Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 32: showdown

The night in early spring was cold, not to mention it was raining, Qin Rongze was anxious and walked towards Lin Yao.

Either Adriana, or the Aries consortium, from the moment he saw Lin Yao, he had no thoughts about anything beside him.

Lin Yao's speed was not fast, and she seemed to hesitate to leave, and was soon overtaken.

Qin Rongze grabbed her shoulder, Lin Yao was a little bit painful by him, and struggled a little.

Qin Rongze's always indifferent voice revealed a rare trace of panic, "Don't go, listen to my explanation!"

Lin Yao silently rolled her eyes in her heart. This is probably the most old-fashioned dialogue in the world, right?

In soap operas, whenever there is a misunderstanding between the hero and heroine, they will say this, but they are neither the hero or heroine of the idol drama nor the misunderstanding.

Besides, he has a "fiancée", what else can be explained?

Lin Yao looked at him in a trance, and the gloating faces of Zheng Yuning and others continued to appear before her eyes, and their sharp and mean words echoed in her ears.

Lin Yun: "...what do you know as a little girl?"

Zheng Yuning: "...When a woman sees a man, she can only see his surface, and when a man sees a man, he can see his essence through the surface..."

Xiao Zhang: "'s easier to lie to you alone, but it's harder to lie to all of us."

Xiao Guan: "...what he is sorry for you, even if he can hide it from you, he can't hide it from the big guy!"


Lin Yao originally thought that those who were just unfounded and even malicious speculations were slandering and slandering him, but in the end, what she thought was wrong!

How ironic?

It turned out that she really didn't understand anything, she really could only see the surface, and she was really deceived and played around without knowing it!

Qin Rongze looked anxious and didn't seem to be cheating. Since he said he wanted to explain, let him explain!

"Okay." Lin Yao looked at him, as if no anger or grievance could be seen in those clear eyes, "Then tell me, who just... who is she?"

Qin Rongze is also the first two at this time. She is not sure how much Lin Yao heard. If she only heard adriana's confession, shouldn't he say everything so early?

At least it has to wait until he removes all the false news from abroad, and then tells it all together, the effect should be better.

No matter what, just apologize first!

"Sorry, I didn't intend to hide from you. She is my alumnus and my client. She has known each other for more than ten years and expressed her favor to me more than once, but I...I refused, and she came back today. My answer is still rejection, you should have heard it too."

Alumni, customers, and goodwill all rejected, right?

Lin Yao believed that Qin Rongze's words were true, but he didn't say everything.

Qin Rongze frowned and said, "It's raining heavily, let's go to the car and talk, I will tell you what you want to know!"

Lin Yao shook his hand away, "No, let's talk about it first, you and your fiancee fell out here, why don't you comfort her first, but come to me?"


Qin Rongze's heart trembled, it was not that he hadn't thought about it, Lin Yao already knew all the possibilities, it was just that he had some luck before.

However, she still knew it!

Qin Rongze regretted it at this time. Why didn't he solve the adriana's matter earlier, instead of delaying it until now, Lin Yao hit him and saw them entangled.

Qin Rongze struggled for a while and told the truth, "She is not my fiancée! I have nothing to do with her, and I only saw her to persuade her to withdraw the false news as soon as possible."

It's just that his truth sounds so pale and weak at this time.

Lin Yao's angry eyes were crystal clear, "As a result, did she confess to you again?"

Qin Rongze looked at Lin Yao, unable to speak for a while.

The atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

"Yes." Qin Rongze suppressed his inner irritability and retorted, "But you can't misunderstand my relationship with her based on her side words."

One-sided words?


Lin Yao's mouth bends slightly, and she asks, "You think I'm a good cheat, right?"


Qin Rongze's face changed and he frowned, "You should have heard it just now. From the beginning to the end, she was pestering me, and I didn't give in... Don't make trouble, you won't get in the car after you get so, don't be afraid. cold?"

The rain was still falling, Lin Yao's wet hair tips stuck to her face. It was indeed not a place to talk, Lin Yao didn't want to stay long.

"No need!" Lin Yao raised her head and met his falcon eyes. "Have you never told me the truth? The chairman of Orlando Group, Mr. Qin Rongzeqin from the Qin family of the imperial capital, was taken by the American Aries Consortium. The lucky one among the golden daughters... When are you going to fool me?"

Qin Rongze froze suddenly, as if he had been pressed the pause button.

She squinted her eyes and let out a soft sound from her nose, "I said Mr. Qin, during this time, let's calm down and don't meet each other."

Qin Rongze didn't say a word for a long time, it was clear that her guess was not wrong!

Lin Yao suddenly lost the interest in continuing to say something, "I have to go."

"Wait!" Qin Rongze took off his coat and wrapped it around her, looking at the woman with a slight alienation on her face, said with difficulty: "Have you never lied?"

Lin Yao slightly raised the end of her hair uncomfortably, "I... although I don't want to, but sometimes, knowing that telling the truth will turn out to be worse, I will choose not to say it. If I am forced into anxieties, I just... I know this is not good."

"Yes, it's not good to lie! I hate people who lie the most, but..."

Qin Rongze didn't have the slightest confidence in his heart, but he still decided to tell the truth, "Since I knew you, I know that it turns out that telling a lie requires countless lies to make things happen, and then I started to lie endlessly. I have thought about it countless times. To tell the truth, as a result, every time I think that the time has not come, wait and wait until now."

"In the beginning, I just ran into you by chance, on Stadium Road, next to the newsstand, and later..."

He talked about every time they met like a few treasures, Lin Yao was surprised. It turned out that she had met so many times when she didn't know she hadn't noticed.

She suddenly realized, "It turns out that the person in the car that night was you, and I thought I met a bad guy."

Qin Rongze smiled bitterly, "I also thought about not disturbing your life, but I still can't help but want to know you more and see you more."

Qin Rongze went on to talk about the encounter in the western restaurant. Speaking of adriana, Qin Rongze had to mention that they won her in a knowledge contest at U University more than ten years ago, and then Adriana pursued him. At the same time, she maintained an ambiguous relationship with different boys.

Qin Rongze always kept a distance from Adriana, but she did not expect that she still did not give up. She also tried her best to please Qin Rongze's family, and made great benefits to his parents, and finally won their approval and issued the engagement announcement for Qin Rongze.

Lin Yao knew that Qin Rongze was also a returnee!

He, who is just like the ancients, is he like a turtle?

The next second, the ancients, uh no, Qin Rongze stepped forward and hugged her.

"I'm sorry, I have concealed so much from you, and let you down."

Having said all this, he felt relieved.

Lin Yao also patted him on the shoulder, "It's okay. Now you are not my official boyfriend. You are still in the probation period. If it is inappropriate, we will all have the opportunity to regret."

Qin Rongze stiffened, he couldn't help sighing, "Don't dare, from now on, I will put you first, okay?"

"Don't do this!" Lin Yao's face showed a slight warmth, "You are like this now, very good."

He is not bad, but a little too good.

Qin Rongze's original stern face slowly eased, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Okay, I listen to you, but you are still the most important thing in my heart."

Well, Lin Yao decided to take back his stodgy evaluation.

She cleared her throat and said solemnly: "It's best not to promise me too much, I might take it seriously."

Qin Rongze's voice is faint, but there is no doubt, "I am speaking the truth now, the most true truth!"

Lin Yao was surprised, "Oh, have you ever told a false truth?"

Qin Rongze suddenly didn't know how to answer the call.

Lin Yao turned to look at Di Xin Tang, a group of people were talking and laughing towards them.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, there really is a goddess fan!"

"The real is so beautiful even when she is angry!"

Zheng Yuning exclaimed, "Wow, why is Xiaolin still here? Is this your boyfriend?" Her eyes flew back and forth between the two.

While they were talking, the people of Lingyun Industry had surrounded them.

At this time, Lin Yao realized how attractive Qin Rongze was in the crowd.

Such a good man is not in the same world with her, how could they come together?


But, should he give up voluntarily because he is too good?

Or will he be handed over to a better woman?

Lin Yao was silent.

Qin Rongze calmly introduced himself: "Hello! I'm Xiaolin's boyfriend, Qin Rongze, I'm sorry for being late."

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