From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 279: :gave it to you

The Warcraft Mountains are located in the Garma Empire.

In the past half a year, there have been too many bloodshed incidents in the Demonic Beast Mountains, coupled with the migration of the surrounding residents, these things have already attracted the attention of those who care.

However, due to the majesty of the overweight royal family, all the powerhouses dare not do too much.

Ling Ying was also in a hurry. Driven by curiosity, she sneaked out. In the end, her curiosity was satisfied, but she couldn't get out.

"Have you spread the word about what happened in the Warcraft Mountains?" Queen Medusa asked again.

Controlling a peak fighting emperor is not easy. In a short period of time, Queen Medusa's enchanting and charming face has turned pale, and a thin layer of sweat is faintly emerging from her forehead, but she still insists.

"No, the world of the Gamma Empire is too small, and it is impossible for anything major to happen. I am just curious. I didn't expect, I didn't expect, um, bastard, what did you do to me?"

Talking, talking, Ling Ying suddenly came back to his senses, and a panicked cry came out of his mouth.

"Are you going to kill him?"

Queen Medusa ignored Ling Ying's clamor, but looked at Ye Han and began to seek his opinion.

Ye Han did not speak, but took out a handkerchief, held up Her Majesty's pretty face, and gently wiped the sweat from her forehead under her trembling gaze.

At this time, Ye Han's eyes were clear and his movements were gentle, which made Queen Medusa extremely uncomfortable, but for some reason, she could not express a strict rejection.

Ye Han wiped the sweat from his forehead, smiled slightly and left.

He didn't forget that this scumbag wanted to harm me.

Therefore, he didn't dare to do too much, worried about being beaten. This is the experience he got from Yun Yun.

"The ancients should be the top forces in Zhongzhou. We don't know what means they have. We don't know if killing this guy will attract the attention of Zhongzhou?" Ye Han said.

She has decided to be a hands-off shopkeeper, so to kill or not to kill, he left the decision to Queen Medusa.

"Lock it up. After the Evil Emperor returns, modify this guy's memory and let him go back." Queen Medusa glanced at Ye Han before speaking.

By now, she already knew that Ye Han did not lie about letting himself control these forces in his hands.

"One more thing, the changeling grass that the adults asked us to find, the Titan giant ape and the blue sky bull python were not found, but some grass seeds of the changing grass were found. I don't know if it is useful?" After the shadow was resealed, he continued to speak.

Hearing this, Ye Han's eyes lit up.

Ever since he knew that this was the Dou Qi Continent, Ye Han had sorted out all the memories of Dou Po Qiong in his mind.

In addition to the peak vindictiveness in this world, the technology of refining medicine is also very advanced. Looking at the soul beasts in the mountains and plains, Ye Han remembered that in this world, having a transformation pill can help the soul beasts transform into shapes, allowing them to have the speed of human cultivation. , At the same time, with the long lifespan of Warcraft, in addition to Transforming Pill, Ye Han also thought of Transforming Grass.

In the case of alchemy, it is impossible for him to refine a shape-changing pill for all soul beasts. However, after having the shape-changing herb, it is different. He can use the dark green vial to continuously generate more shape-changing herbs... ..

When arranging the giant ape and the blue-sky bull python to the royal family of the Jama Empire, Ye Han asked them to do their best to find information about the changeling grass.

It's been almost a year now and finally got good news.

Although it is not a transforming grass, but with grass seeds, are you worried that there is no transforming grass?

Di Tian and the others retreated, Ye Han took three grass seeds and excitedly came to Queen Medusa's side, grabbed her slender and fair palm, and said, "Let's go, I'll show you something good."

Queen Medusa's long and narrow eyes flickered with cold light. Seeing that Ye Han didn't look like she was fake and excited, she couldn't help biting her red lips, temporarily suppressing the tempting idea of ​​using this excuse to beat Ye Han violently. A little curious to follow.

Ye Han looked around and found that there were no other creatures. Then he turned around and said mysteriously to Queen Medusa, "The next moment is to witness the miracle, keep your eyes open, look carefully, and don't miss any details. …”

Ye Han babbled a lot. When Queen Medusa was about to explode, he quickly shut up, then dug a small hole under his feet, threw three seeds into it, and filled in the soil he had just dug out. , and finally stood on it and stepped on it hard.

Queen Medusa looked at all this, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

Although she has never planted land, she has lived for so many years and naturally knows what real planting looks like.

After everything was done, Ye Han turned his head and smiled mysteriously, took out the dark green vial, and went directly to the three drops of liquid.

Although there has been no chance to plant flowers and plants in the past half year, Ye Han will not forget to collect the liquid. Now, there is not a lot of green liquid in his vial.

Three drops of liquid go down and are directly absorbed by the soil.

Then, a miraculous scene happened.

Cracks spread all over the ground that Ye Han had just stepped on in an instant, and then three green sharp horns appeared, and they wanted to grow four or five inches in an instant.

Ye Han didn't hesitate, and reached the three drops of liquid again. The growth rate of the changeling grass, which had just stopped growing, soared again.

After spending more than 30 drops of green liquid, the three metamorphosis plants finally matured.

"In this way, it should be able to produce about five plants in a month." Ye Han muttered, a little dissatisfied.

Putting away the mature transformation grass, Ye Han looked at Queen Medusa, only to find that the cold and attractive Queen's phoenix eyes were wide open and her red lips were slightly looked shocked.

Ye Han quickly looked away, thinking that those alluring red lips had helped him realize his dream this morning, he felt a little anxious and his blood was bursting.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Han forcibly suppressed the heat in his heart, his eyes were clear, he looked at Queen Medusa, and said, "Would you like to try?"

After he finished speaking, he took off a few grass seeds and handed them to Queen Medusa together with the dark green vial.

"You just let me know about such an important treasure, aren't you afraid?" Queen Medusa came back to her senses and glanced at Ye Han, her beautiful eyes flickering slightly, but she didn't take the dark green vial for the first time. , but with curiosity.

"Treasure, are you talking about this?"

A trace of doubt flashed on Ye Han's face, and then he smiled dumbly and said, "In the past, this thing was indeed a real treasure to me, but now it's just a good collectible. Come on, I'll give it to you."

After speaking, Ye Han directly stuffed the dark green vial into Queen Medusa's hands.


Queen Medusa was a little dazed, her eyes circling back and forth on Ye Han and the dark green vial.

In her opinion, a treasure that is extremely valuable, is this a gift?

Queen Medusa never expected such an outcome.

"This thing needs to be exposed to the moon every day, so that the green liquid can be born, which can be used to spawn plants, but other than that, it is not very useful..." Ye Han explained indifferently.

PS: I'm a little depressed and I'll add more to Brother Hao another day! Forget it today, sorry!

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