From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1388: The leader's responsibility is to wipe the butt

 Chapter 1388 The leader’s responsibility is to wipe the butt

The Super Tucano was so majestic for less than two minutes that it shot down all the Hellfires. With the few remaining cannons, it raised its nose and flew into the sky under the welcome of enemy rifle bullets...

‘Radar’ patted the frightened ‘donkey’ on the back and shouted: “Get up quickly, don’t be stunned, retreat quickly, are you waiting to be bombed?”

‘Donkey’ stood up and ran with ‘Radar’ holding the weak-legged woman, shouting: “Boss, is this how you trained in P·B before?

What the **** are these special forces? The P·B people use the special forces as frontline infantry! "

‘Radar’ joined several other comrades and began to lead a dozen rescued women towards the Hulukou location…

When passing by the M2 position, the 'radar' pulled the 'donkey' to stop to assist the machine gun position in providing fire cover...

'Donkey' glanced at the calm rock-like night slot machine gunner 'Buffalo'. He looked at 'Radar' in surprise and said: "Boss, I feel something is wrong, but I just can't explain it. This is not what we learned. It’s the same thing…”

'Radar' randomly shot a shuttle towards the suspicious location, then glanced at 'Donkey' and said: "You are right, all the special forces in the world pursue quietness and efficiency, only P·B almost always They are all big scenes...

 T1s from any country may be used as elite paratroopers or infantry when they arrive at P·B...

 Other countries are fighting public security wars, but P·B is actually experiencing war every time!

 A real war, a war in which human lives are as worthless as grass..."

 While the 'Donkey' was still digesting the words of the 'Radar', two roars came from the sky...

With the sound of two crisp metal explosions, 'Donkey' subconsciously looked up and saw two dense groups of things spreading out in the air, raining down on the front of the valley like a heavy rain...

Following a burst of intensive explosions and flashes of light, the always tough-talking 'Donkey' sat on the ground with his legs a little weak, and said with a trembling voice: "This is a cluster bomb used to attack an armored convoy. With this thing, we can You won’t go to a military court, right?”

Seeing the thick gunpowder smoke spreading towards him due to the pressure of the explosion, 'Radar' gave the 'Buffalo' a smile and said: "My brother has never seen the world, old squad leader, don't laugh..."

 Speaking, 'Radar' kicked 'Donkey' on the waist, pulled off the gas mask and put it on his face, and said: "Get up, others will cover the hostages to the river bank, let's go in..."

 “Go in?”

‘Donkey’ exclaimed, then hurriedly put on a gas mask and shouted: “Cluster bombs will have dumb bombs, it’s very dangerous...

 What are we going to do in this situation? "

'Buffalo' gave up the M2 that had run out of bullets, picked up his Minimi machine gun, and said in a deep voice: "Make sure all the enemies are dead. Without the suffering master, you don't have to go to military court."

'Donkey' was stunned for a moment, and after holding it in for a long time, he said, 'What a fool.' Then he followed 'Radar' and met in the direction of 'Monkey' and the others, and asked: "Boss, are we really okay with this?" "

‘Radar’ said helplessly: “What can you do to a mercenary and temporary worker?

 Instead of killing these terrorists, how about capturing them and raising them? "

 ‘Donkey’ said in amazement: “Boss, how did you pass the political review?”

‘Radar’ said distressedly: “Stop talking nonsense, you will know when the political commissar takes you to sleep together in Datongpu to reminisce about the bitterness and sweetness.”

He said that 'Radar' was full of confidence when he looked at the 'Donkey' who was starting to show signs of weakness. He said helplessly: "Cheer up, this is how everyone got here, and this bowl of old wine is the bottom." , you won’t panic if anything happens in the future.”

The 'Donkey' followed them into the front part of the valley. The thick smoke affected everyone's vision, so they could only slow down their search speed.

The valley training camp carefully established by the terrorists felt like it had been plowed through after being hit by two cluster bombs. There were shallow pits and shrapnel everywhere. Occasionally, the surviving terrorists emerged from the thick smoke like lonely ghosts. He walked out, even though he was shot, he didn't make much noise.

The dead are cleansed, and those who are not dead are basically as if they have lost their souls...

 The war had a huge impact on ‘Donkey’, and then he understood why the older generation always said that only those who have truly experienced war can know how valuable peace is.

This is almost the same as standing next to a cannon and watching the cannon fire, and standing near the impact point of the cannon and feeling the bombardment. The sensory gap is heaven and earth.

Standing next to the cannon, you feel shock and exhilaration, but standing near the impact point, you only feel fear.

 ‘War’ means destruction, destroying your personnel, weapons, buildings, and means of production…

 There is no such thing as humanitarianism under powerful weapons. That is a matter for politicians to consider. Individuals become insignificant in war.

  A person's fate will be completely different if he is born next to a cannon than if he is born near the point where the cannon falls!

Looking at the 'Donkey' who became silent, the 'Monkey' shook his head slightly and said: "Let's go back. It's really a bit too exciting to experience this for the first time."

 ‘Radar’ instantly remembered how he and his comrades in the Rabbit Squad looked when they faced a suicide bomb for the first time. They were equally devastated and it took a long time to adjust.

‘Monkey’ glanced at ‘Radar’, who was also a little silent. He reached out and patted ‘Donkey’ on the back and said: “Be more energetic. When we return to Kandahar, I will take you to find a swimming pool to practice.

 Six weeks of diving training, as long as you can get through it, everything will be fine! "

 ‘Donkey’ heard this and subconsciously said: “I can dive…”

'Monkey' smiled and shook his head and said: "I know you can, but our diving training is not to teach you how to dive, but to tell you what death feels like, and then teach you to overcome the fear of death..."

‘Radar’ watched ‘Donkey’ nod stupidly and accepted ‘Monkey’’s invitation. He smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying: “I have ‘died’ several times in Libya, so I will not participate…”

Night Tiger's machine gunner 'Buffalo' put his arm around 'Radar''s shoulders and said with a smile as he walked: "Boy, SEAL Team 6 has to conduct underwater demolition training every few years. You should also develop this habit. …”

‘Radar’ said with some distress: “I didn’t hear that P·B needs to conduct diving training regularly…”

'Buffalo' laughed and said: "PB's special forces are all old butts. They are old and can't stand the torment. You are different. You are young..."

 ‘Radar’ saw that ‘Donkey’’s attention was diverted and turned his curious eyes towards himself. He smiled bitterly...


  The Tiger Claw team led by the ‘keeper’ experienced a similar situation…

Five teammates established a simple position on a hill, bombarded the vanguard of the cargo brigade with mortars, and then engaged in a fierce exchange of fire with nearly 500 terrorists.

Tucano 2 was responsible for covering the flanks of the Huya Team, killing groups of terrorists who tried to make detours.

Then after progress was made over the valley, a Su-27 came in and dropped two cluster bombs. Then the 'Bully No. 1' seemed not satisfied, because the enemies on the ground dispersed after the war started, and the two cluster bombs did not completely eliminate them...

So 'Bully No. 1' showed his true bully style. He took the hilltop where the Tiger Claw team was located as the center of the circle, circled in the sky, and dropped 8 rounds of 250 kilograms of 'Flying Sword Missiles'...

Those who didn’t know better thought it was a bad pilot attacking the hilltop position. The Tiger Claw team in the center of the battlefield was frightened.

When the two Su-27s met in the air, entangled with the JF-27s dispatched by Pakistan for several rounds, and after covering the two Tucanos to evacuate together, the members of the Tiger Claw team collectively let out a sigh of relief...

The 'breeder' looked at the smoke-covered hills around him. He silently muttered, 'No,' and then looked at his somewhat bewildered comrades...

“Headquarters, the Tiger Claw team has completed its mission and applied for evacuation...”

“Command received it, the Tiger Claw team retreated from the battlefield and headed to the location of the truck, waiting for Yehu and Huya to join..."

The ‘keeper’ breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Our rubber boat is still on the river, what should we do with it?”

“It’s up to you, if you can’t take it away, blow it up…”

The 'keeper' looked at a group of stunned comrades. He gritted his teeth and kicked them with his big feet, shouting: "Everyone stand up and come with me. Let's transport the rubber boat onto the road..."

 A Tajik soldier was stunned for a moment and said, "Huh? Tow the boat onto the road?"

The 'breeder' grinned and said: "Nonsense, the external quotation for that thing starts at 1 million, it's a pity to lose it.

Come on, everyone gets moving, deploys explosives to destroy the mortar positions, and the two of them go out on guard.

We won, but there is no guarantee that the enemy will still be lucky...

 Get moving, get moving..."


 While the special forces were operating, Boss Qiao was bombarded with phone calls all the way to Quetta...

 Because the Super Tucano still technically belongs to the U.S. military, the first people who called him to complain were several senior Pentagon logistics officials he knew before...

Of course they had no pressure to betray Boss Qiao. After complaining, the Pakistani military called.

Boss Qiao couldn’t understand what the other party was saying, so he could only respond with “um uh uh uh uh”...

Finally, someone from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the head of the department that pushed P.B. into Afghanistan, dragged Gemma Alexander from the Office of Humanitarian Coordination, who was most familiar with Boss Qiao, to make a call...

“Jackal, what’s going on, Pakistan’s UN representative is protesting…”

Qiaojia stood at the door of a hotel in Quetta, felt the turbid air, and said with a smile: "Our people mistakenly entered Pakistan while tracking a group of drug dealers, and they did not draw a line at the border. Something like that, I just found out that our people are actually fighting in Pakistan...

But this is not important. What is important is that our people discovered that the other party was trading arms and a large number of trafficked Afghan women.

 There are more Afghan women in the other side's camp who are used as tools for sexual release...

 You know the character of P·B soldiers, how could they see this?

As a humanitarian contractor hired by the United Nations to enter Afghanistan, our responsibility is not only to combat drug crimes, but also to protect Afghan women who have been violated.

Gemma, you understand me. I can't watch my guys fighting alone, so I have a little stress reaction. You can definitely understand me...

If the Palestinian side must hold me accountable, I can take the media to the location of the incident and tell in detail what happened.

I will accept any compensation they want, but they have to explain why such lawless things happen in Pakistan..."

Gemma on the other side of the phone coughed lightly...

Chaojia immediately understood the hint and said loudly: "I suggest that the United Nations arrange for officials from the Women's and Children's Fund to come to Quetta, Pakistan, to commend the relevant participants of the action...

 Our people cooperated with Pakistan to fight against a wave of brutal terrorists and rescued dozens of trafficked women.

 This is a great victory that demonstrates human rights, and Pakistan has shown a strong willingness to fight terrorism and a humanitarian spirit.

As the boss of P.B., a responsible soldier leader, and the manager of the Kandahar military base, I am happy to carry out in-depth cooperation with Pakistan and, under their leadership, effectively combat terrorist organizations operating on the Afghan-Pakistani border. …”


Gemma Alexander, who was far away inside the United Nations building in New York, looked at the expression on the face of the Palestinian representative on the side. She repeatedly switched between indignation and refreshment several times, and finally smiled and extended her hand to the boss of the Office of Drugs and Crime. …

Gemma turned her head and rubbed the corners of her mouth a few times, trying to keep her voice stable...

 “I’ll check the ticket first and get back to you later…”

“No, I have a private plane in New York, and you have arranged to call Monica directly. This is a great victory for women’s rights.

 We need to publicize the matter and give a strong deterrent to those **** who profit from trafficking women...

 We want to tell the world that Pakistan is a responsible country, and they fully demonstrated their humanitarian spirit and broad mind in this incident...

 We want to tell the world that people have misunderstood Pakistan in the past. It is not perfect, but the leaders here are working hard to change the status quo..."

Gemma glanced at the Pakistani representative, picked up the phone and canceled the speakerphone, turned her head and whispered: "That's almost it..."

 “Is that enough? That’s good!

 Help me tell them that my people are heading to Quetta by road and ask them to stay out of the way..."

 (End of this chapter)

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