From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1145: several attacks

  Chapter 1145 Several Attacks

  4 Kurdish female soldiers guarding the corridors on the north and south sides of the 8th floor, two of them were sacrificed, one was seriously injured and the other was slightly injured...

   It wasn't until Boss Joe and the others went to the 8th floor that their condition was discovered.

  No pain, no grievance, no unwillingness, no regrets...

  They still remember what Boss Joe told them in Baghdad...

   "As long as you prove your loyalty to me, I guarantee that the safe zone will always be there until everyone in P·B falls!"

  Now that they have proved their loyalty, Choja feels that he cannot fail them no matter what.

   Facing the two dead Kurdish female soldiers, the six GIGN who were also Princess Emina's bodyguards bowed their heads in shame. They are clearly more elite and well-trained...

  But two female soldiers died a dozen meters away from them, but they didn't know it at all.

  Joga can understand the pressure these GIGN are facing, because they need to block the safe passages on both sides, and they have no time to focus on other places.

   When it was confirmed that team A was about to arrive, in order not to interfere with others, these female soldiers stood firmly on the ground. No matter how difficult it was, they did not call for help, because once the defensive position was loosened, a chain reaction would be triggered.

  Choga couldn’t tell what she was feeling right now, so she just sat on the ground with her back against the bedside table and held the hand of the sacrificial female soldier, looked up at the lamp on the ceiling, and muttered in a low voice...

   "I pray to be free from the pain of fate"

   "Among the Hard Burdens"

   "In Evil Judgment"

   "in the malice of the enemy"

   "I implore your refuge"

  The Kurdish girls around the bed seemed to be infected, and they followed Boss Joe's prayer...

   "I pray to be free from the pain of fate"



   Then, without knowing what happened, the female soldier who had a smile on her face when she died, unexpectedly closed her eyes slowly.

  Joga does not believe in God, but now he suddenly realizes that maybe God is not important at all, and what people born in suffering may not need God, but a spiritual support.

   Otherwise the world is so bad, what else can they do?

  Crossing the high wall of religion at this time, Choja saw that in this world out of control due to rapid development, a group of imperfect but straightforward souls, eager to seek a voice of sympathy, developed a kind of brotherhood.

  Joga stood up and hugged the weeping Princess Emina, then turned around and walked to another bed, looked at the busy doctor bird, and said, "How long is it?"

  The medical officer bird struggled to take out the bullet stuck in the female soldier's arm, then took out the hemostatic agent and poured it into the wound, then wrapped it in gauze and said, "3 minutes..."

  Joga stretched out his hand to hold the hand of the wounded female soldier, looked at her pale face, and said, "Hold on, I'll take you home...

  P·B will never disappoint his family! "

   As he spoke, Qiaojia turned to look at Dorian and said, "Elephant, take them, we will bring them home together!"

  When Dorian heard this, he gave up his backpack resolutely, sat by the bed and beckoned Ronnie to help put the dead female soldier on his back...

  The GIGN white beard who worked with Boss Joe before suddenly walked over and said with a serious expression: "Let me come, you are the main force of the battle..."

   Talking about this white beard looking at the two dead female soldiers with admiration, he stood at attention and saluted, and said in a hoarse voice: "My name is Victor, and it is an honor to fight side by side with you!"

  Whitebeard Victor's actions made several other GIGN stand behind him naturally...

   "My name is Peter, it's my pleasure to..."

   "My name is Daniel..."



  White-bearded Victor looked at Boss Joe and said, "Sir, we are in charge of them, please take us out of here."

Qiao Jia nodded heavily, and then looked at the remaining 5 Kurdish female soldiers. After realizing that their ammunition was running out, he put down his backpack and took out a dozen bundled up The long magazine for the UMP45 was handed over to them...

   "Protect Princess Emina, and follow us closely later..."

  Speaking, Choga said to Rhino: "Rhino, Ronnie leads the way, let's go to the roof..."


  When Boss Joe and the others appeared on the roof of the hotel and began to transition to the auxiliary building through the rope...

  Baya breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Crown Prince Salman next to him with an extremely complicated expression, and said, "Sir, it's time for you to make up your mind...

  Our special forces are ready, they have surrounded the house where Ben Abdullah is.

  Originally our boss’ idea was to act first and then tell you, but I think after seeing this scene, you will not make wrong decisions again.

   Those people chose to resist in the most dangerous way, and they must have been prepared to bleed! "

Saying that, Baia looked at Salman with a complex expression, and he smiled and said: "Sir, there are many forms of power, and pointing a gun at the opponent's head and making them hand over all their power and wealth is the most effective form." !

  Our boss has done too much foreshadowing and preparation to allow you to gather power smoothly, and as a result, you guys messed up. Now it's time to end! "

  Salman stared into Baia's eyes and said seriously: "Can I trust you?"

  Baya nodded slightly and said: "You didn't particularly trust us before, and then you saw it!

  sir, only give trust first, and then seek feedback!

  Our boss gave you a lot of trust in advance, but you let him down!

   What you should do now is to think about how to apologize to my boss, and then find a way to restore our boss's trust, instead of questioning P·B's professional ability!

   After all, we have done more in Yemen in the past 4 months than you have done in the past few years! "

   After Crown Prince Salman was silent for a long time, he glanced at the time, finally gritted his teeth and nodded: "Then act, I want to catch alive..."

  Bayer nodded in satisfaction, pressed the communicator, and said: "Action, catch alive..."


On the far side of the street in front of a big house in the center of Mecca, the scar-faced Hassan sitting in the bucket of a pickup truck took off the cloak on his head, put on his helmet, and then pulled off the tarpaulin covering the machine gun. Hitting **** the roof...

   "Tobruk Eagle Company, let's go!"

  As Hassan shouted, more than a dozen pickup trucks equipped with large-caliber weapons appeared on the surrounding streets...

  When the people in the mansion discovered the problem, the small-caliber mortars behind the pickup trucks opened fire when the distance proved to be about one kilometer...

   The inaccurate but extremely intensive bombing immediately plunged the surroundings of the mansion into great chaos.

  The armed pickup took advantage of the chaos and rushed to a position about 500 meters from the front of the mansion, and then the large-caliber machine gun on the car began to ring.

  More than a dozen pickup trucks bombarded the main entrance of the mobile house with large-caliber machine guns, causing heavy losses to the Shah National Guard guarding the yard.

  The sudden attack made the Eagle Company attract the attention of the surrounding National Guard like a magnet, and the soldiers scattered around the mansion began to quickly gather towards the front of the mansion, trying to rescue the mansion.

   Just as the National Guardsmen were acting, in a residential house behind the mansion, 'Crow' lifted his robe and pulled the bolt and said in a hoarse voice: "Action...

  The jazz team is used as bait, and the sharp knife and ferryman are responsible for going in and arresting people...

  10 minutes, we have to evacuate in 10 minutes! "

   "The sharp knife team received it, the jammer was activated, the switchblade was lifted into the air, and entered in a minute..."

   "The ferryman received it, the transfer vehicle is ready, cut off the power supply of the target, and enter in a minute..."

  'Crow' glanced at the machine gunner 'Executioner' beside him. He moved his body and said, "Let's go..."


  A recoilless gun fired shells and hit the courtyard wall in the backyard of the mansion, and then the fat 'executor' rushed out of the house like a mad brown bear...

  The guy raised his elbow the moment he approached the courtyard wall, and his whole body, together with the acceleration of gravity brought about by the impact, hit the wall that had been cracked by the shell explosion...

   After a "crash", the wild executioner broke the courtyard wall and plunged into the courtyard. After rolling a few times, he raised his machine gun and launched an attack on several horrified guards not far away.

  Tylos exoskeleton does not provide soldiers with afterburner service, but the protection provided by the exoskeleton allows these soldiers to explode with much stronger strength than before without worrying about getting hurt.

The moment the executioner shot, the 'crow' led the team into the yard, and then the jazz team recognized by P.B as having the strongest offensive ability began to kill in the mansion, which attracted the attention of the internal guards by the way, and provided sharp knives and ferrymen with attack space.

  When the sharp knife and the ferryman entered the mansion from the east and west sides respectively, most of the guards didn't even know that someone had broken in.

  The combat power of the two sides is not at the same level at all...

  The soldiers of the Shah National Guard are mostly Shah natives, and these spoiled veteran soldiers have participated in only a handful of battles.

  Facing the invasion of the three top special forces, all they could do was call for support, but the peripheral support was blocked by the Eagle Company...

  Boss Joe’s cheap uncle Hassan was once the commander of Libya’s top team, and now he is the commander-in-chief of Tobruk’s armed forces.

  Eagle Company was trained by Hassan himself, and has survived the battle of Tubruto.

  Although they used only improvised armed pickups, they beat the armed Humvees of the National Guard to the ground.

  The soldiers of the Shah National Guard performed too badly in this kind of bayonet battle!


  At the same time as the attack in the city of Mecca was launched, Boss Joe and the others merged the first bat team and the second bat team...

   Originally, Boss Joe and the others wanted to find a suitable vehicle to evacuate, but Tony informed them that the road had been blocked.

  At this time, Boss Joe was very determined. He rushed to the place where he came to check for a while, and said decisively: "We will withdraw from here...

  Activate all missiles and drones, set up ladder cover, go up and up..."

  (end of this chapter)

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