Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 31: Right and wrong

The information Qin Rongze gave to adriana is his secret about the Ayris family that he has let people investigate.

Adriana's parents have been divorced for many years. Her father seems to be dissatisfied with this illegitimate daughter. He just gave birth to a boy with his girlfriend last year and has plans to remarry.

This means that adriana's position as the only legal heir of the Ayers consortium is already in jeopardy.

If she is smart enough, she should fly back to the U.S. immediately to fight for the greatest benefit, instead of spending a lot of time pestering herself.

Qin Rongze is willing to give her proper support, but not in the way of becoming her fiancé.

He declared that as long as Adriana no longer pesters herself and promptly withdraws the false news about the so-called engagement, they will still be partners, but adriana's ideas are obviously different.

"Roy, wait!" (Rong, wait for me!)

In the parking lot of Dixintang, Qin Rongze found Adriana chasing him as soon as he got on the car, opened the door of his passenger cabin and got in.

Adriana looked at him affectionately, "looktoeyes, you will see what youan!" (Look at my eyes, you will find what you mean to me.)

"Eedyou, jtlikeeedtheair

eathe. "I need you just as I need to breathe air.


Adriana said all the confession words she knew, but the other party didn't respond!

It's not that Adriana has never had a boyfriend. In fact, since she was a teenager, she has never lacked a male partner, but Qin Rongze is not the same for her.

Qin Rongze was old-fashioned, serious, and indifferent, but he was handsome, gentleman, and self-cultivating. He satisfies all her illusions about the other half and makes her want to stop.

Adriana felt that she might have made a mistake before. She thought that Qin Rongze would like more conservative girls when she was conservative, so she has always been self-denying and respectful in front of Qin Rongze, always paying attention to maintaining the image of a lady.

At first, she thought her actions were correct, because there was no woman beside Qin Rongze besides her, but the relationship between her and Qin Rongze couldn't be furthered!

Originally this was nothing. In adriana's view, the responsibilities and obligations between each other began with the conclusion of the marriage relationship.

Although she loves Qin Rongze, before they step into the palace of marriage, everyone is free and can choose the life they want. Because of this, she is not in a hurry to enter the marriage life.

However, after more than ten years have passed, their relationship remains the same, which she cannot bear.

Adriana, as the heir to the Ayers consortium, had heard something about her father, but she didn't care about it.

She believes that she can hold the Ayris consortium firmly before that younger brother grows up.

With Qin Rongze's help, she could achieve this goal in advance.

This is the reason why she came to China from the United States to China, from Hangzhou to the imperial capital, and from the imperial capital to Hangzhou.

Orlando can't be compared with the Ayres Consortium, which has a century-old foundation, but Orlando has Qin Rongze, and sooner or later it will grow into an existence that the world will look up to!

If Iris joins forces with Orlando, it will definitely be 1+1 greater than 2!

Then, she will have more say in the Ayres Foundation, and Qin Rongze will also take this opportunity to step into the circle of the upper class in the United States!

What reason does he have to refuse such a good thing with multiple birds?

It is impossible for him to refuse!

Adriana is beautiful and self-confident. She doesn't think there is a man in this world who can resist her initiative to show love.

Unless, he is not a man.

Of course, she has repeatedly confirmed that Qin Rongze's health is good and his orientation is normal, but his personality is conservative.

In that case, let her take the initiative!

Adriana slowly met Qin Rongze's sight.

Qin Rongze was also staring at her, expressionless, but the oppression in his eyes made her dodge in his heart.

After a suffocating silence, Qin Rongze spoke.

His voice is particularly low in the night, "getout" (roll.)

Adriana's eyes widened in astonishment. "What?" What?

She couldn't believe that her "quasi-fiance" had a sullen face and said "get out" to her...

She froze for a second, got out of the car in panic, and when she was about to leave, a cold voice came from behind her.

"Idon\', don\'teorandoanyore" (I don't think our cooperation can continue, and I don't have to come to Orlando in the future!)


After solving adriana, Qin Rongze began to reflect on whether he was too polite to her, which made her have such an idea and struggled with herself.

Qin Rongze admitted that, despite his stern refusal, he didn't really want to offend the Aries consortium, otherwise he would not have tolerated adriana until now.

The drizzle came quietly in the night.

Qin Rongze frowned, took out his mobile phone and prepared to call Liang Kaiwen, so that he could rush to Dixintang as soon as possible, take adriana away, and arrange it properly to avoid recurring incidents.

Before he dialed his phone, he saw a familiar petite figure in front of the car, Lin Yao!

Her soft hair ribbon was dotted with tiny drops of water, her bright red lips were pressed tightly, and the edges of her lips had already turned gray, and the shock of her eyes was full.

Qin Rongze's heart was as shocked as hers.

Why is Lin Yao here?

Could it be that their company's dinner is also in Dixintang?

After Lin Yao saw that it was him, she turned her head and left.

Qin Rongze instantly understood that Lin Yao not only heard adriana's confession, but also what she said!

She knew who she was, she knew it all!

Qin Rongze hurriedly got out of the car and ran after him.

Besides, Lin Yao, after leaving Ling Yun's private room early, she was ready to go home.

As a result, she heard an almost hysterical roar without walking a few steps!

"Roy, noooo!"

Her first reaction was, how fresh is it that there are crooked nuts arguing in Dixintang?

Lin Yao turned to think about it, and felt that Dixintang, as one of the top ten restaurants in Hangzhou, is not uncommon for foreign guests.

In this case, it is not uncommon to have quarrels with crooked nuts.

What really surprised her was that the voice of that crooked nut was a bit familiar!

She couldn't help but glanced, which made her see a beautiful blonde woman not far away.

Lin Yao's eyesight is not very good, and she can't see clearly in the night, but the beautiful shadow makes her feel inexplicably familiar, as if she has seen it somewhere.

Lin Yao has many foreign customers, but the machinery industry is almost dominated by men, and she has no female customers at all!

Following the blonde beauty's sight, she saw another hurried back.

The man had a straight back, dressed in black, almost blending with the night.

The blonde beauty hesitated for a moment, and then followed, and left. They left in the same direction as her.

Lin Yao was planning to go to the roadside to take a taxi back to Chaoyang District. When passing the parking lot, she overheard the blond woman's affectionate confession.

"Eedyou, jtlikeeedtheair

eathe. "I need you just as I need to breathe air.

First quarrel, then confession...Tsk, it’s really exciting!

Lin Yao didn't expect that she was so close to them, and met them several times.

As the saying goes: don't see or listen to evil, she just wants to leave as soon as possible.

What made her even more unexpected was that she heard a more familiar voice before she could go far.

"Getout" (Get out.)

That was clearly Qin Rongze's voice!

Didn't he have customers visiting?

Why are you here?

And also confessed by a blonde beauty!

Not long after, the blonde got out of the car.

When Lin Yao turned her head, she happened to have a face-to-face meeting with her, and both of them saw shock in each other’s eyes.

She remembered this blonde beauty!

Last Christmas, at a western restaurant, she and Liang Chenzheng had a blind date, and Qin Rongze had a meal with this blonde beauty!

So the question is, what is the relationship between them?

Just as Lin Yao was in a state of confusion, she heard Qin Rongze say: "idon\', don\'teorandoanyore" (I don't think our cooperation can continue, so I don't have to come to Orlando again!)

Lin Yao was happy, because this blonde beauty is really Qin Rongze's customer!

But this is not the point!

The point is, he mentioned Orlando!


The blonde hurried away.

Lin Yao was stunned, and the dialogue between Xiao Zhang and Zheng Yuning seemed to echo in her ears.

Xiao Zhang’s tone is very exaggerated, "I went to see the daughter s of the Iris Consortium on purpose... Oh my God, she is so beautiful! The temperament is super good! The body is so good, and Wei It's like a supermodel! Such a white, rich and beautiful girl is actually going to be Hua Guo's daughter-in-law!"

Zheng Yuning is a little I watch the news every day, why don't I see it? "

"It's true!" Xiao Zhang said very confidently: "The news of the marriage between the Iris Consortium and the Orlando Group is also released on s!"

Lin Yao heard them talking about the Orlando Group and couldn't help but interrupted, "Who are you talking about marrying with whom?"

Zheng Yuning glanced at her contemptuously, "Who else? Naturally a diamond-level bachelor, the chairman of the Orlando Group himself."


It turns out all this is true!

When Qin Rongze saw her, that face that had always been calm and calm was full of shock.

They looked at each other through the glass for a moment or a century.

Lin Yao was the first to react. She turned her head and left without stubbornness. No, she ran away.

She just wants to escape this place of right and wrong now!

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