From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 332: : It's all your fault

Chapter 333 It's all your fault

Ya Fei's tearful apricot eyes looked at Ye Han, as if she knew him on the first day.

The serious Ye Han is so tall and burly, handsome and handsome, and when he is angry, he is so domineering and awe-inspiring.

In particular, Ye Han set his eyes on her and asked if the care in his tone was so reassuring when he bullied you.

"If you don't speak, then I will help you kill him." Ye Han said.

A black long sword burst out with boundless chills, freezing people's minds, and stabbed directly at the man sitting on the ground.

"do not want......"

From the corner of Ya Fei's eyes, she only saw a black light passing by, and she snorted instinctively.

The black long sword was suspended in the air in front of the man's forehead, and the faint cold light made his mind go blank, completely losing control of his body.

A stench burst out.

Ye Han frowned, and a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

Pulling up Ya Fei, the two entered the secret room directly.

"Tell me, what happened? The woman who dares to bully me doesn't want to live anymore." Ye Han said murderously.

Hearing this, Ya Fei couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Over the years, she has seen many different kinds of sons and brothers, including the young man in front of her, who is the most bragging, and always looks like the second child, my third child.

But don't say it, the appearance just now is really intimidating.

Just when Ya Fei recalled the embarrassed appearance of Ye Hanjian's buttocks, who had been thinking about frightening her deputy director all day long, she suddenly received a slap on her buttocks.

"Crack! Woman, what did I ask you? Did you hear it?" Ye Han said.

Then, his eyes involuntarily fell on Ya Fei's buttocks, and there was a hint of incomprehension in his eyes.

If you can slap a few more times, it should feel pretty cool.

"You, you bastard."

Ya Fei's charming pretty face was flushed, and she was covering her hips with one hand, and she quickly retreated while gnashing her teeth.

She was woken up by a slap.

This person is still that hateful rascal, bastard, if it weren't for him, he wouldn't have fallen into such a field.

The more she thought about her, the more aggrieved her, the tears in her eyes couldn't hold back any longer and fell down.

Ye Han was speechless. He wanted to take this opportunity to press this woman on his lap and beat her hard. Who knows, she actually cried again.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault, it's my fault, tell me what happened, maybe I can help you." Ye Han helplessly stepped forward and took the woman's body into his arms.

The current Ya Fei is too fragile, Ye Han feels that she needs one, a solid arm, a broad mind, and a warm hug.

So, Ye Han directly fixed Ya Fei's slender and Miaoman's figure in his arms, and then put one hand on her head and let her lean on his shoulder.

Ya Fei was in a hurry and struggled hard.

However, the arm on her waist seemed to be made of steel and did not move at all. As her head was pressed down, she was even more helpless.

"Cry! If you've cried enough, tell me what happened? No matter what, I'll help you vent your anger." Ye Han said.

His voice was gentle with a domineering and firmness.

Ya Fei snorted, gasping for breath, and the hot breath sprayed on Ye Han's neck, making him feel itchy and a little distracted.

At the same time, the physical contact made him feel the turbulent sea, and his instinct was inevitably revived at this moment.

Fortunately, Ya Fei also knew that she couldn't break free now, so she didn't continue to resist in vain, and quickly calmed down.


Ye Han let out a sigh of relief.

Holding a beautiful woman in her arms is sometimes a torment, just like now.

However, Ye Han has a righteous heart and a kind of spirit of self-sacrifice. Ya Fei needs a warm embrace. He feels that even if he suffers a little, he should not be so stingy.

Ya Fei "..."

I thank you so much!

Never seen such a brazen person.

"That's right, it's your fault that you're not good. If it wasn't for your presence, how could Xiao Yan doubt me and have a quarrel with me? Blame me."

The original scolding voice, followed by a sigh, suddenly fell, and everything was left uninteresting.

Ya Fei gave up her resistance completely, she was exhausted and leaned on Ye Han tiredly.

If he hadn't been too eager, wanted to prove himself, wanted to rely on the Yin-Yang Spiritual Liquid to quickly gain a firm foothold in the family and have a place, he wouldn't have ended up in such a passive situation now.

As the saying goes, it is hard to speak without hair on the lips.

Ya Fei suddenly felt that she was stupid, she forgot the old saying, and she easily believed this hairy boy.


Another sigh.

She raised her head and looked at the handsome face in front of her. She suddenly wanted to take another bite and kill him directly.

Ye Han seemed to see what she was thinking, so he attacked first, and opened his mouth to bite.

Ya Fei's almond eyes suddenly widened, and there was only one thought in her heart, "He, he, he, unexpectedly, kissed me again..."

Ye Han raised his head, distanced himself, and looked at the enchanting pretty face in front of him, whose apricot eyes were wide open because of shock, and the expression on his face was slightly stiff. He couldn't help licking his lips, feeling very cute.

Unable to help, he lowered his head again and kissed the bright red mouth.

Woohoo! ~

Ya Fei couldn't help but let out a cry of resistance, and then slowly sank, fell into it, her body was soft and weak, and she could only rely on Ye Han's body to maintain her balance.

After a long time, Ye Han raised his head and looked at the small mouth in front of him, his eyes dazed, like a stranded fish, Ya Fei, who was breathing heavily, couldn't help showing a sunny smile on her face.

After Ya Fei's soul was possessed, Ye Han immediately opened his mouth and said with a serious look, "Blame me, yes, but you have to tell me the reason! Maybe I can make it up."

"Remedy! What remedy are you taking, can you make Yin-Yang Spirit Liquid right now, right now?" Ya Fei said angrily.

"Yin-yang spirit liquid?"

Ye Han was stunned for a moment, then looked at Ya Fei, who was furious, and finally guessed the reason.

"Is it so urgent?" Ye Han pretended to hesitate.

"Hehe, aren't you very powerful? Besides bullying a weak woman like me, what else do you have?" Ya Fei said with a sneer on her face with red eyes.

"I'm really good, why don't you believe me?" Ye Han raised his head, like an angry youth, and hurriedly defended.

"Ha ha!"

The disdain on Ya Fei's face was even more intense.

She sneered and said, "If you are really powerful, you can bring me the Yin-Yang Spiritual Liquid I need. What's the use of nonsense?"

After she finished speaking, she turned around and was about to leave.

But as soon as she turned around, she was grabbed by Ye Han, hugged back into her arms, and said angrily, "What if I really did it?"

At this moment, he is like a **** off child, with an impatience on his face that is eager to prove himself.

"Ha ha!"

Ya Fei smiled bitterly, completely disappointed.

I was really blind, how could I be fascinated by ghosts and believe in such a thing.

Judging from the fact that his mind is still immature, he is like a second-generation ancestor!

"Let go of me, didn't you say, I am your woman? If you can do I will be your woman, can you do it?" Ya Fei's charming face became cold , in a tone full of cynicism.

At this time, in her mind, Ye Han was just an out-and-out trashy snack, relying on the power of the family to act nonsense, brag everywhere, only know how to show off everywhere, but the second generation ancestor who has no ability at all.

"you are serious?"

Ye Han's face changed, as if he was out of anger, but also as if he was strong outside and in the middle, still trying to maintain his composure.

"Of course, although I, Ya Fei, are a first-year female streamer, I have always been one of the best. Business people are the most honest. Now, immediately, immediately, as long as you can come up with the Yin-Yang Spiritual Liquid I need, I will be yours from now on. Can you take it out?" The expression on Ya Fei's face was half a smile, but her eyes were cold as she looked at Ye Han.

As long as she thought that she was not only seen and touched by this person, but also kissed, she was full of anger. At this time, she looked at Ye Han's uncertain expression, and her heart was full of joy and a sense of revenge.

Ye Han reluctantly closed his eyes, there was a hint of maliciousness on his face, he wanted to laugh but tried his best to endure it, looking very funny.

(End of this chapter)

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