From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1389: Invest in the North

Chapter 1389 Investing in the North

Joja was waiting for the "Night Tiger" and the others in Quetta...

The convoy arrived in Quetta the next afternoon under the **** of the Pakistani military. When the Monkeys went there, they only had three rubber boats. When they came back, they not only towed the rubber boats back, but also had one more. Truck fleet.

Chauga did not spend too long in Quetta, nor did he make any effort to greet the "old actors" who came from all directions.

 He confirmed the results in front of the media...

 45 Afghan women who were kidnapped and sold to terrorists to be used as sexual tools. They also underwent long-term brainwashing and could be used as human bombs at any time.

 38 Afghan women who were kidnapped and prepared to be sold to terrorist bases.

A terrorist training camp was destroyed. The exact number of opponents killed is still being counted. It should not be less than 900.

 It is basically certain that this battle severely damaged Bata and the SEA Movement organization.

In front of the media, Boss Qiao praised the Pakistani government and army to the extreme. At the same time, he emphasized the role played by the people from the United Nations, and then left the scene to a group of "old actors". He rushed to Kandahar with manpower following the supplies unloaded from Quetta Railway Station.

Things are actually very serious!

 Fighters entering the airspace of other countries and launching missiles for combat are a very serious provocation for Pakistan, which has been in a state of war all year round.

Boss Qiao ‘admitted his mistake’, and the Pakistani side also recognized it, but it does not mean that they are happy inside.

If Boss Qiao wants to continue to 'cooperate' in this area in the future, someone must come forward to provide actual compensation.

Just like Boss Joe has to wipe the **** of the special operations team, the old mother also has to wipe the **** of Boss Joe in this matter, and because of the special nature of the Tajik team's mission, this kind of thing will happen again in the future.

With the old mother’s intervention, it is inconvenient for Boss Qiao to stay in Quetta and communicate directly with the Pakistani side...

This is like a conflict between two people. One of them lost some face, and the other knew that he was in the wrong, so he found a big guy to mediate.

In the end, you still have to drink Hetou wine, but as the party who is wronged, it is best not to show up when the big guy is helping you mediate, because not only will it make you look particularly frivolous, but it will also make the other party look like you are suppressed by the big guy. Extremely embarrassing.

The best thing to do is to give the other party a gift to formally express your apology after the boss has explained it thoroughly to the other party and made the other party understand and convinced. Only then will the matter be truly over.

Honestly speaking, after spending so many years with India, the combat effectiveness of Pakistan's army is still very impressive.

 Boss Qiao has no grudges against them. In the future, the two sides still have a lot to cooperate on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border affairs...

 Because whether Boss Qiao is fighting against border drug traffickers or terrorists, he cannot avoid Pakistan.

So he used the media to establish the positions of both parties and then chose to leave, leaving the specific coordination issues to the people on the old mother's side to solve.

 What Boss Qiao didn't expect was that the person responsible for solving this problem was actually Qiao Liang...

Whether it was out of excessive caution or trust in Qiao Liang, the young CEO in charge of a super monster flew from northern Afghanistan to Islamabad and had a private meeting with Pakistani officials.

The monster of Jialiang trade, relying on its extremely strong cash flow, through agricultural investment and trade, has secretly cut away a piece of the flourishing Huaba Economic Corridor to form a material channel.

  What is the concept of a cash investment of more than 1.5 billion US dollars?

This is not the same thing as the so-called overseas investment that comes with technology and builds through loan financing.

The direct arrival of US$1.5 billion in Pakistan's account instantly increased Pakistan's foreign exchange reserves by a large amount. Then Jialiang Trade will use the Pakistani currency exchanged for US dollars to directly purchase land for agricultural investment, and at the same time, it will also build large-scale projects at transportation nodes. Logistics Center.

Anyway, when the U.S. dollars arrive in your account, I will spend all the Pakistani rupees you exchanged for me in your country...

Think about it, Pakistan goes to the IMF (World Bank) every year to ask for a loan. The interest is not included, but it also has to agree to a series of political conditions and improve their political system as required...

  In contrast, Boss Xiao Qiao’s direct foreign exchange investment without political requirements is a Bodhisattva-style investment.

 Boss Xiao Qiao’s only request is for Pakistan to tolerate his ‘brother who has an excessive sense of justice’...

Pakistan did not even stutter. The president came out the next day to make a final conclusion about what happened the day before yesterday.

“Joint counter-terrorism” will be a long-term and effective action mechanism!

 Qiao Liang only spent 1.5 billion US dollars to solve the problem, but if her old mother did the same thing, it would probably be many times more troublesome, and it would be easy for others to get caught!


While Boss Qiao was handing over to the NATO garrison in Kandahar, Qiao Liang completed his work and chased him to Kandahar...

Hearing what his brother did, Qiao Jia understood the solution to the subsequent problem...

 On the one hand, he was very happy with Qiao Liang's great progress, but on the other hand, he was a little worried that Qiao Liang could not control the size of the stall.

 It seems that Jialiang Trading spent US$1.5 billion to help P·B solve the problem, but in fact Jialiang Trading gained more.

If all this money is invested in agriculture in Pakistan, it will definitely create the number one agricultural company in Pakistan. In addition, allowing Jialiang Trade to cut a profit from the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor shows that Jialiang Trade has entered the country in a sense. 'strategic planning'. Investment of this level requires some guarantees...

This is a good thing for Jialiang Trade, which is committed to building a "global humanitarian corridor"...

 It is said to be a ‘humanitarian channel’, but in fact the most important thing is the ‘channel’!

This kind of ultra-asset-heavy investment is no longer manageable by simple management.

For a super giant like Jialiang Trading with huge markets and logistics channels in Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America, only military contracting companies of the size of P·B can protect it.

This is the same as the domestic social giants who will work in logistics, property, and financial companies after the transformation, not only because they are good at it, but more because of their "professional counterparts".

Now there is an inland channel for Jialiang trade, which not only enriches the company's trade network, but also bypasses political restrictions and directly opens a supply channel to Kandahar through commercial means.

At present, the utilization rate of Gwadar Port is not very high. Whether it is forward trade export from the country to Gwadar Port or reverse trade from Gwadar Port to the country, it will promote a certain degree of prosperity, which will force Pakistan to J.stan took the initiative to consider the construction of railways and oil pipelines.

 This is multi-win…

 boss Qiao has opened up a stable and controllable supply line...

 The old mother avoided political troubles and continued to increase investment in Pakistan to put pressure on Pakistan…

 Pakistan’s harvest of investment will quickly alleviate its foreign exchange dilemma, and at the same time, the domestic economic situation will improve...

 And boss Xiao Qiao wins even more...

 Qiao Jia was sitting under a canopy, sweating and drinking cold beer while flipping the barbecue on the grill from time to time with the tongs in his hand...

  After listening to what his brother said, Qiao Jia turned over a piece of roasted black steak absentmindedly and said: "It's not your own idea to go to the northern part of Afghanistan..."

Qiao Liang, who was drinking beer, was stunned for a moment, then nodded convinced and said: "I went to Ishqasim, a mountain town in northern Afghanistan, and invested in several gem mines and jade mines there."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia threw the burnt steak into a dirty military dog, then gave Dorian the barbecue tongs, picked up the phone and sat next to Qiao Liang...

Opened the map and took a look at the location of Ishkashim, then sighed and said: "Wakhan Corridor, Silk Road...

 Who gave you the idea? "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Liang frowned and said, "Dad Tong said this when I was drinking...

 He ​​said that the future situation of Afghanistan is uncertain, but the United States has been operating here for 20 years, and the progress of infrastructure construction is actually better than that of some countries in Afika.

 If it can be laid out in advance, Jialiang Trading is likely to occupy a certain share of this large market that has hit bottom. "

As he spoke, Qiao Liang looked at the brother who was half-smiling, spread his hands and said: "Actually, I also think it's a bit interesting, especially when I went to the Northern Alliance to see the environment. The environment there is very bad, but things like minerals are very good. Rich…"

After hearing this, Qiao Jia smiled and said: "I guess I was entrusted by someone, but it's a bit unethical for my father-in-law to trick his son-in-law...

Hurry up and call Tong Tong and ask the girl to come to Aqionghan. We will let Tong Tong worry for a while. "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Liang said nervously: "Is there any problem? Dad Tong can't trick me. I think what he said makes sense..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia waved his hands and said with a smile: "Of course it makes sense, and I estimate that the 'Westward Expansion' is an important part of the old mother's future.

 The country has limited resources and a large population, and the development of the western region and coastal areas is extremely uneven.

 But coastal trade is restricted by Europe and the United States…

The United States’ continued sanctions and its intention to decouple, coupled with the virus epidemic, will definitely lead to a decline in international demand. If we want to stabilize the manufacturing industry, we must find more markets.

Competing with Laos and the United States for sea rights is unrealistic in the short term, and the Malacca Strait can hardly be regarded as a stable trade channel.

The Kyaukpyu Port in Myanmar and the Gwadar Port in Pakistan are probably prepared for this. However, based on their internal traffic conditions, without railways, everything is empty.

 The countries in the west can provide little help except for their own markets.

However, if a land passage can be opened through Afghanistan and Iran to Syria, it will not only bypass Malacca, but also reach the Mediterranean while harvesting a huge market.

This is a modern Silk Road. If a railway can be connected, it will be a huge dividend for the country for decades. "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Liang widened his eyes and said, "Isn't this a good thing?"

 (End of this chapter)

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