Game of the World Tree

Chapter 25 Are These People Reliable? (Ask for a recommendation ticket!)

With the sound of the system, several people found that there was a purple title under their green name: Guardian of the World Tree.

Fancy fonts are very cool, and they also come with flash effects.

Wow! Exclusive title!

Five perfect resurrections?


Several people were excited.

Brave Chosen, please take my blessings and embark on the journey again.

Looking at the excited four players, Eve smiled slightly, waved their hands and sent their consciousness back to the real world of Seggs.

In the main hall, only Alice and Basaka were left.

Alice, Basaka, this is about my recovery, you have to help them.

Eve warned again.

Yes, Mother Goddess.

The two indigenous believers replied respectfully.

Your Majesty the Mother God...

Oak guard Basaka hesitated, as if he had something to say.


Eve nodded.

With the permission of the True God, Basaka heaved a sigh of relief, and then respectfully asked:

Actually... you can just ask me to convey the order. Actually... it's not necessary...

Isn't it necessary to direct and call them here?

Eve laughed.

Basaka lowered his head and answered in a deep voice.




Eve tapped lightly on the armrest of the shrine, and only the sound of knocking echoed in the shrine.

After a while, he let out a chuckle and said:

This is their own way of entertainment, you will understand later.

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand again and sent the two favored ones out of his consciousness space.


Several people in Demacia were in a trance, and found themselves back in the natural temple of the town again.

It's just that at this moment, they have an extra title on their heads, and an extra line in the system bar [Perfect Resurrection Times: 5]

Several people looked at each other, then cheered, turned and rushed out of the Temple of Nature.

Hahahaha! I want to share this news with everyone!

Exclusive title! Hey, just the four of us! Out of print!

I recorded all the cutscenes just now, it's so exciting, I want to post the video as soon as possible!

When a few people pushed open the gate of the temple, they found that the surroundings were crowded with players.

Looking at the bustling crowd, Demacia shouted excitedly:

Brothers! Sisters! We have started the main story! There is a main quest!

However, at this moment, the players in the town were already boiling.

Let's form a team to open up the wasteland! Form a team to open up the wasteland! A copy of the Emerald Holy City! Come to a level 10 power system! Don't be dizzy!

Let's have a legal control! 4=1!

Anyone who can command! Our team lacks a commander!

Demacia: ? ? ?

The four players stared blankly at the lively and lively team.


what's the situation?

How does it feel that the whole world knows to open a copy in an instant?

At this time, a player came over and gave him a thumbs up:

Demacia, you are amazing! You actually started the main story!

That's great! I really want to talk to the goddess!

Listening to the other party's words, Demacia was slightly stunned:

You all know?

The players nodded:

Yeah! When you were summoned by the goddess, we started the cutscene, but it was just a side view. I envy you so much...

Yeah! The special effects of the cutscenes are great! Eve, the goddess, Saigo!

Haha, I still recorded the video, and uploaded the video to the Internet, so that those who did not qualify for the internal test will be jealous, haha!

Demacia:  …

Yes, for such a big thing as opening a dungeon, it must be announced to the entire server.

Demacia patted her forehead, a little depressed.

He wanted to tell everyone about it himself.

Wait... Someone actually uploaded the video first?


At this time, someone came over and looked at his title enviously:

It's great! Guardian of the World Tree! Hey, I don't know if we will have a chance to get it in the future.

Hearing this, Demacia couldn't help twitching her lips, and the depressed mood just now dissipated.

I saw him proudly pinching his waist and proudly said:

Hey, that's not it, this is our exclusive title!

After finishing speaking, he said:

Hey, that's right, the mission says it's best to have a perfect resurrection, so be careful when you form a team!

As he spoke, he moved, proudly letting the other party see his status bar of [Perfect Resurrection Times: 5].

Hearing Demacia's words, the man smiled and also showed his status bar:

Hey, you don't have to worry about it. After the main story is opened, all players who choose to participate in the first mission in the system will be given 3 chances of perfect resurrection by the goddess.

Demacia:  …

Cough cough...that's fine.

He laughed dryly and waved his hand:

I won't tell you, I'm going to find Brother Mu!

After finishing speaking, Demacia left the man behind, shaking his head and sighing:

Hey... My title of 'World Tree Guardian' is too dazzling, too dazzling...


The main storyline of Nation of the Elf has begun! The first main quest [Old Holy City] has been released!

Completing the mission will not only get you a lot of experience points, but also have the opportunity to get the perfect number of resurrections and the contribution degree that is only activated after level 11!

Not only that, in order to let players have a better gaming experience, the great mother of nature Eve Uktrahir also gave each player who participated in the mission 3 chances of perfect resurrection!

One news after another was announced, and all players above level 9 were boiling.

Except for a small number of players, most of them are eager to try and start signing up to form a team.

Elf Kingdom does not limit the number of teams to form a team, but in order to better exert each person's strength, most players have formed a team of 5 people almost by default, which is also a common team mode in virtual reality online games.

In the latest strategy of Elf Kingdom, there are also big brothers who analyzed that a 5-person team is the most efficient way to attack wild monsters. For example, the Bentou team was five people who worked together to kill the powerful forest python.

In just a quarter of an hour, the internal beta players have formed 21 teams with a total of 91 players. All players are level 9 and above, and 37 of them have reached level 10!

However, on the issue of establishing a teleportation circle, the players have disagreed...

What? Miss Alice can only make one material for placing the teleportation circle?

It is said that the raw materials for magic are not enough...

That is to say...there can only be one team to complete mission objective 1?

Then how come... This reward can't be divided!

How to decide? Or... draw lots?

It's not good to draw lots, there is only one material to transmit the magic circle, and there is only one chance to complete the task, and the stable operation of the magic circle must be guaranteed after the construction. Protect……

I think it's better to speak based on strength. Each team will compete.

What's the competition, do you still want to fight?!

How are the rewards divided? Can it be fair?

For a time, the players were arguing.

Looking at the noisy Chosen, Basaka, who had been waiting for a long time, frowned.

When did elves become so unorganized and undisciplined? The mission hasn't even started yet, but they fell out over a magic circle?

Don't they have a sense of elven unity and humility?

Can these undisciplined guys really be able to complete the mission of the Mother Goddess?

Although the goblins were weak, he still felt that the former was stronger in combat compared to this group of messy rookies.

Although the Chosen people surprised him in the construction of the town, the next step is to fight with real swords and guns!

Bassaka still remembers the way the Demacians looked like they were hanging around when they peeped in the forest...

Obviously, this group of Chosen people have not been exposed to real battles, and some of them even fainted!

Not only that, Goblins have already given birth to priests, and they are commanders with high intelligence.

And this group of Chosen Ones are chaotic and noisy, and no one obeys the other, not even a leader...

Not to mention that none of them have been promoted to Black Iron yet.

In this case, can it really work out?

Mother Goddess, your it really serious?

Thinking of this, Basaka's brows furrowed even deeper.

Looking at Basaka with an increasingly ugly expression, Saint Alice cast a look that I understand you.

Faintly, she had a feeling of finding a confidant.

These guys in the appearance of elves... don't have any noble character of the elves at all, but they are very like those mercenary humans!

No, they don't even have human discipline! Very loose!

Clang! Clang! Clang!


While Basaka frowned and pondered, a shout accompanied by a knock overwhelmed everything.

Everyone's eyes were attracted in an instant...

I saw Demacia standing on a pile of wood, hitting stones with a wooden knife in one hand, and holding a trumpet made of huge leaves in the other:

Stop arguing! Stop arguing! Brother Mu has something to say!

Brother Mu? Li Mu?

Hearing Demacia's roar, the crowd gradually quieted down.

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