Game of the World Tree

Chapter 901 The city of heaven, the fusion is completed

After analyzing the situation, Li Mu published his inference on the official website forum of Even Kingdom.

After reading his remarks, many old players of Elf Kingdom also expressed their approval.

Different from the players in the human kingdom, when the Eternal Church was hidden, the main force of the noble coalition was defeated by the players on the frontal battlefield. Those local troops alone could not resist the players who united civilians, adventurers and mercenaries. our.

But now it's different.

It is the main force of the Eternal Church who came to attack the Forest of Elves. Whether it is from an average level or a strong point of view, the opponent is superior to oneself in an all-round way. Even at the level of the true God, no one knows whether the Eternal Lord will be able to. Perform divine descent at critical moments.

At this time, players can no longer control the situation on their own.

If you can rely on it, you must fight a defensive battle.

Among all the cities, only the city of heaven is the most solidly managed by the players, and at the same time, it can maximize the power of the goddess.

It is indeed a good choice to fight a defensive battle in the city of heaven.

Under Li Mu's call, with the exception of some player guilds who did not believe in evil, the major player guilds gave up the ambush one after another, returned to the city of heaven, and began to build fortifications around the city of heaven.

And those guilds that did not believe in evil, after failing again and again, finally honestly gave up the idea of ​​defeating the army of the Eternal Church by ambush.

However, in the process of ambush, players also found a little effect.

That is, although they cannot defeat the army of the Eternal Church by means of a hard fight, they can still delay it for a while.

Therefore, after high-level discussions, the players finally decided to keep interfering, harassing, and blocking the eternal army on the way forward, in order to delay their travel to the chosen city.

After all, it takes time to prepare for battle, and the more time and the longer the preparation period, the stronger the chosen city will be.

Of course, it's a lot easier if you just procrastinate.

Just take off the equipment and give it to the head. Anyway, it can be resurrected.

So the army of the Eternal Church faced such a funny scene...

A group of elves bathed in holy light, holding up their crude weapons, rushed towards them with a scream, and used all their strength to throw a stunt that was enough to exhaust their whole body's magic or physical strength, and then die.

It also delayed a lot of time.

At the same time, in the City of Heavenly Chosen, the players are also busy and busy, preparing for the battle with all their might.

The mages portrayed various defensive circles, the priests strengthened the magical defense barriers, and the warriors and druids urgently built the city wall.

It is worth mentioning that there was no city wall before the City of the Chosen.

Although there was indeed a city wall planned at the beginning, as the number of players increased, the previous plan had already been scrapped with the continuous expansion of the city.

However, this is not a big problem for extremely efficient players.

As long as they want to do it, they can burst into unprecedented action at any time.

The construction of the city wall in the district is not a problem.

Although the army of the Eternal Lord has entered the forest of elves, the action of millions of troops is slow after all.

Coupled with the delay of the players, especially the death squads with low-level players as the main force, they did not have ten days and a half months, and they were afraid that they would not be able to make it to the city of heaven.

And this period of time is enough for players to complete the work of building the city wall.

Not to mention, the players have flicked over a vote of coolies from Dragon Island, transporting building materials, providing magic power, etc. All the dragons are good players.

To this day, Eve's identity has been completely disclosed, and the City of the Chosen naturally does not need to prohibit other creatures from approaching, so dragons, dwarves and even humans can occasionally be seen in the city.

After receiving the news that the Legion of the Eternal Church was heading to the City of Heavenly Chosen, in addition to the Dragon Island dragon, the Silent City-State Alliance loyal to Hela, the God of Death, also sent reinforcements to the City of Heavenly Chosen as soon as possible.

With the teleportation formation, the coalition forces in the underground world were much faster than the legions of the Eternal Church, and the reinforcements with the dark dwarves as the main force soon arrived under the world tree.

They brought players a lot of sophisticated equipment and high-quality magic spar.

At the same time, more and more players returned to the city of heaven after receiving the quest, and players scattered all over the world on weekdays came back to help, making the whole city more lively and crowded.

For a time, the city of heaven was very lively, far more than before.

The only thing that is not so wonderful is that the price of meat in the city of heaven has skyrocketed recently.

There is no way, there seem to be too many big lizards to eat. Every day you can see big guys wandering in the sky, and the farms run by the players are almost dying.

But it is not without benefits, that is, the various dragon scales that players have traded recently are completely cabbage prices.

The price of dragon scales has plunged, and the dream of some local tyrant players who once dreamed of full-body dragon scale armor could be realized almost overnight.

Even dragon blood can be obtained as long as you put some effort into it, and many warrior players have even fulfilled their wish to bathe in dragon blood, and their physiques have been greatly improved.

And as for... dragon saliva, dragon dung or something.

Damn, it's almost the same as what Bai picked up, so I don't even want to bring it.

Novice players can pick up one or two pieces of dragon dung on the ground when they go out to do a task, and some are still fresh and hot.

In this regard, many players even lost interest.

After all, if you have time to pick up big shit from the corners, it is better to take the opportunity to have a good relationship with the big guys and lick it more.

If you lick the dog, you can get everything you need, and you may be able to fool the big guy to sign a dragon partner contract.

That can really make a lot of money.

In short, as the prelude to the decisive battle approached, the forces on the side of the Church of Life sent reinforcements one after another, and the entire City of Heavenly Chosen became more and more noisy.

And as time goes by, the fortifications of the city of heaven are also in full swing, almost the same every day.

At the same time, the application of new technologies researched by some big players has also gradually reborn the first established player city.

In particular, the introduction of magic stone related technologies has given the entire city of heaven a magic network that is similar to the Blue Star power grid.

Coupled with the heavy-duty magic crystal cannons and rechargeable magic guns that the Mengmeng Committee's Magic Guide Technology Research Center has tinkered with, the defensive firepower of the entire Heavenly Chosen City has almost taken a qualitative leap.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the big men floating above the city.

On the basis of the Zeppelin airship, players used the improved Zeppelin 2.0 version of the magic stone to strengthen the basic magic defense system and magic defense system, with faster speed, stronger defense and stronger firepower.

Such a big man, the players have tinkered with a total of 30 ships, which were originally planned to be used in the decisive battle with the nobles, but they did not expect the nobles to pull their crotch.

And according to the design team of the airship, their final idea is to come up with those fantasy magic floating cities...

Of course, there is still a long way to go from the airship to the floating city.

But only in terms of the players' own combat power, in addition to their increasing strength and the increasing number of players, with all kinds of strange equipment in place, the overall strength of the players has undoubtedly been significantly enhanced. of.

Looking at the city of Heaven's Chosen that changes day by day, the players' confidence has gradually increased.

However, the high-level players of several major guilds of players, those old players who have been in the pit since the beginning of the server and experienced a World War II, are very sober.

Speaking of which, this great holy war, from the beginning of the war to the present, has only been a legend, and it has not really taken action.

Gold, or even less than gold, no matter how strong the individual strength is, it can still be killed by the number of games.

Therefore, the experience of the Great Holy War so far is completely incomparable with the next battle.

Legends and demigods are the next biggest enemies for players who want to win this war.

And the players' various preparations, in the face of such an enemy, have no effect, it is unknown.

In the final analysis, it still depends on whether the goddess's magical defense barrier is effective.

From this point of view, the preparations made by the players in the city of heaven are also effective only on the premise that the goddess, or NPCs, can help fight against those enemies that the players cannot contend with.

If those high-level combat powers do not need players to worry, then their various preparations can play a greater role.

In this regard, there are also discussions and speculations among Gaoyan.

Most people still trust the strength of the goddess. Many players believe that since the goddess took the initiative to open up the road to the city of heaven, then they have the confidence to defeat the enemy in the city of heaven.

This is also the mainstream view.

Of course, many people think this design is very problematic. After all... the terrain of the Elf Forest is complex, even if you plan to fight a decisive battle in the city of heaven, it seems that there is no need to take the initiative to open the way and let the army of the Eternal Lord slowly come over. That's it.

After all, other players' main cities and elf cities also have magical defense barriers, and if the Eternal Lord opens his own way, he must take the main traffic road and pass through these areas.

In this case, after a battle, it can not only delay time, but also consume the strength of the opponent, why not do it?

It is even said that if you do this, you may not need to fight in the city of heaven. Maybe a main city of players, or a main city of elves, can send the enemy back.

It's not like everyone doesn't know that the goddess can come to the incarnation of divine power. Could it be that the army of the Eternal Church can still do the incarnation of the goddess?

At the beginning, the goddess relied on her incarnation to kill and kill each and every evil god. She hurriedly jumped, and finally died. The sealed and sealed scene is still hanging on the barrage video network!

Regarding this issue, it is not just some players who have doubts.

In the kingdom of God, Feinel, the fairy king who has also been paying attention to the entire Great Holy War, is also puzzled by assisting Eve in managing the game system.

Your Majesty, why do you want to meet the enemy in the city of heaven? As many players have said, it seems that there is no need for us to put the decisive battle in the city of heaven.

And, with your strength, can you completely destroy the army of the Eternal Church?

I haven't figured out these two questions. I think you must have a deeper consideration. However, I can't see through your thoughts because of my stupidity. Please clarify your doubts.

Looking at Eve sitting high on the throne, Finel asked suspiciously and respectfully.

However, Eve just shook her head slightly:

No, Finel.

In this decisive battle, the battle between the armies is just an appearance. The real battle is still a confrontation between myths.

Since the Eternal Lord has declared a holy war, it means that He is ready to fight against me, so... there is no difference where the final battle will take place. I am afraid that it will still happen in the place where my body is, that is, the choice of heaven. City.

Hearing Eve's words, Finel was thoughtful.

He thought for a while, and then asked:

But, then why open the way for the enemy? Why not use the delaying tactics that players liked before?

Because...the intensity is different.

Eve sighed slightly.


Finel tilted her head.

Eve nodded lightly and looked in the direction of the Eternal Army with deep eyes:

I can perceive that there are many powerful auras hidden in the legion of the Eternal Church... Iteo has been preparing for this battle for a long time.

The conventional procrastination battle is probably useless. If there is, it may only be crushing.

If this kind of high-intensity battle is delayed, it may cause serious damage to the recovering world of Saiggs.

And I don't want the world to be hurt anymore.

That's why, since the battle is decisive, let's start directly at the final battle ground. I am also ready to fight.

Hearing Eve's words, the Fairy King Finel widened her eyes with admiration and emotion on her face:

My Goddess, your kindness and kindness are admired by Finel!

No, Finel, I'm not as noble as you think.

Eve smiled lightly.

As he said that, he looked at the map of Seggs in the kingdom of God with the illusion of divine power, and sighed softly:

I just don't want the plane that is about to become my own to be damaged by a war.

Hearing this, Finel was slightly startled.

He seemed to have thought of something, and he was immediately excited:

Your Majesty the Goddess... are you... are you ready?

Eve smiled slightly and did not explain any further.

That's right.

He and Saiggs had to merge again, and it was successfully completed not long ago after covering up with the help of the core fragments of the Pantheon.

And with the cover of the core fragment of the Pantheon, this action was not exposed.

Next, as long as the Eternal Lord’s belief rooted in the world of Saigs is expelled, and at that moment, he overthrows the Pantheon’s suppression of the world of Saigs with the help of the weakening of the opponent’s belief power, and he can start to officially start the attack on Saigs. Fusion of planes.

Fusion plane, or in other words, swallowing plane... Incorporate the plane into oneself.

This is a sign of progress towards the next gesture of the World Tree.

And that would be Eve's first step towards great power.

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