Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 151 The controller is a big seller, Nanxing is fragrant, hehehehe

Chapter 151 The controller is a big seller, Nanxing is fragrant, hehehehe.

Three days later.

In Ma Xiaofei's official store and official website, a figure wearing a hat and leather armor appeared uniformly, holding a long sword in his hand and a small round shield.

After this two-dimensional character was discovered by users who entered Ma Xiaofei to select peripherals, the users directly posted it on Tieba and other channels.

In the afternoon, there were already voices criticizing Ma Xiaofei on Weibo.

[What does Ma Xiaofei mean? Is this how you use traffic? You think we can't tell that this is Link without writing the name, right? 】

[Ma Xiaofei touches Porcelain Nanxing, brothers, please rush Ma Xiaofei away! 】

[Damn it, the pig farm used to buy the Navy Black South Star, but now Ma Xiaofei directly touches the Porcelain South Star! Can you guys please stop touching my star treasure? 】

[Nanxing is of the Buddhist type. Before it became big, everyone wanted to take advantage of Nanxing. Now that it has grown, everyone wants to take advantage of Nanxing! 】

[This is the domestic game industry environment. Everyone, what’s the use of doing well? Copying is worse than doing well! If you don't copy it well, you should copy it well! 】

[The boycott of Ma Xiaofei starts today! 】

The image of Link, the protagonist in The Legend of Zelda, was misappropriated. By three o'clock in the afternoon, it was officially on the hot search list. It became the first domestic and foreign store to be on the hot search list. The person involved was Ma Xiaofei. .

At this time, everyone in Ma Xiaofei was secretly enjoying themselves.

Tang Sicheng covered his mouth, and Ma Xiaofei's senior staff on the side also covered their mouths with their hands, tears filling their eyes.

Mr. Tang, what a genius! Mr. Tang! This is a hot trending news. In this era of recovery of the console market, we have become popular!

I spent millions of dollars on promotion before but couldn't break out of the industry. Now I work with Nan Xing and I'm out of the circle!

Yes, Mr. Tang, black and red are also red! Not to mention that we are not black at all! When Nanxing issues an official letter, we can directly clear our name and gain a wave of conscientious fans.

Mr. Tang, the traffic of our flagship store in Jingmao Tengu has tripled!!!

Tang Sicheng covered his mouth and also had tears in his eyes.

Oh shit

If he had known that heat flow was so easy to obtain, why would Ma Xiaofei have to work so hard to make the handle!

Look, it has only been three days since Nanxing was online, and Ma Xiaofei's store traffic has tripled!

Three times! What is the concept of three times?

It was Ma Xiaofei who went around looking for anchors and UP anchors to get business deals, and he got traffic that even hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars couldn't get!

And what about He Nanxing?

It can be said that Ma Xiaofei didn’t spend a penny! It’s just a waste of your own time!

But compared with this wave of traffic and increasing the market, does time really count as a cost?

What a piece of cake!

Tang Sicheng was filled with emotion, put down his hand, and said excitedly: Manager He Wen of Nanxing is really awesome. Everyone, actually this method is not my own idea, but it was Director He Wen who told me that this method can help We hyped it up, and I agreed immediately after hearing it.”

Do you think we just washed our hands of it? No, we can also gain a wave of users and fans whose consciences are condemned after following the trend! These people will buy our controllers as an apology to us!

Tang Sicheng said loudly.

In an instant, Ma Xiaofei's senior management's admiration for Tang Sicheng increased even more!

It's only been three days

Ma Xiaofei saw the results!

Nothing is more convincing than a massive increase in traffic!

What are you most afraid of when working on peripherals? What I fear most is lack of exposure! After cooperating with Nanxing, Ma Xiaofei directly became the first peripheral manufacturer to appear on the hot search list. This exposure directly filled up the traffic!

You said, how could Ma Xiaofei’s senior executives not be excited about this?

And then, another two days passed.

Amid the overwhelming curses from netizens, Ma Xiaofei did not come forward to give any explanation. As a result of Ma Xiaofei's cold treatment, Ma Xiaofei's flagship store is now full of curses from netizens.

Some people even bought a cheap mouse and keyboard from Ma Xiaofei's store just to criticize Ma Xiaofei in their comments and urge newcomers not to buy Ma Xiaofei's peripherals.

On various platforms, even gaming platforms like Tianyou, Ma Xiaofei is currently being scolded.

Only the informed Tianyou employees know.

All this is a big pit!

The harsher you scold Ma Xiaofei now, the more footprints you will leave on the Internet, and the deeper your apology to Ma Xiaofei will be when the time comes!

Zuo Xuan and Luo Feng did not let the platform deliberately delete or block posts that insulted Ma Xiaofei, because two middle-aged people who have been using the Internet for many years could easily see the fishiness in it, not to mention that on the fourth day, Li Lin greeted Zuo Xuan and informed Tianyou that Nan Xing and Ma Xiaofei had secretly cooperated.

Although Tianyou would be a little unhappy when he heard that Ma Xiaofei and Nan Xing were collaborating, overall, Ma Xiaofei's joining was actually a good thing.

After all, Tianyou is responsible for the platform, and there is no conflict with Ma Xiaofei's business. If Ma Xiaofei sells peripherals to Tianyou by then, there may be many opportunities for cooperation between the two parties.

For example, this time the Legend of Zelda co-branded controller, Tianyou will help sell it, and from the sale, Tianyou will also share some profits. Although it is not much, mosquito meat is also meat, right?

Of course, the real point is!

Doing this can help Nanxing!

As long as he can help Nanxing, Tianyou will do anything right now!

Do you understand the value of Nan Xing’s No. 1 younger brother?

Even though Ma Xiaofei has joined the Nanxing family, Tianyou is Nanxing’s favorite son!

Tianyou has now looked past it. A year ago, Tianyou would have been troubled and irritated by the changes in status between him and Nanxing, but now, Tianyou has calmed down.

Damn it, follow Nanxing’s butt to make money, consume traffic, or make money standing up, without worrying about being scolded by users. If you don’t choose to accept it, if you choose to reject it, isn’t there something wrong with your brain?

So Tianyou knows it very well!

It was not until March came that the incident between Ma Xiaofei and Nan Xing reached its peak. Then, the traffic and popularity began to decline, but suddenly, there was movement on Nan Xing's side.

A sudden announcement from Nanxing directly brought an incident that was slowly fading away and out of the sight of users in the gaming circle to a climax again.

Nanxing Games: [Good morning, all players. After several days of business exchanges, Nanxing has officially reached a cooperation with Ma Xiaofei and will jointly produce a controller. Princess Zelda controller and Link controller will be released soon!

And in these days, Nan Xing has noticed everyone's cries. Here, Nan Xing's mother has to apologize to everyone! ! ! I'm sorry for not announcing the truth as soon as possible, which misled everyone and caused everyone to misunderstand Ma Xiaofei.

But fortunately, after communication, Ma Xiaofei also understood the enthusiasm of the players, and expressed his willingness to openly and transparently sell the Zelda series controllers at the lowest price. Ma Xiaofei will sell the controllers produced in this cooperation at cost price. As Nanxing and Ma Xiaofei An apology and compensation to the players!

Zelda controller, Link controller, not 399, not 299, just 288! 】

Then, the official Weibo account of Ma Xiaofei, who only had tens of thousands of Weibo fans, also issued a notice.

The statement released the image of a Zelda controller, a pure white Princess Zelda controller, and a green and white Link controller, and clearly announced the controller material, technology, and production chain to netizens. Look, sincerity is straight away, it’s all sincerity!

For a moment, all the enthusiastic netizens who had previously scolded Ma Xiaofei fell silent.

What followed was that a large number of posts, Weibo, and comments that previously criticized Ma Xiaofei disappeared on various channels.

Of course, netizens are not the only people who know about this.

There are also major game manufacturers and peripheral manufacturers.

They paid close attention in silence for almost half a month, watching Nan Xing and Ma Xiaofei perform the double act.

Tea, real tea, Nan Xing's speech is full of tea flavor! Are they all blind? Can't you tell?

What do you mean by seeing it but not announcing the truth immediately? The truth is that they were just waiting for the incident to get heated! Nanxing was obviously helping Ma Xiaofei eat up the traffic!

That's right, and why has Ma Xiaofei become such a jerk? Can't we all just make money from users together? Why did they join Nanxing's team? They are traitors!

But I have to say that although the fragrance of tea is overflowing and it is full of routines, users like this. Nanxing did not just deal with it, but really gave out benefits. Ma Xiaofei was also brave, which set a precedent. Finally, will they dare to quote a high price for the controller later?

It's so abominable

Different from the perspective of netizens, manufacturers are gnashing their teeth at the own goal that Nanxing made in February, and are full of dissatisfaction with it.

Of course I’ll be unhappy!

Fortunately for the game factory, they were disgusted by Nanxing. It could even be said that they were used to Nanxing's market-destroying behavior. However, the peripheral factory was different. This was the first time that the peripheral factory had received such a punch!

There is no bottom line, it’s all routine!

Although the price of the controller has indeed been raised very high and the price is exaggerated, the problem is that users don’t know it! Damn it, it’s so damn abominable, if Nanxing doesn’t make money from users, why don’t you let us make it?

But to boycott Nanxing?

Damn, the peripherals side hasn't even joined forces yet, but the biggest manufacturer here has defected to help Nanxing. Is this a big deal?

The boss has all defected!

Really, for users, Nanxing is the real savior in this circle. Feng Shuyun is a conscientious entrepreneur, a super good businessman who does not bend for money and thinks about the interests of users.

But what about them? Nanxing is the destroyer who destroys the market! Feng Shuyun is the deviant devil, a bastard who lives and works for the users regardless of their interests!

But against Nan Xing?

Nanxing has withstood the threats of the Pig and Goose factories, rectified the environment in the gaming industry, and developed to the point where even the Pig and Goose factories cannot restrict it. So what can these peripheral manufacturers do? ?

How do you say that?

Oh yes!

He who wins the hearts of the people wins the world!

Nanxing is what the people want now.


It is impossible to boycott Nanxing. We can only make handles honestly and lower the price.

Will they be able to make money in the future?

If you have the courage to develop controllers, delve into technology, and don't cheat, then peripheral manufacturers will definitely be able to make money. Because of Nanxing's involvement, the popularity of this circle has increased, the cake has also grown bigger, and the number of users in the market has increased. , Ma Xiaofei’s family can’t stand it, so they can eat the cake too.

So you can still make money, but you will definitely no longer be able to deceive users and raise the price of the controller as you did in the past. You can obviously make money by selling it for 100, but you dare to sell it for 300.

can only say.

Nan Xing, you really deserve to die!

After what Ma Xiaofei and Nanxing did, the cooperation between major game manufacturers and major peripheral manufacturers, and the peripheral industry, will also see huge changes.

In this circle, in the future, you can only earn money with good conscience.

March 8th.

At noon, Tang Sicheng put his hands on his chin and looked at the computer in front of him seriously, his whole body tense.

The Zelda co-branded controller is launched today. Tang Sicheng is not sure how many copies it can sell.

In the past, Ma Xiaofei released a new series, the handle project was able to sell over 3,000 units on the same day, and Tang Sicheng was able to open champagne, but what about this time?

Based on the popularity of the Internet and the traffic of the store, Tang Sicheng feels that

Well, give me a number, at least 10,000!

Selling 10,000 units is not excessive, right?

After all, the traffic brought by Nanxing is at least millions of people paying attention to Ma Xiaofei!

Even if the number of console users among millions of people is very small, it is not difficult to sell 10,000 units, right?

Therefore, Tang Sicheng was extremely excited.

After twelve o'clock, the controllers were put on the shelves in each flagship store, and at the same time, the Tianyou platform page also turned into a co-branded controller from The Legend of Zelda, and Tianyou will also help sell them.

Tianyou users place an order on Tianyou, and then Tianyou submits the order to Ma Xiaofei, who delivers the goods, and Tianyou divides the handling fee.

Five minutes, ten minutes, twenty minutes

It wasn't until half an hour passed that Tang Sicheng stood up and walked out of his office.

The moment he walked out of the soundproof office, Tang Sicheng seemed to have entered another world.

Ma Xiaofei's office area is as noisy as a vegetable market.

There was a lot of shouting and a lot of noise.

Okay, okay, I understand. Thank you for your hard work. Hey, Xiaolong, Tianyou has another order for 4,000 units!!!

Can Pengcheng Power Plant expedite production? No? Even if it doesn't work, it has to be done! The demand in Pengcheng is huge. If we are close, we can deliver it on the same day!

How much inventory do we have left? What? You said warehouse four has been booked?

Jingle Bell----

Phone, the phone rang again! Whose phone rang!

Stop going to the toilet! Don't you want the results?

Minister Wu, the third department is requesting an outsourced team! My eyes have been blurred. I can't even read Arabic numerals now!

Hello? This is Ma Xiaofei, what? Complaint? Did we do something wrong?! Ah. There is no store in your area that does not sell? This user is really sorry. Today, our Ma Xiaofei only sells in urban areas where there are warehouses. , ensuring that it can be delivered on the same day or the next day. We will sell the controller nationwide three days after it goes online. We, Ma Xiaofei, sincerely apologize to you for the trouble caused to you.

Tang Sicheng stood there with his eyes closed and listened.

The corners of his mouth slowly rose, forming an arc.

Chaos. It’s better to be a little chaotic.

It’s better to be chaotic!

Tang Sicheng's smile gradually became lustful.

Hey hey hey.

Thighs smell good

Nanxing Xiangxiang

Hey hey hey.

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