Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 81: Midsummer night without dreams

Lin Yao finished his Spanish class and went to Wulin Square Station to take the bus as usual.

After waiting for the car, she tried again and finally got through Jiang Mingshu's call.

"Hello~?" On the other end of the phone, Jiang Mingshu's voice sounded feeble, "What's the matter?"

Lin Yao asked with concern: "How are you?"

Jiang Mingshu snorted lightly and asked, "What can I do?" It was just a bit of a fishbone.

Lin Yao has no experience of getting stuck in a fishbone and going to the hospital. She was a little relieved when she heard Jiang Mingshu say that, "It's fine if you are fine. They said it was very scary that day."

Speaking of the embarrassment that night, Jiang Mingshu immediately became angry again, "What are you looking for? Tell me if there is something, I'll hang up if it's okay!"

Lin Yao understands that Jiang Mingshu really still minded the matter of giving her to Liang Kaiwen at the time.

She thought a little, and asked: "I am now at Wulin Square, how about you going to see you?"

"What are you doing here? Who wants you to come over?" Jiang Mingshu raised his voice and yelled, "You are not allowed to come over!"

Just as Jiang Mingshu yelled at Lin Yao, her door was knocked, "Ming Shu..."

It sounds like Liang Kaiwen's voice.

Lin Yao only realized it at this time. They were living together. It would be too inappropriate for her to disturb others so late, so she changed her words: "Well, let's make an appointment next time."

Jiang Mingshu covered the microphone almost at the same time Liang Kaiwen was speaking, and ignored what the person on the other end of the phone was saying.

While talking, Liang Kaiwen walked into the room with long legs, "Mingshu, are you calling me?"

Jiang Mingshu squinted at him coldly, and said with no anger: "I'm calling, there is nothing wrong with you, go out quickly!"

Liang Kaiwen was not angry, and sat down beside her with a grin, "It's all here."

Jiang Mingshu pushed him, but didn't push away. He only warned in a low voice, "I'm calling, don't bother me!"

Liang Kaiwen leaned on her with one arm, and wanted to hug her, "If you concentrate on the call, I will be with you by the side and promise not to speak."

Jiang Mingshu gave him a roll of eyes, "If you don't go, I will go!"

After all, she got up and left without hesitation.

"Ming Shu!"


Besides Lin Yao, she waited for a long time and did not wait for Jiang Mingshu's response.

She had the answer in her heart, and obviously no one wanted to go there in the rouge.

In that case, she had to give up.

Just when Lin Yao thought that she and Jiang Mingshu might be friends because of the fishbone incident, Jiang Mingshu spoke again, "Where are you? I'll look for you in the past."

Five minutes later, Jiang Mingshu and Lin Yao met at Wulin Square.

Jiang Mingshu's expression flashed unnaturally, and said, "Well, I want to go to the West Lake for a walk."

This is what she meant to say to herself.

Lin Yao curled her lips and nodded happily, "Just in time, I also want to go to the West Lake."

Going from Wulin Square to the West Lake, they said it was not near or far, so they chose to walk with great understanding.

Jiang Mingshu asked casually: "Why do you keep running to Wulin Square these days?"

Lin Yao calmly explained: "I'm learning a foreign language here, Spanish."

She had told Jiang Mingshu more than once about learning Spanish at New World Foreign Language School, but Jiang Mingshu obviously didn't take it seriously.

"Isn't it?" Jiang Mingshu's eyes widened when he heard the words, "You are the back office, why are you learning Spanish? Do you have a chance to use it?"

It was this reaction every time, and Lin Yao had convinced her.

"Yes, I have a chance." Lin Yao thought for a while and said, "Lin Yun wants me to participate in the Canton Fair in October and the DUBAI exhibition in December."

"What are you talking about?!" Jiang Mingshu's eyes widened, and she was puzzled: "Don't you have a lot of salespersons in your company now, why let you go to the exhibition? You really changed your business?"

Lin Yao smiled bitterly, "Originally, I wanted to do business with all my heart, but Lin Yun and the others always disagree."

"Since you are not allowed to do business, why did they let you go to the Canton Fair? Why did they go to the DUBAI exhibition? That's outreach, outreach!" Jiang Mingshu asked a series of questions, and then the topic changed, "Oh, yes. Now, Prince DUBAI was named the most handsome prince in the world by the magazine, did you know that?"

How did she get to Prince DUBAI?

Lin Yao was a little confused, and Lin Yun mentioned that. It is not certain whether she will go or not. Even if she does go to DUBAI, it is not to meet the prince, but to participate in the exhibition. What does the handsome prince of DUBAI have to do with her?

Looking at Jiang Mingshu with a look of excitement, Lin Yao looked helpless and said: "They may also be entangled. After all, Jian Wen is gone and Shen Jingjing is also gone. Most of the others are hanging around in the company, and there is no suitable candidate."

"That's it?" Jiang Mingshu, who has been hanging around in Orlando, brushed her hair in her ear a little uncomfortably, and continued the previous topic, "Isn't this going to let you go to the exhibition, right? Or they deliberately let you be for others? Do wedding dresses?"

In fact, Jiang Mingshu's guess is not impossible.

Lin Yao suddenly became disappointed, "Who knows."

Lin Yun allowed her to participate in the exhibition, which can be regarded as Lin Yun's special care for her, and it can also be regarded as an award and honor.

The customer information she got after participating in the exhibition was handed over to Lin Yun for distribution. There are very few that can really be assigned to her.

However, even so, she still wanted to go to the show.

She knows exactly what her weakness is, she urgently needs more exercise, and she is about to strengthen her strength!

Only when she is so strong that she is daunting, some people will not dare to hit her idea!

Under the street lamp, the girl's expression was soft and calm, thoughtful and worried.

Jiang Mingshu knew that what she said just now might be too shocking, she gave a dry cough, and comforted: "However, it's good for you to go and see it, unlike me. I might not have the opportunity to participate in the exhibition in my life."

For the first time, Jiang Mingshu felt a little unwilling.

Lin Yao said with relief: "That's not true, there will always be opportunities in the future."

Jiang Mingshu sighed, "Unless I leave Orlando, I will probably stay in my current position until I retire."

A life that can be seen at a glance, no matter how perfect it is, I always feel that something is missing.

Lin Yao agreed with this, and she followed with a sigh, "Hey..."

Jiang Mingshu said sincerely: "Sometimes, I envy you."

Lin Yao paused, thinking that she had heard it wrong, and looked at her incredulously, "Do you envy my loneliness and no one chasing me, or do you envy my unstable work and lose my job at any time?"

Seriously, she was surprised that Jiang Mingshu would have such an idea!

Jiang Mingshu was amused by her, and laughed out loud, "Why do you say that to yourself?"

"What I said is the truth."

Lin Yao did not exaggerate, "Every time I save a little money, it means that the time to pay the rent has come again. This feeling is very bad, and worse than this is that when it comes time to pay the rent, I find that I have paid the rent again. Did not save enough money to rent money!

To tell you the truth, before the Chinese New Year last year, I was still worried about not being able to pay the rent. I'm tired of being chased by the landlord for rent, so I won't ask you to rent a house with me anyway. "

Is that right?

Jiang Mingshu was thoughtful. After graduating from college, she went directly to Orlando and moved from the school dormitory to Orlando's staff dormitory in Yanzhili Community. She had never rented a house.

She thought there was a lot of room to choose for renting a house. Even if she rents together, she can live with her own roommate, which is better than living in the dormitory and roommate assigned by the company.

She thought about it seriously. Maybe it was because she had a smooth life. She has always been a moonlight clan. Although she wanted to move out of the dormitory, she really didn't want to encounter the embarrassment of being chased by the landlord for rent.

She calmly said with relief: "Maybe, this is a test from the heavens. Maybe there will be a big surprise waiting for you soon. You see you are about to participate in the Canton Fair, and you have to go abroad to participate in the exhibition."

Big surprise?

Lin Yao replied with "Haha."

She didn't tell Jiang Mingshu about Qin Yi's entanglement with her, and she was worried about how to give up this "hard-won" exhibition opportunity to others!

In fact, she didn't even want to participate in the DUBAI exhibition, it was too close to the postgraduate exam.

If she chooses to participate in the exhibition, then her plan to apply for classes in the second half of the year will be ruined.

If she refuses these two exhibitions, Lin Yun will probably never give her another chance to participate in the exhibition.

In short, she is in a dilemma!

At about nine o'clock, Lin Yao and Jiang Mingshu walked side by side in the Jiuqu Corridor, enjoying the sparkling West Lake in the night, which is what Lin Yao and Jiang Mingshu like to do most in summer.

Xi Xi's cool breeze that swept across the lake finally blew away the summer heat, which made people feel refreshed.

Lin Yao raised her head and looked at the dark night sky, the gradually crippled full moon and the stars in the sky.

Lin Yao smiled and said, "Tonight you have been talking about me, but you never said anything about yourself."

Jiang Mingshu Ni glanced at her and asked indifferently, "I am the same every day, what can I say?"

Lin Yao raised her eyebrows and said seriously: "I want to say that, he seems to care about you very much, you really don't think about it at all?"

Jiang Mingshu frowned unhappily, "Don't mention him to me, it's annoying to mention it."

Lin Yao was puzzled by this, "What are you bothering about?"

Yeah, what is she bothering about?

Jiang Mingshu was silent. If at the beginning, she was annoyed by Liang Kaiwen's endless entanglement, then what happened later?

During the two months when Liang Kaiwen traveled to the United States on a business trip, she finally calmed down, but her mood didn't get any better.

Later, Liang Kaiwen finally returned from the United States, but instead of staying in Hangzhou, he went to Xiamen, and she was uncontrollably feeling lost.

Jiang Mingshu is not a child, she knows what it means, but Ren Jiaying is right. Liang Kaiwen pursues her not necessarily because he likes it, it is probably just because he has not been so mercilessly rejected when he grows up. .

If he really catches up, Liang Kaiwen won't take her seriously.

Jiang Mingshu felt so deeply. She kept telling herself that she must not be tempted by Liang Kaiwen's flowery young man, but she gradually fell into his passionate pursuit.

She thought about it again and again, and accepted the proposal of Snow Angel to have a dinner with six people, but she did not expect that the development of the matter far exceeded her imagination.

She first met the people in black, and the foreign friend of Snow Angel... After they had lunch in a very weird atmosphere, she left with excuses.

When I came back, I encountered something like that again.

When she confronted the man named Liu Jian, even though she was holding a kitchen knife in her hand, she was still very frightened. She was so afraid that her legs were so weak that she could hardly even stand firmly and her hands could not restrain herself. Shaking, "Get out, get out of me! Otherwise, I'm not welcome!"

But Liu Jian was just the opposite. After he got through the initial panic, he quickly eased up.

He laughed badly, and obviously didn't take Jiang Mingshu's bluffing words seriously, "I saw you go to a bar with Li Xue, what are you still pretending to be a chaste woman in front of me?"

Li Xue is the Snow Angel. After this day, Jiang Mingshu already knew that what Lin Yao told her before was true.

It's a pity it's too late!

She has led the wolf into the room!

Jiang Mingshu was ashamed and angry, and the remaining reason told her that she must not show weakness at this time!

She kept yelling, "Get out! I won't be polite if you don't get out!"

When the other party saw this, he became more calm, "Would you like to have fun? It just so happens, and I have not tried a woman with such a temperament, then I will accompany you to have fun today!"


Jiang Mingshu's mind seemed to be thrown into tons of explosives, she was about to be blown up!

She is not courageous, but her temper has always been quite strong.

The anger was instantly ignited, and she forgot her timidity and slashed at the opponent with her kitchen knife.

Liu Jian finally realized that he was in trouble today.

The situation reverses immediately!

Liu Jian hugged his head in Jiang Mingshu's room. When he was about to grab the door and flee, he was blocked by Liang Kaiwen who had just returned from Xiamen.

Liang Kaiwen has not practiced martial arts properly, but he has also learned some self-defense techniques. Now Liu Jian, who was already panicking, was beaten to the ground.

Jiang Mingshu's tight heartstring relaxed completely at the moment he saw Liang Kaiwen, and his whole body slumped on the ground.

Jiang Mingshu hesitated to tell Lin Yao about what happened that day, "But it's impossible for me and him, and his family won't accept me."

Lin Yao didn't dare to say: "He has taken you to meet his family?"

Jiang Mingshu smiled bitterly, "I have seen it, but it is better not to have seen it."

That day, Kevin Liang offered to take her to "cope" with his mother.

Jiang Mingshu hesitated, but she still dressed up beautifully. Who knows, she met Li Xin'er before she saw Liang Kaiwen's mother, and later met with his mother in such an embarrassing ~Jiang Mingshu picks up and talks about the course of the matter, and laughs self-deprecatingly, "You are right, there is no possibility at all, what is wrong with me?"

That being said, the sentiment of letting go is like a flood when the gate is opened, and it can't be taken back.

Her remarks are tantamount to admitting that she likes Liang Kaiwen in disguise.

Lin Yao wanted to wake her up very much, "He is very sincere to you, he is not procrastinated, and you are not unmoved. Since the two love each other, why not face each other's feelings and get along well?"

Jiang Mingshu was still smiling, but she was crying in her heart, "His heart can only represent him now, not that he has always been like this and likes me. If it is destined to have no results, why should I start?"

When Lin Yao returned home, it was very late, but she was not sleepy. As soon as she closed her eyes, her mind began to mess up again.

Jiang Mingshu and Liang Kaiwen, she and Qin Rongze, are they destined to have no results?

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