Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 168 After the War

Crows were circling in the sky and pecking at the large swaths of corpses.

The broken flag was crumpled in blood, the ground was dyed blood red, and incomplete armor and broken weapons could be seen everywhere.

Wails came from the corpses from time to time, and soldiers with green armor swept back and forth on the battlefield, stabbing the half-dead enemies with their spears.

Lucan kicked down the direwolf flag that was planted sideways in the mud. He was a hired rider from the Reach who wandered around.

Pulling out a short blade from the waist of a northerner, Lu Sen cursed while playing with the dagger, "Fuck you, these northerners are so poor."

Putting the dagger on his waist, he continued to walk forward looking around.

"Save me, gods, save me." A weak cry came from the front. Lu Sen followed the sound and looked. The sound came from the pile of dead people. His steel boots stepped on the corpses and walked there.

He got these iron boots after teaching a young boy a lesson with a sword. At that time, they found the dead knight at the same time.

"Oh, a kid from the north." Lu Sen found him among the dead.

The northerner heard his voice and turned his head. "Mr. Knight, I surrender, please don't kill me." He begged.

Lu Sen slowly squatted in front of him and asked, "Are you a noble?"

"No, sir." He replied, "My father is a carpenter. You..." His eyes widened in horror, and he watched in disbelief as the dagger pierced his chest.

"Say hello to your carpenter father and wolf lord, Northerner." Lucen pulled out his dagger and wiped the blood on his clothes.

He turned over the body, hoping to find something useful, but the carpenter's son found nothing except a rusty iron axe.

Lu Sen took a bite.

A group of cavalry ran past him, and Lucen naturally recognized whose coat of arms it was, the Rowan family of Golden Tree City. Their family fiefdom included the entire northern part of the Reach.

He followed them in the battle, Dickon Tarly of Horn Hill leading their charge, listening only to the wind and the various banners of the Reach flying on either side.

Children in the Reach grew up listening to stories about knights, including Savin the Mirrorshield, Davos the Dragon Slayer, and Roland of the Hornlands.

When the war horse began to gallop, Lu Sen only felt infinitely heroic, as if at this moment he had become the brave and fearless champion knight in the story.

Until less than half a league away from the northern army, his old horse unfortunately tripped over a stone. Lu Sen was thrown a long distance in a flying roll. At that time, he thought he was dead. .

A patch of mud saved him.

When he woke up, the battle was over. He could only know from the soldiers passing by that they seemed to have won.

The Stark army, which had been confronting them for many days, was defeated.

Lu Sen hoped to find a good sword or a set of armor, but he woke up too late. In other words, these northerners are so poor that they can't even wear plate armor.

"Hey, hey, over there."

He heard someone calling him.

Lu Sen turned his head, "What's the matter? Man." He asked.

"I just want to tell you that Lord Landao has announced that the army is heading north."

Lu Sen saw that he was wearing a set of chain armor. He walked over slowly, holding the sword firmly in his hand. "When did it happen?"

"Just now." He took out a wine bag and took a sip himself, then handed it to him, "Would you like a sip?"

"Thank you." Lucen took the wine bag, "My name is Lucen Lyle."

"Barry Pichai. Who do you fight under, Ser Lucan?" he asked.

"Dickon Tully."

"Oh, that young master of the Tully family. You are so lucky. You have made great contributions in this battle."

Lu Sen smiled bitterly in his heart. It didn't matter whether he made meritorious service or not. He had never even fought against the Northerners.

"I got separated from the group." He shrugged.

"This is what happens. Gods bless us. At least we all survived. Why don't we go together and have someone to take care of us?"

Lu Sen nodded.

"The Yankees have lost, why are we going to the north?" he asked with some confusion.

"I heard that there is also an army of the Young Wolf Lord. I guess we will go there next."

"The imp on a wolf, they say he has a man-eating direwolf."

"His father, the Prime Minister, was defeated by us and fled to the sea in despair. I can guarantee that that brat can't compare to his father. People are just exaggerating. Just like they said that Stannis was not defeated by us. I learned a lesson on the Blackwater River." He grinned.

They walked north along the King's Road, and were joined by a few more people along the way. In the evening they caught up with the advancing army, and at nightfall they set up campfires beside the road.

They got some salmon from the river and were roasting them on the fire. Lucen turned the wooden spit on which the fish was roasted and listened to them talk about their experiences and the news they heard.

Barry Pichai insisted that Eddard Stark had escaped from the sea, but a mercenary named Walt said that he saw Stark being shot by an arrow and falling off his horse.

Lucan didn't care whether Stark died or not. He just wanted the fish to be cooked quickly, and his stomach was already urging him to eat the salmon.

When the salmon was roasted until it was crispy, he took it in his hands and ate it.

Walter began to brag about his achievements. "Look, this shield of mine." He took the shield from behind him. It was a yellow shield with two crossed black-handled rusted axes and a black crown in the middle. There were traces of swords on the shield. "It comes from the Dustin family in the north. I smashed the knight's head with my own hands."

"Then you should bring his armor and helmet here." Barton exposed his lies, which made him angry and drew his sword to duel.

He stood up to stop the fight, but Walter still parted ways with them.

"May the seven gods spit on him, damn liar." Barry cursed at his back.

Lucen was the second night watch. There were always four of them. In the dark night, he sat by the fire and tried his best to support his eyes to prevent them from drooping. Owls were heard from the woods from time to time.

In the morning, they caught three sparrows and some pickles.

On the way, they met some remnants of the northern border and fought some battles.

The weather was getting colder and colder. Lusen remembered that when they set out from the river bay and stationed at the bitter bridge, the sun was still very warm. He looked up at the round sun hanging high in the sky, and the clouds sometimes covered it and cast shadows.

The sun could no longer bring him warmth.

He thought in his heart that it would be great if he could find a homestay to sleep warmly for a night. Of course, it would be best if the owner of that home had a daughter.

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