Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 80: Hard-won opportunity

Lin Yao returned home alone, and when she just took out the key to open the door, the door opened by herself.

A fat man wearing only boxer pants greeted her with a smile, "Miss Lin is back?"

It was tenant Xiao Li's boyfriend who opened the door for her, who seemed to have just finished the shower.

Lin Yao was stunned, and said to him, "Thank you!" So he hurried into the house.

She lived with Li Shulan and his wife for more than half a year and had not encountered this situation, so she originally thought that there was nothing wrong with renting a house with a couple, but now it seems that she may be too optimistic.

It doesn't matter what they do in their own house, but it's different if they are naked outside.

Perhaps, she should talk to Xiao Li about this situation?

However, the young couple stayed in the house after taking a shower. It would be inappropriate for her to knock on the door at this time. She can only wait for the next time and find an opportunity to talk about it.

Seeing the empty room, Lin Yao thought of Jiang Mingshu in the hospital, so she dialed her number, and she was hung up as soon as the phone rang twice.

She didn't know whether Jiang Mingshu was inconvenient to answer the phone because he was taking the fishbone, or blamed herself for giving her to Liang Kaiwen and didn't want to answer her phone.

No matter what, she had to give up.

Lin Yao let out a sigh of relief, her house was almost cleaned up, and she had to prepare for the exam in December, and she had no time to take care of other things.

That night, Lin Yao did the question very late, and Jiang Mingshu never answered her call.

Still the next day.

The third day is Monday.

Lin Yun did not come to work in the company this morning, and Chairman Qin personally presided over the morning meeting.

"Recently, our company's personnel have changed a lot, and people's feelings are a little impetuous. I think it is necessary to mention our company's rules and regulations again.

Waiting for someone to make a mistake and then punish them is just to make up for it. The perfect result depends not on a strict system, but on rigorous and precise process control.

However, a perfect system is also necessary, and no one can deny this. "

After all, Chairman Qin came from a big company, and he always talked in one set.

It's a pity that everyone in Ling Yun heard a little hazy, and they didn't know what Director Qin wanted to express.

At the end of the meeting, Chairman Qin took off his glasses, looked around everyone sharply, and said: "Finally, I want to remind everyone that whether you go or stay, Ling Yun will always be Ling Yun, and it won’t be because of who did anything. And it’s affected. Just like if someone is missing, the earth will still turn!

But if you leave such a good platform, you may not be able to find a better one. I hope everyone will cherish it and work hard! "

Everyone was dumb, and even the champion Wang Li Renhai didn't know how to support him.

There was a moment of silence, and there was sparse applause in the conference room.

After the meeting, everyone returned to their seats and continued to work, but Li Renhai was called to talk alone by Chairman Qin.

As soon as the chairman finished his training in the morning meeting, he approached Li Renhai, but he knew that there would be nothing good. Everyone is not in a relaxed mood, for fear that it will be their turn next.

A few minutes later, Li Renhai came out of the chairman's office with a calm face.

Li Renhai is notoriously good-tempered. Lin Yao couldn't help being surprised. What exactly did Chairman Qin say to make Li Renhai so angry?

"Is it criticized?"

"No!" Li Renhai didn't complain often. This time he was so angry that he whispered, "He asked me to go to the building opposite and give him a copy of his ID card. You said, he...did it last night? Drunk too much, the wine hasn't woken up yet?"

The "he" in Li Renhai's mouth refers to Chairman Qin.

Lin Yao also felt that Chairman Qin was inexplicable, "There is a photocopier in the company, why do you have to go so far to make copies?"

Li Renhai said in a huff: "He said that the copying machine in the company was not clear enough. He asked me to make copies outside. He also specified that I must go to the printing room under the building opposite, and he only needs one copy!"

The building on the opposite side looked very close, but not close when I walked.

Ling Yun is on this side of Stadium Road, and the building is on the opposite side of the road. Because the zebra crossing is far away, Li Renhai has to walk a long way after going downstairs to reach the zebra crossing, cross the stadium road, and then walk back again. What he called the press room.

This time, he had to walk more than one kilometer.

It is July, the hottest season, and the road surface temperature can reach more than 50 degrees.

The chairman of the board made people go so far to copy the ID card, not to mention that he also specified that Li Renhai could only make one copy.

This is simply to toss him on purpose.

Lin Yao pondered for a moment and asked, "He, why do you want you to copy your ID card?"

Li Renhai thought for a while, "It seems to be preparing for the exhibition."

Lin Yao probably understood something, "That's it."

Lin Yun mentioned to her that Chairman Qin not only plans to take salespersons to participate in the Canton Fair, but also plans to go to Las Vegas and Frankfurt by himself.

She stopped Li Renhai who was about to go outside and suggested: "Brother, you'd better make a few more copies for later use."

Li Renhai sighed, "I asked him, and he said that only one copy is allowed. If there are too many copies, the copy of his ID may be taken by someone who is interested in doing illegal things."

Chairman Qin's implication is that if Li Renhai dared to make more copies of his ID card, he would blame Li Renhai for such messy things in the future.

Lin Yao analyzed: "He is going to three exhibitions in the second half of the year. I guess he is still a test this time, and he is definitely not the last time he has made such a request to you. Just like buying cigarettes before, you have to think about it. Countermeasures will work."

Regardless of Lin Yao, Jian Wen or Li Renhai, they came to Lingyun for the same purpose: to find a platform, to flex their muscles, and to work hard for their ideals, but the reality is not what they want.

Jian Wen was found fault because of receiving a big order and left sadly.

Lin Yao was worried all day because of Chairman Qin's coveting.

Li Renhai worked diligently and conscientiously, but was called by Chairman Qin as a slave.

"I know it."

Although Li Renhai felt 10,000 unhappy in his heart, he had to go out and copy his ID card unhappy.

That afternoon, Lin Yao encountered a problem again. SAADH asked for a price reduction. Although the price reduction was not large, it was beyond her authority.

Lin Yun is not in the company. As for Chairman Qin, Lin Yao really doesn't want to deal with him!

And she was very worried. If she took the initiative to ask Chairman Qin for instructions, would the other party mistakenly think that she would cling to it?

No, she must not go to Chairman Qin!

But leaving the client's affairs aside, it is not her style of doing things, what should I do?

Just as Lin Yao's heart was in a mess, her cell phone ringing suddenly rang.

What she didn't expect was that the person who called her was Lin Yun!

Yes, Lin Yun is not in the company, so she can still ask for instructions on the phone, right?

Lin Yao's depressed mood suddenly became clear, "Hello, President Lin!"

Lin Yun's voice seemed to be deliberately suppressed very low, which seemed mysterious, "Are you in the company?"

Lin Yao was a little surprised, where would she be when she was not in the company during working hours?


Lin Yun asked, "Is Chairman Qin in the office?"

Although she felt weird, she replied: "Yes, he is in his own office."

"OK, see you later!"

Lin Yun hung up the phone as soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yao had no time to ask her own question.

Just as she was hesitating whether to call Lin Yun again, she saw Lin Yun stepping in calmly from the outside.

She wore a black backless long dress, exquisite makeup, with a big wave that was carefully managed, and she looked mature, elegant and charming with her gestures.

Lin Yun has almost recovered after the plastic surgery. The bruises on her face have completely disappeared. The facial features seem to be more three-dimensional and a bit more refined than before the plastic surgery. At first glance, she is somewhat similar to a popular movie star, but she The figure is better and the aura is stronger.

In stark contrast to her perfect image, she carried an extra-large plastic bag with the RT-Mart logo in her hand.

It’s packed in a plastic bag. It looks like shoes. Yes, they are really shoes. There are so many shoes! Almost burst the bag.

Lin Yun nodded slightly toward the people in the big office, and then went straight into his office, not forgetting to close the door.

After a while, she opened the door again, smiled and waved at Lin Yao, "Xiao Lin, come here."

Lin Yao just needed to ask her about SAADAH's request and got up happily.

When she walked in and took a look, she found that Lin Yun had already taken out all the things she had picked up with plastic and placed them.

Sure enough, they were all shoes, and they were all sandals. There were high-heeled, flat-bottomed, thick-heeled, thin-heeled, and strappy ones... Lin Yao had a complete set of styles.

Lin Yun has a lot of shoes, and halfway through this summer, Lin Yun actually bought more than a dozen pairs of sandals in one breath!

Lin Yao doesn't believe that these shoes are for next year.

Lin Yun said enthusiastically, "How about these things I bought when I passed by the Hangzhou Tower today?"

The Hangzhou Tower is a luxury product, so the price of these shoes must be high, but Lin Yao doesn't understand this, and I don't know how to evaluate it.

Before Lin Yao could say something, Lin Yun spoke again.

"Hangzhou Building is on sale! Look at this pair..." She picked up a pair of black sandals, "These shoes are 50% off, only more than five thousand! How about it, isn't it very cheap?"

It turned out that the more than 5,000 sandals are already very cheap in Lin Yun's opinion, so she definitely didn't know that when the season changed, the market had dozens of pairs of leather sandals!

Lin Yao said against his will: "It's cheap."

Lin Yun looked for it again, and turned out another pair of flat shoes, "This pair is also very suitable. The discount is less than 10,000. Others, uh... are also much cheaper than usual! You should check it out after get off work. Right."

Lin Yao has never worn more than five thousand sandals. In fact, she did not add up to five thousand from head to toe...Well, in fact, she was less than one thousand yuan in total.

Lin Yao knows Lin Yun and knows that she is not the kind of person who loves to show off her wealth.

Lin Yun said this to her, probably because he really thinks these shoes are so cheap, Lin Yao should also buy a few pairs to wear them.

"If I have time, I will check it out." Lin Yao nodded hard, but she would definitely run out of time. "By the way, President Lin, why do you use supermarket shopping bags to pack these?"

Lin Yao roughly estimated that the total value of these shoes would be more than one hundred or two hundred thousand. Even if they were for convenience, they didn't need to be put in the pouch.

Lin Yun was in a good mood and lighted himself a cigarette, and said quietly: "You are still young and don't understand men. If Edward sees me buying so many shoes at once, he will definitely feel pain, but he sees me. Put the shoes in a plastic bag, you will think that these are my old shoes. Just like he can't see the difference between the bag I carry every day, he can't see that my dozen or so pairs of shoes are different from the original What’s the difference between my shoes."

"High, really high!"

Lin Yun's words were quite insightful, but it was a pity that Lin Yao had no chance to practice.

After Lin Yun finished speaking, Lin Yao asked for instructions.

When she left the house, she remembered one more thing and asked: "Are you already preparing materials for the exhibition these days? I heard from Xiao Li that Chairman Qin asked him to make a photocopy of his identity."

Originally, she didn't need to mention these, but she really couldn't understand it.

Lin Yun breathed out a smoke ring and said lazily: "Yes, but what about Li Renhai? EDWARD is going to three exhibitions. How can a copy of an ID card be enough? Not only his, but our identity. The certificate must also be copied, I mean, mine, yours, Li Renhai's, and Zheng Feiyang's."

Li Renhai and Zheng Feiyang want to participate in the Canton Fair. This has been decided long ago, but why is there still her share?

Lin Yao was surprised: "I want mine too?"

Lin Yun smiled and said, "I'm going to finish this Canton Fair. Chairman Qin will take you, Li Renhai, and Zheng Feiyang to participate in the Canton Fair. As for the DUBAI exhibition, it's just the two of us! How about it, I'm not surprised, Was it unexpected?"

For Lin Yao, she was really surprised, but not happy.

It would be OK to go to DUBAI with Lin Yun, and to go to Guangzhou with Chairman Qin, it would be bad.

Lin Yao said: "Mr. Lin, it is enough for me and you to participate in the DUBAI exhibition. Let other salesmen participate in the Canton Fair."

Lin Yun took another cigarette, raised his eyes and looked at Lin Yao who was nervous, and couldn't help but smile, "I thought you would be very happy. It wasn't you who said, how good the Canton Fair is, I just thought, much Give you a chance to participate in the exhibition."

Lin Yao didn't think the Canton Fair was bad, but she had encountered such a problem when she participated in the Shanghai exhibition, and she would definitely not be willing to go to Guangzhou with Chairman Qin again for the exhibition, but this kind of concern cannot be told to Lin Yun.

"I think that other businesses should also be given some opportunities. They are saying that as the office director, I occupy so many resources of the company."

Lin Yun's eyelids jumped. This was actually Lin Yun's original opinion, "Yes, I didn't give them a chance, but they couldn't make the order by themselves. Who can blame it?"

In fact, even Li Renhai received more orders than those salesmen. This is by no means caused by uneven resource allocation.

Lin Yao insisted, "Let the salesman participate in this Canton Fair."

Lin Yao's reaction surprised Lin Yun. However, Lin Yun believed that she still knew Lin Yao well. She is now more mature and sensible than before. She is also better at covering up than before. She must still be the same as before. .

Business people, how can they hope to do less and let others do more?

When Lin Yao was divided into a few small orders, she was very angry.

Lin Yun smiled and said, "You should go, but don't disappoint my kindness."

Lin Yao didn't know how she left Lin Yun's office. She would definitely not go to the exhibition with Chairman Qin, so what reason should she use to decline Lin Yun's kindness?

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