From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 418: : The Panic of Liu Erlong

Husband! ~

When Liu Erlong saw hope, he didn't want to die without dignity, so he could only compromise.

There was another voice from the husband, Ye Han heard it so earnestly, and his face instantly blossomed with joy.

And my heart is even more happy!

After training for so long, and wasting so many words and feelings, I finally got something.

Since the husband is called once, it is not impossible to have a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, or even a lifetime.

"Daughter-in-law! It's not that the husband is cruel and doesn't give you treatment, and it's not that we are reluctant to bear those grudges, but we are evading pursuit. If we are caught up by the enemy, it doesn't matter if I die, but my daughter-in-law is so beautiful and beautiful. As beautiful as a flower, if it falls into the hands of the enemy, life will definitely be worse than death..."

Ye Han opened his mouth, there were a lot of crackles.

Liu Erlong was skeptical. He really didn't know which sentence this guy said was true and which was false. In the end, he could only recognize it with his nose.

"Xiaohan han~ uh! Husband, husband."

Liu Erlong spoke, Ye Han's name had been called out, but he had to change his eyes when facing him.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Liu Erlong took a deep breath, his cheeks flushed and said, "I, I want to go to the toilet."

After plucking up the courage to say these words, Liu Erlong's whole body was as if he had flinched, and he slumped there, his cheeks bursting red, like a ripe tomato, very cute.

"Hehe, you and I are husband and wife. It's natural for us to support each other. What's so shy? Besides, I've never seen anything on you." Ye Han said.

The first half of the sentence made Liu Erlong a little moved, but the second half made Liu Erlong even more ashamed and angry.

This really is the one that can't be lifted without opening it.

"Unexpectedly, the goddess can not only pee but also poop! Hey!"

Ye Han easily picked up Liu Erlong, a princess, and whispered softly as he walked out of the tent.

Although the voice was small, Liu Erlong could hear it clearly.

Her heart was pounding, and the speed was unprecedented, as if it would pop out of her throat in the next moment. The shame in her heart prevented him from raising his head and not daring to look at Ye Han's face.

He hollowed out a tree and made a simple toilet. Ye Han put Liu Erlong on it and let her solve it by herself.

The sky is high and the earth is wide, with great achievements, unimpeded, and refreshed...

"If one day, when I am also inconvenient, I hope you will not dislike me, and are willing to take care of me like I took care of you today." Ye Han helped Liu Erlong handle the final process, and couldn't help it on the way back exclaimed.

When Liu Erlong heard this, he raised his head blankly and looked at Ye Han with an inexplicable expression on his face.

As for Ye Han's words about being close to each other and staying together until he grows old, it was always what he longed for before, but now, first of all, people are wrong.

Shaking his head, Liu Erlong closed his eyes, didn't want to speak, and didn't know what to say.

Ye Han lowered his head and glanced at Liu Erlong, his eyes flashing slightly.

Compared to Yun Yun who was in the Warcraft Mountains, Liu Erlong is far ahead of the former in terms of age and experience, so his psychological endurance is also much greater than that of the former.

After accepting the fact that she "lost her body", she became more open to many things. Even if the situation just now was embarrassing, she held it back. She didn't show too much excitement, and nothing happened.

Ye Han brought Liu Erlong back to the camp, and there was nothing to pack. He waved his hand to put away the tent, and then left here with the Dark Demon Tiger and Liu Erlong.

According to the imprint he left, Ye Han knew that Xiao Xun'er was only a hundred miles away from him and would catch up soon, so he was not in a hurry.

He hugged Liu Erlong, hiding from the wind and hiding in Tibet. In the name of avoiding the enemy, he actually made Liu Erlong get used to his existence.

Three days have passed, and Liu Erlong no longer rejects calling Ye Han her husband, or she has become accustomed to it because of helplessness.

It was a habit to call Ye Han her husband. In her eyes, it was no different from calling Xiao Han, it was just a title.

"Husband, I'm hungry."

At noon, the sun was shining brightly, Liu Erlong glanced at Ye Han and said calmly.

"Let's find a place to rest, and then I'll get you something to eat." Ye Han hugged Liu Erlong, and after hearing her voice, he lowered his head and kissed her cheek, and said dotingly.


Liu Erlong nodded lightly, his expression unchanged.

Two days ago, he was angry and shy about this intimate contact, but now it doesn't matter at all.

On the one hand, she has no ability to resist, and on the other hand, it is also because they have had more intimate contact.

Ye Han did not care much about Liu Erlong's emotional changes.

What he wants is not Liu Erlong's heart, what he needs is a person with strong talent who can cultivate with him.

It is not difficult to judge from clues that Liu Erlong was probably exiled by his precious son, so the problem is very clear.

The two are definitely enemies.

This time is obviously not the time to be in a hurry. The truth is that father and son are of the same mind.

The enemy of the son is his enemy.

As an old man, I naturally have to help my son deal with some troubles.

If Liu Erlong was more peaceful, in this world, Ye Han wouldn't mind being nice to her.

But if you are restless and want to do something, then I'm sorry, you can only be a tool person, and it's not impossible to kill you one day if you're in a bad mood.

Ye Han has always been unscrupulous in dealing with the enemy.

Those who can be subdued are good enemies. If they cannot be subdued, when they lose their use value, they can only implement humane destruction.

"Hu Niu, look for food."

Ye Han put down Liu Erlong and explained to the Dark Demon Tiger, who left first.

"Erlong, rest for a while, I'll pick up some firewood and come back." Ye Han squatted in front of Liu Erlong, smoothed his messy hair, and then got up and left.

Liu Erlong stared blankly at Ye Han's distant recalling the past few days' experience in his mind, he felt like he was in a dream, full of unreality.

Mainly, he was too good to himself.

It can be called meticulous.

That kind of mutual warmth made Liu Erlong feel a little panic.

That feeling of mutual support should belong to her and Yu Xiaogang, but Yu Xiaogang never gave her what she wanted.

At the beginning, Yu Xiaogang cherished his own feathers, cared about the eyes of the world, and was afraid of the ignorance of the world. After learning about his relationship with him, he directly chose to escape.

Later, although the two were together, there was always some estrangement.

Later, the family was destroyed, and both of them were working hard to cultivate, so they didn't have time to talk about love.

And then the war of the gods ended. As the losing side, they were arrested, and it was even more distant.

After being released from prison, the two of them embarked on their own paths of cultivation, gathering less and leaving more.

So many years have passed, looking back on the past, what made her feel the most sweet was the time when she just met, how carefree and carefree at that time, who would have thought that it would become like this now.

After the initial sweetness, all that was left for her was pain.

Compared to this, the few days she spent with Ye Han seemed to be the life she had always pursued. She didn't want to be so vigorous, she just wanted to be warm, to hold the hand of her son, and to support each other...

Suddenly, Liu Erlong hurriedly shook his head, throwing the comparison out of his mind.

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