From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 278: : Junk Bodyguard

The sun is shining, the morning sun is shining, the blue sky and white clouds, the clear sky is thousands of miles, it is a good weather again.

Ye Han was wearing white clothes flying, and his tall body stood in the bright sunshine, bathed in the sunshine, his confident words, and his uninhibited smile were a little dazzling.

The serious Ye Han is really different from the shameless person in Queen Medusa's impression. There are as many shining points in him as those maddening shortcomings.

Men are not bad, and women are not loved. Perhaps it is because of the two sides of his character that he has been favored by the goddess again and again, right?

Medusa knew nothing about Ye Han's past, and was fascinated for a while.

However, Queen Medusa is Queen Medusa after all, enchanting and charming, what turns all beings upside down is only her appearance, her heart is extremely fierce and tough, how can such a person be easily confused?

Soon, she came back to her senses.

After a little thought, she nodded silently.

"You're right, I'm too ambitious, and I don't see things comprehensively." Queen Medusa took the initiative to admit her mistake.

In fact, I can't blame her, she is the only Douhuang strong in the Snake Clan.

Although she was broad-minded and ambitious in the beginning, but over the years, the years have almost smoothed out her edges and corners. She has long given up unrealistic fantasies and only hopes to lead her people to flourish on this continent. Just live with dignity.

The moment she heard Ye Han's words, what she thought was not how to develop, but whether she could reach the sky in one step and become a top power.

There is no doubt that Ye Han's power is very strong, but looking at the entire continent, I am afraid it is nothing.

However, Ye Han's words immediately brought her a little free thought back in an instant, and told her a feasible plan.

Their power and its secrets are not known to outsiders. They are absolute overlords in the western frontier of the Dou Qi Continent, and they can develop secretly.

Queen Medusa quickly discovered the feasibility of this thing.

Secret development, wretched development, this kind of thing is very good for her, after all, she has come here for so many years.

"It seems that you are ready, let me introduce you." Ye Han smiled slightly.

Queen Medusa's ability to admit mistakes, admit her own shortcomings, and reflect quickly is the most important quality of a qualified leader.

With all these things, Ye Han can finally rest assured and hand over the affairs of the soul beast line to her.

"This is Ditian, the body is a black dragon with golden eyes." Ye Han grabbed Queen Medusa's jade hand and pointed at Ditian Dao.

Queen Medusa glanced at Di Tian, ​​and a faint savage aura was released, causing Di Tian to tremble and almost knelt down. The deterrent force was too strong, and it was no less than Gu Yuena's.

A flash of surprise flashed in Queen Medusa's eyes. The bloodline of the ten-headed fiery sun snake was stronger than she expected. Today's ox knife test, a dragon in the realm of Dou Zun almost kneeled.

The faint coercion disappeared in a flash, and Queen Medusa nodded slightly.

"Di Tian, ​​from now on, you will be responsible for assisting Her Majesty the Queen in handling political affairs, you know?" Ye Han said.

"Yes, my lord, Di Tian has seen Her Majesty the Queen." Di Tian wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and hurriedly bowed and saluted.


Queen Medusa hummed softly, her cold and arrogant air no doubt revealed.

Next, Di Tian introduced the transforming soul beasts to Queen Medusa one by one, and got to know each other initially.

Then a group of people returned to the tree house built by the Demon King.

"Sir, these days after you left, a person sneaked into the Demonic Beast Mountains and was caught by me. What do you think should be done?"

Ye Han pulled Queen Medusa to sit on the throne, and then heard Di Tian's words.

Ye Han raised his brows slightly, and then saw Queen Medusa's playful eyes.

"Di Tian, ​​have you forgotten what I just said? All future affairs will be handled by Her Majesty the Queen." Ye Han said in a deep voice, looking at Di Tian with a bad look.

"My lord, forgive me, Your Majesty, how do you think this matter should be handled?" Di Tian said quickly with a tight expression on his face.

Ye Han glared at him angrily, and then also looked at Queen Medusa, wanting to see what she would do next.

"Being able to break into the current Demonic Beast Mountains shows that this person's strength is no trivial matter. Bring him up first to have a look." Queen Medusa's delicate voice sounded a little cold.

Ye Han nodded secretly, did not express any opinion, and sat aside as a spectator.

Di Tian waved his hand, a black figure was sent over, and fell to the ground with a bang.

This is a tall man wearing a black robe with a mask on his face, completely shrouded in shadows.

Ye Han raised his brows slightly, and had some guesses in his heart, but he still didn't speak.

He has already set up the stage, and now he is a theatergoer. The protagonist of the play is this woman who is time-consuming and laborious.

"Have you found out her identity?" Queen Medusa said.

"I asked, but I couldn't ask anything. This guy seems to have been specially trained and his bones are very hard." Di Tian said, "Unfortunately, the Evil Emperor did not come back, otherwise he would use his ability to interrogate a person's secrets. , with no effort at all."

Hearing this, Queen Medusa looked at Ye Han.

"The most powerful aspect of the Evil Emperor is his spiritual power. He can use his spiritual power to directly observe the secrets in other people's hearts, and even tamper with other people's memories." Ye Han said.

Queen Medusa's eyes flickered slightly, and even with her knowledge, she couldn't help but be amazed at the ability of the black-robed youth.

"Wake him up."

Queen Medusa ordered that the top priority now is to deal with the immediate affairs, rather than worry about other things.

Di Tian waved his hand to release the restraint on the man in black, the man in black suddenly opened his confinement eyes, then jumped up, his body turned into a black shadow, and he was about to escape.

Di Tian snorted coldly all his life, imprisoned in space, and directly blessed Hei Ying's body, causing him to directly reveal his true and fall to the ground again.

"Tell me what your name is, and what is the purpose of sneaking here?"

Queen Medusa's delicate voice sounded, with a sultry charm, and in her eyes, nine-colored rays of light shone, radiating a dream-like brilliance.

Ye Han frowned slightly, but didn't say much.

Hearing the words, the black-clothed figure raised his head instinctively, looked towards the place where the voice came from, and met Queen Medusa's eyes.

For a moment, the expression on his face was sluggish, and his eyes began to wander.

"I, my name is Ling Ying, I come from the ancient clan, I came here to check what happened to the Demonic Beast Mountains?" said Ling Ying, a man in black.

Ye Han secretly said in his heart, "It really is him."

There are only so many Douhuang powerhouses in the Jama Empire, and most of them are under the surveillance of the royal family of the Jama Empire. Even fewer can come and go freely, Ling Ying is one of them.

If you can touch the black mask, you must be proficient in stealth. Besides Xiao Xun'er's incompetent garbage bodyguard, who else is there?

Why do you say he is incompetent?

I believe everyone understands that if he is competent, will he allow a child of the opposite **** to touch his lady's bed?

Such **** bodyguards are here to trick people.

At the same time, Ye Han was a little surprised by Queen Medusa's ability.

PS: Thank you big brother Hao for the monthly ticket and reward. The chapter that was added yesterday was blocked. I will find the editor-in-chief tomorrow to see it, sorry, sorry!

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