
Saitama raised his head and muttered with some expectation.

Seeing the change in his teacher’s expression, Genos also laughed:

“It seems that the teacher is also looking forward to the reward of the video, it should be much stronger, I want to come to that Poros, now ~ I am almost desperate!”


Saitama shook his head and continued expectantly-saying:

“Strength or something, I don’t have any ideas, I’m just wondering, can the reward of this video make me grow hair-……”


The corners of Genos’ mouth twitched as he heard this, obviously.

As a devil-transformed man and extremely powerful, he simply does not understand the desire of normal humans for hair.


Fate, the absolute World of Warcraft Front.

“Wang, did you get the reward given by the video?”

In the city of Uruk, in the hall of kings, looking at the words that were also proud, Siduri asked with some curiosity.

“Hahaha, hahaha.”

Hearing this, King Gilgamesh waved his hand, but the smug and cheerful expression on his face could not be concealed, and finally laughed presumptuously:

“Don’t worry, Siduli, this is a good thing, a good thing that can be used in the final battle!”

“That’s it.”

Siduli nodded, did not ask more, she looked at her own king, looked at the prosperous city of Uruk in the distance, and had some complicated melancholy in her heart:

“I just hope that with the video prophecy and this reward, everything can be a little better.”


The World of Prudent Braves.

Divine Realm.

“Alaala, don’t hide it, show me what reward the video has given you.”

Goddess Lista rushed into the room of the Ryugu Temple again, holding the other’s hand.

I have to say that although this stupid goddess is indeed stupid, she is indeed very delicate.

At this time, the cute and humble appearance of coquettishness is really not something that ordinary people can resist.

But how can our cautious brave be ordinary people?

I saw that he waved his big hand, pressed the door of the goddess Lista’s head and pushed her out, and said in a flat and disdainful tone:

“Without me, the spread of bacteria will get sick and will affect the combat effectiveness!”

“How many times have I said it, people have a good bath, really, and so cold, I really don’t know if you are pretending or a personality problem.”

The goddess Lista pouted aggrievedly, and said very unhappily:

“Tell me what, people won’t be like some demon king to snitch…”

“I trust your persistence and position.”

Looking at the aggrieved appearance of the goddess Lista, a sentence from the Holy Lady of the Dragon Palace Court made her lift her spirit.

It’s a pity that the next sentence made this stupid goddess irritable again:

“But I don’t believe in your intelligence!”

“The devil knows if you will triumphantly reveal to others at that time, whether you will fall for the conspiracy of the demon king, and will it be subconsciously exposed?”

“If it were an ordinary person, I might tell it, but you…”

The holy of the Dragon Palace Courtyard looked at the stupid goddess in front of him with extremely pitying eyes, and finally pouted:

“Forget it!”

“It’s abominable! Who is the stupid goddess, stupid stupid, you are the big fool! ”


Hokage World.

“What reward did you get?”

Uchiha Sasuke’s eyes were complicated, and he was almost desperate for the fool in front of him.

Good fellow, it was just that he was surpassed by this stupid guy, after all, he opened the hanging, and he would have rushed back sooner rather than later!

Probably who would have thought that when his hanging was limited (the power of the Nine Tails was unbearable), this damn video would continue his hanging.

It’s just abominable!

At this moment, I want to catch up with this guy, I really don’t know how long it will take.

“Do you really want to look at this idiot and just dump me like that?”

Uchiha Sasuke gritted his teeth angrily and said indignantly:

“This is absolutely not okay!”

“I, I feel a lot of things, a special power, the Nine Tails told me that this power is called the power of the yang…”

Naruto Uzumaki did not observe Sasuke Uchiha’s expression, but said with some sarcasm.

Although he didn’t know what the power of the sun was, Naruto Uzumaki could clearly feel his physical fitness and had been greatly improved.

More power can be accommodated now!

The main thing is that although the injuries received during the previous escape have been recovered, the physical and mental exhaustion cannot be eliminated.

But now, it was almost empty, and even Naruto Uzumaki felt that he could fight for three days and three nights.

Although you have not obtained powerful moves, you have not obtained the power to destroy everything.

But Naruto Uzumaki could feel that this improvement was derived from the sublimation of the entire person’s life level!

Naruto Uzumaki said this to Sasuke Uchiha about these gains, and immediately envied the latter.

It was clear that Sasuke Uchiha knew better than Naruto Uzumaki, what such an improvement really meant.

This is the improvement of qualifications!!

Today’s Uzumaki Naruto has obtained a real immortal body and has a steady stream of Yang power. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although he was far less powerful at this time than during the First World War of the End Valley, this force was permanent.

It’s not the kind of chicken ribs that the temporary experience card given by the six immortals is…

“And I also discovered a characteristic of this force.”

Naruto Uzumaki was still excited, and directly pressed his hand on Sasuke Uchiha, and without saying a word, he pushed the power of Yang again.

In an instant, all the injuries on Sasuke Uchiha were all recovered.

It’s just that such a consumption makes the Nine Tails in Naruto Uzumaki’s body can’t help but scold loudly:

“Bastard, little ghost, do you know how precious the power of the Yang is!

Unexpectedly used to treat such a small injury, violent destruction of heavenly things, you!! ”

And at this moment, Uchiha Sasuke was completely stunned, although after Naruto Uzumaki’s reminder, he already knew the strength and preciousness of this power.

But what others say and real experience are two different things, and at this moment he has thoroughly experienced it!

For a while, contrary to Naruto Uzumaki’s excitement, Sasuke Uchiha just wanted to be quiet.

“Hey, Sasuke, or let’s go out and fight now, I feel like those guys can definitely solve it easily.”

Naruto said excitedly, and directly wanted to turn around and leave, but fortunately was caught by Sasuke Uchiha:

“Stupid you, do you know what a powerful person will come after so long?

All that is left to do now is to wait, wait until the village is rescued for support, and then think about anything else. ”

0 for flowers 0


Naruto Uzumaki was obviously bored and sighed unwillingly, but the next moment, his eyes suddenly brightened:

“Hey, Sasuke Sasuke, look at it.”

“What happened again?”

Uchiha Sasuke said impatiently, it was obvious that this succession of blows made him very irritable now.

“A new video has appeared, this time the protagonist is you, hurry up and take a look!”


Uchiha Sasuke was shocked in his heart, and quickly looked up at the video, secretly excited in his heart.

Naruto Uzumaki, this guy has been hanging for so long, letting himself hold back for so long, and at this moment, is it finally going to make himself hang too?!

Sure enough, most people in this world do not hate the existence of such a thing, but the person who hates the hanging is not themselves.

Just a little bit of the video, Sasuke was a little frozen.

And Naruto Uzumaki on the side laughed maniacally:

“Hahaha, Sasuke you look quickly, this title is too interesting, haha, pretend to be the most handsome forced to fight the heaviest, then you guy pretends every day, now it’s fun.”

“How can it be repaired!”

Uchiha Sasuke roared angrily, covering his face unwillingly.

Although he has not finished watching the video, he can already predict how strange and funny he will be in this video.

And this time is different, the chat group and comment area of the heavens and realms have been established.

I’m afraid that this time I will lose people in the entire Ninja Realm, and even the entire Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds!

“Laugh and laugh, laugh what laugh!”

Sasuke was angry in his heart, and looking at Naruto Uzumaki, who was still in joy, he suddenly became dissatisfied, and directly punched the other party in the head:

“You don’t know that such a loud voice will attract enemies, looking for death?”

“What’s wrong with a smile?”

Naruto Uzumaki covered his head and said unwillingly, “That voice you roared just now was so loud.” I didn’t see you afraid of attracting enemies! ”

Uchiha Sasuke was speechless for a while, but at this moment, the two of them instantly woke up.

The enemy, it seems, has already come!

So they quickly turned off the video and hid quietly.

But their side is quiet.

However, in the chat group of the heavens and realms, it was happy.


In a chat group.

Luffy: “Hahaha, the title this time is really interesting, Uchiha Erzhu, the strong man in the beating, is it a fellow practitioner of my generation?” ”

Wendy: “Hey, this time the video turned out to be the ninja world again, this is the third time, yes!” ”

Sonic: “Ninja is not a ninja anymore, no matter how strong the ninja is, he can’t beat the bald demon anyway.” ”

Little Bird You Liuhua: “Upstairs, is it also the person who was made a psychological shadow by the bald big devil?” Don’t be discouraged, child, the Evil King’s true eyes will always be on you! ”

Yuta Fugi: “Ahem, Rokka, don’t say it, you’re piercing other people’s hearts…”

Kakashi: “This title really fits the temper of that guy in Sasuke, but it’s right.” ”

Ryugu Courtyard Shengya: “No as nodie, if you don’t do it, you won’t die, if you don’t pretend to be forced, you won’t be beaten, it’s better to be cautious.” ”

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