Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 149: Ways to improve IQ

In the Heaven Dou Imperial Palace, the atmosphere was a bit strange at this time.

"Unexpectedly, your Majesty attaches so much importance to Young Master Qinhe!"

"Prince Qin He, shouldn't he be your majesty's bastard!"

"It's very possible! Is it possible that in a hundred years, your Majesty intends to pass the throne to Qin He?"

"It's not impossible. Qin He's mother is also from the Xue family. It stands to reason that Qin He also has royal blood!"

The courtiers under Emperor Xue Ye seemed to have seen too much information from the eyes of Emperor Xue Ye, but at this time they were watching their noses and noses, not dare to say a word.

The position of prince has been taboo since ancient times, and ordinary ministers dare not bet casually.

"Meng Lao, just say whatever you want, why do you hesitate, am I an emperor with a small belly?"

At this time, when the Great Xueye learned that Qin He had successfully survived the thunder tribulation, he felt more comfortable, and he became a little more casual when speaking.

"Your Majesty... That... The Second Prince Avalanche..."

Hearing this, Mengshenji's voice became even more stuttered, and he didn't even dare to speak, but turned the camera to the scene where Xue Beng and Xiao Chenyu were fighting.

Blow nose and swollen face, rolling on the ground······

This guy in a gorgeous robe, are you sure that he is the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, not some gangster on the street?

"This is my son... Avalanche?"

Emperor Xue Ye's originally pleasant mood suddenly became extremely ugly.

What did I give birth to?

My Heaven Dou Empire-to be finished!

Even with Qin He's help, Qin He is not a god. To help these two stunners, he always feels that the Heaven Dou Empire is in the cold, so hopeless!

"Nizi! Nizi!"

The beard of Emperor Xue Ye stood up:

"Meng Lao, go and bring back the **** Xue Beng! Bring it back soon!"

The violent evil spirit radiated from Great Xueye's body, causing the surrounding ministers to be silent.

"The last time His Highness Xue Beng was beaten, he realized the mutant spirit ability of a barbecue goose!"

"This time, perhaps His Highness Xue Beng will make even greater progress!"

"Congratulations to Your Highness Xue Beng..."


Shrek Academy.

Dean Flender, Master Yu Xiaogang, and Qin Zhan also had different looks in their eyes, which were complicated.

"Brother Qin Zhan, your son, are you sure that it wasn't the soul beast that changed? After suffering such a terrible thunder from the purple sky, nothing happened?"

Master Yu Xiaogang's mouth was bigger than an egg, as if he had seen a ghost!

Nonsense, this must be hell!

His Master Yu Xiaogang, as a professional master of martial arts theory, has studied most of Douluo mainland's knowledge.

The body of the soul beast was better than the soul master in most cases, which Yu Xiaogang had to admit.

An ordinary soul beast couldn't bear this level of thunder tribulation, but Qin He didn't suffer any injuries. On the contrary, he was more energetic after being struck by thunder tribulation?

"Brother Qin Zhan, your son Qin He has an indifferent expression after being struck by lightning. He is really too awkward!"

Dean Flender on the side also couldn't help commenting in a bitter voice.

Too able to pretend!

The father and son of the Qin family really came from the same line of love and pretense!

This fellow Qin He had suffered such a heavy thunder disaster, he must be bruised all over his body at this time!

But the other party looked indifferent, it must be pretended, it must be pretended!

"It's really amazing! This Young Master Qin He, what kind of weight did he carry to make him so strong..."

When Yu Xiaogang thought of this, he couldn't help showing his affection. Originally, he felt that Qin He was pretending to be compelling. At this time, his grievance was not so great.

Having just received such a powerful Thunder Tribulation, but struggling to stand still, posing a handsome posture, this Qin He is simply pretending to be forced by his life!

Any soul master who uses his life to realize his dreams should not be laughed at!

Even if the other party is just pretending to be forced...

Qin Zhan looked dumbfounded.

Is my son Qin He really that rigid?

After being struck by lightning, don't you lie down on the ground and have a good rest, recuperate, and deliberately pretend to be invincible, just to show your saints?

Who did you learn from this bad problem?

But soon, Qin Zhan regained his calm and gentle attitude: "What are you talking about? My son Qin He just did a small thing. You shouldn't praise it so much!"

"Don't praise it any more, if you continue to praise it like this, my son Qin He will be proud from now on, so he won't be very educated..."

Yu Xiaogang: "······"

Flanders: "······"


"Sure enough! Qin He is not afraid of this so-called thunder calamity at all! This guy has unfathomable strength. Is this also his handwriting?"

In Shrek Academy, Tang San's eyes flashed with fear and solemn light, and when he mentioned the name Qin He, his body was a little trembling.

Don't count on it!

Expecting this thunder tribulation to kill Qin He, it is better to think about whether this thunder tribulation was deliberately invited by Qin He? What kind of purpose does the other party want to achieve through this thunder tribulation!

"Little San, it is rumored that in the ancient times, there were soul masters who took the initiative to bring thunder into the body in order to hone their physique and strengthen their martial souls. This Qin He, did he practice the ancient methods of cultivation, so the opponent was so powerful?"

Dai Mubai's eyes flashed with excitement, and even a faint taste of eagerness to try!

As the prince of the Star Luo Empire and heir to the Evil Eyed White Tiger's martial spirit, Dai Mubai's desire to become stronger can be said to be the most determined.

Bring thunder into the body, if it can really evolve my evil eye white tiger spirit, even if it is dangerous, I will try Dai Mubai!

Perhaps a hundred years later, I, Dai Mubai, can also become famous in the mainland and invent a cultivation method that draws thunder into the body?

"Boss Dai, don't be impulsive..."

On the side of Tang San, seeing Dai Mubai's expression, he immediately knew what the other party wanted to do, and the muscles in the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely!

Boss Dai, you are afraid that you have eaten too many peanuts.

Although you and Qin He are both white tiger spirits, but Qin He is not afraid of thunder, your small body, I am afraid that it will be wiped out all at once!

"No wonder there are so few soul masters in Douluo Continent, all of them are too adventurous..."

Tang San took a deep breath, and the solemnity in his eyes became even more serious: "Could it be that this is Qin He's true purpose in attracting Thunder Tribulation?"

"Trick some people with insufficient IQ to take the initiative to find Thunderbolt. The ones with low IQ are dead, and the rest are smart people. In a disguised way, to raise the IQ of the Douluo Mainland Spirit Master?"

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