Chapter 459

A bright moon hangs on the branches.

Xiao Xun'er stood alone by the window, looking into the distance, as if she could see the tall figure regardless of the distance.

The bright moonlight shone down, flowed into the window, and shone on her body. She covered her with a layer of silver-white gauze, which made her look holy and cold, and at the same time added a touch of poignancy and loneliness to her.

Just as Xiao Xun'er was looking into the distance, recalling the encounter and acquaintance with Xiao Han, recalling the bits and pieces, and when she was slightly lost because of her madness last night...

Suddenly, in the shadow behind her, a tall figure appeared.

Black hair like ink, draped behind her back, dressed in white, picturesque.

He appeared silently, and from behind, he gently embraced Xiao Xun'er's unbearable waist.

His actions, in this silent night, will naturally make people pale and horrified, and Xiao Xun'er is no exception, and she is directly frightened.

Although his final voice was somewhat familiar, Xiao Xun'er was still frightened to death.

Just when Xiao Xun'er wanted to open her mouth to shout, and her fighting spirit was surging, the people behind her quickly said again, "Don't be afraid, it's me."

At the same time as she spoke, she not only covered Xiao Xun'er's mouth with one hand, but also suppressed her fighting spirit, forcibly turning her head around.

Xiao Xun'er's frightened eyes blinked slightly, looking at the familiar ice mask in front of her, the fear in her eyes was slowly replaced by surprise.

In the end, she opened her mouth and bit into the palm that was covering her mouth.

"It hurts, it's a little bit, I was wrong." Ye Han shouted exaggeratedly.

After careful consideration, Ye Han felt that it was necessary for him to comfort this girl. Of course, to break through the cultivation base? is also an important part.

Originally, she wanted to give Xiao Xun'er a surprise, but who knew it would be a shock.

"How did you get in?" Xiao Xun'er let go, glanced at Ye Han's unharmed palm, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, but she didn't think much, but implicitly worried.

"I just came in so openly!" Ye Han said casually with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Do you know how dangerous it is for you to do this? If you break in like this, if you are discovered, then you will be doomed. Hurry up and leave before things are exposed." Xiao Xun'er turned around and looked at Looking at the man who hugged him, seeing his indifferent expression, he couldn't help worrying about him, and said eagerly.

"I dont want you to go."

Ye Han looked at Xiao Xun'er and spoke lightly, just a few simple words, but it made Xiao Xun'er's expression freeze, and she was directly moved.

"How can I be at ease if you leave alone?"

After he finished speaking, Ye Han lowered his head directly and printed it on Xiao Xun'er's alluring red lips.

Xiao Xun'er's eyes flickered, looking at the ice mask that was getting closer and closer, she closed her eyes slightly, and then a pair of lotus root-like arms moved up, hugging Ye Han's neck, and she responded with a selfless response...

"where is he?"

Ye Han raised his head and looked at the girl who was limp in his arms, breathing rapidly, with two camel-red faces on his face, and asked knowingly.


Xiao Xun'er's blurred eyes were replaced by doubts.

"The one surnamed Ye." Ye Han said, his eyes filled with murderous aura, he was very imposing, and he pretended to be very similar.

"Didn't you agree? I'll handle this matter..." Xiao Xun'er's face showed a trace of displeasure. In fact, she was as happy as eating honey.

She really didn't expect that this man would sneak into Canaan Academy for himself, risking his own life to help her deal with that person.

For a while, the silly girl was really moved.

The person I like takes such a big risk for me, how can I let him continue to be in danger, that person is too dangerous.

Although Xiao Han is strong, Ye Han seems to be stronger.

"You are my woman, your business is naturally..." Ye Han opened his mouth, but this time he was interrupted by Xiao Xun'er's actions before he finished speaking.

Xiao Xun'er hugged Ye Han's neck, stood on tiptoe, and offered her delicate red lips.

"Let me handle Ye Han's affairs. It's just you and me tonight, didn't you say..."

After some passionate kisses, Xiao Xun'er looked at Ye Han, with an intoxicating blush on her face, her face full of shyness, and said, "Didn't you say that if you come a few more times in the future, it won't be so painful? I want to try it. try."

Ye Han lowered his head and looked at the innocent and refined person with a hint of charm, pure and lustful, how could he be able to hold back.

Hearing her words, her breathing stagnated slightly, her eyes burst with scorching brilliance, and her breathing suddenly became rapid.

Xiao Xun'er was taken aback by Ye Han's change, she hurriedly looked away, timidly afraid to look at him.

Ye Han took a deep breath, and then directly made Xiao Xun'er turn around and lie on the windowsill...

Early the next morning, Xiao Xun'er took an elixir from Ye Han, her face was radiant, she glanced at Ye Han timidly, her eyes dodging.

Ye Han's strength is unmatched, and Xiao Xun'er is not an opponent at all, but after a while, he began to beg for mercy again and again!

Now, in the face of Ye Han who has a face of resentment, she is really embarrassed.

"Otherwise, you can go find Sister Erlong!" With her eyes turned, Xiao Xun'er came up with a brilliant idea, asking him to go to Liu Erlong, which would not only calm his anger, but also let him escape from danger. , it's really the best of both worlds.

"Okay, okay, don't do this, it's like I bullied you." Ye Han smiled helplessly and rubbed Xiao Xun'er's head, and said, "Hurry up! Otherwise, your teachers and classmates should be in a hurry. Don't worry, I'll listen to you, don't go to trouble with that surname Ye, I'll leave when the game starts."

As he was talking, Ye Han's tone suddenly changed, and he said, "However, I'm gone, what if you miss me?"

"Hurry up, hurry up, whoever misses you will bully me." Xiao Xun'er waved her hand and said with a look of disgust.

After speaking, she suddenly stepped forward, lay on Ye Han's chest, and kissed his masked face gently, her eyes full of reluctance and love, looking at Ye Han, her palms Gently touching the mask on his face, he said, "If you leave this time, don't come back. Wait for me to find you. Promise me, okay?"

Ye Han turned over and pressed Xiao Xun'er under him.

The perfect touch of the skin against the skin made him take a deep breath, and he was a little angry.

"No, no, I, I really have to go, otherwise the teacher and the others will be in a hurry." Xiao Xun'er covered Ye Han's mouth with her palm, her tone was weak, and she was completely suppressed by the masculine breath of the man. The can only pant.

"Wait, wait for the next meeting, I, I will make up for you, today, it's really not good."

Xiao Xun'er moved under Ye Han with affection and reason, and finally calmed the evil wolf on her body.

Ye Han was helpless, looking at the tightly closed door, he couldn't help sighing deeply.

One night, the door opened three times, but Xiao Xun'er was too weak, and after all, he still couldn't let him break through to Dou Huang.

"It seems that Xiao Xun'er can't count on it for the time being, so he can only think of other ways." The corners of Ye Han's mouth were slightly upturned, and he already had a goal in his heart.

"Why do you have such heavy dark circles under your eyes?"

"Oh, don't talk about it. I don't know where the cat came from last night. It kept meowing and kept me up all night."

A few girls were chattering about something, and at this moment, Xiao Xun'er's door opened.

The girl is wearing a plain and elegant dress, her face is quiet, her skin is white and rosy, her face is radiant, she is full of energy, pure and refined, but she faintly reveals a mature style. It is really pure and lustful. Of course heart.

"By the way, the cat meowing last night seems to have come from Xun'er's room, Xun'er, do you have a pet?"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of several girls all looked over at the same time.

Several of the girls in the group heard the cat meow last night and were tossed around all night, and now they all want an answer.

(End of this chapter)

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