In the shocked gaze of the heavens and realms, above the spiral pill in Naruto Uzumaki’s hand, one illusory palm after another appeared!



Wave Feng Shuimen!

Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai!

One mark after another in the video made everyone instantly wake up, these people are the layers of bonds connected behind Naruto Uzumaki.

Every flick of the palm will make the power of this spiral pill a little stronger.

After this unknown number of palms flashed, this spiral pill shone brightly, and its power was not much worse than that of Sasuke Uchiha.

“This, is this the power of bonds that Naruto Uzumaki said?”

“Companion, trust, can this thing really bring power? Is something wrong with them, or is there something wrong with their world? ”

Seeing this outrageous scene, the audience of the heavens and realms were shocked, and they all turned their eyes to Uchiha Sasuke on the side.

But it was clear that on the side of Sasuke Uchiha, who chose to be alone, no palms appeared.

The only palm is Uchiha Itachi!

This made the audience of the heavens and realms directly silent.

They also don’t know what expression they should use to face this scene at this moment.

However, they all know that this move is the final confrontation between the two.

Naruto Uzumaki vs Sasuke Uchiha!!

The fetters of companions vs the loneliness of the strong!!


From ignorant toddlers, to naïve children, to tough and stubborn teenagers, to young people who have grown up to the present.

Finally, at the moment when the figure of the two intersected with this point in time.

The power of loneliness and the power of bondage meet!!

In an instant, a not so violent roar, accompanied by white light, covered everything in the picture.

But this time, everyone looked at it very seriously, their eyes stared directly at the screen, and the sound of their own or their companions’ heavy gasps echoed in their ears!


Finally, under everyone’s anticipation, the picture slowly returned to normal.

However, at this moment, it was sunset, and the time had already reached dusk.

And Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha were also lying on the ground at this moment, and the arm that originally held the terrifying power was gone, leaving only two blood stains, crossed together.

From a distance, it really looks like the hands of the two have held together.

It is clear that this time the battle is a defeat for both sides.

“Haha, I didn’t die again.”

Lying on the ground, Sasuke Uchiha, whose body could not move at all, smiled bitterly.

I don’t know if I’m saying that I didn’t die or that Naruto Uzumaki didn’t die under his moves.

“Damn, the body still can’t move.”

The same was exhausted, but Naruto Uzumaki on the other side was still struggling, and said unwillingly:

“I still want to beat you, I must beat you awake!”

Hearing this conversation, everyone in the heavens and realms was speechless.

What is the body like now?

It’s hard to say whether you can survive or not, this is still thinking of beating people!

On the other side, Sasuke Uchiha laughed well:


“What are you laughing at?”

As if he was angry, Naruto Uzumaki gritted his teeth and said:

“Wait for me, no matter how many times, I will definitely pull you back…”

“I admit it.”

However, this time, Sasuke Uchiha interrupted him.

“It’s me, I lost…”

This call caused the people of the heavens and realms who were still complaining to fall silent.

Although they didn’t know much about Uchiha Sasuke, they could also see that this was a guy who was extremely proud.

But this time, he did not shy away from admitting defeat.

Is it?

Is it bondage that triumphs over loneliness this time?

“Stupid! Idiot! ”

However, what the audience did not expect was that Naruto Uzumaki opened his mouth and cursed:

“There is nothing to win or lose in this battle! It’s just that my dead party is not sober, and I want to beat him awake!

The game I want is still here! ”

In this way, in the daily quarrel of this pair of diehards, the battle finally came to an end.

The fate of Asura and Indra has finally come to an end in this era!

It’s just that when the picture has not completely darkened, the subtitles in the video are belated, updating the status of the two at the moment.

[Naruto Uzumaki, six-level combat power, rating: Konoha Murashita Shinobu! ] 】

[Sasuke Uchiha, six-level combat power, rating: Konoha Murashita Shinobu (Rebel Shinobu has returned)! ] 】

Such a subtitle explanation, the existence of the heavens and all the worlds of the scriptures is outrageous:

“Although it is not explicitly stated, I seem to remember that Shinobi should be the lowest ninja in the ninja world, this is!”

“What the hell? How can this existence of Konoha be so hanging, able to create such a heaven-destroying level battle, can only be rated at the level of a lower endurance? ”

“Emmmmm, I even remember that Konoha Village was destroyed before, and that scene is not as destructive as these two scary battles?”


Hokage World.

Yunyin Village.


With a loud bang, the irascible thunder shadow directly slapped the table in front of him and smashed it, and pointed to the video with a twitching look in his eyes:

“Is this Shinobi? You tell me this is Shinobi?

Konoha’s Shinobi, if it’s all like this, don’t even say that as long as two more of this look come, then we will still be a fart! ”

The violent roar filled the entire Thunder Shadow Hall, causing everyone to tremble.

But even if they weren’t frightened, they were really powerless to refute it.

After all, the situation in the video is really outrageous!

As far as the powerful performance of these two people in the video, even if Lei Ying is there, it is just a delivery of dishes, but this is what kind of forbearance.

Such an explanation made many of the upper ninja and shadows in their room feel insulted.

“Phew~” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Lei Ying gasped sharply, looked at the video with his eyes, recalled the scene of the previous battle, and finally made up his mind.

Bet on the name of Lei Ying, he will never allow them to grow!


The next moment, the picture of the video changes again.

The camera pulls back into Konoha.

However, at this moment, Konoha has completely got rid of the fire of war and returned to its previous prosperous appearance.

Birds singing, grass and trees, between traffic, adults talking, children frolicking.

This all shows that the era has finally ushered in a prosperous era!

And at this time, the camera followed everyone’s gaze and moved over.

In the early morning, greeting the rising sun, a blond young man with warm and bright hair like the sun took the cloak belonging to the Hokage and beckoned to everyone.


This sunny boy who grew up in the dark, through his own efforts, finally walked to the light step by step and won everyone’s recognition.


This time, it is recognized from all over the world!

From there, the video ends.

At this moment, the repressed complaining hearts of the audiences in the heavens and realms finally couldn’t bear it anymore, but because there was no barrage on the video, it was worth chatting with the people around them.

“Ma Ya, I really didn’t expect that Uchiha Sasuke’s hanging was so big, and as a result, Naruto Uzumaki’s hanging force could still catch up, and it was a tie.”

“Where is this a tie? I said that when Naruto Uzumaki said that I won’t kill you, his mouth shield began.

You didn’t see that it was obviously a situation where both sides lost in the end, and as a result, Sasuke Uchiha insisted that he lost, which is clearly the victory of the king with a strong mouth! ”

“Hahaha, but anyway, the ending is still good, this time although the fight was very violent, the arm was lost, but the villain survived.”

“That’s right, the scene of the protagonist’s mortal death in the video has finally been broken, Naruto Uzumaki, this child, hit me and watch him go!”

“Not bad, step by step from darkness to sunlight, hey, although I don’t see such a practice, but Naruto Uzumaki this guy is indeed an admirable strong man.”


One punch world.

In a corner of the starry sky far from the earth, a huge space battleship is running amok in the established direction.

Where you pass, there is no grass, but whoever dares to stop it will turn into dust!

At this moment, the owner of the battleship looked at the scene in the video and recalled these two battles, but said with great disdain:

“The power of bonds? Mental bonus? Hehe, just this kind of thing, it also deserves to be called power! ”

“What companions, what protection, are, only their own strength is really strong, the strong should be lonely.”

It is clear that Poros disapproves of, and even scoffs at, the main tone promoted in the video.

After all, he has swept the starry sky of the universe and seen too many so-called strong people.

If the bonds are really useful, then why did they sweep away the entire clan and destroy the planet by themselves?

Or in other words, compared to Naruto Uzumaki, he originally recognized Sasuke Uchiha more as an opponent.

Although it is difficult to act as his enemy with the strength in the video, it is quite interesting to think about the battle.

Even in time, it is really possible to become a strong person who can fight with himself.

It’s just a pity that such a guy with the potential of an absolute strong person was shaken by his belief in just a few words.

“Hehe, a bunch of garbage, what bullshit, to put it bluntly, it’s just that you’re not strong enough, it’s just an excuse for the weak.”

Poros casually said domineeringly.

That’s right, in his eyes, Uchiha Sasuke will fail, just because he is not strong enough and his faith is not strong enough.

If he comes to that world, he will surely destroy the decay!

At that time, what fetters will be talked about.

Send it all to you 957 burned, see if you dare to talk!

“It’s been a long time since I had a happy battle, but unfortunately there is no way to bring destruction to you.”

Poros sighed twice, narrowed his eyes again, and looked at the star map in front of him:

“I just hope that guy in the language can be stronger, I can’t wait, but don’t let me down!”

“Pass the order down, full speed ahead.”

“Target, Earth!”

With Poros’s order, the space battleship was a little faster, flying towards a blue planet far away from the starry sky.

That’s right, it’s flying by…

At this moment, Poros is not clear what a terrifying existence he is going to face!


Hokage World.

Iwahide Village.

In the Hall of Earth Shadows.

Including Tuying, everyone who watched the video was silent and could not reply for a long time.

It was clear that whether it was the battle against Kaguya, the battle between Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha, or even the battle where Payne fell.

For them, the blow and pressure came too quickly, and it was too big.

Let them, from the words that had been clamoring to kill the geniuses of Konoha, gradually stop, and then turn into the current silence.

“Lord Tsuchikage, it can’t go on like this!”

Finally, after being silent for a long time, someone still couldn’t help it, and Izuku reminded:

“If we really want those two guys in Konoha to develop, then we really have no place in Iwain Village.”

This sentence seemed to open the chatterbox in the entire hall, and everyone discussed it one after another.

“This is not necessarily, as far as the video is concerned, Naruto Uzumaki is obviously a peace-loving being, and if he is in charge of Konoha, he wants to maintain the status quo at most, so as not to be invaded and so on.”

“What a joke! Are you asking us to pin the goal of nuclear leveling on the benevolence of the enemy? It’s ridiculous, if I’m not careful, my Yanyin Village’s century-old foundation will be destroyed! ”

“However, you are dealing with them now, although some of Konoha’s protection is difficult to attack, but it is indeed not without opportunity.

However, about the crisis that followed, whether it was Payne Uchiha or the last woman who claimed to be a god, how should you deal with it? ”

“For Konoha, it’s always okay to deal with it carefully, after all, they came with peaceful intentions, but the others are all thinking of destroying us!”

This sentence instantly silenced the entire hall.

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