From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 394: : There is no right or wrong in love

Chapter 395 Love Is Not Right or Wrong

The splendid plus-size empire, the palace!

In a building complex, next to the elegant building, two women stood facing each other.

A woman with fluttering red clothes, black hair like waterfalls, flaming red lips, and a delicate face, naturally has a charming and sultry look.

The red clothes are like fire, blooming quietly, and the mature and full body is like a ripe peach, giving people endless temptation and reverie.

In front of her was a stunning beauty in a blue robe.

If the appearance of the woman in red is charming and seductive, and belongs to the coquettish level, then her appearance is elegant and refined, like an orchid in the empty valley, carrying a noble and graceful look.

The two have diametrically opposite temperaments, but are equally beautiful and peerless.

These two are Yun Yun and Queen Medusa.

At this moment, Queen Medusa's stunning and seductive pretty face was as bright as oozing blood, even more charming and coquettish.

The main reason was that Yun Yun's words were too ambiguous for Queen Medusa, and she even knew a little about the game between herself and Ye Han.

"That **** even told you this." Queen Medusa looked at Yun Yun, her face blushing.

She really didn't expect that the guy was still a big mouth, and he was so open-mouthed that he even said his and his private affairs.

"Hey! You think that guy told me this out of good intentions, not to try to take advantage of me." Yun Yun said.

"Oh! Then you..."

Queen Medusa suddenly became interested, her **** red lips rose slightly, and she looked at Yun Yun with a malicious and joking look on her face.

"What are you thinking about! How could I really use my mouth..." Yun Yun said.

It really doesn't matter to a man if a woman gets dirty.

"Really not?"

Queen Medusa looked at Yun Yun with a look of disbelief.

The two peerless beauties started a topic around a man and quickly narrowed the distance between them.

"Of course!"

Yun Yun said.

Queen Medusa's smile was ambiguous, and she still looked at Yun Yun in disbelief. The sword-drawing just now seemed to be non-existent. At this moment, the two of them were like a pair of sisters who were brothers and sisters.

The coldness on Her Majesty's face disappeared at this moment.

The two women talked very happily, and the voices of laughter and anger sounded from time to time. The more they chatted, the more speculative they became.


Ye Han didn't know what was going on outside.

A pot of nourishing elixir was successful, and the lustrous elixir appeared in the hand, and the refreshing medicinal fragrance filled the air. The breaths made the pores relax, and the soul felt transparent, as if the soul was sublimated.

There is no doubt that this is an elixir specially designed to nourish the soul.

The reason why Nalan Yanran was in a coma was not because the trauma to her body was too severe, nor was her fighting qi exhausted, but because the pressure on her mind was too great, and she couldn't stand the stimulation between relaxation and relaxation, which led to her unconsciousness. .

Ye Han came to the bed, gently lifted the unconscious girl, gently pushed his fingers away from the slightly pale cherry lips, and put a nourishing spirit pill into the girl's mouth.

The medicinal pills melted in the mouth, like a trickle, clear and sweet, gradually blending into Nalan Yanran's sea of ​​spiritual knowledge, nourishing her soul, and strengthening her spirit...

As time passed, Nalan Yanran's long eyelashes trembled slightly, as if they weighed thousands of pounds. After working hard for a long time, Ye Han felt anxious and wanted to help her open her eyelids. Slowly opened his eyes.

A pair of wonderful eyes, black and white pupils trembled slightly, with a strong panic and anxiety, like a frightened kitten, looking extremely pitiful.

"Don't be afraid! It's all right." Ye Han was sitting beside the bed holding Nalan Yanran's head. Looking at the girl's pitiful appearance, he couldn't help but reach out and touch her little face to help her. He straightened his messy hair, and a warm smile appeared on his face.

Nalan Yanran's eyes flickered, and she couldn't help being a little crazy when she looked at the handsome face so close.

In the Yunlan Sect, at the moment of life and death, he was the one who stepped forward to save himself. His tall back was as tall and straight as a pine tree, making Nalan Yanran feel unprecedentedly safe.

Originally, she didn't know what love was, and she only faintly liked Ye Han.

But the moment he stepped forward to stand in front of her, Nalan Yanran understood that this man will be her only one in the future, and she will never forget him in her life.

Who knows, it won't be long before.

In the face of Queen Medusa's attack, when Nalan Yanran was even more desperate, he actually stepped forward again and saved himself.

"I'm going to find your teacher and ask her to chat with you for a while." Ye Han saw that Nalan Yanran just looked at him stupidly and didn't speak, and thought she was frightened.

The best way to treat someone who is overly frightened is to find a familiar person to accompany her and let her calm down slowly.

After speaking, Ye Han put Nalan Yanran's head on the bed, and was about to get up and call someone.

However, just as he was about to turn around, his palm was instantly grasped by a small hand.

"Ye Han, don't go, can you stay with me?" Nalan Yanran grabbed Ye Han's arm and pleaded softly.

Ye Han looked at Na Lan Yanran with a slightly surprised look, and after discovering the attachment to him in her eyes, Ye Han couldn't help but smile and said, "Okay."

After speaking, Ye Han sat back on the edge of the bed and took Nalan Yanran into his arms.

Nalan Yanran was like a tame kitten, without resisting at all, instead she arched in Ye Han's arms, found a comfortable position, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

At this moment, neither of them spoke, and the time passed quietly.

At dusk, Nalan Yanran raised her head slightly and looked at the beautiful faces that were close at hand.

Then she said, "Ye Han, I'm sorry."

Ye Han looked at the pretty face lying in his arms, a trace of stunnedness flashed in his eyes, not knowing why.

"I clearly know that you and the teacher are in love, but I'm interfering. I'm sorry, I can't control my heart, making it difficult for you, and I'm even more sorry for the teacher." Nalan Yanran said.

"Fool, you didn't feel sorry for anyone. Emotional matters are inherently selfish. No one is right or wrong, let alone sorry." Ye Han said.

"Your teacher is outside, and she's worried about you too. Shall I let him come in and accompany you?"

Nalan Yanran did not refuse this but nodded slightly.

Ye Han reached out and touched Nalan Yanran's rosy and rosy face, before turning around and leaving.


The closed door opened, and the evening glow instantly fell on Ye Han's body.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, then walked out of the room, looked sideways, then looked stunned for a moment, and blinked hard, wondering if he had read it wrong, or if he was blinded.

Is this Queen Medusa?

That glamorous and proud queen?

That method is very spicy, shocking Her Majesty the surrounding countries?

Couldn't this have been packaged by someone?

Ye Han blinked and blinked, and finally determined that he had not read it wrong, and his eyes were not dimmed.

(End of this chapter)

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