From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 333: : Hit him for his own good

Chapter 334 Beat him for his own good

Ye Han closed his eyes and tried his best to resist the urge to laugh.

However, holding back laughter is a very painful thing, even the best actor has times when he fails.

Ya Fei raised her eyebrows slightly, looking at Ye Han's twitching mouth corners, with a face that couldn't help but laugh, for some reason, a bad premonition suddenly rose in her heart.

"Forget it, don't pretend, I'm going to showdown, I am a seventh-grade alchemist, Ye Han, alas! I originally wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person, but what I got in return was suspicion, slander, and disdain, I Don't pretend, I'm going to showdown." Ye Han said, the expression on his face was very cheap, a little bit of a beating.

"You don't have a fever, right?" Ya Fei reached out and touched Ye Han's head.

Ya Fei was puzzled, wondering if Ye Han was crazy.

There should be a limit to bragging, right? Also a seventh-grade refining pharmacist.

Why don't you say that you are a divine refining pharmacist?

Ye Han didn't know what Ya Fei was thinking. If he knew, he would definitely say, isn't this afraid that you won't be able to accept it? I can only say that I am weak.

It's a pity that Ye Han doesn't know, this is also one less bragging, bah, it's an opportunity to pretend!

Barely suppressing the urge to laugh, Ye Han opened Concubine Ya's oily hand on his forehead, waved his hand, and barrels of Yin-Yang Spiritual Liquid appeared in the secret room.


very quiet!

Deadly still!

There is no sound, and the needle drop can be heard.

Ya Fei's brain crashed, her eyes rolled, she looked at Ye Han for a while, and then at the six specially made wooden barrels.

Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, two buckets of each of the three types of spiritual liquid, each bucket of fifty kilograms, if mixed with water, it is just enough for one person to bathe once, washing the whole body from the outside to the inside.

Ya Fei looked stiff, finally looked at Ye Han, and then silently put away the wooden barrels.

Immediately, in a flash, he just... ran away.

"Hey, did you run away?" Ye Han was stunned for a while, then, rubbing his nose, with a weird smile, he walked out of the secret room.

Instead of looking for Ya Fei, he left Mittel Auction House on his own.

The bait has been put out, so there is no fear that the fish will not take the bait.

Ya Fei is a businessman, and when he sees the benefits brought by the Yin-Yang Spiritual Liquid, even if she doesn't want to come to him, I'm afraid she can't help it.

Ye Han was as usual, holding the golden kitten in his arms, followed by the taciturn Dark Demon Tiger, strode out of the gate of Mittel's auction house.

There was a lot of traffic and people outside, and Ye Hanshi went.

Suddenly, his footsteps stopped, and he looked at the top of the building of Mittel's auction house.

There, a touch of red, like a frightened rabbit, quickly avoided.

Ye Han laughed dumbly, feeling more and more that this woman was a little cute.


Ya Fei hid in the corner, her pretty face flushed red, her heart was beating wildly, as if she was about to jump out of her throat.

She can't wait to slap herself and bet, but it's not good to make a bet, but you choose to use yourself. Now you're shooting yourself in the foot!

Ya Fei wanted to cry but had no tears. Although she was lucky to escape this time, what would she do in the future?

She didn't know how to get in touch with Ye Han next.

She quietly turned her head to the side, glanced at it, and found that Ye Han had disappeared from the crowd, and she could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.


Ya Fei bit her red lips lightly and cursed angrily.

She already knew that Ye Han just deliberately made fun of herself, deliberately acted for herself, deliberately tricked herself, but she was so stupid that she didn't realize it, and jumped in stupidly.

After taking a few deep breaths and calming down, Ya Fei turned around, Miao Man's figure swayed, and left the roof.

For her now, she can only take one step at a time, no matter how much she thinks, it is useless.


early morning!

The sun is just right, and Vientiane is renewed and full of vitality.

Pedestrians on the street are like a tide, there is an endless stream, the sound of hawking, children's laughter, and people's chatter are endless, full of fireworks.

Ye Han brought the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger to a roadside stall, ordered a few bowls of wontons, and tasted them slowly.

Opposite him, the crackling of bowls and chopsticks sounded from time to time.

That was the sound of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger putting the bowls and chopsticks after eating the wontons.

In addition to killing people, this guy also likes the food in the human world. Whenever there is something delicious, he will feast on it and feast on it fiercely.

Three-eyed Jin Ling is not interested in these things. Compared with human processed food, she prefers to eat natural fruits.

"Boss, make ten more bowls of wontons."

Ye Han shook his head, looked at the black and white eyes of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, and said to the stunned boss who was standing on the side.

At the same time, a line of gold coins was thrown to the boss while he was talking.

"Okay, okay! Be objective, wait a moment, it will be fine soon."

The middle-aged owner of the wonton stall responded and hurriedly ran to the stove to set up the firewood. His wife had already made the wontons nimbly.

"Eat slowly, no one will rob you."

Ye Han lightly smiled and took out a handkerchief, and helped the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger wipe off the crystals from the corners of his mouth.

"Hehe! The relationship between Objective and Lingmei is really good." The boss who helped his wife look after the firewood saw this scene and couldn't help but smile.


When the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger heard the words, he couldn't help but snorted coldly.

But there wasn't much real anger on her body, instead, there was a faint glimmer of joy in her eyes.

In her life, for a long time, there was only fighting and killing, and there was never a sense of the world.

Either kill others by yourself, or kill yourself by others, bear the pain alone, lick the wound alone when you are injured, endure it silently, grow up quietly, what does it feel like to be cared about by others? She had never thought about it before.

Until I came to this world, until I transformed into a human after using the shapeshifting grass, until I followed Ye Han...

Ye Han, although this person is very hateful, sometimes cold-blooded makes people feel fearful, and powerful makes people awed, but I don't know why, but occasionally behavior is so heart-warming, I can't help but want to get close .

Dark Demon Tiger doesn't know why, but she doesn't dislike this feeling...

Ye Han was about to speak when suddenly, his brows wrinkled slightly.

Unconsciously, the surroundings gradually became quieter.

The originally bustling pedestrians quickly went away, and under a terrifying power, they quickly fled.

Ye Han turned his head to the side and raised his brows slightly.

"This is really a chance to meet for thousands of miles!" Ye Han looked at the figure in the black robe opposite, and muttered to himself.

He recognized the identity of the black-robed man at a glance.

This person is Ling Ying who Queen Medusa once let go of.

Ling Ying's brows couldn't help but wrinkle slightly, and he looked at Ye Han carefully, the more he looked, the more familiar he felt, but he couldn't remember where he saw Obviously, his memory has been modified by the Evil Emperor, many Can't remember anything.

Ye Han glanced at the scumbag bodyguard, and then lost interest in him.

With a slight movement of his eyes, he saw the delicate and graceful figure like a lotus.

"Xiao Xun'er?"

Ye Han hesitated.

The girl's appearance is incomparably beautiful, especially her elegant temperament is the most moving, very similar to the heroine described in the original work, but, according to the time, she should not be "attracting bees and butterflies" in Canaan College now, for Xiao Yan Are you paving the way for the pen installation?

"It was you who injured Brother Xiao Yan, right?" Xiao Xun'er said in a cold voice.

"Ha ha!"

Ye Han spread out his hands with a smile, made a signature move exactly like Xiao Yan, and said indifferently, "I said that Xiao Yan and I are brothers, and I beat him for his own good, do you believe it?"

(End of this chapter)

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