Chapter 496 The Three Giants

"Xiao Han, are you okay?"

On a steep mountain shrouded in mist, the woman in blue stood quietly, with a faint mist floating under her feet.

The cyan dress danced gently, and the jet-black cyan silk fluttered in the wind.

The charming figure is beautiful and moving, like an ink painting, and also like a painting of a fairy who is left behind and independent.

The white ribbon was lightly tied on the slender willow waist that could not be grasped, making the already moving figure even more graceful and graceful, like a green lotus swaying in the wind, which looked so otherworldly.

His eyes were farsighted, his eyes blurred.

"How have you been in the past few years? Have you missed me? But, I miss you, but I was deceived by that bastard, and I can't get out now."

A girl's feelings are always poetry, full of persistence, simplicity and romance.

It's a pity, good luck makes people.

With a long sigh, the girl sat cross-legged, her hands were imprinted, and she breathed and inhaled like a dragon. The rich heaven and earth essence emerged around her body along with her breathing. appear in the body.

If you are grounded and cannot leave, you can only practice. When your strength is enough, you will be able to go out naturally.

Another three days passed.

Wearing a black robe, tall and tall, with a handsome face, the Soul Heaven Emperor was the first to find the source of that strange elixir.

After so long, more people are gathered here at this moment.

Soul Tiandi's indifferent gaze swept away, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and a trace of disdain flashed on his face.

It's just ants, most people can't get into his eyes at all, and there are only a few people who can make him pay attention.

The arrival of the Soul Heaven Emperor didn't cause much movement, obviously he did it deliberately.

The long years of cultivation did not make him stupid, but the more he lived, the more he knew how to weigh the pros and cons. He was the kind of person who was wily.

Although there are too many people, it is chaotic, but it can hide people's eyes and ears.

Although his Soul Heaven Emperor is powerful, he will not be so arrogant that he is ignorant. He knows very well that there are still a few people in this world who can stand up to him.

And if you can get here, those people will appear soon if you want to come.

The Soul Heaven Emperor stood above the sky, standing in an inconspicuous position. He raised his head and glanced at the incomparably thick clouds above his head, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the energy contained in the dazzling thunder was that he, the nine-star fighting saint, felt terrified. .

He sucked in a breath of cold air, and the Soul Heaven Emperor looked far into the distance, looking at the area below the center of Thunder Cloud, where the space was extremely distorted, as if it was isolated from this world, and he could no longer see everything.

However, the nine dazzling light clusters are like the blazing sun, and no matter what, they cannot cover up their dazzling light, and there seems to be a vague figure beside these clusters of light.

At this moment, a door of space opened.

A tall figure with a terrifying aura all over his body appeared above the sky. The powerful aura seemed to suppress the eternity and dominate the world, causing everyone present except the Soul Heaven Emperor to fall to the ground involuntarily, unable to be on an equal footing with him at all.

"It's quite a show." The corner of Soul Tiandi's mouth curled slightly, and then he fell to the ground with everyone, without attracting the attention of the people who came.

"What level of elixir is this? How could it create such a terrifying thunder calamity!"

Behind this person, seven or eight people followed his footsteps and filed out together. They glanced at the heavy thundercloud above their head, and couldn't help but exclaim.

"I don't know, but at least it is the peak of the ninth grade, and it may even be the emperor's young pill." Gu Yuan said.

This group of people is none other than Gu Yuan and others from the ancient clan.

"We're here, and the people from the Soul Race should be here soon!" Someone glanced around and said.

"Haha! Don't look for it anymore, with the character of the little mice from the Soul Clan, they may have come a long time ago, and even hid in the crowd and were watching us." Gu Yuan laughed.

While speaking, he glanced around, but he didn't find any trace of the soul clan.

"Look, those people disappeared."

Suddenly, an exclamation came out.

On the earth, Di Tian and others who were originally guarding around Ye Han, together with Queen Medusa, disappeared instantly in front of everyone's eyes.

This scene shocked everyone.

Why did you come here to wait for so many days?

Isn't it the medicinal pill that is being refined inside, and the person who is refining the medicine?

But now the people who were guarding outside suddenly disappeared, how could this not shock everyone?

After Gu Yuan and the others heard the words, they quickly turned to look.

The people on the ground couldn't see it because they lost their vision to see the whole picture, but Gu Yuan and others could see it clearly.

"A formation? You can't escape!" Gu Yuan muttered to himself.

Then the powerful strength was released, and the majestic fighting qi stirred the rules of heaven and earth, changing the world to block the surrounding area...


Suddenly, Gu Yuan's face changed slightly, his eyes turned to the right, and then a smile appeared on his face, "I will say that in such a prosperous world, I think you will definitely not be absent from the Emperor of Heaven."

The Soul Heaven Emperor in black robe finally gave up the idea of ​​catching fish in troubled waters, soared straight into the sky, and appeared above the Nine Heavens.

It wasn't that he changed his previous style and became more but he also wanted to know what happened in front of him.

"You're still the same as always!" Emperor Soul Tian looked at Gu Yuan, then glanced at the elders of the ancient clan beside him, and a hint of sarcasm appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"It's just each other!" Gu Yuan chuckled, disregarding the ridicule of the Emperor Huntian.

The two clans have been dealing with each other for so many years, and they know each other well, so it is impossible to get angry at such a trivial matter.

"In order to prevent accidents, block this place first." Hun Tiandi said.

Gu Yuan couldn't do anything about it.

The two current peak Dou Sheng powerhouses joined forces to directly block the area where Ye Han was located, and even transformed the area where he was located into a small world.

In the area they blocked, the space was distorted, and those who could see clearly were those nine golden light clusters.

A strong medicinal fragrance filled the air, lightning flashed in the sky, rumbling sounds began to reverberate, thunderclouds began to collide, and the most critical moment was finally coming.

A dignified atmosphere spread out unconsciously, and everyone didn't dare to take a breath.

At this moment, a purple dragon broke through the space with its fleshly body, rammed, and appeared directly in the wilderness where the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

There was another strong man coming.

"It's him?" Soul Heaven Emperor and Gu Yuan looked at each other, and their eyes were involuntarily solemn.

At this point, the Dou Qi Continent, the three top giants in the world gathered together.

(End of this chapter)

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