Chapter 460 Prey

A group of girls focused their attention on Xiao Xun'er at the same time. Several of the girls were obviously lacking in energy, their expressions were sluggish, and they had faint dark circles under their eyes.

The cat meowing last night really tormented them a lot. At this moment, I want Xiao Xun'er to give them an explanation.

"cat meow?"

Xiao Xun'er was stunned for a moment, and then she seemed to think of something, and a trace of unnaturalness appeared on her face instantly.

Where is the cat meowing?

It is clearly...

"Xun'er, our family used to have a cat monster, I know the habits of this creature, listen to me! You'd better find a time, bring your cat, go to a doctor, give It will be sterilized, otherwise, it will not only bark today, but tomorrow, as long as it is in that season every year, it will bark, and it will be annoying to death." A girl stepped forward, looking very understanding, She reminded Xiao Xun'er.


The expression on Xiao Xun'er's face stiffened for a moment, and then immediately returned to normal, with a shallow smile on her face, forcing her inner shyness to say, "I will, let's go! The game is about to start."

A group of girls were all dazzled by Xiao Xun'er's beautiful smile that burst out at that moment. They were both girls, but they were different from each other. In front of Xiao Xun'er, these girls could only be regarded as green leaves, and they became a foil to the delicate flowers. to make the flowers look more beautiful.

"Xun'er, I noticed that you seem to have changed?" On the way, someone looked at Xiao Xun'er's radiant face with a hint of suspicion on his face.

"What's changed?" Xiao Xun'er looked puzzled.

"I know, it seems to have become more beautiful and more mature, hehe, I guess it must be because of Xiao Yan, that guy turned Sister Xun'er from a girl to a woman, haha, if you talk about this matter Let the male students in the academy know if they will go crazy." A very precocious girl laughed.

"Is this the flower that has been nourished by love?"

"Yeah! Xun'er is indeed more beautiful! Especially the skin, as if the whole person is glowing, even I am a little moved when I see it."

A group of girls started joking all kinds of jokes.

"Enough, let's stop joking, Xiao Yan and I are over, the youth and ignorance we once were is a thing of the past, from now on, don't mention the word Xiao Yan in front of me, we are still sisters, otherwise don't blame me for turning my face. "Xiao Xun'er's face turned cold, and her tone was cold.

As soon as these words came out, the girls around were frightened.

Although Xiao Xun'er was usually cold, she gave off an easy-going feeling, as if she was easy to approach, especially when she treated these girls, she was very kind, like sisters. It was the first time that these people saw her angry.

No one dared to joke, only Xiao Yu looked at Xiao Xun'er suspiciously.

Her room was the closest to Xiao Xun'er, and she could hear it most clearly. It was definitely not a cat's meow, it seemed to be an uncontrollable moan of pain, and it seemed to be mixed with crisp applause...

Like pain, like joy, Xiao Yu almost rushed over several times to see what happened.

However, she is not a little girl who doesn't understand anything, and she probably guessed what happened, although it feels a little weird, thinking about how elegant and indifferent Xiao Xun'er is usually, who would have known that she would be so bold, so reckless, and unexpectedly Dare to bring a man into his dormitory...

This is really incredible.

In order to avoid being killed and silenced, Xiao Yu listened to the corner of the wall all night, her body was softened and her clothes were wet, but she did not dare to go over to see what happened.

Xiao Yu's strange gaze barely concealed, how could Xiao Xun'er not feel it?

She felt that her cheeks were a little hot, but she could only pretend not to know, pretending not to see it, with a cold look on her face, and left first.

Looking at Xiao Xun'er's escaped back, Xiao Yu was even more sure of her guess.

"This guy, he must have done something bad last night, he just doesn't know who that man is? Isn't he really Xiao Yan?" Xiao Yu looked at Xiao Xun'er's back and said with flickering eyes.

The final selection competition was destined to be the busiest day at Canaan College. Naturally, in the early morning, the martial arts field was overcrowded.

The ordinary entrance was already crowded with people. After Xiao Xun'er and the others found Instructor Ruo Lin, they entered the square through a special entrance that was heavily guarded.

Ye Han also came to the square without hesitation, and his eyes swept over the contestants one by one.

The most outstanding people have already shown their profound accomplishments in fighting qi in the past few days of competitions. Ye Han can tell one or two from the words of the people around him.

There were five outstanding disciples, three of whom Ye Han was already familiar with, one was naturally Xiao Yan, the other was Xiao Xun'er, and the other was Bai Shan who was stunned by him that day. The other man did not know his name very well. The name is Wu Hao, and the last one is a girl in red.

The girl's name is Hu Jia. She is not only beautiful in appearance, but also has extraordinary talent and a hot figure, and the power behind her makes many people's heart pounding.

With the appearance of two talented girls, Xiao Xun'er and Hu Jia, they attracted the attention of a large number of people in an instant.

"My wife is really beautiful! She's beautiful and sassy, ​​with a unique temperament."

Someone looked at Hu Jia and couldn't help sighing.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

"Bum, that's my wife, okay?"

"Both Xiongtai seem to have identified the wrong person. That's obviously a concubine."

"You, bullock!"

The colleagues next to him all gave this person a thumbs up, and dared to call Hu Jia a lowly concubine.

Ye Han shook his head, feeling that the conversation between these people was quite interesting.

Obviously, her strength is not very good, and she still looks very ugly, but she thinks that she is beautiful.

Through the conversations with these people, Ye Han also had a certain understanding of the girl named Hu Jia. She was proud and confident. This is the natural nature of a genius, but this girl was a bit irritable.

There are many people in the academy who are interested in this girl. Many people who used to claim to be geniuses tried to approach her, but without exception, they were severely injured by the girl.

Manic behavior, sturdy demeanor, and powerful strength frightened those suitors to the point where no one dared to bother them anymore.

However, Ye Han is very clear that this girl's hobby seems to be a little... special.

However, this has nothing to do with Ye Han. Even if he is there, he can break it down for her. Think about the Second Emperor Bingxue. He has straightened the attributes that have been in existence for hundreds of thousands of years. Simple.

A crisp bell rang, making the noisy square a little quieter.

Countless eyes converged, looking towards the source of the voice, and the figure of Vice President Hu Qian, also Hu Jia's grandfather, appeared in the line of sight.

Looking around, accompanied by a strong voice, it echoed in the huge square like a dull thunder.

"Yesterday in the inner court selection, the final fifty disciples were selected, but before entering the inner court, the higher your level, the greater the benefits you can get after entering the inner court. Today's competition is for For this, work hard, boy! If you want to get more benefits, do your best to fight for it, and each promotion will bring you huge benefits."

"Now, please enter the 50 students who have obtained the qualifications to enter the inner courtyard to enter the As the words of the vice president fell, the 50 people slowly walked out of the crowd and came to the square. The only vacant high platform.

"come on!"

Ruo Lin stood under the stage, raised her head, waved her small fist, and cheered at Xiao Xun'er and Xiao Yan.

"It seems that you are very optimistic about them?"

Ye Han silently appeared beside Ruo Lin and spoke out of time, causing the female teacher's expression to stiffen slightly.

To be honest, the person she is most afraid to see now is Ye Han.

Without him, it's just the guilt in my heart.

Thinking about her promise at the beginning, that Xiao Xun'er would not have an accident, but what happened?

Xiao Xun'er really didn't have any major problems, but there was something missing from her body, like a layer or something.

Whenever I think of this, Instructor Ruo Lin is a little bit dumbfounded. Although this guy took revenge on Ye Han, he undoubtedly killed one thousand enemies and lost eight hundred.

Now it seems that she is relieved, but she seems to be in trouble.

"Well, that, I'm sorry!" Ruo Lin looked at Ye Han, her eyes flickered slightly, her face was full of apology.

"Haha! If an apology is useful, then what kind of justice is needed. Tonight, I will be waiting for you at the back mountain of the college, at the rockery." Looking at his prey, Ye Leng smiled coldly, left a sentence, and walked away from here. .

If you come, it's okay to say, if you don't come, you will be at your own risk.

(End of this chapter)

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