From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1144: live to die

  Chapter 1144 Living to Death

  Team A successfully entered the main building of the hotel through the rope. Originally, Qiao Jia thought that this would be a smooth rescue, but unexpectedly, the terrorists took the hostages and acted as a human wall to attack.

  This approach is unsolvable for people in the order camp, and it seems that no matter what you do, there will be no good results.

  However, as a team commander who has experienced many battles, Qiaojia knows very well that at such an important moment, the more resolute he is, the higher the survival rate of the hostages will be.

   After confirming Emina's location and the situation in the hotel, Qiaojia used gestures to control the micro-drone to fly out of the corridor on the 4th floor and into the courtyard, and then the situation of the entire hotel was clear to the team A...

   Watching the terrorists in the corridor on the fourth floor put guns on the backs of several men in white robes, forcing them to run in the direction of the safe passage, Qiao Jia and Dorian nodded, and then Team A naturally divided into groups...

  Dorian, Doctor Bird, and Ronnie went up to the corner of the stairs, and Choga, Ayu, and Rhino went down to the corner...

  The moment several men in white robes were forced into the safe passage, a shock bomb was thrown at the door...

  After a loud "boom", Qiaojia raised his gun and rushed to the door, and shot the four terrorists down continuously...

   Immediately after the terrorists on both sides tried to come to support, Choga threw two grenades into the corridor...

   After two explosions, a smoke bomb was activated in the safe passage, and the thick smoke began to rise upwards, reducing the visibility of the safe passage to the point where people could only be seen two or three meters away...

Qiaojia had no intention of comforting those white-robed men who were stunned, dazed, holding their heads and howling, while quickly firing at the terrorists in the corridor, he signaled Ayou to knock those white-robed men unconscious and stuff them into the Stair corner.

   "Let's go up, King Kong is the vanguard, the elephant pays attention to the exit on the fifth floor, and the corridor above, let's go up..."

  In any region and under any environment, the corridor offensive and defensive battle is the most dangerous battle...

  But the one-way transparent battlefield and the powerful firepower gave Boss Joe confidence!

  When Ayu raised his shield, put the machine gun on the gap of the shield and started unreasonable fire suppression on the top, everything will become easier...

  The scorpion backpack provided uninterrupted firepower supply for the machine gun, and Qiao Jia stuck to the inside of Ayu, seemingly walking in the front, but in fact the position was the safest.

When they reached the fifth floor, Choga took advantage of Ayu's position to suppress the gunman above, and threw a shock bomb into the aisle on the fifth floor, then raised his gun and rushed out of the door, aiming at the three people on the right. Enemies pulled the trigger consecutively...

   "Crack, crack, crack"

  Three terrorists were shot in the body and forehead respectively, and fell to the ground limply as if their bones had been removed...

   Just when Qiaojia was about to turn around, a terrorist grabbed a child with one hand, held a gun to a woman's head with the other, and rushed out of the room beside the corpse...


  In such a tense environment, Qiaojia didn’t hear what the terrorists were shouting. He held the handguard of the rifle in his left hand and held the gun sideways to signal the opponent to calm down...

  The moment the terrorist moved the muzzle of the gun, Choga pulled out the pistol and pulled the trigger...

   "Bang bang"

  Two holes were cut in the forehead of the terrorist, and fell backwards like a piece of stiff wood...

  At the same time, the terrorists in the corridors on the north and south sides of the sixth and seventh floors noticed something strange and started shooting in the direction of Boss Joe...

  Dorian and Ronnie rushed out at the right time and shot on both sides, trying to cover Choga to retreat...

  Joga shot at the foot of the terrified woman, and then waved at her vigorously...

   "Back to the room, back to the room..."

   As he said that, Choga raised his pistol and pointed it at the corner of the corridor on the sixth floor diagonally above...

   "Bang bang bang bang bang..."

   Two terrorists who were squatting on the ground trying to sneak attack were shot in the head by bullets passing through the gap between the hostage's legs as a human wall...

   At the same time, Ayu, Rhinoceros, and Doctor Bird have rushed to the sixth floor...

  Ayu continued to block the upper corridor, and the rhinoceros and doctor bird rushed into the corridor on the sixth floor...

  The shock bounced to open the way, and then the two rushed out one by one...


  As the rhino’s natural deterrent roar sounded, the hostages who were forced to stand in the corridor subconsciously squatted down with their heads in their hands, and then sold the terrorists hiding behind to the female soldiers and GIGN on the 8th floor...

   "Bang bang bang bang..."

   "Da da da da..."

  The people on the upper floor knew how to use crossfire to help the rhinoceros and the medical officer bird to strangle several terrorists. By the time the two cleaned the sixth floor, they had already rushed to the east side of the hotel, which is below where Emina and the others were located.

   A large number of terrorists are in the corridor on the west side, ready to wait for the companions on the west side to contain or consume the ammunition of Emina's bodyguard, and then they can rush up...


  Choga, Dorian, and Ronnie have already rushed to the sixth and a half floor under the cover of Ayu...

  Joga and Dorian pulled out an offensive grenade at the same time, pulled off the insurance to let the grenade stay in their hands for 3 seconds, and then threw it forcefully onto the stair platform above...

  The moment a surprised terrorist tried to knock down the grenade, the grenade exploded...

   After two "boom" explosions, all the terrorists in charge of blocking the platform fell down...

  Ronnie rushed up the stairs like a hound, and the shock bomb in his hand was thrown into the corridor on the 7th floor when he stepped on the middle...

   Then this guy rolled and rushed into the 7th floor corridor full of wailing in the explosion of the shock bomb, and quickly shot at the terrorists.

  The shock bomb did a lot of damage to the hostages, and the scene was very chaotic, but Ronnie didn't miss a single terrorist, because the Telos system provided him with guidance, and anyone with a gun before was a terrorist...

When Ronnie was shooting, Dorian rushed into the corridor at the same time, and then the two of them, like the rhino doctor bird downstairs, split into two lanes and stuck to the wall to avoid the shooting range of the terrorists upstairs, and began to cooperate with the bodyguards. Next, quickly strangle the terrorists who are mixed with the hostages.

The battle on the 7th floor gave Medical Officer Bird a chance. This guy stuck to the outside of the safe passage door. Under the cover of the rhino, he stuck a broadsword to the inner wall with his backhand, and then squatted down decisively to detonate the broadsword. …

   There was a loud "boom", and thousands of steel **** raged in the crowded corridors...

  The rhinoceros glanced at the doctor bird in surprise, held the RPK and rushed into the corridor to suppress the surviving enemies above.

  The doctor bird threw another grenade towards the bottom of the corridor, then rushed in with a rifle and shot at all the enemies who seemed to be alive...

At this time, Ronnie and Dorian had rushed to the entrance of the safe passage on the seventh floor, and they formed a flanking attack with the rhinoceros downstairs. After killing the terrorists on the seventh floor, the bodyguard team above began to take the initiative to attack downwards, flanking The enemy on the seventh and a half floors...

  It was an excellent strategy for the terrorists on the west side to use hostages to build a human wall, shoot to suppress the bodyguard team, and cover the attack of the companions in the corridor on the east side. As a result...

   The terrorists who had gained the upper hand suffered a serious blow. They didn't even know how their carefully prepared encirclement network was torn apart...

  Starting from the fifth floor, the terrorists up and down are completely out of touch!

   At this time, Qiaojia and Ayou had already entered the safe passage on the west side of the 8th floor...

  A total of about 4 minutes from the start of the attack, Ayu's machine gun did not stop.

When the two terrorists in the corridor were killed and Ayu's machine gun wanted to continue to extend upwards to prevent the enemy from attacking from above, the two figures quickly leaned forward in the corridor, and then shouted loudly: "Don't shoot!" , my own..."

Qiaojia was about to throw a shock bomb into the outer corridor, and looked back at two GIGN wearing tactical backpacks walking down slowly with their hands raised. He glanced at the MP5s in their hands, nodded and said, "King Kong, it's one of us." ..."

  Speaking, Qiaojia raised the shock bomb as a signal, and said, "Together..."

  One of the GIGN was stunned for a moment, and said with a wry smile: "Sir, the hostages will be very dangerous..."

   GIGN is still a unit similar to HRT. Their tactical level and training level are extremely strong, but there is a line in their bones. The more excellent GIGN or HRT is, the more obvious it will be.

   But at this time, Choga didn’t have time to chat nonsense with them to discuss suitable tactics. He pointed to a GIGN with a gray beard and said, “You and I are in the same team, and you are in charge of the right side…”

   Then he pointed to another GIGN and said, "You and King Kong are in charge of the left side.

  Guys, the situation is very dangerous for the hostages, but as long as we act more dangerous, the hostages will be safer..."

   As he said that, Qiaojia didn’t give the two of them a chance to talk at all, and pulled out the insurance of the two shock bombs before throwing them out...

   After two loud bangs and flashes of "boom" and "boom", the hostages in the corridor immediately lay on the ground...

   Qiaojia and Ayu looked at each other tacitly, then turned around and rushed out...

  The two GIGNs had no other thoughts at this time, so they split up and rushed out together...

  Then GIGN with the white beard saw Boss Joe as if he was training, and completed a surprise attack with almost no flaws...

  The 6th and 7th floors experienced the same attack, and the terrorists on the 8th floor were already a little bit prepared.

   Several experienced ones rushed into the corridors on the north and south sides before the attack started, and then curled up with their heads in their arms and waited for the explosion...

   A few timid ones simply put the AK in the corner, trying to mix in with the hostage group, and try to see if there is a chance to get away with it.

   Those who are inexperienced are the most unlucky. When the shock bomb appeared, a few inexperienced people thought that they could withstand it by covering their ears and closing their eyes...

  But the huge noise and flashes are simply not something the body can withstand...

  The five young terrorists only felt their eyes turn red, and then they started to spin, and then they felt their heads sank...

   "Papa, papa, papa..."

   "Bang bang bang bang bang bang..."

  Joga rushed into the corridor with the HK416 in hand, and shot down several terrorists with AKs in quick succession...

   Then, under the surprised eyes of the white beard, he put down the rifle and drew out the pistol, stepped on the corridor full of hostages, and shot at the screaming guys shrinking among the hostages at an incredible speed...

   "Bang bang bang bang..."

  White Beard didn't know how Boss Joe identified the other party's identity, but when he saw one of the dead guys holding a pistol in his hand, he knew that his boss probably hit the wrong person.

The moment Whitebeard was distracted, three terrorists stood up in the corridor at the south end. Just as he was about to raise his gun to shoot, he saw the magazine of Boss Joe’s pistol slipped in front of him, and the moment a new magazine was filled in, The pistol fired...

   "Bang bang bang bang bang..."

   The shots without gaps accurately found the torsos of the terrorists, and then smashed their heads.

  White Beard's tactical literacy came into play at this time. When Boss Joe was shooting, he used cover to rush to the corner and began to raise his gun to look for the enemy...

  But with the fall of those three terrorists, the south side has been cleaned up!

  Joga looked at Whitebeard looking at him in horror. He grinned, turned around and chased after Ayu, rushed across the corner under the cover of his shield, and killed the last terrorist on the 8th floor...

   At this time, Dorian and Rhino also rushed out from the safe passage on the east side...

  The battle inside the tunnel still hasn’t stopped, there are still terrorists downstairs trying to charge upwards, but this time they are not facing the small-caliber submachine guns of the bodyguards...

  Grenades and automatic rifles are enough to block the corridors that are not spacious, preventing them from entering.

   Choga waved his hand to greet Dorian, and then quickly walked through the corridor on the north side and pushed away a bunker made of flower pots.

   Watching a squatting Kurdish female soldier fall together with the overturned flower pot, he frowned and looked down...

   "FUCK, doctor bird, come up, there is a wounded person here..."

   While talking, Qiaojia looked at another Kurdish female soldier leaning against the wall and looked at him with complicated eyes. He sighed and said, "It's the two wounded...

  King Kong, take her..."

   After finishing speaking, Qiaojia hugged the Kurdish female soldier who had been shot in the abdomen until now, and ran to the room where Emina was, while shouting: "Speak to all the wounded..."

  White Beard, who was circling from the south side, suddenly raised his hand and shouted: "There are also wounded here, my God, they have been shot and have not said a word..."

   Qiaojia tensed up, and then rushed into the room where Emina was with the wounded...

   Brutally drove away a few girls sitting on the bed, and put the Kurdish female soldier on the bed...

  Untied her tactical vest, tore off the T-shirt on her abdomen, looking at a blood hole that kept bleeding, Choga put down her backpack, took out gauze and pressed it on the wound...

  The Kurdish female soldier didn't seem to feel any pain. She looked at the busy boss Joe, and smiled, and said, "Boss, we have not failed the company...

   The safe zone will always be there, right? "

  Medical Officer Bird rushed into the room at this time, he squeezed away the crying Princess Emina, threw himself on the side of the Kurdish female soldier for a careful inspection, and then shook his head at Qiaojia with a dejected expression...

   "They've been doping..."

   Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, then looked back at Ayou who also walked into the room with a Kurdish female soldier in his arms...

  Listening to Ayou chanting something like humming a lullaby, Choja suddenly sighed, held the hand of the female soldier and sat beside her...

   "You've been waiting for this opportunity, haven't you?

  You are worried that I will give up the safe zone, so I want a prince there..."

   While talking, Qiaojia looked at the glowing-eyed female soldiers who had been guarding Emina, he shook his head and said, "Well, there will be a prince there!

  Maybe not the kind of prince you think...

  But you have proved your loyalty to me, and I will give you a satisfactory response!

   Alive, all alive...

  I'll show you what a truly hopeful life looks like..."

  (end of this chapter)

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