From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 109: : Night into the Pope's Palace

Shui Bing'er, Martial Soul Ice Phoenix.

Whether it is a dragon or a phoenix, it is the top existence in Douluo Continent.

As martial spirits, they are naturally not weak.

Shui Bing'er is only sixteen or seventeen years old, so she has the strength of a forty-three-level soul sect, her talent is not bad, and with her beautiful appearance, she can still be eye-catching.

To have such a disciple is not a loss to Ye Han.

Shui Bing'er had heard of the ultimate ice, but had never seen it. However, Shui Bing'er had heard from her sister about Ye Han's cultivation and methods.

When Ye Han and Xiao Wu first met, the little girl who blocked Ye Han and Xiao Wu was Shui Bing'er's younger sister, Shui Yue'er.

Originally, Shui Binger already knew the result of the match after hearing that her opponent was a Soul Saint, but her fighting consciousness was high and she wanted to see the power of Ultimate Ice on the field.

Who would have thought that the three Soul Venerables who were no more than ten years old would destroy all their dreams as soon as they came up.

The huge psychological gap will make everyone despair. Besides, Shui Binger is only a little girl of sixteen or seventeen years old no matter what.

When she heard that the teacher Xiao Wu wanted to introduce to her was Ye Han who possessed the ultimate ice, she hesitated for a while, and finally agreed.

She really wanted to see how strong the Ultimate Ice was and what was so special about it.

The eight-in-four battle soon ended.

The final winning teams were the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy Seed Team, the Star Luo Empire Royal Academy Team, the Shrek Academy Team, the Wuhundian Wushun Academy Team, as well as the Thunderous Wind Academy Team and the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy Second Team.

The six teams will have a six-to-three battle tomorrow.

Finally, he glanced at the high platform in the distance, and found that there was no one there.

Ye Han's eyes flickered slightly, then withdrew his gaze, and a group of people returned to the hotel.

"You guys are so happy, is there any good thing? Hurry up and share it so that we can laugh together." Ye Han looked at the three little guys with smiles on their faces and couldn't help but ask.

"Humph! It's none of your business."

Qing Xuan's face changed, and a cold expression instantly appeared on her face.


Qing Wu made a face, pulled Qing Xuan, and ran to her room.

Qingqian was more sensible, said goodbye, and then chased after the two of them.

Ye Han was speechless.

"Isn't it because you didn't become your father? Do you need to be so stingy? After all this time, you still hold grudges?"

He had basically guessed why the three little girls were so happy.

To be honest, he wanted to follow along.

I don't know who their teacher is.

But unfortunately, there are too many followers around him.

In the past, there were only Xiao Wu and Tang Yuehua, but now, there is not only a big Zhu Zhuqing, but also Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er.

After receiving Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er followed directly, under the pretense of protecting her sister and preventing perverts.

What else could Ye Han say about this?

He is strong and let him be strong, and the breeze is Foshan Hill.

He is at his mercy, and the bright moon shines on the river.

The little girl is willful and open-mouthed. As an adult, you should endure him, let him, and let him go. Of course, you can beat him when necessary.

But now is obviously not the time.

After sending everyone away, Ye Han couldn't help but pick up Tang Yuehua and returned to his remote single-family villa.

"I, I, I really can't do it anymore."

Tang Yuehua's face was pale, she looked at Ye Han, and said pitifully.

"Heh, woman, in your heart, am I someone who doesn't know how to pity fragrance and cherish jade?" Ye Han asked.

Hearing this, Tang Yuehua pursed her lips and nodded shyly.


Ye Han was almost annoyed, one Buddha came out of his body and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

With a stab, she tore open the woman's pants, and under her terrified gaze, directly separated her...

"You, you, you're just taking the medicine, what about you?" Tang Yuehua said in a crying voice.

She was really frightened just now.

"Take a good rest, with my medicine and your physique, you should be able to recover tomorrow." Ye Han opened his mouth and took the woman into his arms.

Listening to each other's heartbeats, feeling each other's body temperature, breathing each other's breath, quiet and warm.

I don't know how long it took, Tang Yuehua tightened his arms and hugged Ye Han's waist even tighter. His voice rang out, "Xiao Han, have you remembered your identity? Where exactly are you from?"

"What kind of identity can I have, as for where I came from, I don't know." Ye Han said.

Ye Han didn't want to tell Tang Yuehua that he was a soul beast, but it was not because he didn't trust her, but because he was worried that she would be afraid. The combination of man and beast was terrifying just thinking about it.

But what he didn't know was that Tang Yuehua already knew his identity.

After Tang Hao told Tang Yuehua that Ye Han was a transformed soul beast, she believed it at the time.

If it wasn't for a soul beast with a high IQ, why would he be so kind to other soul beasts, he couldn't bear to kill him, and sometimes he wouldn't even watch the scene where he gave the soul beast the final blow.

When she parted with Tang Hao, she also specially warned Tang Hao not to reveal Ye Han's identity information.

After seeing each other again, Tang Yuehua hoped that Ye Han could tell him his identity, but Ye Han did not.

The warm atmosphere at this time made Tang Yuehua lose her former strength. She told the secret in her heart, and she still hoped to hear Ye Han's answer.

However, she was disappointed.

"Am I not worthy of her trust? Why hide me?"

Tang Yuehua's heart was confused, she silently got up from Ye Han's arms, fell on the bed and closed her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Ye Han wondered.

"I'm tired, I want to rest for a while." Tang Yuehua said.


The needle of a woman's heart.

Ye Han shook his head, closed the door gently, and came into the courtyard.

Sitting alone in the gazebo for a long time.

When night fell, Ye Han went back to the house to take a look. Tang Yuehua was still sleeping, so he walked out of the house again.

After a little hesitation, the basket light bloomed on his body, and the armor was instantly attached to him.

Then, he rose into the air and disappeared into the courtyard.

In the other room, Bo Saixi frowned slightly and said in his heart, "That woman is quite But when you run to someone like this, aren't you courting death?"

The grudges between Bibi Dong and Ye Han were entangled, and Bo Saixi only knew those in the capital of slaughter.

After seeing Bibi Dong today, Bo Saixi was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that a woman who was caught casually back then would turn out to be the famous Pope of Spirit Hall.

And Bibi Dong didn't have an attack on the spot, which is very understandable. After all, it's not a glorious thing, so it's definitely inappropriate to make such a big fanfare.

Therefore, Bibi Dong swallowed his anger and Bo Saixi could understand, but what did Ye Han do? Did he recognize that Bibi Dong was the woman who was almost killed by him back then, but this possibility was quickly denied by Bo Saixi .

If he could really recognize it back then, why would he treat her as her pet for three years...

Bo Saixi looked at the direction Ye Han left, a little confused.

She wanted to follow up and have a look, but when she saw the three little guys who were absorbing spirit rings, she could only sigh.

"God bless you, may you be killed directly by that person." Bo Saixi prayed in his heart.

There is a saying called a hundred.

This is how Bo Saixi is feeling now.


"The invisibility method in another world really works." Ye Han praised secretly, and just like that, he walked into the gate of the Spirit Hall.

Mental power protects the body, isolates all spiritual detection, and uses the method of invisibility, and he immediately becomes a transparent person.

After grabbing a maid and pressing him, Ye Han instantly knew his destination.

After knocking out the maid, Ye Han swaggered outside the Pope's palace.

He glanced around furtively and found no one else, so Ye Han slipped in directly through the window.

PS: Old rules, ask for tickets! ~

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