something.

Kevin Liang said in a puzzled way: "It's all men, I don't believe you don't have that idea. Now that Adriana is gone, why didn't you go to Lin Yao?"

How do you know I didn't go to Lin Yao?

Qin Rongze just thought about it, but didn't say it. He said meaningfully: "Hundred-legged insects, die but not stiff, we have not yet reached the time."

Kevin Liang frowned, "Is it so tricky over there?"

Qin Rongze was expressionless, "It's trickier than you think!"

Kevin Leung was shocked again I went, and I really didn't see that Adriana, the big-chested brainless man, had such a deep background. "

Qin Rongze glanced at him.

"I shut up, I will continue to shut up." About a minute later, Liang Kaiwen said again: "But chairman, you have been indifferent to this, it is not a way? How can there be a boyfriend and a boyfriend who have not been in contact for more than half a year of?"

Qin Rongze's eyes flashed, and his tone was determined: "She will wait for me. During this period, you should not deliberately pay attention to her affairs, and don't mention her in front of anyone, including me."

"Okay, okay, I see, I must shut my mouth firmly." About a minute later, Liang Kaiwen spoke again, "But the chairman..."

Qin Rongze's expression became more and more ugly, "Have you ever finished?"

Liang Kaiwen had to dispel the idea of ​​digging into the roots, "Okay, I'm going to find Mingshu, I don't know anything about you, okay?"

Qin Rongze waved his hand indifferently, "Go out."

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