From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 438: : Goodbye Yu Xiaogang

Chapter 439 Goodbye Yu Xiaogang

With a mask on Ye Han's face, he looked at Xiao Xun'er dazedly.

He could probably guess what Xiao Xun'er was thinking at the moment, it was nothing more than seeing things and thinking about people.

The appearance of the Sanwen Qingling Pill must have reminded her of Xiao Yan, so Ye Hanman didn't care to belittle the Sanwen Qingling Pill for nothing.

"What's the purpose of you getting me something better?" Xiao Xun'er came back to her senses, her beautiful eyes flickering slightly.

"Purpose, what is the purpose of a good person like me who is willing to help others? There must be no bad intentions!" Ye Han said.

Xiao Xun'er pouted and didn't answer any more.

Who is this guy, she can't see through it at all.

He seemed to be enveloped in a layer of mist, invisible and intangible, full of mystery. Whenever Xiao Xun'er thought she was about to see clearly, he would always give people unexpected surprises.

After being rescued twice, Xiao Xun'er thought he was a good person, especially the heroic and wild lyrics, which made Xiao Xun'er remember deeply, a handsome, bold, uninhibited, bright and stalwart figure has quietly stood in his heart .

Then, on the Great Plains of the Black Domain, she was rescued again. The ambiguity and embarrassment that time made her feel that the person in front of her was somewhat different from what she imagined.

The army of black fans that appeared at the end proved that he is a good man, but he is a good man with very hot methods.

After coming to Heijiaoyu, his style of behavior began to become more spicy, ruthless and ruthless. Eight doors were destroyed by him, and all the doors were destroyed, leaving no chickens and dogs!

Xiao Xun'er's thoughts were completely overturned, she could no longer see the person in front of her.

But I don't know why, the more she can't see clearly, the more she wants to understand, and even has the urge to remove the mask from his face more than once to see what he looks like.

"Wife, it's almost time, let's go, I'll take you to see our auction house."

At noon, Ye Han took Liu Erlong's palm and walked out of the eight-door station with a group of dog legs.

"Is it really okay for you to be so arrogant?" Liu Erlong said helplessly, looking like a guard of honor, following Ye Han's younger brother mightily.

She is really convinced now. This guy's behavior is too high-profile, as if he is afraid that others will not know that he is awesome.

Sixteen golden giant sedan chairs, a thousand giants followed on both sides, the black bandits he subdued and the elites from the remnants of the eight doors were mixed among the thousand golden giants, although these golden armored giants were already known Even though he was his own, he was still trembling with fear, for fear of being trampled to death by these big guys.

A veil hangs down from the top of the huge ornate sedan chair, making the scenery inside the sedan a little blurry.

Pedestrians avoided all the way, but they all cast curious eyes at the scenery in the sedan chair.

In the blur, only three figures could be seen, snuggling together intimately in their demeanor.

Ye Han was lying on Liu Erlong's plump lap, and said with a contented face, "Cultivation is like making money. If it's not for enjoyment, what's the point of it, Xun Er, do you think I'm right?"

"How do I know?" Xiao Xun'er twisted.

His cheeks were flushed, and he felt very embarrassed. The couple stayed here and behaved so intimately that it was reasonable to say, but what was the matter by staying here by yourself.

The little girl was a little fidgety. She glanced at Liu Erlong secretly from time to time. She didn't even know what she was looking at. Anyway, she was embarrassed.

"Why are you so focused?" Ye Han raised his head, looked over the peaks in front of him, looked at Liu Erlong's glamorous face, and followed his gaze.

Immediately, he burst into laughter.

"Do you think that person looks like a dog?" Ye Han pointed at the middle-aged figure Liu Erlong was watching in the crowd, and smiled lightly, "Xun'er, do you look like it?"

The figure in the crowd was about forty years old, with a traitor head of thirty-seven points, dressed in sackcloth and linen, standing tall and straight, giving people a feeling of perseverance.

This person is none other than Yu Xiaogang.

It seems that he has been doing well recently, at least he has become a little dog-like, and he is no longer as embarrassed as the Mittel auction house.

"They didn't offend you, why are you scolding them?" Xiao Xun'er said tenderly.

"I didn't scold him! I just know how to look." Ye Han quibble.

"In my hometown, a single person has another title, called a single dog. According to my observation, this person frowns, and although he stands upright, it gives people a gloomy feeling. This kind of situation occurs in men. There are generally only two situations on my body, one is being greened, and the other is that my wife ran away with someone..."

Ye Han talked eloquently, with a serious look, and continued to chat.

"Have you ever noticed that he looked at us with envy, jealousy and hatred in his eyes, and his emotions were quite complicated. I guess if I appeared in front of him now, he would definitely fight against me desperately. Do you know why?"

"Because there are two big beauties around me, and he's just a single dog."

Xiao Xun'er rolled her eyes and didn't say a word, but it was worth a thousand words.

I believe you, you bastard, you are very bad.

"Don't believe it, if you don't believe me, I'll go out and let you see, or he will kill me, or I will kill him." Ye Han said.

The voice fell, and his body sat up directly. He was about to turn over and get off the sedan chair, but was pulled by a palm.

"Forget it, I believe you."

Liu Erlong looked at Ye Han and said indifferently.

"You believe me, I don't believe it." Ye Han opened his mouth like a stupefied man, and he was about to get off the sedan chair.

"I, I really believe, I believe in you." Liu Erlong exerted force on his hands, worried that Yu Xiaogang would be beaten to death if he went down.

"Che, when have you believed me after so long?" Ye Han said with a look of disdain.

"I, I really believe it." Liu Erlong was about to cry.

Suddenly seeing Yu Xiaogang by accident, she didn't have much joy in her heart, but more of relief and panic.

The good thing is that he is still alive, and he can see one more time, even from a distance is enough.

The one who panicked was seeing him, worried that he would recognize him, and then rushed over desperately.

Fortunately, the distance is far enough, and there is a bead curtain to block, she can see the outside more clearly, but the outside can only see the inside vaguely.

When Liu Erlong looked at Yu Yu Xiaogang also looked up at Liu Erlong as if he had telepathy. His eyes met, Liu Erlong was happy, scared, Yu Xiaogang Just wondering...

As Hua Huo walked away, Yu Xiaogang subconsciously followed.

As a result, Liu Erlong looked at the guy in front of him and didn't know what he was smoking, but he actually wanted to go down and find trouble with someone he didn't know.

Liu Erlong has long known about this guy's crazy personality, and now he can only try to discourage him.

Liu Erlong doesn't know Yu Xiaogang's strength, but she knows Ye Han's strength!

When the two faced each other, Yu Xiaogang was afraid that it would be more fortunate than fortune.

So now no matter what, the two cannot be allowed to meet.

"Do you really believe it?"

Ye Han looked at Liu Erlong and said suspiciously.

"Mmmm!" Liu Erlong nodded again and again.

There was a hint of joy in Ye Han's eyes. Just when Liu Erlong thought everything was done, he suddenly heard Ye Han's voice continuing to sound.

"That's not right!"

Ye Han wondered, "You never believed me, what happened this time?"

After speaking, Ye Han looked suspiciously at Yu Xiaogang who pushed aside the crowd and chased after him.

Then, his face was forcibly pulled over by someone, followed by a ruddy lip blocking it up unceremoniously.


Ye Han let out a groan, and then...

(End of this chapter)

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