Game of the World Tree

Chapter 24 The first main quest (recommended ticket!)

Evegao sat on the shrine that was transformed into the consciousness space, smiling at the few people who were pulled in by him.

That's right, conscious space.

Everything here was transformed by Eve according to the celestial temple of the mother of nature in the ancient times of the World Tree inheritance.

Blue Star's players are the consciousness that he uses the network channel to pull, and naturally he can pull the other party into his own consciousness space. And Basaka and Alice belong to their own believers, and can also be called by themselves.

Although Eve's current state is poor and unable to create an avatar. But it's different in the consciousness space. The things in it are all up to his own imagination. What he wants is the best choice for fooling people.

The discovery of the divine blood crystal involves the further recovery of Eve, which is of great importance; and if it is done properly, it is very likely that Eve will have the opportunity to reverse the current disadvantage in one fell swoop, so this time he decided to end in person.

In addition, Eve is also to strengthen his sense of existence among the players, to cultivate the players and believers to fight for himself... ahem, the consciousness of fighting for the kingdom of elves, and to establish his leadership in the game.

After all, Eve's positioning of herself is not only a behind-the-scenes GM, but also an important NPC to guide players. If you really rely on the natives for everything, you will be no different from the background board.

Players don't care whether you are a god or a tree, unless they really participate in their game, really benefit them, and really make them recognize your role, they will truly support you.

And it turns out that the way Eve chooses to play is not bad.

Not to mention Basaka and Alice, who were moved to tears and worshipped reverently because they were summoned by the mother goddess, the four Blue Star players were completely stunned.

Although they met once when creating characters, Eve at that time was just a cutscene program he set in the game system, and the shock it brought was far from what it was this time.

Spectacular and magnificent temples, majestic galaxies, divine and ethereal chants, and... a holy goddess who is so flawless that no blasphemy can produce it.

God! This is true God!

The real ruler of the world of Elf Kingdom!

When he first entered the temple, Demacia still had the idea of ​​trying to secretly throw an identification technique after seeing the true god, but when he really saw Eve, these thoughts were all extinguished.

That is the instinctive awe of ordinary people after seeing the existence beyond their own understanding!

At this moment, Demacia almost forgot that she was in the game...

At this moment, there was only one thought left in his mind:

Lady Goddess, do you still accept believers?

Your Majesty.

While Demacia was thinking about it, the fanatical voice of the oak guard Basakkar rang out:

I have brought back the fetish that belongs to you.

After speaking, he knelt down on one knee and bowed his head respectfully, but held up the pale green divine blood crystal.


Eve on the throne nodded lightly, and her majestic voice was three-point kind and seven-point satisfaction.

He raised the right hand that tapped the throne of God and made a light move, and the light green crystals in Basaka's hand flew up and merged into his body.

And with the fusion of divine blood crystals, the magnificent temple trembled slightly, the holy light became brighter, and the singing became more ethereal. Several people in the temple also felt that the power of the goddess seemed to be faintly stronger...

Eve was very pleasantly surprised when she felt her divine power increase to 12 in an instant.

Congratulations to the Mother Goddess who is one step closer to the glory of the past.

It seems that they also felt the pleasure of the mother goddess. Alice and Basaka congratulated the goddess with joy, and Demacia and others quickly followed suit and congratulated the goddess.

After finishing speaking, the oak guard said again:

Your Majesty, the successful recovery of the fetish is thanks to a few brave and righteous Chosen Ones.

thanks to them? Just... just him? !

Alice couldn't help but turn her head to look at Demacia, incredulous.

The main event is here!

Hearing Basaka's words, several players were shocked.

The grand temple fell into silence.





With the light tapping, Eve's solemn voice sounded again:

I already know the cause and effect of the incident. The Chosen Ones, thank you for your assistance.

With the thanks of the goddess, a new system box appeared in the field of vision of Demacia and others.


[The main storyline has been triggered: The Goddess's Resurrection]

The plot is here!

It's really drama!

And it's still the main storyline!

They actually triggered the main line!

Several players were refreshed and immediately rejoiced.

In the past few days, the internal beta players have been discussing when the main storyline will be opened, and in what form it will be opened, but they did not expect it to be triggered by the player.

Not only that, the honor of triggering the main line seems to fall on the four of them!

[Open the option dialogue mode, please select the representative to communicate with the goddess]

The system box pops up again.

Come on, I've played this kind of text dialogue game a lot, and there are thousands of characters in the strategy.

Demacia winked at a few people and took a slight step forward with a calm and proud expression.

Just rubbing his fingers slightly, revealing his current inner restlessness.

[Representative confirmed: Demacia]

After several players confirmed the good candidates, Eve's divine and ethereal voice came again:

The Chosen One, what kind of reward do you want?

As soon as the voice fell, three options appeared in Demacia's line of sight.

[Answer a: Your Majesty the supreme goddess, thank you for your care, the righteous and selfless Chosen do not need rewards! 】

[Answer b: Your Majesty the supreme goddess, it is our duty to serve you, and we do not need rewards! 】

[Answer c: Your Majesty the supreme goddess, can you talk about the fetish? 】

Demacia:  …

Damn, the person who planned the dialogue options has a brain.

Demacia snorted in her heart and replied:

Your Majesty the supreme goddess, can you talk about the fetish?

Hearing his words, the goddess's expression seemed to soften even more.

I saw her nodding lightly and saying:

This is the divine blood crystal of the World Tree. After the war of gods thousands of years ago, it was scattered all over the forest of elves. Now, Uller is sending his minions, those evil goblins, to collect divine blood crystals everywhere, wanting to That's how I get my power.

After speaking, she paused and continued to explain:

Uller is the god of winter and hunting, and also my enemy. He also participated in the battle of gods that destroyed the elf civilization thousands of years ago.

Ulr, the god of winter and the hunt? Another god?

And it is also clearly regarded as an enemy by the goddess!

A few players moved in their hearts, knowing that this was about to officially enter the main storyline.

After the goddess finished speaking, a new option appeared in Demacia's field of vision:

[Answer a: Your Majesty the supreme goddess, can we do anything for you? 】

[Answer b: Your Majesty the supreme goddess, do you need our assistance? 】

[Answer c: Your Majesty the supreme goddess, can we be your strength? 】

Demacia:  …

Are these options different? !

Your Majesty the Supreme Goddess, can we do anything for you?

Pick one at random, he replied.


Eve's smile grew even brighter:

In order to sabotage Urel's conspiracy, and for my further recovery, I need your strength.

After she finished speaking, she raised her hand, and a gentle divine power poured out, changing a real scene in mid-air:

It was a broken wall overgrown with plants, and there were many goblins squatting there. While they set up the altar to sacrifice, they sacrificed the pale green blood crystals to the gods...

This is once the holy city of the elf kingdom, Fei Leng Cui. It has now been turned into ruins...

The female voice had a hint of sigh and sadness.

Now, this place has become a goblin's lair. They are entrenched here, desecrating the glory of the elves, and stealing the power of the World Tree... Unfortunately, my strength has not recovered yet, so I can't do it myself, so as not to attract the attention of Uller.

While speaking, the goddess cast her gaze and looked at a few people expectantly:

The Chosen One, are you willing to replace me, destroy these evil blasphemers, and take back the power that belongs to me?

[Answer a: Your Majesty the supreme goddess, we are willing! 】

[Answer b: Your Majesty the supreme goddess, we will do anything! 】

[Answer c: Your Majesty the supreme goddess, we will do our best! 】

Demacia:  …

He was numb to the options.

However, being looked at by the goddess with such expectant eyes, even if there is no option, his answer will not change.

Not to mention, it also involves the main plot.

Your Majesty the supreme goddess, we are willing!

Demacia replied.

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice sounded again


【Chapter 1 main storyline begins】

[Act 1: Uller's Conspiracy]

[Activate the main mission: the former holy city]

[Task objectives: 1. Establish a stable teleportation circle in Feilengcui; 2. Eliminate the goblins entrenched in the holy city Feilengcui; 3. Retrieve the divine blood crystals belonging to the World Tree. 】

[Task time limit: unlimited]

[Number of tasks: unlimited]

[Task level: 9+]

[Quest Reward: Completing any goal, you have the opportunity to gain experience points, perfect resurrection times, and quest contribution degree]

[Quest Tip 1: Basaka has the map coordinates of Emerald Green, which can be obtained from him. 】

[Quest Tip 2: Alice Gale can draw a teleportation circle, and she can ask for her assistance. 】

[Task Tip 3: Unity is powerful. There are many goblins, so please team up with other players. 】

[Quest Tip 4: The risk of death in this quest is extremely high. Please try to ensure that the number of perfect resurrections has been obtained before the battle. Players with the perfect resurrection buff will have the same level after death and resurrection. One buff can be resurrected once. 】

Perfect Resurrection is Eve's modification to the Resurrection mechanic.

In order to allow players to fight more confidently and work harder, he specially added a new no-punishment resurrection mechanism.

Anyway, for Eve, just resurrecting the body, the consumption is not much, and it is not even close to the consumption of creating the player's body.

Of course, in order to get the perfect number of resurrections, players must do tasks...

The first copy!

Seeing the prompt of the system, several players immediately climaxed.

They really started the main story! And it's the first copy!

And when they saw the reward, their eyes lit up.

Perfect resurrection? Guaranteed to maintain the same level after resurrection?!

baby! good baby!

As the hapless one who died several times before level 5, Demacia almost cried when she saw this reward.

The three players patted his shoulder excitedly:

Brother! Good job! All the options are correct!

Demacia:  …

He twitched the corners of his mouth and replied:

You will be all right.

When several people were excited, Eve's voice came again:

Brave Chosen One, thank you for your support. In order to express my gratitude to you, I will give you an exclusive title and the rewards you deserve.

There are even titles and awards? !

Several players have brightened their eyes.

Demacia was refreshed, and then patted her thigh:

That's it! How can there be no reward for opening the script!

Long live the goddess!

In the cheers of several players, Eve waved her right hand again...


[You get the exclusive title: Guardian of the World Tree]

【You get reward: perfect resurrection times x5】

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