Ye Han didn't know what Liu Erlong was thinking.

After leaving Liu Erlong's sight, Ye Han's speed suddenly increased, his body turned into an afterimage, and he rushed forward quickly.

I have to say, Xiao Xun'er has been really miserable along the way.

He left the Yunlan Sect with no money, and he was wandering all the way, and the hardships and hardships in it are really not enough for outsiders.

After finally getting into a caravan, I didn't expect that just after leaving the Jama Empire, the tense spirit just relaxed, and the backhand was drugged.

He was rescued by someone inexplicably. He just recovered from his fear and figured out the key to some things, but in the end, he was inexplicably hit by a sap.

When she woke up again, she found that she was in an Asura field. Once again, half-dead, she left that sad place in fear.

It was difficult to overcome the fear, and a few days of comfort had passed!

Who would have thought that today I would encounter such a group of strange things in front of me again.

This is a group of tall and burly men, with dark skin and topless, they shone with penetrating light in the sun, giving them an icy texture.

These people have almost no clothes on their bodies, with a leather skirt around their waists, hair accessories made of fresh leaves and feathers on their heads, and utensils made of various human bones in their hands. What paint is used to make the white pattern.

These people are not strong, but they are proficient in a combined attack technique!

In a burst of cries, a group of people directly surrounded Xiao Xun'er as if they were dancing. As they shouted and moved, the bones in their hands began to glow, and then they formed powerful undead warriors.

These people are not good, so Xiao Xun'er will naturally not be indifferent.

But her words didn't have any effect, and I don't know if these people didn't understand it, or they didn't bother to pay attention to her.

A battle for no reason does not begin.

Such a group of people who are not very strong, the combined attack technique formed is strange and powerful like never before.

Pieces of bones, connected by qi and blood, form undead warriors, each with a strength higher than that of the Great Fighter.

There are as many as ten such strange warriors.

Facing the siege of so many people of the same realm or even high realm powerhouses, ordinary big fighting masters may only be killed in seconds.

However, Xiao Xun'er is not an ordinary person either. As the daughter of an ancient clan and the owner of a divine bloodline, her talent and potential are far superior to those of her peers, and her fighting power is also extremely powerful, which few of her peers can match.

Unfortunately, she faced a group of undead warriors.

The warriors composed of bones are not afraid of death, and the power that erupts is also unprecedentedly powerful, far exceeding the powerhouses of the same realm.

After being blown up by Xiao Xun'er, they were able to quickly regroup and be resurrected to join the battle.

Xiao Xun'er is not an idiot either. Seeing that it doesn't make sense, she can't beat her, so she immediately began to think about how to escape.

But these people are not vegetarians, especially the undead warriors, whose combat power has soared to the limit, can always hold Xiao Xun'er's footsteps at the most critical moment, making her unable to leave.

"Who are you? I'm the daughter of the ancient clan, aren't you afraid of being exterminated?" Xiao Xun'er shouted while beating, hoping to communicate with these people.

Unfortunately, she was desperate.

These people are a group of savages, as if they can't understand human words, they keep shouting, controlling the undead warriors composed of bones, and constantly attacking Xiao Xun'er.

Every time Xiao Xun'er spoke, they made their expressions more excited, and every time she counterattacked, it made this group of people even more crazy.

And the way these people looked at her made Xiao Xun'er shudder even more.

Those eyes seemed to be looking at a piece of food, a favorite prey, a toy that made people elated...

Don't think about it, just looking at the light in these people's eyes, Xiao Xun'er also knows very well that if it falls into the hands of these people, life is definitely worse than death.

Xiao Xun'er didn't dare to keep her hands at all, and all kinds of unique fighting skills were frequently used.

However, the stronger Xiao Xun'er is, the more excited these people are.

In response to that sentence, the more you resist, the stronger I will be.

As time passed, Xiao Xun'er gradually felt hopeless.

The effect of the secret technique is fading away, her fighting spirit is drying up, and her aura is constantly weakening... The defeat is just around the corner, and Xiao Xun'er's inner despair is also magnifying.

A bone knife shattered the light of her fighting skills, and then fell heavily on her body, causing her delicate and thin body to vomit blood and fly like leaves in the wind.

Xiao Xun'er endured the severe pain in her body and stood up staggeringly.

But what greeted him was another attack. A bone hammer fell from the sky and smashed her into the air again.

This time, Xiao Xun'er was no longer able to stand up again.

Seeing this, a group of shirtless savages saw hot light in their eyes, screamed in excitement, and rushed over in an instant, just like a wild wolf who had been hungry for three days suddenly saw delicious food, at least three people rushed at this moment. Xiao Xun'er's body.

The powerful pressure caused Xiao Xun'er, who was seriously injured, to vomit blood again, her eyes turning white and she almost fainted.

However, Xiao Xun'er knew very well that she couldn't faint now. If she was in a coma now, she might not be able to wake up for the rest of her life.

She suddenly bit the tip of her tongue, and a tingling pain woke her up from her dizzy state. She forced her vindictive energy and let out a long whistle. With the last of her strength, the three people on her body were blown away.

The strength of these people is not strong, what is strong is their combination skills.

Therefore, in the face of Xiao Xun'er's dying counterattack, the three of them were shocked to death before they landed.

However, such savages are far more than these three.

The three of them had just been banned, and Xiao Xun'er had no time to breathe a sigh of relief, and the body that had just been freed was suppressed once again.

Stab it! ~

The sound of the torn cloth clearly resounded in her Xiao Xun'er felt her body get cold, and she was stripped naked in an instant.

Panic, angry, desperate...

All kinds of negative emotions flooded my heart instantly, resistance has become an extravagant hope, and even suicide is impossible.

At this time, she only wanted to die, but even this humble wish became a distant dream.

Chi! ~

At this moment, a startling sound suddenly came.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Xun'er felt her body lighten, and lay on top of herself, scrambling to find a position. The bodies of the barbarians who wanted to exercise instantly flew.

Xiao Xue'er turned her head to look stupidly, and saw an ice spear, like wearing a candied gourd, tightly tying the five figures together.

The excitement on the faces of those five people has long since disappeared, their expressions are full of pain, their eyes are full of fear, their hands and feet are slowly moving, struggling weakly, trying to escape the control of the ice spear...

"Cannibals, be destroyed!"

The cold voice did not contain the slightest emotion, as if the judgment of the gods, with a power and domineering.

The man wore an ice mask, so he couldn't see his true face, and his temperament became more and more indifferent.

That figure was tall and straight, like a mountain and a mountain, although it could not be shaken, it was like a sharp sword, standing in the sky.

"help me."

Xiao Xun'er's dull eyes suddenly burst into dazzling brilliance, and he, who I was already desperate, suddenly saw a ray of light, his red lips slightly parted, and he made a weak voice.

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