In the third round, ten teams, two byes, and the remaining eight teams compete for four places. This is already the highlight, and it is enough to attract the attention of some high-level officials.

Silently, one after another silhouettes appeared on the tallest viewing platforms around.

Among them, the most striking is undoubtedly the figure on the high platform in front of him.

It was a woman. She was wearing a dazzling golden dress with gems inlaid with three colors of red, blue and gold, which was dazzling.

She holds a two-meter-long golden scepter and wears a nine-curved purple-gold crown, which makes her look so noble and holy that people can't help but want to worship.

This person is the Pope Bibi Dong of the Spirit Hall.

She has long pale pink hair scattered over her shoulders, purple pupils, fair skin, and delicate facial features, forming a perfect face.

Nobility, elegance, tranquility, and all kinds of beautiful words seem to be tailor-made for this woman. Although she is no longer young, the years have never left any traces on her.

She is still so beautiful.

At this moment, all sounds were silent, and all eyes were focused on that figure.

"See Your Majesty the Pope, Long Live the Pope, Long Live Long Live the Pope."

The guard knights around the Soul Arena, the ordinary soul masters watching the game, the bishop of the Wuhun Temple, the teachers and students watching the game either bent over to salute, touched their chest with their right hand, or knelt down on one knee, shouting long live the Pope.

Of course, not everyone saluted.

At this time, there are always a few stand out from the crowd, and the maverick stuff is so different, including Ye Han.

Ye Han's whole person is stupid, because after seeing the appearance of the Pope, his mind was instantly occupied by some images that are not suitable for children.

Some messy nouns, mixed with some blood spurting pictures, filled his mind directly.

Looking at the Pope in front of him at this time, Ye Han seemed to see a lively and fragrant ketone body, and the red fruit appeared in front of him, tempting people to fall, where did he still have half a sense of awe, from the senses That kind of stimulation made him almost bleed.

Maybe it was because his gaze was too hot, or maybe it was the Pope's keen perception, or maybe it was a wonderful telepathy, and Bibi Dong immediately noticed this unusual gaze.


Looking at each other, Miaoman's delicate body trembled slightly.

With a light click, a clear five-fingerprint appeared on the scepter in his hand.

"He, no, dead."

Bibi Dong's face was as usual, but a storm surged in her heart.

She had known for a long time that there was a 20-year-old young man named Ye Han among the contestants. Originally, she just hated this name and wanted to wait until the end of this competition to let this person disappear from this world.

Who would have thought that when she came to watch the game for the first time, she directly hit her with a critical blow and even saw the deity.


With a cold snort, the cold killing intent swept in all directions.

Mainly because Ye Han's gaze was too unscrupulous, too hot, too focused, too...

The undisguised scorching gaze made Bibi Dong feel as if she had been stripped naked, and she was exposed naked in front of the other party's eyes.

While this made her angry, she was also a little scared and flustered.

Although she has been with this man for more than a year, as long as she faces this man, she is always a little lacking in confidence, and at the same time, there is a trace of shame that cannot be traced.

Don't think about it, she also knows what the man is thinking at this time.

"Bold boy, how dare you disrespect the Pope and take them down."

One of the bishops behind Bibi Dong's right hand saw His Majesty the Pope getting angry, and immediately took two steps forward, waved his hand, and issued an order.


The armor of the guards of the Wuhun Temple collided, and the order was forbidden. The long spear in his hand instantly pointed at the few people standing out from the crowd, and he walked slowly, with a forcing momentum, slowly approaching.

"His Majesty the Pope calms down his anger. The young people are young and vigorous. When they saw the Pope's majesty, they lost their etiquette for a while. They also hope to forgive their sins, and don't have the same knowledge as them."

When the young people got into trouble, naturally the older generation had to bear it, and the leading teachers of the major colleges handed over to their students to beg for mercy.

Ye Han slowly retracted his gaze, feeling a little puzzled in his heart.

There is something wrong with this woman. Although she looks exactly like the person in memory, how can there be such a big difference between wearing clothes and not wearing clothes?

A stunner who is so passionate and unrestrained, why is he so indifferent now?

Did I admit the wrong person?

Facing the Pope's prestige and the Sen Leng spear of the **** group, those youths who stood out from the crowd and showed outstanding performances reluctantly touched their chests with their right hands and gave a salute.

"Get up!"

The suffocating murderous aura subsided, and Bibi Dong's cold voice spread throughout the Soul Arena.

As for Ye Han's failure to salute, she pretended not to see it.

For others, the scene that just happened was just a small episode, instantly forgotten, but how could Bibi Dong forget?

That beautiful face was even colder at this time, her eyes that had always been calm and unwavering, frequently surging, showing her inner restlessness.

"You bastard, since you're here, just stay here!"

"No, you can't make a big deal. If you kill him like this, what will Xiaoxue do?"

"Will she hate me? And Ye Chen..."

"No, you can't do it right now."

"It can be in the final, but who is his opponent in the final?"

"Fortunately, Xiaoxue is taking the angel test, and I won't know the news here for the time being. Well, since that's the case, I'll send him on the road in person after this competition is over."

Bibi Dong pondered rapidly in her mind, finally made a decision, and her hesitating heart gradually calmed down.

The Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Competition, the third round of the finals, eight to four, the competition officially started.

"Xiao Han, isn't His Majesty the Pope very beautiful?"

On the Battle Soul Stage, Tang Yuehua looked at Ye Han and said in a low voice.

Ye Han's gaze in the direction of the Pope from time to time has caused Tang Yuehua's dissatisfaction.

"How is it possible, our Yuehua is the most beautiful."

Ye Han's will to survive was quite strong, and he didn't want to open his mouth to speak such words.

Hearing this, the corner of Tang Yuehua's mouth couldn't help but rise slightly, no matter if it's true or not, as a woman, she likes to hear this kind of words.


The two-meter-long golden scepter was centered on Bibi Dong's palm, and was covered with dense cracks.

Seeing that the golden scepter was about to shatter into pieces of slag, there was an invisible force that instantly bound them and re-condensed them into the shape of the golden scepter.

"You glib bastard, why did Xiaoxue like you?"

Bibi Dong's face was even colder. While fighting for her daughter, she also became more determined to kill Ye Han inexplicably, a few people behind Bibi Dong touched their arms, not knowing why , they feel a little cold.

The game has started, the game is over.

Without the slightest accident, Tianshui College was swept away.

And the female **** of war that the ordinary soul masters looking forward to watching the game is still lying in the arms of a man, without even summoning the spirit, the battle is over.

From beginning to end, only Qingqian, Qingxuan, and Qingwu were shot.

As soon as the three people's martial arts fusion skills came out, the martial arts fusion skills of Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu were simply not enough, and they were directly smashed by the sword of the black armored Valkyrie.

"Sister Bing'er, I'm sorry." Xiao Wu stepped forward and looked at the lost Shui Bing'er with a face full of guilt.

This girl who is two or three years older than her is usually a strong person, a person who can admit defeat, but never admit defeat, but now her eyes are blank, like a defeated cock, her confidence and self-confidence are shattered. Pride, leaving only decadence and depression, like a walking corpse, has lost the vitality and vigor that young people should have.

Her state made Xiao Wu very worried.

"I, it's fine."

Shui Bing'er smiled bitterly, and couldn't help shaking her head, her eyes were dark and she completely lost her confidence.

"Sister Bing'er, you, don't do this, by the way, let me introduce you to a teacher!"

Xiao Wu's eyes suddenly lit up, she grabbed Shui Bing'er and brought her to Ye Han involuntarily.

"Sister Bing'er, his name is Ye Han, Martial Soul Ultimate Ice, and now he is a 77th-level Soul Saint. If you have him to teach you how to cultivate, I believe your strength will be greatly improved."

After she finished speaking, Xiao Wu jumped directly to Ye Han's side and performed the act of acting like a spoiled child.

Ye Han wanted to cry but had no tears, was in pain and happy, but had no choice but to accept the disciple Shui Binger.

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