From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 439: : Guanghan Palace

Cough cough! ~

The beauty took the initiative to offer a sweet kiss, but Ye Han naturally wouldn't be polite.

Liu Erlong couldn't help but let out a whimper, his heart was full of bitterness, he was completely powerless in the face of the wolf-like young man.

Out of desperation, she came up with this strategy, offering a sweet kiss to divert Ye Han's attention.

But at this moment, feeling the aggressive actions of the young man, she really wanted to cry without tears, was ashamed and angry, and felt powerless.

Especially, she could clearly feel that the unbelievable gaze from outside fell on her body tightly, and that gaze made her feel ashamed.

Liu Erlong was terrified. Just when she didn't know what to do, a voice like the sound of nature rang in her ears. It was Xiao Xun'er's light cough.

Never has I felt that this little girl's voice was so beautiful.

At the same time as her voice sounded, all Ye Han's movements stopped abruptly as if the pause button had been pressed.

"What are you doing, don't you know how to avoid it?" Ye Han looked at Xiao Xun'er angrily and said.

Xiao Xun'er's face was red and her ears were red. She was trained like a grandson, but she couldn't say a single rebuttal.

She didn't know what happened to her just now. Seeing how they were making out, she couldn't help but feel a surge of anger in her heart. Then she coughed twice, interrupting Ye Han's good deeds.

"Hey, um, wife, is your body feeling better?" Ye Han ignored Xiao Xun'er, but looked at Liu Erlong with a green light in his eyes.


Liu Erlong's face suddenly changed when he spoke, and then he remembered a terrible fact.

The person in front of him seems to have said that he will not touch him until his body recovers, but what about after he recovers?

"Haha, I'm just joking with you, don't worry, I still won't touch you now, after all, the physique of a cultivator is not something you can handle as an ordinary person, and, after you can cultivate, you and I will fit together, There will be unexpected benefits." Ye Han said mysteriously.

Hearing Ye Han's words, Liu Erlong couldn't help but heave a long sigh of relief, feeling that he had escaped the catastrophe again, completely forgetting that he had just been taken advantage of, and that her titular husband outside looked at him seriously. write.

"That person, no, that person is definitely not Erlong. She, Erlong loves me so much, because I can suffer for decades without changing my heart, it is impossible to do such a thing in front of me." Yu Xiaogang stopped. Footsteps, the uncertain face slowly returned to calm.

The golden giant carried a huge ornate sedan chair and walked away.

Liu Erlong was panting, raised his head in Ye Han's arms, glanced at Yu Xiaogang who had disappeared in the crowd, and sighed slightly in his heart.

"I'm sorry, you and I have no fate after all. I have no regrets to see you again. In this life, farewell forever!"

Lovers eventually became brothers and sisters. After decades of long journeys and hardships, the two became a nominal husband and wife, but because of the hatred in their hearts, they stayed together and separated more.

After stumbling and stumbling to this day, she is really tired.

Today's side, although full of pain, is equivalent to cutting the mess with a quick knife, allowing Liu Erlong to let go of all the burdens, and suddenly feel a sense of relief, an unprecedented ease.

Wrong feelings, wrong people, even if they are reluctantly together, they will not get real happiness, but will make each other carry a heavy burden.

The entanglement of grievances and grievances with Ye Han made Liu Erlong completely let go of this burden and be relieved.

"Wife, I suddenly discovered something!" Ye Han stroked Liu Erlong's face lightly, with a smile on his lips, said mysteriously.

"What's the matter?" Liu Erlong collected his thoughts and pretended to be curious.

"I found that you seem to be more beautiful, and suddenly your face is radiant and your spirit is different." Ye Han said.

"How can there be? You can't feel good at first glance." Liu Erlong pouted.

In fact, he was amazed by Ye Han's keen insight.

Judging from his strength and age, he is definitely a well-deserved genius. If it wasn't for Liu Erlong's previous cultivation experience, she really wouldn't have the confidence to take revenge.

Although he resented this man, Liu Erlong had to admit his talent.

"If I didn't speak fluently, how could I have won such a beautiful wife as you." Ye Han smiled and hugged Liu Erlong's mature and plump body tightly, making her upper body stick tightly to his chest, and his face A look of enjoyment appeared.

After so many days, Liu Erlong had become accustomed to Ye Han's rogue behavior, and there was nothing he could do about it. He could only keep the account in his heart and look forward to reckoning in the future.

Xiao Xun'er looked at the two of them, the corners of her mouth did not twitch, an inexplicable look flashed in her eyes, and she said lightly, "The auction house is here."

The surging crowd had dispersed early. Following Xiao Xun'er's words, Liu Erlong finally got out of the devil's claws.

Ye Han took Liu Erlong's palm, stepped on the pedestrian stairs below, and came to the ground. He glanced around, glanced at the people around him who were casting curious glances at him, and then walked into the auction house.

"Who am I to rely on? Such a big show."

After Ye Han led the people away, the quiet entrance of the auction house suddenly became noisy, and all kinds of whispers were heard incessantly.

Ye Han's pomp on this trip was too big, and made these people look at That golden giant was really cast in copper and iron, and the guards who followed him were even more restrained and murderous. , At first glance, it is not easy to provoke the master.

"Are you stupid? Didn't you see that the golden giants standing at the entrance of the auction house were exactly the same as the golden giants following this person?" Someone said, and a word woke everyone up.

"Yes! When did Eight Gates have so many golden giants?"

The Black Corner Territory is incomparably vast. There are many cities in it, gathering all living beings from all directions. Obviously, those who have such thoughts in their hearts are not local residents of Black Seal City. They are people who regard Ye Han as the Eight Doors.

"Eight doors are long gone, and the current Black Seal City is controlled by Guanghan Palace."

"Guanghan Palace, what kind of power is that?"

"Who knows, it's just a force that just emerged two days ago."

"Don't say it so easily, Guanghan Palace is definitely not easy."

"Of course it's not simple. If it were simple, could the eight doors that have been entrenched in the Black Seal City for many years vanish in an instant?"

"This power is too mysterious. It is said that there are experts like clouds, and any one who jumps out has the cultivation of the Dou King Realm. It's terrifying."

"It seems that there is another crossing river dragon in this Heijiaoyu, and the short-term calm here is about to be broken again. I just don't know how many forces will disappear this time?"

Everyone, you said a word to me, and quickly started chatting, and even the attractiveness of the auction in front of you didn't seem to be that great.

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