Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 191 Inheritance Rights

She inherited all of Cersei's beauty.

"Eat the elephant with your dragon, my son." Tyrion looked at the Cyvasse board by the hot springs. This was a new game, and it was very interesting.

When Myrcella heard the familiar voice, she raised her eyebrows slightly and said in a cheerful voice, "Uncle Tyrion."

She stood up and hugged him, and the little devil opened his arms to welcome the beautiful little angel.

Tyrion thought to himself: She doesn't have the slightest bit of ruthlessness like Cersei.

"Lord Tyrion." Prince Tristan Martell, who was sitting on the other side of the chessboard, also stood up.

This is a well-behaved boy, Tyrion commented.

"How long will you stay here?" the girl asked him.

The little devil pursed his lips and rolled his eyes as if thinking, then suddenly grinned: "That depends on how long our little princess wants her uncle to stay."

"Tristan and I can stay with you all day, uncle. We can make Silvas and eat apple pie together."

"That will have to wait at least until I meet His Excellency the Prince." Tyrion smiled with a hint of ferocity in the scars on his face.

He didn't have much to do in Dorne, especially after his interest in prostitutes was greatly reduced. Apart from wine, Tyrion could only wander around or stay in his room reading a book all day. .

Tyrion walked up the marble stairs, told the guards his purpose, and met Prince Doran Martell in front of the balcony. The elder Martell Sun was confined to a wheelchair and suffered from severe gout, a disease that always appeared in nobles.

A red silk gown, a jeweled girdle, and a satin mat in front of the prince's legs.

"Lord Tyrion, did you enjoy your trip to Dorne?"

"Of course, I am very grateful for Martell's kindness." Tyrion saluted him.

"I hope I'm not too negligent."

"Dorne has the best wine in the world, I think I will never come back." Tyrion said with a smile.

"The maester advised me to drink as little as possible, but Oberon told me that the blood of the Dornish people is half blood and half wine." Doran asked the attendant to bring the wine. "This is one of the few hobbies he and I have in common. ”

The wine glass was handed to the dwarf's hand. Tyrion swung the crimson wine in the copper cup, raised the glass, and then drank lightly. "Life without wine will lose half of the fun."

A ray of sunlight fell down, dispelling some of the chill, reflecting the sparkling sparkle in the cup. The children's cheering sounds sounded below, and Tyrion and Prince Doran couldn't help but look there.

On the banks of the pool and fountain, children were chasing and playing with each other. Boys and girls shouted about their heroes, "Prince Guerin" and "Arthur Dayne, Sword of the Dawn".

"Prince Gaelin." It was an interesting name, and Tyrion happened to be reading a history of the Rhoynar.

Doran has been immersed in his stories since he was a child. "The Valyrians were defeated by him." The dragonlords never let the Rhoynar bow their heads on the battlefield.

"He is a great warrior, and of course there are those curses that are talked about by the minstrels, and the Doom of Valyria."

"You seem to know Valyria well?" the prince asked.

Tyrion shook his head, "I don't know much about it. There are many books about Valyria in Casterly Rock. Those books were already there when Aegon landed in Westeros. I even found Casterly Rock in them. The handwriting of King Tommen II, you know he later led a fleet to search for the ruins of Valyria, never to return."

The little devil felt sorry for his ancestor, and he also took away the Lannister's ancestral sword "Light Howl".

"During those days when I traveled to the Free Trade City-State, I often heard stories about Valyria." Doran had traveled around the Free Trade City-State when he was young, and it was in Norvos that he and his wife met.

Oberyn was right, they would have plenty to talk about, but none of that was what Tyrion wanted to know.

"I am Nymeria," one of the children yelled.

"I once read "The Voyage of Ten Thousand Ships." It is the story of Queen Nymeria leading the Rhoynar people to the west.

"It seems that Oberon is right, you are a knowledgeable person." The prince praised.

"That's ridiculous. Dorne's inheritance law has always emphasized equality between men and women. I think this queen must have contributed a lot." Tyrion said suddenly. He remembered what Oberon told him that Dorne wanted Myrcella. To inherit the Iron Throne, Myrcella's right of succession is superior to Tommen in the eyes of the Dornish people.

Prince Doran just smiled, "The women of Dorne are also powerful warriors."

"So, in your opinion, that Targaryen girl should be qualified to inherit the Iron Throne." After traveling from Oberon to the Borderlands, Tyrion vaguely guessed something.

"In my opinion, Myrcella is also qualified to inherit the Iron Throne, but she is a good and obedient child." The prince said.

Tyrion took a sip of wine and nodded in agreement, "Yes, she is a good girl. Good children should live in the garden. The castle will make them learn bad things, don't you think so? Your Highness."

Maybe he had the idea of ​​letting Myrcella become the queen. His father and Cersei must have looked very wonderful when they heard the news, but after seeing the child for the first time, Tyrion gave up the idea.

"Oberon told you a lot of things, right?" the prince asked.

"It tells a lot of stories."

They chatted for a long time, and Prince Doran's words were as cautious as the rumors said, without any emotion or attitude, as if he was just a person who stayed out of the matter.

"Careful, smart, thoughtful, unfathomable, every word, every action, will carefully weigh the weight and consequences." Tyrion thought of Lord Tywin's evaluation of Prince Doran.

He walked down the stairs exhausted. On the way from King's Landing to Sunspear, Oberyn hinted that Dorne would rebel. All Tyrion could guess was that he would raise an army for Daenerys Targaryen.

Would Lord Tywin not think of it? No, Tyrion denied it in his heart.

He just hoped that Myrcella would not be involved, but Prince Doran did not seem to give him a clear answer. Tyrion knew that the Targaryen girl would definitely bring the justice that the Dornish wanted.

Dothraki, Ironborn, Dorne. Can such an alliance be solid?

Tyrion suddenly laughed at himself. What did all this have to do with him? He was just a dwarf living under someone else's roof.

At this time, two people were walking towards him in a hurry.

"Sir Manfred" Tyrion greeted one of them.

Manfred Martell, the acting lord of Sunspear, nodded to him.

Tyrion noticed that the young knight following Manfred had a lot of damage on his armor. Although he did not recognize the person, he recognized the emblem on the armor - the Yronwood family of Yronwood City.

Happy New Year, I wish you all the best in 2023.

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