From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 494: : Ancient family

The scorching sun slowly rises into the sky, and the bright sun shines all over the world, but there are always places where the sun cannot shine.

On the vast land, the crowd is surging.

Here, thick clouds blocked the sky, and splendid thunder and lightning flashed from time to time, as if to tear apart the vastness and shatter the darkness.

A vast and unpredictable aura carrying special energy fluctuations spreads and spreads continuously, impacting the nine heavens and ten places, as if carrying an extremely strong power of creation that can nourish all things.

And the source of this power is the central area under that cloud.

In just one night, thousands of people have gathered in this wilderness that was once barren, and all of them are full of breath, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

In the past, the Douhuang strongmen who were rampant in the Jama Empire, now here, are really just like ants.

The lowest level here is the Dou Huang, and he can only stay outside, not daring to approach the inside.

A powerhouse is scattered everywhere, standing in the sky and the ground, but without exception, all eyes are on the blurred area in the center under Yinyun, looking at the tall blurry figure, his eyes do not blink. Now, for fear of missing something.

However, this time the alchemy was beyond people's imagination.

Three days have passed, and the medicinal pill has not yet been successfully released.

At the same time, in the eastern region of Dou Qi Continent, there was a sound of vibration from the small worlds hidden in the world.

The fluctuation of the medicinal pill penetrated the small world boundary, and finally caught the attention of the real powerhouses in this world.

"A curious and unique medicinal fragrance, just a hint of smell made me feel the opportunity to make a breakthrough." In the small world of the soul clan, an exclamation came from a quaint bronze hall that shook the whole small world.

With a handsome face, the man who looked only in his twenties and thirties took a big breath without any image, then couldn't help but get excited and got up immediately.

"Hahaha! The deity's breakthrough is expected." The man let out a long whistle, and then left in an instant.

The opportunity for a breakthrough was just around the corner, so he naturally wouldn't be so foolish as to let someone else do it for him, bring him things back, or send someone to investigate the situation first, otherwise the daylilies would be cold.

But not long after he left, a figure in white quietly entered the ancestral land of the Soul Clan.

"That trace of devouring the source, it should be here!" The ethereal and clear voice is like a flowing spring in an empty valley, which can wash people's hearts. After some induction, the figure in white instantly disappeared.

He also sensed the peculiar smell of medicine, and the nihility swallowing flames who had hurriedly ended his cultivation were directly blocked here.

If Ye Han was here, I am afraid that he would be able to recognize at a glance that this person is none other than Bibi Dong, who was short-lived in Canaan College.

Compared to a few years ago, Bibi Dong is obviously stronger now, and he is already in the Dou Sheng realm.

What is the peak of debut? Bibi Dong is.

After coming to this world, relying on the fact that his previous cultivation was still there, he didn't get sealed immediately, so he directly broke into the Doudi Cave Mansion. With the help of the sky-defying means, he was a hoot. Invincible, how could it be as hard as Ye Han, who needs to bring a large group of people to make a living, and usually has to be cautious, do things before and after, make compromises, and be criticized by others?

It's a pity, if others knew what happened to Ye Han, they would definitely give him two words "Deserved!"

Or there will be more people saying, you go away and let me come.

2 out of 1, what would you choose?

There are too many romantic debts, and naturally they have to be repaid. How can Gu Yuena sleep so well, and how can a dragon knight be so easy to act as a dragon knight? Since he has done it, he naturally needs to bear the consequences. This is a man's responsibility.

At the same time, another small world.

This is the world of the ancients, where they live. The patriarch of the ancients, Gu Yuan, also walked out of the retreat at the first time, but unlike the soul emperor who went alone, as a coward, he obviously had to bring more The masters of the family go together.

"Father, can you take me with you?" The beautiful and refined girl appeared, looked at her father who was about to leave, and made a pleading voice.

Unfortunately, this was naturally rejected.

"This time the pills in this world are of great importance. I can feel it, and the guy from the soul clan must also feel it. There will inevitably be a war at that time. What are you going to do? Stay in the family to cultivate." Gu Yuan said.

Gu Yuan was very angry when he thought of his daughter's questioning when he came back.

I don't know where she heard the news, but she suspected that she had arranged a marriage for her, so she was angry with herself.

Although it was explained clearly afterwards, Gu Yuan was still angry, feeling that this girl was stupid outside, even believing that kind of madness.

"Girl, don't be angry, I usually read more books when I have nothing to do, and I can increase my knowledge and knowledge. It can be regarded as adding more experience and enriching myself." After Gu Yuan left, an old man stepped forward and said to the girl.

"Me, second uncle, if you think I'm stupid and a scumbag, just say it straight and don't beat around the bush." ​​The little girl looked at the old man in front of her and said indifferently.

"Hey! You said these words, I didn't say it. If you want to admit that you are a scumbag, then I can't help it." The old man sighed and looked at the little girl with a random smile, with a doting look on his face "Don't be angry, you were easily deceived because of a life-long event. Your father didn't let you go out for your own good. After all, the small family is a small family. I didn't agree to let you out at first, but your father's stubbornness is If you don't listen, what you say is going to give you an innocent childhood."

"It seems that a romantic childhood is here, but it's too naive."

With another sigh, the old man turned around and walked away.

The daughter of the ancient clan is easily deceived. If it is placed on an ordinary family, it is really a trivial matter, but placing it on this huge ancient clan is a stain for a lifetime. There is talent, but lack of mind, it is difficult to become a big one. It is difficult for her to take on a big responsibility, even if she is stronger than her father in the future, it will not change everyone's opinion of her.

It can be said that a small matter can determine a lifetime.

All the senior officials of the ancient clan were a little disappointed with Xiao Xun'er.

"Second you are going out."

Xiao Xun'er looked at the back of the old man leaving and shouted loudly.

She doesn't care or care about other people's opinions, but it's been several years, and she really misses him.

"Don't think about it, it's useless for you to beg me. If your father doesn't agree, I can't take you out. This is the rule." The old man said without looking back.

"No, no, I didn't ask you to take me out, I wanted you to go out and ask me about someone." Seeing that the old man was about to disappear, Xiao Xun'er hurriedly shouted.

The old man's footsteps paused for a while, and finally Yu couldn't bear it. He turned around, looked at the beautiful and refined girl, and said, "Tell me!"

"He, his name is Xiao Han, second grandpa, I know you love me the most, you must keep this matter a secret for me." Xiao Xun'er stepped forward quickly, hugged the old man's arm and said coquettishly.

A hint of curiosity flashed on the old man's face. To be honest, this girl really has nothing to say except for being stupid once. Whether it's her appearance or her aptitude, she is worthy of being a person of peerless elegance, who can make her care so much. Who will it be?

And the name sounds like a man.

The old man nodded and said, "Heaven knows this, you know it, I know it, and I won't tell anyone else."

"Yeah! I believe Second Master."

Xiao Xun'er nodded, with a bright smile on her face, and said, "His name is Xiao Han, he should be in Heijiaoyu now, you can help me check his current situation when you go out, don't say or ask other things. , especially about me."

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