Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 169: The Late Count Sven

The vast forest slowed down the march, and farmland and orchards could be seen everywhere on the fertile land.

The military camps surrounded the Rain House City, which had been captured by the army led by Cole.

In the process of establishing this full-time soldier, he strictly controlled the discipline of the soldiers, so during the war, he did not allow his men to burn, kill and loot.

Cole sat alone in his tent. After they won the battle with the rain forest army, he fell into deep reflection.

It was Camillo who crossed the mountains who changed the situation. They came out from the rear and caught the rain forest people off guard. Sir Eamon Easmon was killed by a cavalryman named 'Gabriel', and then Cole personally canonized him as a knight.

In the battle to capture the Rain House City, he felt even more deeply.

Cole looked at the map in a low voice. Although he won the battle, he did not feel any sense of accomplishment. In this battle that he personally caused and commanded, his performance as a commander was terrible.

He seriously underestimated his enemy and did not deeply understand his opponent.

He also seemed very incompetent in grasping the timing of the battlefield.

He was just a rookie leading the army. Some victories and flattery made him misjudge his strength. If there were no dragons, no great strength and the Eye of Time, he would be an ordinary person without any talent.

He tried to think back to his mentality when he first came down from the Great Wall. At that time, he was full of a sense of crisis and regarded everything in the Westeros continent as a huge wave that destroyed the world. He only wanted to find a place to rest and live and save his life.

At that time, he did not know the fate he was carrying. He only regarded himself as a rootless duckweed, and did not know what he would bring to the world. Like a child testing the night, he walked slowly step by step.

What changed him, was it power, strength, or dragons?

What kind of person will this change turn him into?

He picked up the list of nobles of the Seven Kingdoms that he brought with him. On the first page, it was written "Aegon the Conqueror". He flipped through it casually and saw "King Aegon the Unworthy" and "Aemon the Dragonrider". Then he flipped through it and saw "Daemon Blackfyre" and "Brynden Rivers".

He closed the book gently.

The official walked into the tent, "My lord, this is the news that has just been delivered."

Cole took it and began to check the news from Storm's End.

The news from the North was that the Northern Army led by Eddard Stark suffered a great defeat on the plains north of Duskendale, and the main force was almost annihilated by the Reach Army led by Randyll Tarly.

The Reach Army advanced northward and lifted the siege of Riverrun by the Northerners. At the same time, Walder Frey's betrayal forced Robb Stark's army to fight the Reach Army on the Blue Fork.

Robb Stark led his army to break out and has now returned to the Neck.

The North has completely lost all control over the Riverlands.

Cole put down the letter helplessly. The people of the North are not strong enough!

The next letter came from King's Landing.

Our old man Tywin is going to start using troops against Dragonstone. In the letter, King's Landing called on them to participate in this action.

They are still trapped in the rainforest. Although he is dealing with the enemy as quickly as possible, he can't get away for a while. Besides, it is still unknown whether the Golden Group is an enemy or a friend. Of course, this enemy and friend is for "Aegon", not Cole at the moment.

The Martell family seems to have been paying attention to the Targaryens on the other side of the Narrow Sea, so Dorne will be responsible for influencing their secret alliance.

Cole is anxious to integrate the Stormlands and prepare for the Dragon Mother to cross the sea.

He had hoped that the Starks could attract the attention of Lannister in the Riverlands, but as soon as he left the Stormlands, all the Starks were driven back to the North.

Now Cole was even a little worried that Lannister would come to destroy Guo in a false way. After all, the remaining strength of Storm's End was not much better than that of the Riverlands.

The proportion of knights in Storm's End and Rainforest Army showed the situation in the Stormlands, and it was in such a situation that they were almost unable to make ends meet that they had to fight this civil war.

Of course, with the free people entrenched in the Royal Forest, Cole had a barrier on land, but it was hard to say on the sea.

All the ships in the Stormlands were here, and the Rainforest had only more than 20 large ships, and Storm's End had only ten thin warships.

He was a little unwilling to withdraw his troops now. Obviously, as long as he captured Greenstone City, he would be the only voice in the entire Stormlands, but at this moment, the situation in the North suddenly changed.

Another piece of news from the North, without an indication of where it came from.


He slammed the letter on the table. Shireen was taken to the North by the group of queen's party.

Rage rose from his chest. What did Melisandre want to do! What prophecy did the damn Lord of Light give you to make you travel thousands of miles to the North.

He thought of something about Shireen, and his anger was mixed with worry. He didn't dare to guess what crazy actions those crazy people who believed in the Red God would do.

"Your Highness, Lord Gullian Swan is asking for an audience outside the camp." José came into the tent.

Cole calmed his heaving chest, "Bring him to see me."

Although he should have gone to greet him in person, the late Lord Swan made him quite unhappy, not to mention that he was angry now.

After José walked out of the tent, Cole adjusted his mentality and tried to suppress his anger until Gullion Swann, who was wearing armor, walked into the tent.

"Bring a chair to the Earl." He ordered the officer.

"I wonder if your health is okay?" Looking at the sitting Earl of Stonehelm, Swann controlled the land from the red soil to the Cape of Wrath in the east of Dorne's borderland, with a long history and strong strength. The most important thing is that they did not suffer much loss in a series of battles in the Stormlands.

So after Cole defeated the coalition forces of the rain forest, he stationed another army on one side of Stonehelm to play a deterrent role.

Two fighting swans, one white and one black, were engraved on Earl Swann's gorgeous armor.

In choosing between the Baratheon and Lannister camps, the border earl chose to bet on both sides. His eldest son fought for Stannis before the Battle of the Blackwater, and his second son was the current Kingsguard Sir Baron Swann.

Cole had seen this Sir Balon in King's Landing. He was a strong man with thick arm muscles. He was a very good knight and had a good reputation.

At present, both sons of Earl Swan were in King's Landing, so Cole was 100% sure that this lord of the Stormlands was a Lannister.

Cole picked up the wine glass and poured wine for him. Gullion Swan's attitude also reflected Tywin's attitude to a certain extent.

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