Game of the World Tree

Chapter 900 Unprecedented Enemy

The Forest of Spirits, the main road that players opened up to communicate between the main city and the core area.

Suddenly, the forest on one side shone with light, and the trees and shrubs consciously moved to both sides, revealing a new road.

The sound of footsteps came, accompanied by the faintly audible sacred hymn, the judge knights in silver armor appeared from the road in a neat step, and entered the main road of the Forest of Spirits.

This is the legion of the Eternal Church.

After passing through a large forest, they finally left the road that Eve had let go and entered the real road network of the Elf Forest.

To this day, the main activity areas of players in the Forest of Spirits have long formed a transportation system extending in all directions under the careful construction of new and old players.

The whole system takes major cities and elf cities as nodes, and the city of heaven as the core, covering the core area of ​​​​the entire elf forest and the central and southern parts of the elf forest.

At the same time, the transportation network also communicated with large and small guild strongholds, as well as elf villages.

However, the army of the Eternal Church does not seem to be interested in strongholds along the route.

They don't care, except for the unfortunate fact that players' strongholds that are on the route they pass will be burned down by them.

They seem to have given up nourishment and abandonment behind them. There is only one goal, and that is the core area of ​​the Elf Forest, the World Tree.

On the ground, the legions of judgement knights and church priests lined up neatly, moving towards the depths of the forest of elves.

In the sky, the holy angels marched slowly in unison with the Judgment Legion on the ground.

The giant sun badges were held high by the priests, shimmering with dazzling brilliance in the sun, and the white-gold light shrouded the entire team, like a hood that was constantly moving with the Eternal Legion.

On both sides of the road, in the lush forest.

The player the first filial son took the members of his own guild, ambushed in the forest, and looked cautiously at the advancing eternal army.

The first dutiful son is the deputy leader of the Azeroth Guild Alliance and the deputy head of the Azeroth Guild.

As the Great Guild whose gathering point was closest to the invasion of the Eternal Church in the Great Holy War, their gathering speed was also the fastest.

However, at this moment, looking at the army of trial knights advancing on the main road, looking at the sacred and majestic angels in the sky, the expression of the first dutiful son is getting more and more serious.

At this time, a panting player approached from behind him, with a trace of fear in his expression.

It was none other than Black Friday, the head of the Knights Templar Order of the Azeroth Guild Alliance.

Seeing the person coming, the first filial son's eyes lit up, and he quickly asked:

Friday, do you see clearly? How many people have come from the Eternal Church?

Many...many, many...I can't see the end. According to past experience, I am afraid there must be tens of millions, and the average strength is extremely strong...

I was still flying high in the sky just now, and I didn't even get close. I just hid in the clouds and looked through the binoculars. All of them were discovered by those angels. A magic trick almost didn't give me a job.

After listening to the words of Black Friday, the filial son's expression became more and more serious.

His eyes turned to the advancing Eternal Church Legion, and he couldn't help saying:

These lunatics, so many people are not afraid of dragging down their logistics...

Brother filial piety, it is probably impossible to expect logistics to drag them down. I observed that their supply method seems to be different from those of the conventional noble coalition. I am afraid that some summoning magic is used, and many materials are summoned on the spot by priests' prayers. from.

Black Friday solemnly.

The dutiful son of the first band stared at him, surprised for a while.

He thought for a while, then asked:

Have you contacted the church? If I remember correctly, the gods seem to be able to block the space. Please Alice or the eldest sister pray to the goddess to block the space summons of these guys!

Black Friday looks even more grim:

Brother filial piety, the Heart of Nature has asked for a long time ago, and the church replied that the goddess has already blocked the space, and those photons in the forest are the characteristics of the blockade opening.

It's already blocked? But it's already blocked, how can they still use space to summon?

The first filial son was stunned.

Black Friday's gaze stopped on the sun badge held high by the priest in the Eternal Legion, guessing:

I'm afraid it's those sun badges...

When the internal beta players participated in the Orc War Mission, they relied on the statue of the goddess to release the space shield of the Orc God and maintain the operation of the teleportation array.

I think the sun badges of these Eternal Churches may have a similar effect.

After listening to Black Friday's words, the first filial son nodded slightly.

He pondered for a moment and said:

We can't wait any longer. If we wait a little longer, our ambush may be discovered. Before they notice it, let's try it first. Someone has to find out the details, and it's a big deal to be resurrected and return to the city.

By the way, pay attention. When you see the Eternal Pope, you will start the fight. There are screenshots of him on the official website. Don't make a mistake. There are also those bishops with high hats around the Eternal Pope. One counts as one, don't let them go.

The first filial son said to Black Friday.

However, Black Friday was a bit underwhelming:

Brother filial piety, then you have to be able to beat it first...

The filial son gave him a white look:

Do your best, listen to the destiny, anyway, you don't need money for resurrection.

Okay, big brother is right.

Black Friday nods.

After that, the first filial son looked solemn.

He contacted the chat channel of his guild:

Attention to all participating players!

Ready to fight!


In the ranks of the Eternal Church.

Benedict II rode on the back of a white horse, surrounded by knights of judgment and bishops of the church.

His eyes swept across the forest on both sides of the road, and a trace of mockery flashed in the depths of his eyes.

In the next second, the leaves in the forest rustled, accompanied by a harsh whistle, countless arrows flashing with the brilliance of skills and various offensive magics poured out like raindrops, smashing towards the army of the Eternal Church.

However, looking at the sudden attack from both sides, neither the holy angel in the sky nor the Judgment Legion on the ground seemed to care.

The bishops in the team narrowed their eyes.

They looked at the pastors and shouted loudly:

Holy Shield!

Immediately afterwards, the dazzling brilliance bloomed on the sun badges held high by the priests, and translucent shields appeared around the army.

Under the amazed eyes of the ambush player, the pouring arrows and magic could no longer move forward half a step after hitting the translucent shield.

Good guy... is it a mobile enhanced version of the magical defense barrier?

Some players couldn't help but complain.

The first filial son's expression changed slightly.

His eyes changed a bit, and finally he snorted coldly and ordered:

What about the shield? It's so close, there are always gaps, everyone pay attention, take the initiative to attack, target... the dozens of the most gorgeous guys in the holy robe in the center of the team!

Following the order of the first dutiful son, the players of the Azeroth Guild Alliance, who were ambushed on both sides of the road, acted instantly.

They shouted angrily, drew their weapons, and jumped out of the forest.

However, just as the player at the front just jumped out of the forest, Benedict II glanced at the trees on both sides, and glanced at the surrounding bishops again.

The bishop understood, looked at the priest, and shouted loudly:


The next moment, the dazzling brilliance once again converged on the sun badge, and this time, white-gold flames shot out from the center of the sun badge, targeting the forest on both sides.

Not good! Hurry up!

Feeling the oncoming white-gold flame, the first filial son's expression changed slightly.

However, the flame is faster.

In an instant, the white-gold sacred fire turned the forests on both sides into a sea of ​​fire, and the players who were ambushed on both sides also turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The exclamations were mixed with screams and laughter, and the firemen struggled to run out of the forest, some running around, and some roaring towards the army of the Eternal Church.

The trial knights looked at the burning players indifferently. They raised their bows and arrows and fired arrows like raindrops.

Accompanied by the whizzing sound, those players who tried to rush to the Eternal Legion at the end of their lives and have to pull their backs were shot into sieves by the arrows of the trial knights, and disappeared in the light.

With the protection of the magic of life, the sacred fire spreading in the forest did not burn for too long before slowly extinguishing.

However, the players in ambush had already turned to ashes in the flames.

Taking advantage of the favorable location, the Azeroth Guild Alliance quickly assembled tens of thousands of ambushes, and the entire army was wiped out in an instant.

The Eternal Church, on the other hand, was unscathed.

During the short battle, only some of the trial knights and priests holding the sun badge were shot.

The Eternal Bishops and the Legion of Angels in the sky did not participate in the whole process.

This unprecedented gap made the players who escaped by chance and looked at the Eternal Legion in the depths of the forest startled and shocked.

They have always pressed the enemy to fight, and finally met an unprecedented opponent.

However, unlike the shocked players, the army of the Eternal Church is still calm and calm.

After destroying the ambush player troops, as if nothing had happened, they continued to move towards the depths of the Elf Forest in a neat formation at a constant speed.

That iron-like discipline, that expressionless face, makes the players who escaped feel chills in their hearts...


The ambush of the Azeroth Guild Alliance failed, and the entire army was annihilated. The Eternal Church has a very strong defensive barrier, and it can counterattack...

Deeper in the Forest of Spirits, the second wave of besieged players commanded Shen Sheng.

This is an ambush army with the heart of nature left behind as the main force, supplemented by other small and medium-sized guilds.

Because the assembly time is longer and it is closer to the core area of ​​the Elf Forest, the overall strength is stronger than that of the Azeroth Guild Alliance.

Among the players, you can even see the magic crystal guns sponsored by several old players of the Amway Chamber of Commerce and the Mengmeng Committee.

Let's not talk about the overall strength of the enemy, we must first find a way to destroy their defensive barriers.

This kind of defensive barrier has never appeared before. Whether it's a war between gods and demons, or a big holy war, I'm afraid it's the real trump card of the Eternal Church...

So, no matter what, we have to find a way to break this golden cover!

Prepare the magic crystal cannon and God's punishment bomb! That's right! Just use those captured during the previous revolution!

I don't believe it. Carpet bombing and suicide bombers can't blow a hole in this invisible barrier!

The commanding player snorted coldly.

The players in the second wave of sieges are obviously more experienced than the Azeroth Guild Alliance.

Under the command of this veteran player from the Heart of Nature, they quickly prepared a new plan based on the first wave of ambush experience that the Azeroth Guild just shared on the official website.

And when the mighty Eternal Church army entered their ambush range, the second ambush also began.

The first sound was the artillery fire of the magic crystal cannon.

The magic crystal cannon on the distant hill spit out fire, and elemental bullets fell into the army of the Eternal Church.

Holy Shield!

The bishop of the church looked solemn and continued to drink.

The dazzling brilliance came, and the white-gold shield rose. In the solemn eyes of the players, after the artillery fire, the eternal army was unscathed.

The next moment, the players' death squads rushed out of the forest with a cry of the god statue of the Eternal Lord.

However, before they could get close to the Eternal Army, the idols hidden in their arms suddenly ignited, and in their dull eyes, it exploded into a sea of ​​fire.

Arrows shot out from the eternal army and fell into the forests on both sides. Along with the arrows, there was the sacred fire shot from the sun emblem.

The holy angel in the sky also drew bows and shot arrows, aiming directly at the magic crystal cannon on the hillside. Under the panicked sight of the gunner player, the arrow of light arrived in an instant, razing the hillside to the ground.

It didn't last long, and the second wave of ambush troops followed in the footsteps of the first wave, and the whole army was wiped out in a sea of ​​fire and arrows.

On the other hand, the Eternal Church is still unscathed...

If the result of the first ambush spread only to shock and surprise the players, then when the record of the second ambush spread, almost all the players fell silent.

At this moment, they finally realized that they seemed to usher in a completely different opponent from the army of the past.

This is an unprecedented enemy.

Ambush is useless, it can only add casualties. Even if it is the dragon supported by Long Island, I am afraid it is not enough. You know... those angels and demigods have not yet shot.

After watching the video uploaded by the ambush players on the official website, Li Mu said solemnly.

Brother Mu, how should we fight?

Beside him, other players asked.

City of Heaven...

Li Mu thought about it and said:

If you want to fight, I'm afraid you have to rely on the city of heaven.

Just as magic can only be defeated by magic, to fight against the defensive barrier, we also have to use the defensive barrier.

The target of the enemy is the body of the goddess, then... the final decisive battle must be fought under the city of heaven.

Well, let's concentrate our strength and fight here, and it's easier to run to the resurrection point.

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