From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 282: : The bottom line drops again

The air seemed to freeze, and the four fields were silent.

As Ye Han's voice fell, three pairs of eyes stared at each other from the air, silent for a long time.


Suddenly, Queen Medusa smiled sweetly, then shook her head, neither agreeing nor rejecting, she closed her eyes directly.

"What are you laughing at? Will you agree to my proposal?"

Ye Han frowned slightly, a little dissatisfied.

Queen Medusa ignored him and closed her eyes.

Ye Han suddenly felt a toothache, and he seemed to have dug a hole for himself.

This dead woman, if he agreed, it would be fine, at least he could be mentally prepared, but now it is better, did he agree or not?

If one day you suddenly burst out and hit you hard, wouldn't that be a joke, it's impossible to guard against her all the time, right?

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to prevent a thief?

Besides, if the defense comes to the end, Her Majesty has already been conquered by her own charm, and in the end she just scare herself, wouldn't that be funny?

After thinking about it, Ye Han got up and tiptoed into the bedroom, looking at the enchanting beauty sitting cross-legged on the bed, swallowed involuntarily, and then quietly approached again.


The long and narrow phoenix eyes opened in an instant, and a cold light flickered in the bright eyes, looking coldly at the hands in front of him.

Ye Han was not embarrassed at all, and a sunny smile appeared on his face.

After seeing Queen Medusa wake up, he retracted his palms, turned around, and sat beside her, saying, "What did you think of just now? Why did you suddenly show such a strong killing intent towards me?"

After so many days, since the marriage of the church, it was the first time that Queen Medusa showed killing intent to him, and that kind of determination had never happened before.

It was precisely because he noticed this that Ye Han had this question.

Something must have stirred Queen Medusa's heart, otherwise, Queen Medusa would not be able to show such a strong killing intent to herself now.

"What did you think of?"

Queen Medusa turned her head and looked at Ye Han.

Ye Han's eyes were clear, like a blue gem, clearly reflecting Queen Medusa's beautiful and arrogant face.

Queen Medusa's eyes are a little blurry, it seems that there are endless waves of water, and the flow of eyes gives people a temptation of all kinds of amorous feelings, people can't help but feel anxious...

"I thought about myself, I have worked hard for so long, for the ethnic group, I have shed blood, and worked hard to lead the race to prosperity, as a lifelong goal, but in the end, I found that so many years of hard work are not comparable. A promise, a marriage, haha!~" Queen Medusa smiled, a bit sad.

Ye Han was silent, he understood her psychology.

It’s as if someone has worked hard for a lifetime and finally made tens of millions, but suddenly one day, someone smashed 100 million in front of you. It’s the same feeling to buy you and the company together.

After leisure, emptiness and hesitation, sadness and sadness all turned into sadness and poured into Queen Medusa's heart, making her doubt herself, and then she turned this doubt into murderous intent and poured it out on the initiator. on the body.

"I'm sorry, I messed up your life."

After being silent for a while, Ye Han suddenly said.

Queen Medusa looked at Ye Han with eyes like water, moistening things silently, as if she wanted to see through him.

"If you want to know anything, just ask, and today we will open our hearts to chat." Ye Han said.

While speaking, he reached out and touched Queen Medusa's pretty face, but was slapped away by the other party.

"Why do you want to marry me, don't talk to me about falling in love at first sight, what you have admired for a long time, and what is beautiful like a flower, I want to listen to the truth."

Queen Medusa stretched out her hands, held Ye Han's face, and stared into his eyes, her delicate voice with a hint of firmness and threat.

Ye Han stretched out his hand, held the other's catkin, smiled, and said, "Don't you already know the answer? I can't handle so many beasts."

"What would you do if I rejected your marriage proposal at that time?" Queen Medusa ignored Ye Han's gesture of holding her hands, but asked again with a blank face.


Hearing this, Ye Han scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

Then he said awkwardly, "Didn't there be a few people behind to make trouble? I can follow the hero to save the beauty. If this doesn't work, then I have another move. Of course, doing that may cause casualties. If it doesn't work in the end , then I can still..."

The more Ye Han spoke, the more excited he became, and his brows were so excited that he almost danced.

In the face of such a frank man, Queen Medusa's teeth grinding, the key is that this guy's methods are too arrogant.

Coercion and inducement failed, and even the overlord was listed on the backup list.

"Hey, it's fortunate that you agreed, otherwise, with your strength after evolution, some of the following plans will definitely not be able to be implemented smoothly." Ye Han smiled.

Before he knew it, Queen Medusa's seductive mature body had been embraced by him, but Queen Medusa didn't notice it at all.

At this moment, her heart was completely filled with remorse.

"Yeah! If you don't agree to Ye Han's marriage proposal that day, after she evolves, with the combat power of the Nine-Star Dou Sect, everything can be turned around. It's a pity..."


Ye Han leaned over and took a sip on Queen Medusa's delicate red lips, which made her quickly come back to her senses.

"What do you think? It's so good, I have a good helper, you can also lead your ethnic group to real prosperity, so the best of both worlds, what's wrong, I know where the unwillingness in your heart comes from, as a woman, you I definitely long for a sweet love, don't worry, I will make you fall in love with me." Ye Han was afraid that Queen Medusa would get angry, and immediately changed the subject.

"Death, I will fall in love with you, dream! Even if all the men in the world die, I will not fall in love with you." Queen Medusa pushed Ye Han away and said decisively.

If it had just met, Ye Han would have been shot to death by her long ago if he dared to be so frivolous.

But now, in the past few days of getting along, her bottom line is falling again and again, and she doesn't have much anger at this little physical contact.

"Oh! That's a pity. It seems that as a man, tenderness and sweetness will not work. If you want to conquer women, you can only rely on violence."

Ye Han shook his head and sighed, his blue eyes were very aggressive, and he looked at Queen Medusa, as if he was looking at a fat prey.

"You, if you dare to look at me like this, I will kill you."

He looked at Queen Medusa very uncomfortable, like a naked lamb, with an unspeakable shyness, and in the end, she could only make a vicious threat.


Ye Han nodded, and then lay directly on the bed.

"Oh! It's still comfortable to sleep in Ye Han stretched his waist and closed his eyes comfortably.

"Get up, I haven't finished asking yet?" Queen Medusa said coldly.

Ye Han opened his eyes, but he didn't get up. Instead, he shifted his body and patted the vacant seat next to him, with a posture that I won't tell you if you don't lie down.

Queen Medusa gritted her teeth, and was a little out of temper by this man's stubborn character.

"If you dare to tell a lie, I will kill you." With a vicious threat, Queen Medusa hesitated for a while, but lay down.

Ye Han's eyes were quick, and the moment Queen Medusa lay down, she stretched out an arm and placed it under her head.

With such a quick and skilled movement, even Dou Zong did not react.

"If you have any questions, tell me! Guarantee you know everything."

Ye Han is a character who can open a dye room with three points of paint. After Queen Medusa's head rested on his arm, his other hand quickly stretched out and directly embraced Queen Medusa's slender waist. He opened his mouth to divert her attention and took her directly into his arms.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Queen Medusa's resistance movement slowed down slightly, and her body's resistance to resist quickly disappeared.

"Who exactly are you?"

She asked the last question, the most serious one, and the one that had troubled her for a long time.

In this regard, Ye Han naturally knows everything and has nothing to hide.

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