The dark green vial was accepted by Queen Medusa.

Although there were some twists and turns, and he was beaten up, the gentleman's revenge didn't last overnight, and the time for revenge had come.

Ye Han was daring and did not know whether to live or die, and seized the flaws in people's hearts. With just one sentence, Queen Medusa let down her guard and vigilance, and then Ye Han took advantage of her unpreparedness and attacked the weak point...

Although he was crushed on the level of strength, Ye Han won the game of wisdom and psychological level.

"You said, I'm not beating you like this."

Ye Han looked at the woman who had lost her strength in his arms, lying beside her ear, with a smile of Hexun on his face, and joked on his face.

Queen Medusa's body was weak and weak, and she could only rely on Ye Han to stand firm.

Hearing this, her blurred eyes recovered a little bit of energy, and she spoke quickly, and said in a soft voice, "No, it doesn't count."

Queen Medusa knew exactly what her answer meant?

The two had an agreement that Ye Han did not have the strength to defeat her, she would not accept him, and before she did not accept him, Ye Han would not force her...

This is her last dignity.

As for whether this situation is forced or not, Queen Medusa does not know, but she knows that this is a man's revenge.

She beat him up, and that's what happened.

If there is no comparison, there will be no harm. Is it because he beat him to take advantage, or is it like this, he has the upper hand, no one can say?

But thinking about what happened between the two of them during this period of time, Queen Medusa's ability to accept has greatly increased.

Hug, hug and hold high, all are still within the acceptable range!

Of course, these are just the deepest thoughts in her heart, not to mention Queen Medusa doesn't know, even if she knows, it is impossible to show it.

Ye Han heard the words and looked at Queen Medusa's delicate red lips and couldn't help but lose his mind.

Taking a deep breath and forcibly suppressing the flame in his heart, Ye Han hugged Queen Medusa's soft body and returned to his house in the afterglow of the setting sun.

The things here are all made by the old tree spirit of the Ten Thousand Demon King according to Ye Han's requirements. Whether it is exquisiteness or practicality, there is nothing to say.

Ye Han threw Queen Medusa onto the bed.

"What, what are you going to do? You can't be honest, we agreed." Queen Medusa panicked.

This situation is too scary, and it's no wonder Queen Medusa panicked.

The corners of Ye Han's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a wicked smile, and said, "You beat me up, and you asked me if I wanted revenge to come back."

"I-Then you didn't take revenge on me." Queen Medusa's blushing blushing hurriedly shouted.

At this time, her body was weak, and it was no different from being severely injured.

Queen Medusa's appearance is notoriously beautiful and moving, but her arrogant queen fan is also obsessed, but now?

But she was so panicked, so weak and helpless, so I felt pity, so charming...

Fortunately, Ye Han's concentration was extraordinary, he took a deep breath, the power of the yin circulated his whole body, relieved the heat all over his body, and Ye Han's scorching eyes became clear.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, I just let you know that I'm not easy to mess with. The dog is in a hurry, bah, the rabbit is in a hurry, and it bites people? Don't try to beat me all day long."

Ye Han came to the bed at the same time as he opened his mouth, reached out involuntarily, touched Queen Medusa's pretty face, and gently stroked the warm skin with his fingers.

"I, how can I want to beat you?" Queen Medusa hurriedly defended, and at the same time, turned her head to avoid Ye Han's palm


Gently spit out a mouthful of turbid air, Ye Han used the method of Taiyin to adjust his blood and make his heart clear.

Then he took off his palm and said, "Don't worry, I have not forgotten our agreement, just wait! It won't be long before I will make you willing and truly become my woman."

After speaking, Ye Han went to bed, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

He was afraid that if the trouble continued, he would really be unable to control it, and would do something that would be angered by the gods and anger.

If she did that, although she was shot to death, it would undoubtedly leave an irreparable wound in her heart that would never be eliminated.

Now that he has decided to take down this woman completely, Ye Han naturally wants to be perfect and flawless.

Queen Medusa pursed her lips and stared at the man who fell into a deep sleep, without speaking for a long time.

After a while, she got up from the bed and kicked Ye Han down.

"Fuck, ruthless."

Ye Han scolded inwardly, "It is said that men are ruthless. In his opinion, women are the most ruthless. He doesn't think about the good he brings to her.

However, Ye Han was well versed in the way of survival, and found that the situation was not right, the enemy was too powerful, and he immediately persuaded him.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, without the strength to defeat this woman, there is no capital to fight with real guns and live ammunition. time.

Queen Medusa was a little surprised. She glanced at Ye Han and found that he didn't talk much. He actually sat on the ground and started to practice. She couldn't help but curl her lips, but the vigilance in her eyes became even more intense.

She didn't want to fall down twice in the same place because of her However, after three days in a row, Ye Han behaved in a well-behaved manner. What did she not know about the Warcraft Mountains? Wherever he was, he answered every question he had, and directly became a qualified secretary, fully assisting Queen Medusa in rectifying the spirit and beast lineage.

Another two days have passed.


The full moon hangs high, and the Warcraft Mountains are unprecedentedly quiet, only the sound of wind, water, and the man's breathing.

Queen Medusa was sitting on the bed, her long and narrow eyes flashed in confusion, listening to the sound of breathing from the next room, she suddenly felt irritable like never before.

In the past, there was that **** who "caused trouble" for himself from time to time, but now he finally calmed down, everything has returned to calm, and after getting on the right track, Queen Medusa will have time to think about her problems carefully.

Did she marry herself like that?

Is this your future life?

I am now the top Dou Zong!

In the past, I was incapable of resisting. Now, do I still have to compromise?

Thinking about it, suddenly, she couldn't help but have a killing intent in her heart.

Almost at the same time, two pairs of eyes swept over directly.

One pair is Ye Han, and the other pair is naturally Ye Han's bodyguard, the demon spirit.

"I can give you a chance to make a move. If you can't kill me, from now on, you will obediently prepare to be my woman. I will ignore it. If you still dare to kill me, then don't do it. Blame me for being rude." Ye Han said lightly, then closed his eyes.

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