Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 148: Are they crazy

Tiandou Royal Academy. Thunder robbery around.

The soul masters who were onlookers all took a breath.

The matter of Qin He's thunder tribulation was really too sensational. Many spirit masters took a breath, and it is estimated that the climate in Douluo Continent will become warmer.

"There are nine tribulations of the Purple Cloud Thunder Tribulation, one of which is stronger than the other, isn't it right, this... has this been done?"

Xiao Wu, a one-hundred-thousand-year soul beast, knows the terrible Thunder Tribulation best. At this time, a thick incredible color flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she almost didn't swallow her tongue!

I thought that when Xiao Wu was a weak soul beast, she had personally seen other 100,000 year soul beasts crossing the catastrophe.

So difficult, so dangerous, and even many powerful soul beasts turned to ashes under the thunder tribulation!

And Qin He's thunder robbery this time was far more terrifying than the thunder robbery Xiao Wu had seen before!


Look at Qin He in the center of Thunder Tribulation!


There was even a helpless smile on his face.

This smile is a silent contempt and dissatisfaction with Lei Jie, he is disgusting, is he too weak?


The edge of thunder robbery.

When Lei Jie was overwhelmingly smashed, Xiao Chenyu and Xue Beng only silently withdrew from a hundred meters away, found a safe and remote place, and then continued the peak battle between them!

"Xiao Chenyu, you traitor! I won't let you get close to Master Qin He and sabotage Master Qin He's plan of crossing the catastrophe!"

Xue Beng righteously spoke, raising his hand is a trick to steal the peach from the monkey.

"Avalanche, you're a stubborn little girl!"

Xiao Chenyu yelled, and in a blink of an eye it was another trick to eat grapes!

Under the mighty thunder catastrophe, the spirit power was in a state of disarray, and even Titled Douluo could not use his spirit power to attack the enemy.

Xue Beng and Xiao Chenyu used their most primitive fists to stage a battle for the pinnacle of the Douluo Continent!

Well, it looks like five-year-old kindergarten children with stunted development are fighting.

At the Thunder Tribulation scene at this time, countless large force spies used various live-streaming soul guides to transmit the scene of the Qin River crossing the Tribulation to the heads of the major forces.

The battle between Xue Beng and Xiao Chenyu was only a trivial scene at the scene of the thunder catastrophe, but when other spirit masters were busy avoiding the thunder catastrophe, it seemed very abrupt.

"What's the situation? When Young Master Qin He crossed the Tribulation, there were spirit masters fighting next to him?"

"What's a joke? Although our soul masters in Douluo Continent fight thousands of times a year, they are also very frustrated!"

"Which Tiehanhan, Lei Jie is fighting on the edge, this is not wrestling by the pit-looking for death (shit)?"

"It's actually Xiao Chenyu and Xue Beng! They are not senior brothers, are they all Qin He's apprentices?"


All the spirit master spies of the big forces were already shocked beyond words.

Sure enough, it has something to do with Qin He, no matter what it is, it can make big news!

Qin He is so good at handling a human being, it's nothing more than to attract thunder robbery inexplicably!

Even Qin He's apprentices are amazing!

"Xue Beng and Xiao Chenyu also set a new record in Douluo Continent! Fight before Lei Jie, the first case in Douluo Continent!"

Tiandou Royal Academy, the vice president of Mengshenji spoke with a complicated expression.

"Meng Lao, this Xiao Chenyu belongs to the Martial Soul Palace Academy. We can't control it. This Xue Beng has caused such a thing. Do you want to punish one or two?"

Beside him, Bai Baoshan Soul Douluo had a dark face and reprimanded.


It's just nonsense!

This avalanche is simply mouse **** regardless of the overall situation!

As a student of Tiandou Royal Academy, you usually skip class and fight, I can only say that you are naughty and childlike.

But in the face of such a major event as Qin He's thunder tribulation, you still play this for me, you are afraid that there is a problem in your mind!

"Elder Bai, our Tiandou Royal Academy does not seem to have any school rules saying that fighting in front of Thunder Tribulation is not allowed?"

Another Contra elder Zhi Lin said quietly, causing Bai Baoshan's face to instantly turn into pig liver color.

"It seems that we really can't do anything about them..."


Heaven Dou Palace.

The Great Xue Ye sat on the high dragon chair, his back wet with cold sweat.

"Did Qin He finally survived the thunder robbery? Fortunately!"

Emperor Xue Ye couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, his voice a little weak.

In front of him is a Soul Guidance Device mirror that broadcasts the Qin River's Crossing Tribulation, on which the scene of the Qin River's Crossing Tribulation is playing.

Young Master Qin He, to Emperor Xue Ye, is more than just an ordinary genius soul master. His body carries the hope of Emperor Xue Ye to counterattack the Spirit Hall!

The Great Emperor Xue Ye was talented and general, and overwhelmed all the forces in the Douluo Continent, and the current Heaven Dou Empire still maintained an apparent calm.

However, Emperor Xueye knew very well that the Spirit Hall was the greatest enemy of his Heaven Dou Empire, because the Spirit Hall had begun to slowly penetrate into the spirit master army.

Although now, with his own wrist, Emperor Xue Ye didn't dare to appear even in the Spirit Hall.

However, his emperor Xueye's deadline is approaching after all, and Emperor Xueye himself knows very well that if he waits until he dies, fighting the empire on this day will probably cause a turmoil because of the Spirit Hall!

Because Emperor Xueye knew very well that among his next generation heirs, no one had the wisdom and skills to surpass Wuhun Hall!

"The hope of breaking the game lies in Qin He. With Qin He's talent and wisdom, my prince of Emperor Xue Ye, as long as Qin He assists, then the Heaven Dou Empire will never fear the threat of the Spirit Hall!"

The eyes of Emperor Xue Ye were shining brightly.

Qin He, an impeccable young soul master with perfect strength and wisdom, is the future successor team chosen by Emperor Xue Ye, the pillar of the country!

He must be fine!

To rule the Douluo Continent, it wasn't the soul master's personal strength that was enough.

A soul master, even if his talents are so good that he has become a **** at a hundred levels, but such a soul master, facing a country like the Heaven Dou Empire, he does not have the corresponding skills and wisdom, and he has nothing to do!

The Spirit Hall has the inheritance of angel gods, there are so many titled Douluo, and ambitious. On the face of it, the soul master's combat power will surpass the Heaven Dou Empire, but why can only choose to dormant?

This is the result of the wisdom and means being inferior to his Xueye Great Emperor.

Strength is very important, but sometimes it is necessary to have enough wisdom to control this strength!

There was a deep light in the eyes of Emperor Xue Ye.

"Your Majesty is wise, Young Master Qin He is very wise, he must be confident in the face of Thunder Tribulation this time, I am afraid that the other party has already expected the thunder Tribulation! But..."

When Emperor Xue Ye was in deep thought, the sound of the Dream Machine on the other side of the mirror hesitated.

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