From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 395: : The heart is dark

Chapter 396

The palace of the Jama Empire is resplendent and splendid, bathed in the sunset glow, adding a bit of holiness and solemnity.

In an elegant courtyard specially designed to receive VIPs, two pretty figures stood side by side.

A red dress is bright, like a burning torch, dazzling.

She wears a purple gold crown on her head, her slender figure is concave and convex, with attractive curves, and her black hair is as black as ink, which falls straight and supple to her buttocks.

The glamorous face and pure white skin exudes a radiance in the evening sunlight, which is so sacred that people dare not look directly at it.

However, under that glamorous temperament, there is a touch of seductiveness that people cannot ignore.

This is a peerless stunner who is full of aggressiveness, charming and charming, both queen and sultry.

And the other woman beside her was equally outstanding.

She was wearing a cyan robe inlaid with gold, and was in her early twenties. Her beautiful face was flawless, with a temperament like an orchid in an empty valley, as if she had fallen into the world.

Standing by her side, people will be unconsciously affected by her temperament, let go of the restlessness in their hearts, and slowly calm down.

Both of them belong to the top beauty, rare in the world, but the temperament is completely opposite.

A charming and sultry, although she has the style of a queen, she is more like a seductive and depraved fairy.

The other is so pure and noble, like a banished immortal descending from the Nine Immortals, noble and elegant.

However, there are many similarities between the two, such as the beautiful appearance, such as the plump figure that is not equal to each other...

Such two people standing together, even if they don't fight, they will definitely not give each other a good face.

Who knows, the picture at the moment is strangely harmonious!

Not only did the two chat very happily, but there was no picture of you grabbing my hair and I grabbing your clothes... those messy pictures.

The two pure white palms like green onion were pulled together tightly, like a pair of sisters who were like siblings.

Ye Han looked at the scene in front of him in a daze, feeling that everything was different from what he imagined.

He was ready to persuade.

Think about it, two beauties fighting each other, that scene is definitely more exciting than stimulating the battlefield.

who knows.


That's it.

your sister's.

In an instant, Ye Han felt that everything had become dull.

Just at this moment, the two girls who talked very much turned their heads at this moment.

The disappointment on Ye Han's face was instantly captured by the two girls.

The foreheads of the two women, which were as clean as jade, were slightly wrinkled.

In an instant, the IQ was full, combined with this guy's bad temperament, the two instantly guessed his mind.

"Aren't you disappointed that you didn't see us fighting?" Queen Medusa's red lips were slightly raised, with a smile on her face, looking at Ye Han with a charming look.

"Cough cough! How could it be? I'm too happy for the two of you to get along in harmony! How could you have that kind of thought?"

Ye Han suddenly felt his scalp numb, and coughed twice to hide his embarrassment.

After a casual explanation, he looked at Yun Yun, who had a bad face.

Unlike Queen Medusa who hides the knife in her smile, Yun Yun's thoughts are written on her face.

She was very unhappy, very angry, very angry, and wanted to beat Ye Han violently.

Ye Han made a decisive decision and immediately said, "Yan Ran woke up and was frightened to a certain extent. You go to appease her emotions, and don't leave a psychological shadow, so as not to affect her future practice."

As soon as the words came out, it really worked.

"Sister, I'm going to see Yanran, and I'll leave you with the important task of cleaning him up." After leaving a sentence, Yunyun left Queen Medusa alone, standing shivering in the dusk, while she quickly ran in. into the room.

Queen Medusa looked at Ye Han who was walking towards her step by step, with a playful expression on her face, the cold expression on her face could no longer be maintained.

She wanted to strengthen her heart and maintain her ruthlessness, but she couldn't hide the panic in her heart.

It looks kind of funny.

Like crying but not crying, laughing but not laughing, very strange.

"Yunyun, you bastard, you killed me." Queen Medusa cursed in her heart.

Her strength was sealed, how to deal with Ye Han?

It was almost cleaned up by him.

"You, don't come here."

Queen Medusa stretched out her slender hand, and there was a cry in her voice, her footsteps involuntarily retreated, showing a weakness that Tian had never seen before.

"Shout! My Majesty, just shout to your heart's content! Trust me, no one will come to save you even if you cry out here." Ye Han laughed weirdly, walking slowly, step by step. near.

"You, bastard!"

When Queen Medusa saw that today's catastrophe could not be avoided, she raised her head, her flustered face instantly calmed down, and a cold drink came out of her mouth.

"I am the queen."

This voice is full of domineering, with a sense of awe-inspiring inviolability, incomparable majesty.

Ye Han was stunned for a while, and his footsteps couldn't help but stop.

But the next moment he reacted, what was in front of him was nothing but a paper tiger, which was nothing to worry about.

The footsteps that had just stopped accelerated in an instant, and Ye Han came to Queen Medusa with a single stride, and gently held her slender, jade-like, soft and boneless catfish.

With a slight force in his arms, he pulled Queen Medusa into his arms.

Feeling the warm and fragrant nephrite in his arms, smelling the familiar and seductive fragrance, Ye Han's eyes were full of tenderness.

"I'm sorry, I've made you feel wronged." Ye Han just hugged Queen Medusa, and didn't do anything else. Instead, he said apologetically.

What a proud person Queen Medusa is, she can easily accept another person and divide her husband equally. Obviously, she has experienced a lot of ideological struggles.

Ye Han knew very well that it would not be easy to do this.

But now he has no other way than to say sorry.

No matter before or after, he has no way to be a loving and single-minded person.

The sudden voice made Queen Medusa's body froze slightly, and then she slowly raised her head to look at Ye Han, her titular husband, who unscrupulously used all kinds of conspiracies to win her heart...

Her eyes trembled slightly, and there were faint tears shining in her eyes.

At this moment, an apology from Ye Han was worth more than countless explanations and comforts.

This shows that he understands himself, and it also proves that Yun Yun is not lying, he does have himself in his cares about himself and likes himself.

A drop of crystal tears silently overflowed from his eyes, and slowly slipped down his bright and jade-like cheeks.

Ye Han looked at the little daughter who was too revealing, the pitiful Her Majesty the Queen, with tenderness in his eyes.

He had known for a long time that this woman belonged to the kind of person who was cold on the outside but extremely sensitive on the inside, but he didn't expect her to be moved so easily, and he never thought that she, who used to show murderous intent to him, would be so easily Indulge yourself in love.

Sad to say, I'm afraid he doesn't believe it himself.

It was so easy to get the hearts of two stunning beauties, and I was very excited when I thought about it.

Gently helping Queen Medusa wipe away the tears on her face, Ye Han lowered his head and gently kissed the delicate red lips.


Queen Medusa let out a soft moan, and stretched out a pair of small hands to push Ye Han away, but she turned into hugging his neck while staring, and responded enthusiastically.

(End of this chapter)

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